Player Killer (SAO x OC Inser...

By Zumo_Lin

2.5K 47 17

Shiroi Yuki is quite the unfortunate boy along with 10,000 more players that are now trap in Life and Death g... More

Aincrad Arc Cover
Chapter 1 - One of A Kind
Chapter 3 - Smithy
Chapter 4 - Silver Witch

Chapter 2 - The First

306 6 1
By Zumo_Lin

The current date is December 02 of 2022, it is the day where they head off to the labyrinth of the floor to face the floor boss. A large group of players are seen walking through Forest Fields making their way to the boss rooms entrance with Diavel leading the way thanks to Shiro giving him the map info.

Behind the large group was a party of three players, the being Shiro the Co-Raid Leader, Kirito and Asuna. Currently they were discussing the plans on how will they be handling the Kobold Sentinels.

They had a small party so Shiro advised that all incomplete parties will be the ones to handle the Sentinels. No one was against the decision seeing that he was making a valid point.

Kirito: Let's go over it again.

Shiro: Dude, that's been like the 15th time this day alone we're talking about this plan. Take a chill pill for once jeez.

Kirito: Anyways, thanks to Shiro's advice earlier. We leftovers are now supposed to target the guard mobs called Ruin Kobold Sentinels.

Asuna: I know.

Shiro: (-_-) I wish I could kill you right now Kirito.

Kirito: Me and Shiro will be deflecting their pole axes with a sword skill. So switch in at that moment.

Asuna: Switch?

Shiro: Wait.. Please don't tell me this your first time to be in a party...

Asuna: It is actually.

Kirito looks at her in disbelief and slumps his head down. Meanwhile, Shiro was just giving her a deadpan expression.

Shiro: (-_-) Tell me something else that you don't know.


After several minutes of walking they finally arrived at the Boss room entrance. Shiro took the lead here and advised everyone to double check all there equipment. High caution is a must, this floor boss may very well be the cause of their deaths. He wanted to complete this raid with no casualties but that is a mere pipe dream.

Waiting for a few minutes, Shiro gave Diavel the signal. Diavel steps in front of all the players that are present for the raid and stabs his sword to the ground.

Diavel: Listen everyone. I have only one thing to say, let's win this!

He said pumping his fist into the air as almost all the players there joined in with their own war cry.

Shiro: Let's go...

Shiro opens the large iron door and they were met with a dark and eerie room. They all entered with caution before the room suddenly lights up and the boss now jumps in front of them. It was a huge boss that had red skin and a tail. On its hands, it is carrying a one handed axe along with a buckler on it left hand.

And besides the Kobold Lord, it spawned in three Ruin Kobold Sentinels that were carrying a two handed mace.

It roars echoed through the room and begins charging at the raid party along with it's Sentinels. Shiro immediately equips his sword and dagger, breathing in slowly he walks in front of the group.

Shiro: LET'S FUCK 'EM UP!!

With their own battle cry, the squads all charged at the Boss and Gaurd mobs in front of them. Upon first contact, Shiro immediately ordered Squad D, E and his own squad, F, to separate the Sentinels from the Kobold Lord and keep them away.

Shiro: Diavel! You're in charge for commanding the squads that are assigned to attack the boss!

Diavel: Very well! Squad A! Squad C! Switch!

Following Diavel's command, they proceed to switch with the other squad and kept the momentum going for them. Diavel then noticed it's axe glowing.

Diavel: Here it comes! Squad B, block it!

Yet again they all followed his command with no clear hesitation on how they move. Meanwhile with Shiro, he was ordering the minor squads in keeping the Sentinels at bay.

Shiro: Squad D go for the kill! Squad C leader switch with your member when it's done with it's skill attack. Kirito, Asuna! Keep this momentum going!

Kirito: Roger!

The Sentinel was about to dive in it's mace onto Kirito's but he immediately blocks it and knocks the mob back. Then Asuna runs past him and deal the final blow at the Sentinel.

Shiro: For a player, who doesn't know how to open their menu they do sure know how to keep up. Well like I'll ever let her catch up with me!

A Sentinel tries to hit Shiro from behind but he immediately felt the presence behind him and blocks the mace with his sword.

Shiro: Gotta thank Mama for teaching me to sense my surroundings.

Then with his dagger on his land, he stabs the Sentinel's wrist causing it to let go at the mace. He quickly finished it off with the sword skill [Beheading]. After taking care of his Sentinel, he looks back and saw that the Kobold Lord had a sliver of HP left. It threw it's ax and buckler into the air

Shiro: Now time for-

Diavel: Stand back! I'll go!

He said passing through the group of players and Shiro was shocked at Diavel's decision. He stops in front of the boss and fires up a sword skill.

Shiro: Diavel, you idiot! I told you to stay cautious!

Then the boss pulls out it's weapon and it shocked Shiro to the core.

Kirito: Run! Jump back as far as you can!

Shiro sprinted towards Diavel to try and save him but the boss beat him to it. It then lands a vicious sword skill on Diavel that's sends him flying across the room.

Shiro: Diavel! Shit, Squad A to C keep the boss at bay and try to regroup!

After issuing the order, he quickly ran towards Diavel and saw his health bar rapidly depleting. Shiro quickly pulls out a potion to heal him with but Diavel pushed his hand back.

Shiro: What the Diavel, this isn't time fo-

Diavel: You knew why I charged in there, right?

Shiro: ...

Diavel: The rare item that comes from the last attack bonus. You're a beta tester, right?

Shiro: Tch. I wished...

Diavel: I see... Please defeat the boss... for everyone.

As he finishes his final words, he bursts into particles of light as onlookers look in shock to what happened. Kirito who saw and heard it all began thinking to himself.

Kirito: When this game started... The only think I thought was surviving. However, Diavel you were a beta tester. But you never abandoned the other players. Same goes for Shiro despite only just starting the game a month ago, he was willing to give almost all the info he had. You two fought brilliantly! You two tried to do what I couldn't.

Shiro: That's it... I'm pissed off... mostly at myself for not shoving a health potion down his fucking throat. I should've done it...

Kirito heard all of Shiro's words and started to pity him. Shiro just looks at the boss with his dull blue eyes. Asuna and Kirito quickly walk beside him.

Asuna: We'll help.

Shiro: ...Much appreciated...

Then he quickly sprint towards the boss while Kirito and Asuna followed behind.

Shiro: Same strategy... Same movements...

Kirito/Asuna: Understood.

The Kobold Lord notices the three players rushing rushing towards it and started getting ready for a sword skill.

Kirito also charges a sword skill and clashed weapons with the boss but he went flying.

Kirito: Switch!

Shiro went for a reverse grip on his dagger and charges towards the boss along with Asuna. But to their surprise it quickly recovers from Kirito's block and was about to attack her.

Kirito: Shiro! Asuna!

The boss went ahead to slash at Asuna but she quickly evades it. Shiro took the opportunity and stabs it's back with his dagger, dragging it down while still in it body causing a significant amount of damage.

Shiro then notices that Asuna wasn't wearing a cloak anymore. Her long beautiful chestnut hair was revealed along with her determined yet piercing brown eyes. Asuna then charges up a sword skill preparing to make another blow.

Asuna: Hyaah!

Her skill successfully lands causing the boss to pushed back.

Shiro: Looks like it's coming back for more!

He slashes it's back causing it to turn towards him only for it to leave an opening for Asuna to attack from. Landing another skill, it was pushed back. It recovers from that and went to strike Asuna but was immediately intercepted by Shiro.

Exchanging blows left and right only to be blocked by their opponent's blade. Unfortunately, his sword broke from all the parrying he was doing and the Kobold Lord immediately went in for a faint attack and successfully lands it on Shiro knocking him back towards Asuna.

Asuna and Kirito looks at Shiro's HP bar and it was slowly decreasing. A shadow the engulfs them as they both looked up and saw that the boss was about to go for another attack. But Agil came in just in the nick of time and send the boss flying. Multiple other players now started charging towards the boss to buy Shiro some time.

Agil: We'll hold him off until you recover.

Shiro thank him and drank a potion. His health was now full and pulls out his menu.

Shiro: I need you to buy me some time.

Kirito: Roger!

He looks at the boss and saw that it was about to land a devastating skill on the players below it. Kirito immediately used [Sonic Leap] and slashes the boss, cutting it off from executing its skill move.

Shiro: Kirito! Asuna! One last hit! Give me an opportunity to finish it.

They both look in shock to the weapon Shiro was holding, a bow. But they didn't question it and followed his command and went for the boss.

Shiro: *breaths* It's time for you to die... You pest...

He said pulling back the bow's string and started glowing. Meanwhile, Asuna and Kirito were attacking the boss left and right. Parrying to dealing blows to the body.

Kirito: Shiro do it!

He releases the arrow and it flies through the air like a beam light it flew across the room. It successfully hit the boss on its forehead, killing it. The boss dissapears leaving multiple light particles as dead silence has engulfed them until someone spoke up.

Player: W-We did it!

Everyone started cheering at their victory. The exp and Col was automatically divided among the players while Shiro receiving the most due to him getting the final blow.

But he wasn't fazed by that. As his dull eyes continue on looking at the area where the boss used be before he took the shoot. Two item then appears inside his inventory, he opens it to see it.


Coat of Midnight

Bow Enhancement - Thy Fury
- Increases the bow's base damage by 170%.


Shiro: What a scam...

He immediately sent the coat to Kirito anonymously. As he eyes the bow on his hand, he puts the enhancement on the bow and the base damage did increase as the description of the enhancement says.

Kirito: Good work.

Agil: Never would've thought that a bow exists here in SAO. That was excellent marksmanship. Congratulations. This victory is your.

Shiro: We did won... But at what cost...

He hears multiple players clapping for him. Though, he toned them all out but there was one thing heard amongst the applause.

Kibaou: Why?

Everyone then stopped and looked at Kibaou who yelled at Shiro.

Kibaou: Why did you let him die?

Shiro: Excuse me?

Kibaou: You heard me! You let him die! You knew the technique all along and decided to tell about this boss room to him! You lead us all into a trap.

Shiro: Are you using your fucking brain?

But his statement was ignored and a player started siding with Kibaou.

Player: He must be a beta tester! Think about it, how did manage to get that bow in the first place?! That's why he knew all the boss's attack patterns and even had the balls to "warn" us.

Shiro: What the? How am I being fucking blamed for this?! I did warn you all and that evidence enough that I knew about it?! I was being cautious for you fucking idiots!!

The crowd began muttering about Shiro being a traitor and SAO's first ever Player Killer. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Agil: Hey calm down...

Player: Why are you siding with that Player Killer, Agil?

Shiro: You know fucking what fine then. I'm a player killer alright! In my history, I was a popular player killer but that was only because I was trying to find exploits! But at least I ain't have the fucking audacity to blame an innocent man over fucking shallow evidences such as this!

Shiro snaps at all of them. Asuna walks beside him and tries to calm him down but he flinches and immediately draws his bow at her.

Shiro: Don't touch me!

He threatened as tears began falling from his eyes. He immediately gets his teleport crystal and the players saw this then tried to stop him.

Shiro: Teleport me anywhere but here!

Then a white beam of light engulfs him. After his escape, all the frontliners have now put a bounty on his head. Kirito was saddened at his friend's situation along with Asuna. The party was disbanded and they parted their ways...

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