Salvation | Severus Snape

By MonotoneRose

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Severus Snape, stuck in an endless cycle of grief and hatred, was prepared to lose everything at any instant... More

Before You Read
Part I (Prologue)
Chapter 1 - Meeting
Chapter 2 - Wondering
Chapter 3 - Asking
Chapter 4 - Stepping
Chapter 5 - Introducing
Chapter 6 - Beginning
Chapter 7 - Recognising
Chapter 8 - Denying
Chapter 9 - Thinking
Chapter 11 - Disappointing
Chapter 12 - Remembering
Chapter 13 - Pushing
Chapter 14 - Admitting
Chapter 15 - Pulling
Chapter 16 - Facing
Chapter 17 - Evading
Chapter 18 - Realising
Chapter 19 - Conceding
Chapter 20 - Dancing
Chapter 21 - Convening
Chapter 22 - Wishing
Chapter 23 - Reminiscing
Chapter 24 - Leaving
Chapter 25 - Revealed

Chapter 10 - Falling

58 3 0
By MonotoneRose

Even though the Easter holidays were a time to relax, Katherine found herself feeling more and more dismal. It was getting harder to put on a constant smile throughout the day and not think about her impending doom. "Stop letting it affect you, there's no room to pity yourself!" she huffed to herself, taking her music folder and deciding she would go and play the harp again. Music usually provided her with a sense of freedom. She couldn't practise much nowadays, but there were less students in the courtyard during breaks which was her chance. Normally, she picked early mornings to go and play the harp.

Severus spent the morning reading on a bench in the courtyard. He used to do this often when he was a student, but as a teacher he preferred to stay inside his room where nobody could intrude. Now that there was a spring break, he could sit here in peace once more. As he neared the end of the book, he heard the faint taps of someone's footsteps. At this point, Severus wasn't surprised that it was the brown-haired woman once again who drew nearer. She didn't appear to spot him at first, skipping eagerly with a black folder in her arms. Out of the corner of her eyes, Katherine glimpsed the black-clad figure and started towards him, a grin gracing her features.

His lips twitched at her bright expression, but immediately fell when she stumbled in her tracks.

There it was again, the desperate plea in her hazel eyes, widened and panicked. She leaned back in hopes of steadying herself. Severus bolted from his spot, his arms extended. In that moment, it felt as if everything was happening in slow motion, as if Severus could catch her there and then. He reached out to grab her before she fell.

But it was too late.

Blood seeped into a pool beneath her head, her brown hair forming waves. Music sheets were scattered all around, some soaking in red and others still fluttering on the ground. It was a terrifyingly beautiful sight. Katherine gasped in pain and shock, trying to touch her head, but Severus snatched her wrist before she could. "Don't move," he instructed, keeping his outward composure. However, fear and concern raged inside his head, causing him to fumble as he searched around his robes. He finally took out a vial, pouring the contents in her mouth to help the blood. "I need to get you to Madam Pomfrey," he muttered, lifting her whilst making sure her body wasn't moved too much. A few students stared in alarm when they saw their professor hurriedly carrying a woman in his arms, his black robes whipping behind him.

"Severus?" she whispered, feeling her consciousness drain away, "Is it bad?"

"Nothing the Healer can't fix," he assured her, though a sense of dread filled his heart.

"I'm... sorry."

"Katherine? Katherine!" Severus grew even more anxious when her eyes closed and her body became limp. Her face looked pale and lifeless. This couldn't be happening...

He burst into the Hospital Wing and yelled for Madam Pomfrey. She rushed out of her room, concern etched in her face. "Put her on the bed." There was no hesitation or confusion in her voice. He suspected she already knew who Katherine was. The matron immediately began to find potions and bandages to treat Katherine. The atmosphere was extremely tense as he waited, only sounds of potions bottles clinking and uncorking to be heard.

After what seemed like hours, Madam Pomfrey spoke to Severus again. "She should be fine for now, she needs to sleep. If you want, you can come back and check on her later."

He gave a short nod. "Thank you, Poppy."

Once he left the infirmary, it was difficult to go back. Severus wavered outside the door several times in the next two days, but never entered. He just couldn't shake off the feeling that something wasn't right. She just had an accident, he tried convincing himself, It's unfair of you not to visit, you were the only one there when it happened. But even so, his mind was restricting him, urging him not to get even more attached to her. Her words echoed in his head: 'there are some diseases even the skilled Healers can't help.'

On the third day, he was inching towards the Hospital Wing again, when a voice called him. "Severus! Are you here to see Katherine too?" Damn it, he thought, turning his head to see Lupin walking towards him. "I heard about what happened from Dumbledore."

The black-haired man put on his usual scowl, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "No, I'm just passing by. What gave you that ridiculous idea?" he snapped.

"Alright, alright. So why have you been hovering outside for the past five minutes?" Lupin asked with a smirk, realising that the Potions Master probably cared about Katherine but didn't want to admit it.

"I was simply... wondering if Poppy needed more potions for her stores," lied Severus. "I'll be off now." He began to walk away slowly, hoping that Lupin would go inside without another glance at him. To his dismay, the man was still staring at him. "Why are you watching me so intently? This is none of your business!"

Lupin took a few steps towards Severus. "You like her, don't you?"

Severus halted to glare back at him. "Stop. Being. Ridiculous. If it hasn't escaped your notice, that woman fancies you."

"I never said anything about fancying, Severus," said Lupin, his smile stretching even wider. "Is there anything you need to tell me- or rather, her?"

"Do you ever listen, you imbecile?" he hissed, growing frustrated. It felt as if Lupin was flaunting the fact that Katherine liked him. "It's none of your business. Then again, you love meddling in other people's business, don't you? I'd expect no less from someone of Potter's little gang. Look where you all ended up! I have no idea what she sees in you, Lupin, you're just a spineless beast." He was taken aback at his own words, realising their weight.

The insult hit Lupin and his smile disappeared instantly. "Is that all you see me as, a beast?" he mumbled, shaking his head sadly. "I know you still hate me for what happened, but after hearing that you'd switched sides and you were willing to brew Wolfsbane for me, I thought you'd at least... understand. Given we have similar experiences."

Severus straightened, his lips forming a thin line. "You... you're mistaken."

"I apologise. You may leave now, I didn't mean to offend you." He approached the door.

In a heartbeat, Lupin's robes were gripped from behind. "I... never said... I hated you," Severus made out slowly, almost regretting his words. What are you doing? he thought to himself, Why didn't you leave, you moron!

Lupin's amber eyes widened as Severus continued on. "I didn't mean what I said just then. I only hated that you were... part of them. Contrary to your beliefs, I do... understand." Just as he had been influenced into joining his friends' bullying, Severus had been obliged to join the Dark Lord because all his friends did, hoping to find value or power in what they did. They had both been neglected throughout childhood and sought acceptance above all — Lupin had been sheltered due to his condition, while Severus had been abused. Yet in the end, they both blamed themselves for the misfortunes they caused. 

After processing his words, Lupin placed a hand on Severus' shoulder. "We don't have to suffer alone anymore."

"Hang on!" Severus growled, "Just because I don't hate you doesn't mean I'm willing to be friends!"

Amused, he replied, "All in due time, Severus. So... you coming or not?"

"Fine, but this wasn't my idea."

The two entered the infirmary, approaching the curtained bed that was Katherine's. Lupin slid open the curtain, only to be met by a high-pitched scream. The only thing they saw was her bare back before Madam Pomfrey shoved them out. "Ever heard of giving a warning before coming in?"

"I'll never get married now!" screeched Katherine, her face bright red.

The Healer tried to comfort her as she quickly put her clothes back on. "Don't worry dear, men are clueless idiots." Severus shook his head. Once she was dressed and sat up on the bed, the curtains opened again and Madam Pomfrey went back into her room. Bandages were wrapped around Katherine's head and shoulders. She was surprised that the two men had visited together. I'd have expected Severus to stay away from Remus as much as possible, she thought.

"I'm sorry about that, Katherine," said Remus, while Severus just stared at her.

"You!" she exclaimed, pointing at Severus, "How dare you!"

"What did I do?" he said, sneering at her.

"You loved seeing that, didn't you! I knew it, you pervert!" She dramatically frowned and covered herself with her arms.

He tried to prevent the heat from rushing into his cheeks. "What- I am no such thing! And what about Lupin?"

"Oh don't try to pin it on him now," scoffed Katherine, "We all know he's way more noble than you." All of a sudden, she burst out laughing. Remus joined in, moving to sit at the side of the bed. Severus was the only one standing, still unamused and bewildered. "But seriously, I'm grateful that you came."

The mood in the air shifted and Remus lost the playfulness in his eyes. "So... what happened? Was it because of-"

"I tripped by accident," said Katherine, offering a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes like usual. "Seriously, all I did was take a wrong step and now I've landed myself here! I've always been a bit clumsy, sorry to make you worry."

He reassured himself that she was fine. "Ah. Well when do you think you'll be out?" asked Remus.

"I still need to do some check-ups, but I think I'll be out by the end of the week," she responded.

The man reached into his robes and laid out a few books on the bedside table. "I brought a few books from the library that you might be interested in," he said with a smile.

Katherine looked over the covers of the books and thanked him happily. When they dove into a passionate conversation about their favourite sweets and chocolate, Severus began to wonder why he was even there. Unlike Remus, he hadn't brought anything for her, nor had he asked about her recovery. And then you wonder why she would prefer Lupin, he criticised himself. What am I thinking? I don't even care.

"What about you, Severus?"

He stiffened at the sudden mention of his name. "What about me?"

"Aren't you listening? I was asking what your favourite candy is!" exclaimed Katherine. There it was again, the sparkle in her hazel eyes. Why did she even bother to acknowledge him?

"I suppose it would be Sherbet Lemons," said Severus.

"Dumbledore would be delighted to hear that," she remarked, grinning.

"That meddling old man," he muttered, "Rubs off on people whether they like it or not. Terrible."

"Do you like Cauldron Cakes?" asked Remus, continuing the topic of sweets. "You're a Potions Master after all."

Severus wrinkled his hooked nose. "Ironically, no. I despise cakes, they are too sweet. Why do people eat them in celebrations anyway?"

"What?" Katherine gasped, "That's illegal, I love cake!" He rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I'll bring you some next time," offered Remus.

"You're too kind!" she gushed, "Just having you here is enough, such a gentleman!"

Severus decided not to join in their conversation again. He was seriously considering leaving as they spoke so sweetly, it could give him cavities. I may vomit, he thought sarcastically to himself, staring at the pair. However, he was slightly taken aback when Remus took his leave, promising to return the next day.

Katherine looked at the dark-clad man. "You're funny. You visit me, but you just stand there and stare. Were you forced to come here? Then again, it's hard to imagine you being convinced by Remus."

"I just came to make sure you weren't dead as I was a witness to your injury," he said scornfully, turning his head so their eyes wouldn't meet. "No need to have useless conversations."

"And yet you stayed." It was silent for a moment. "Hey, do you have any Calming Draughts?"

He frowned. "Obviously."

"Next time you come, could you bring me some?" she requested.

"Why? And doesn't Madam Pomfrey have them?" wondered Severus.

"Yes... but I need ones that... last longer. Because, well, I feel unstable at times and there's no telling- don't worry though, it's nothing to worry about." Katherine explained.

He narrowed his eyes. The fact that she'd asked after Lupin was gone made it seem more suspicious, as if she was hiding something she didn't want many people to figure out. She was even keeping it from Madam Pomfrey, who was a skilled Healer. This was a terrible idea, what if she was unwell?

"What do you mean by 'unstable'?" Severus questioned, trying to ignore the images flashing in his mind of the two moments that stood out.

"Sometimes I get, um, bad feelings that make me stop. Sort of like a panic attack but not really," she said, "It's just bad intuition."

He didn't quite believe her, but he slowly nodded, thinking that he would get the truth eventually.

"And maybe while you're at it, bring me a chocolate eclair from the kitchens?" said Katherine hopefully.


"It's a promise!" she proclaimed, beaming. He often wondered how she could be so happy when she was in the presence of the most miserable person in Hogwarts, and why she had such a way with him. Something about the look on her face made Severus feel soft and warm. Of course, he wouldn't admit to himself that a part of him found her cute.

Now that he'd foolishly agreed to another visit, Severus knew it was time to leave. He spun on his heels, but didn't leave without hearing her last line.

"Severus, I'll make you like cakes someday," she vowed. Why did she insist on annoying him? Severus sighed.

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