Corrupted - The Tigris Series...

By _MarvelLore_

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After 62 long years of serving Hydra, the dangerous female assassin had finally escaped their unforgiving gra... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
The End

Chapter One

60 1 0
By _MarvelLore_

July 16th, 2012

After three years of searching, I finally found where my "lost" files were being kept.

For three years, I've desperately searched for anything that could remind me of who I really was. Everything was taken from me so long ago; I can't even remember my own name. I've searched through police files in seven different countries, hospital files, even top-secret files in the US FBI. All came up empty, as if I never even existed. The only thing I could ever find was a "missing woman," report from 1950. All else was lost.

At least, until I found S.H.I.E.L.D.

They have access to things that not even the government have access to. If my files were anywhere, it would be with them. Hydra can't cover all of their tracks. Something was bound be in there that can help me.

So that is where I am now; one of their top-secret bases. It was partially above ground, with god knows how many floors down. It seemed to be still, with majority of their staff being inside. There were a few guards outside of the facility, though not nearly enough to stop me.

I lifted my black hood over my head, hiding my hair and face behind it's fabric, and jumped from the building that I had been watching from. The cloak made a soft rustling sound as I allowed myself to fall. I unsheathed the claws in my black gloves and gripped to the side of the neighboring building. I slid down a couple inches, and began to quickly make my way from building to building, climbing up and down as I went along.

I stopped once I was directly above two of the guards. They were alone, guarding a tunnel that lead directly into the facility. I tilted my head, scanning the rest of the area to make sure nothing else was watching.

Once I was sure that there was no one else in the area, I jumped down onto the guard on the left, slitting his throat before he could hit the ground. The second guard jumped at the sudden attack, and went to point his gun at my head. I swiftly moved under the gun, pushing it away in the blink of an eye, and slit his throat before he could make a sound.

Once I was sure that both men were dead, I grabbed each of their ankles, and dragged them behind a bush. After I hid them decently well, I wrapped my black cloak around my neck and torso, and climbed up to the top of the tunnel, climbing across the ceiling towards the facility.

I passed by many large military vehicles, as well as guards, scientists, and what looked to be agents. None of them noticed me as I moved swiftly and quietly above them. Once I made it to the main building, I quickly and quietly dropped down in front of the door, directly behind a woman in a black agent suit, and swiftly entered the building before anyone noticed I was there.

The first thing I noticed was the camera. I quickly jumped up, grabbed it, and yanked it out of the wall as I came back down. There are likely many of those left, so I will need to work quickly if I'm going to make it to where I need to be without a blood bath.

I sprinted down the halls, jumping up onto the walls and the ceiling to stay out of sight from the cameras. I heard a group of guards marching towards me from a few halls down, and quickly jumped into a room on the right to hide from them as they ran by. The room looked to be a mini lab, only containing testing tubes, a microscope, a few lab tables and shelves, sticky notes, and a computer. I wasn't going to find any files in here.

Once the guards passed, I jumped back up to the ceiling and began to climb my way through the halls once again. There were no signs to tell me where I was going, so I was going to have to find it on my own.

There were no alarms going off just yet, indicating that I have time to search. I continued down the halls, occasionally stopping by room after room as I went along. None of them contained any files, only lab supplies and chemicals.

Another group of guards ran by, followed by a dark-skinned man in a black leather suit and an eyepatch. He was marching angrily through the hall behind the group of guards, seemingly annoyed by something.

"We have security breach in the west side of the building. Two men down. I want the fugitive found before he gets to the main deck." he ordered, then disappeared around the corner of the hall.

Shit, they know I'm here.

I snapped my head to the left, seeing a door with a sign that indicated that it lead to a staircase. I quickly jumped down in front of it, and opened the door, sprinting down the flight of stairs. I stopped in front of the first door I came across. There was a sign above the door.

Section B.

I peered through the glass in the door, trying to see what was behind it. All I could make out were more rooms, and more hallways. I stepped away from the door, and continued down the stairs. A door opened from below, indicating that someone was about to enter the staircase as well. I grit my teeth, and waited to see how many were coming.

From the sound of the footsteps, it sounded to be about three. Piece of cake. I jumped up on the railing, sitting in a ready position as they sprinted up the stairs. As soon as the first guard rounded the stairs, I jumped, kicking him back against the wall. His head hit the wall first, knocking him out instantly.

"We found the-!"

I kicked the second guard in the face before he could finish his statement. He grunted at the impact, and stumbled backwards into the third guard. Before they could do anything else, I ran at them, jumping up to wrap my legs around the second guard's neck. I flipped my body around, grabbing the third guard in my arms, and harshly threw them both down on the ground. Their bodies made a snapping sound as they hit, indicating their bones breaking as they hit the floor.

Once I was sure that they weren't conscious, I sprinted past them to continue on down the stairs. I stopped at another door, and read the sign above it.

Section C.
(Main Deck)

I smirked, and went to open the door. The handle wouldn't budge.


I rolled my eyes. Every other door was open, of course the more important one would need a key card.

I took a step back, and harshly kicked the metal door open, sending it flying off of it's hinges. I sprinted into the hallway, hearing multiple guards making their way towards me. I jumped up to the ceiling and climbed over them as they ran by.

Once I was sure they didn't see me, I continued to climb though the halls, searching for anything that could direct me to where they keep the files. I entered a larger room at the end of the hallway; there was a large opening in the center of the floor that lead straight down to the last floor of the facility, with walkways that lead to other sections of the floor on each side of the room. I jumped across the large hole, and landed on the walkway across from me.

Before I could continue down the hallway, an arrow shot in front of me, landing just feet away from my feet. It made a soft beeping sound, a warning that it was rigged to explode.

My eyes widened, and I quickly jumped to the side over the bright yellow railing just before it exploded. Before I fell down the large opening, I quickly grabbed onto the railing, and swiftly swung myself under it back onto the walkway.

I turned to the direction where the arrow came from, spotting a man standing on one of the walkways from above, pointing another arrow directly at me. I recognized him instantly.


He released the arrow, sending it flying straight at my head. I caught it with ease, just inches away from my face. He froze, clearly not expecting me to catch his arrow. I peered at him through my hood, allowing him to see my face just enough for him to see.

His eyes widened in recognition. "Shit."

Before he could do anything else, I threw the arrow back at him like a mini spear as hard as I could. He jumped out of the way just in time, swiftly rolling back onto his feet as the arrow penetrated the metal wall behind him.

I quickly jumped up onto the ceiling and out of sight before he could turn to look back at me. I didn't dare to move, until I knew where he was going.

"Fury, we have a bit of a problem." he said, likely into his communications earpiece. "It's the Tigris."

While he was distracted, I took the opportunity to begin climbing down the hallway, away from him.

"Yes, I'm sure it's her. I'd know that look anywhere." he muttered, his voice growing distant as I continued down the hallway.

The alarms began going off just moments after, sending everyone besides the guards and agents to evacuate the building. I jumped up onto a few pipes that ran along the ceiling, hiding on top of them as people ran through the halls towards the exits.

I continued to climb through the hallways, not wasting any time. I almost went past a left turn, but stopped when something glowing bright blue caught my eye. There was a ominous sound coming from that room, one that I recognized. Many scientists were exiting the room; they must have been doing something important in there.

I knitted my brows, and made my way towards the large room. Once I was sure that no one else was in there, I allowed myself to drop down to the floor, and crept into the room on foot.

A bright blue cube sat in the center of a large, metal machine in the center of the room. Computers, and other machinery filled up the rest of the room. There was a walkway behind where the cube had been set up, leading to a smaller clearing. The cube was my main focus; it practically lit up the entire room on its own with no other source of light. I recognized it instantly.

The tesseract.

One of the six infinity stones. It holds immeasurable power; one that many have tried to weaponize. Including hydra. I suppose shield was the next big organization to try.

I admired it's beautiful glow for just another second, and sprinted away to find where they were keeping the files. I wasn't here for the tesseract.

I checked every room that I passed by, all containing other labs and research offices. I found another door to a staircase, and quickly sprinted down the steps. All of their files must be near the bottom floor. It would make the most sense with how they have everything else set up.

I hadn't seen any other guards or agents, much to my surprise. It confused me; wouldn't they want to do everything in their power to find me? Arrest me? Kill me, even? After every other facility in multiple other organizations that I've been through, the security here has been the easiest to breach. From how much I've heard of S.H.I.E.L.D., I found that hard to believe. What did they have planned?

I reached the end of the staircase, and flew the door open. The first thing I saw was rows, upon rows of tall shelves, no shorter than 50 feet tall, all filled with boxes and books.


I grinned, and sprinted towards the first row of shelves, looking through the labels to find anything that could possibly tell me something. They were organized by letter. With what very little information I had, I would need to go through every single box to find something.

I grit my teeth as I scanned the shelves. I don't have time for that. I'll just have to briefly skim through things until something catches my eye.

A... B... C...

I heard doors open on the other side of the room. I snapped my head around towards the direction of the sound. Footsteps sounded from each side of the room, indicating that they were circling the room.

I let out a low growl, and quickly climbed up to the top of the tall shelf.

"Look everywhere! She's in here somewhere. Don't let her escape!" one of the men shouted. "I want five men on those doors, five on the other. She is NOT getting out of this room."

Just five?

I watched as five men stood by the door that I had just entered from. They each held their guns out, ready to open fire. I wasn't going to leave just yet. I've come this far, I am not leaving empty handed.

I continued to look through the labels in the files, watching for anything that could potentially sound familiar to me. The T's would probably be a good place to start.

I jumped from shelf to shelf as quickly and quietly as I could, searching for where they kept the T's.

F... G... H...

I grit my teeth in frustration. Of course, it's going to be on the other side of the room.

I watched three men run past the shelf that I was sitting on, and then made my way across the room from the top of the shelves as quietly as I could, trying to match the sounds of the footsteps that the guards were making to mask my own.

M... N... O...

More guards ran past, searching every crevice as thoroughly as they could. I waited to continue until they had gone far enough away. I was almost there.

Q... R... S...

T. I locked my eyes on the shelf that held every file they had that's title started with a T. I looked around the area, making sure no guards were around, or anywhere near the shelf. I could hear them all around, shining their lights everywhere.

"Anyone got a visual?" one of the men shouted.

"Negative." another responded.

"Negative, sir." another responded from across the room.

"Dammit. Keep searching!" the first man shouted.

Once I was sure that they were far enough from the shelf, I swiftly and quietly dropped to the floor. I pulled the first box I saw out, searching through the files that it contained.

Titanium Shields and Weapons.

I quickly pushed the box back, and grabbed the one next to it, peeking inside.

Terrain maps.

I grit my teeth and shoved it back, grabbing the next one. I don't have time for this.

Tony Stark.

I shoved the box back, and grabbed another.

"Looking for something, are we?" a familiar voice said from above me.

I snapped my head up, seeing Hawkeye sitting where I had previously been at the top of the shelf. He had his brow raised as he watched me push the box back into the shelf.

I grit my teeth. "I'm looking for what is mine. Then I'm leaving." I spat, lowly.

"Sorry, but I can't let you do that." he replied, then jumped down next to me.

I growled, and swung my right foot at his face. He ducked under the kick, and pulled and arrow from behind his back, aiming it at me with his bow. I kicked it upwards, forcing the arrow to fly upwards at the ceiling, and kicked to the side, exposing his chest. He took a step to the side and went for a punch to my face. I caught him by the wrist and twisted it to the side, just enough to force his body to twist with it, and kicked him in his side. He let out a grunt as he flew back a couple feet, and landed on his side.

"Stay out of my way, or you die." I warned.

"I can't do that, princess." he grunted, getting back onto his feet.

"You know you can't win this fight, Hawkeye." I growled.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I stalled, instead." he replied with a sly smirk.

I hadn't realized that all of the guards that had been in the room were now making their way towards me, all having their guns pointing at my head. From what I could see, there looked to be around twenty.

I glared at them all, and turned to face them with my fists clenched beside me. How am I going to escape all of them?

Before I could come up with a plan, the man in the leather suit with the eyepatch rounded a corner, and stepped just a few yards ahead of me.

"You're interesting, I'll give you that. But why you thought you could infiltrate my facility is beyond me." he said with a smug expression.

I glared at him, pursing my lips in frustration. "You have something that's mine." I rasped.

He raised his brows, sarcastically. "Do I? And what might that be?"

"My files." I replied.

He chuckled. "You mean our files of information that we have on you?"

I glared at him, dangerously.

He chuckled, and turned his back on me. "Take this tiger to the cage."

I furrowed my brows. Cage?

Before I could make a move, something sharp was shot into my neck. I quickly pulled it out, realizing it was a tranquilizer dart. I threw it to the side and moved to jump back onto the shelf; but before I could, two more hit my arm and my shoulder. I quickly pulled those out, but it was too late.

My brain began to feel heavy on my shoulders, and the world around me began to spin. I stumbled, holding my head as a poor attempt to steady myself. I felt even more penetrate my skin, and before I knew it, I had collapsed onto the floor.

And just like that, the world was black.

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