The Come Up

By SaucyMontana

284K 16.9K 16.9K

Comfortable isn't just enough.. we want more More

Twenty One:
Twenty Two:
Twenty Three:
Twenty Four:
Twenty Five:
Twenty Six:
Twenty Seven:
Twenty Nine:
Thirty One:
Thirty Two:
Thirty Three:
Thirty Four:
Thirty Five:
Thirty Six:
Thirty Seven:
Thirty Eight:

Twenty Eight:

5.2K 423 495
By SaucyMontana


8:33 pm

After talking to kinsley earlier she was even more quiet than before so I knew I may needed to give her her space for right now but I needed to talk to somebody so I came to Jeremiah's house to talk to him

As soon as he opened the door, being that he was  home alone, I walked right in

"Well damn hello to you too" he said as his eyes followed me before closing the door "see lightskins be so entitled. How you gone walk in my shit like you pay bills"

"My best friend hates me" I just bluntly told him

"Who? Kinsley? For what?"

"I told her Jeremiah"

When I said that to him his eyes stretched wide

"Oh shit" he laughed "what she said?"

"She didn't really take it as bad as I thought she would. But now she's not even talking at all"

"Oh so that's why she was acting like that after her break?"

I nodded and Jeremiah smiled

"This is not funny and you think it is"

"Cause. I knew you was gone tell her eventually but now that you actually did... damn. That's crazy"

"I hate this because it's a billion people on this earth and it just so happens to be Kyran who I start falling for"

"Uh oh. Not ms you out here gettin weak in the knees"

"I'm still not worried about dating so hush. I just really do like Kyran"

"I never in my life would've thought I'd see this shit right here coming. I feel like a proud parent"

"Shut up Jeremiah. I'll feel like a proud parent when you and Kaleia get back together"

He laughed a little bit while walking off to his room and I followed him

"Ion know what Kaleia been telling people but that girl better stop letting people think that we getting back together"

"She didn't say anything. I just figured.."

"Well you figured wrong. I like being single" he laid back on his bed and rested his hands behind his head while I sat on the side of the bed "at least for now"

"Well did you tell her that?"

"For what? She broke up with me and told me to enjoy being single. And I am. We still cool but I don't owe her no explanation for nothing"


"So if she think she bout to smile and sneak her way into us getting back together then she gone be hurt cause I'm good. You was right about not stressing about relationships and shit. Thank you slim Jim"

"Slim Jim? Really?"

"You built like one"

"Go to hell Jeremiah"

"Let me stop talkin bout you before you get yo man on me"

"Kyran is not my man so stop" I jokingly hit him and he laughed

"Y'all already damn near in a relationship. Might as well say that's yo nigga"

"I will never call him my nigga. That sounds so wrong"

"That ain even sound right coming out yo mouth"

"Duh. That's why I will just say my man"

"Ahhh" he smiled "I thought you said he wasn't yo man"

"He's not! I'm just saying. That's what I would prefer to say before I call whoever I end up dating my nigga"

"Nah don't change up now"

"You are so annoying. You supposed to be packing to leave tomorrow afternoon anyways. I don't see a suitcase or bag in sight"

"I'll pack when I feel like it. And besides, I'm not leaving tomorrow afternoon. My flight leave for Kentucky in the morning"

"Like that's any better.. what time?"




"Why the hell did you just call me Isabella?"

"You look like yo name should be Isabella with that big ass bun on top of yo head like that"

"Shut up. You always saying something stupid"

"Aye, my momma say that exact same shit when I get on her nerves. But then she end up telling me I act just like my daddy but I don't see it"

"Jeremiah you look and act just like your daddy. Don't lie"

"Ion act like that man. But aye, you wanna do me a favor?"

"I'm not packing your clothes for you"

"Why not? You supposed to be the sister I never had"

"And I strongly believe if you did have a sister she would be more like your little slave"

"You damn right. But that ain what I needed from you yet. I got some food in the kitchen on a plate. Go get that for me please"

"You are lazy as hell" I made a face at Jeremiah while standing up

" I'll give you a dollar"

"Whatever. That dollar can't even pay for one of the charms on my bracelet"

"You know that bracelet came off of shein. I see that wrist turning green"

" boy whatever! Go to hell" I laughed, leaving the room hearing his phone ring

Once I went into the kitchen I saw the plate on the counter and... this boy had to be kidding me.

It was ONE chicken wing left on this plate. He made me get up for a wing

"Ima kill this boy" I huffed, going back into the room with the plate and I could hear him on the phone "you really had me go all the way to the kitchen for one chicken wing"

"You the goat! Thank you" he smiled while sitting up and I pushed the plate in his hand before sitting back down

"That's Brielle?" I could hear Kaleia's voice being that he had the phone on speaker


"Oh" she blandly responded and got quiet before speaking again "so are y'all really just best friends or what?"

"What kinda question is that?" Jeremiah laughed while I rose my eyebrow

"I'm just saying. Cause y'all always at each other's houses chillin, having all these secret conversations and stuff so I was just making sure"

"Wow" I silently said to myself

"You always thinking stuff more than it is. Brielle damn near my sister. Chill out with all that"

"I was just asking but alright... I'll talk to you later"

"Ight" he managed to get out before the phone wasted no time hanging up

While he sat the phone down I looked at him

"That was weird as hell"

"You already know Kaleia always on some weird shit. But, I still love her"

"Ima have to talk to her"

"Ain shit to talk about. Kaleia gone go with whatever she believe and you know it. She already knew how close me and you been all our life and now that we almost outta high school she ain liking it. She'll be Ight"

"Well ion got time for her to think that and start having problems with me"

"You wanna change her mind. Well tell her who yo MAN is"

"I already told you. He's not my man.. and no. I'm not telling her about Kyran. I've told one too many people"

"Well until you ready for her to know, just be prepared to ignore the attitude she gone give every now and then"

"Listen. I don't have time for this mess" I sighed

"Well on another note, I got..." he put his hand in his pocket while the other hand held the chicken wing. He pulled out some money "50 dollars if you pack my stuff for me"

I looked at the money and grabbed it

" Jeremiah... this is two twenties and a five"


"That's 45, not 50"

"I'm paying you to work. So I gotta take taxes out"

"You ain shit" I hit him and he laughed


"I don't know kinsley, I just feel like they talk on the low" Kaleia told me, repeating the same shit for the thousandth time.

"Kaleia, they are NOT talking on the low. I'm not about to keep repeating myself. I've said it 50 times already" I told her while I carefully sewed the jewels onto Kaleia's prom dress. I sat in the chair while doing so because my back was hurting like hell from all that bending over

"Who says they not hiding it from you too"

"They're damn near brother and sister Kaleia" I laughed, keeping my focus on the dress "I'm pretty sure they're hiding a lot but dating isn't one of them"

Once I said that out loud I froze, thinking

"Kaleia ima talk to you later"

"But wait I'm not done venting"

"Send it in a voice message and I'll listen then call you back. Hold on" I told her before hanging up

I loved my cousin to pieces but she sat on the phone with me for the past hours saying the same exact thing 30 times but just continued to word it differently and I continued to assure her there is nothing going on with them two. At this point I can't prove it to her that they don't talk. And even though I was completely thrown off by Brielle and Kyran earlier, I wasn't about to tell their business to prove a point to Kaleia that shouldn't need to be proven

After hanging up with her I FaceTimed Jeremiah

After two rings he eventually answered, smiling in the camera

"Big Kin! Wassup my dawg"

"You fake, long head, big foot backstabbing traitor" I called out and he cocked his head back

"Well damn. What I do now?"

"You knew about Brielle and Kyran"

When I said that he tried to act all surprised

"Brielle and Kyran? What they do?"

"Don't play dumb with me Jeremiah"

"Ion know what you talkin bout"

"One thing I know about my best friend is that she always keeps the person shes extremely close to and trusts up to date on everything in her life. And if it wasn't me then I know you the only other person she would tell about that so lie again"

"Well obviously her and Kyran close too so who says she ain decide to just tell him which would make it easier to not tell anybody else"

I made a straight face in the camera "I don't like you"

"I love you too" he smiled

"Whatever traitor"

"I'm not a traitor. I just don't tell secrets"

"So you knew"

"I didn't say I knew. I'm just staying a fact that if i did know you wouldn't know because I wouldn't say anything. And if I didn't know, I know now because you said something to me"

"Don't try to use that reverse psychology shit on me"

"I WONT TELL! YOUR SECRETS!" He started singing Alicia Keys and I laughed

"I can't stand you. Let me get back to finishing this dress. I'll finish cursing you out tomorrow while you on the way to Kentucky"

"And you going straight on my block list"

"You know you'll never block me. Bye Jeremiah"

He chuckled while hanging up the phone and I sat my phone down, getting back to sewing these jewels

My room door opened after a while and Kyran walked in

"Brielle told me she told you"

"Yup" I replied while keeping my focus on the dress

"Go ahead and say what you wanna say to me cause she think you mad at her"

"I'm not mad.. I'm just..." I sighed, looking up "I know how you are with girls Kyran. I just don't want her to get hurt cause we both know how innocent Brielle is"

"I wouldn't even do no shit like that. And me and already had a conversation about all of that. She still ain even interested in no relationship so we just chillin at this point"

"And you not doing this to prove a point, or to have sex with her... none of that?"

"Nah. It ain even nothing like that. Like I said we chillin"

I nodded " well okay then"

"I know you got some you wanna say. Go ahead and say it"


"Stop lying"

"Im not. I am a talented girl and in my healing stage, I've decided to not always express my feelings verbally. Instead I'll express it through my talent" I smiled at Kyran and he looked at me weird

"You should let me size you so I can make you an outfit"

"You ain sizing shit. Better get the hell out my face" he muttered while leaving the room and I laughed, going back to focusing on the dress

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