Ripple Harbour ~ON HOLD~

By HannahLou95

216 25 38

"One day you're a normal human being, and the next you're thrown into a world that you never believed existed... More

Ripple Harbour

~ Prologue ~

132 23 37
By HannahLou95

A/N: Hi guys! I'm back! Finally lol.

So I've been reading over some of my old stories that I had planned to re-upload and I decided that I didn't particularly like any of them apart from this one.

I've made a few changes, not many though, so it's still marginally the same as before.

This will probably put quite a few of you off from reading but, I'm afraid in between work and college I don't really have much time to write, upload and proof read everything, so updates are bound to be sporadic at best. I'm sorry about this!

Dedicated to coravirgo for being the first person to comment on this story :')

Go read her story Blind Attraction, it's worth it! :)

I hope you enjoy what I have to offer :)


Take it all in;

These walls, this river, brown and corrugated,

Which you know is flowing,

And beneath is fish which are awake and feeding.

I'm glad we met,

Beyond wild garlic and the black trees;

I'm glad it's you,

The one who intended this journey as I had,

Who started walking years ago,

Travelling towards me.

Casually, so that we stand in this

Untended space,

Amongst sheep and graffiti,

Easy as kin.

Remember it;

I am the person behind the camera,

Absent for the photograph,

But you are here.



In a more than standard room within a more than standard house stood a mother clutching her sleeping newly born child in her arms. Faceless voices swirled around them rooting them to the spot, unable to move even if they tried.

"She will be a great warrior."

"Obstacles will fall in her path time and time again."

"A love lost will once be found."

Three pairs of white eyes gazed down upon the newborn taking turns in which to speak, whilst giving a disembodied face to the harmonious voices.

"Raise her well like your first child and treat her no differently." The first pair of white eyes said whilst looking at the mother. Light from an unknown source bounced off the white to reveal a deep ocean blue.

"There will be times when you shall fear for her safety but trust in her decisions and all will be well." The middle pair of eyes spoke to the mother. A sharp flash revealed the true colour of the iris, a mixture of emerald greens dissolving outwards into a deep chocolate brown.

The last pair of white eyes turned towards the mother and simply stated,

"She is special."

Once again the coral-orange light bounced off the iris, this time to display an assortment of pastel pinks blended together.

In her arms the newborn stirred from slumber. Sleek silver orbs roamed around the room and landed on the three disembodied pairs curiously.

Together the eyes looked at each other and in perfect harmony a chant quietly began to envelope the mother.

"We call upon the Earth, the Sea, and the Moon, to help us with our quest. We shall fulfil the prophecy written by our ancestors."

A small wind had begun to whirl around the room causing paper to rustle and flutter off the desk in the corner.

"Earth, we call upon you for friendship. Let nature be this baby's friend when in need."

The emerald green and brown irises focused their gaze on the newborn's right shoulder.

"Sea, we call upon you for courage and fearlessness. Let this baby have the trust to follow the currents."

The deep ocean blue eyes focused their gaze on the child's right shoulder.

"Moon, we call upon you for your light and darkness. Let this baby have a soft loving side that shall co-exist with a side of adventure."

Finally the last pair of eyes directed their gaze upon the now squirming newborn's right shoulder.

"We call upon the Earth, the Sea, and the Moon, to help us with our quest. We shall fulfil the prophecy written by our ancestors."

The wind had grown greater, throwing various ornaments and furniture across the room; all coming close yet miraculously missing the newborn and her mother.

A dull gold shone from the spot on the child's right shoulder.

Bigger and brighter it grew, raising the temperature of the room to an almost unbearable heat. The mother could no longer look and closed her eyes whilst keeping a firm grip on the now wailing child.

A great bang echoed throughout the room creating the illusion that thousands of fireworks had been set off at the same time.

The golden light began to recede as did the heat and a few seconds later the mother opened her eyes. She was no longer holding her child.

As she took in the more than standard room within the more than standard house, she realised that she was lying on her bed and that everything was in its proper place.

No evidence could be found on the first glance to suggest what had just happened; her memories, fuzzy, trying to recollect the whole event.

Screaming erupted from the foot of the bed and the mother scrambled out from the sheets to comfort her child, wondering if it was all in fact a dream.

Reaching out for her baby the mother discovered all of the proof that she could need. For when she lifted the little girl out of her cot, the right sleeve of her baby grow slipped down to reveal a dark mark amongst the soft skin.

It was simple; a tear drop shape outline with a curved horizontal line inside connecting the bottom wider parts to create a perfect circle. Within the sphere a curved vertical line separated it, creating two halves. All of it outlined black, almost like a tattoo.

"The mark of the three Goddesses," the mother whispered in awe. "You truly are special, my child."

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