#3 Lycan: Tribrid

By Annyeo-SeeYouLater

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She is the daughter of a hybrid and a full bred Lycan. She has a hybrid brother and other unique siblings. Sh... More

Character Info
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Lycan: Quadbrid.... :0

Chapter 1

524 4 0
By Annyeo-SeeYouLater

A/N: Hello  my annyeos. So this is the third book of the Lycan series. I do plan on having one last book of the series before branching off and adding different books series tied to this series? Comment below who I should write about from these three books (maybe I plan on doing quite a few hehe)

Anyway, this is Chapter 1 of Lycan: Tribrid where you'll get to meet Jordyn, or knowns as Jojo and Sparky. I honestly have to say, Jordyn is probally my fav main character of the series, I do love Luciana and Zelda... but Jordyn's personality is honestly i feel like so much like me, so I  hope you enjoy her!

Now let's get on with the story

Werewolves have always been the stuff of legends. That they are what you hear howling in the night. That they are those bright lights you see or think that are following you in the woods or in the night. They say you should be scared of werewolves. They say they will rip you apart, without a single thought. That these werewolves have no heart.

What people don't know is that these "werewolves" have loved ones. They have children that they care about a lot. These werewolves will protect their husbands or wives as well as their children--at any cost... no matter what. I should know, because I am one...

'Remember, Jojo... I love you so much.' Brock says, as we lay in my bed.

'I love you too, Brocky.' I say, kissing him lightly on the lips.

'How's this little butterfly?'

'You don't even know if they are going to be a girl.'

'I just know... which is why we got the two sets of tattoos.'

'Watch that I have a boy.' I chuckle.

'I have a gut feeling it's going to be a girl.' He says, kissing my forehead.

'Babe, I'm only a month along.' I say.

'Three or Four months from now, you'll say I'm right and you're wrong.' Brock laughs.

'I hate you Rosen.' I say, smirking, as the castle shakes, 'The hell was that?' I ask, as my older twin brother's rush into my room.

'Brock, we need you.' Grayson says.

'What's going on?' I asked.

'There is a Rogue attack, we need our head warrior.' Luca says.

'What? No!' I snap, as I grab ahold of his arm, 'Brock, you can't.'

'I have to honey.' He says, kissing me on the lips, before racing out of my room with my brothers. I stand there crying, not knowing, that's the last time I'd see my mate alive again...

I sit up, as sweat beats down my face. It was dark in my room, but because of the moon, there was a faint glow. I hear a faint cry. I climb off my bed and rush over to the right side of the bed. I pick up my crying baby as I hold her close to me, rocking and making 'shhh' noises for her. I slowly walk into her nursery and go over to the dresser where I have a speaker, and play some soft music as I sit down on the rocking chair.

"It's okay baby girl." I whisper, as I kiss the top of her head, as she slowly begins to quiet down.

"Is everything okay?" I turn and see my mother in her robe.

"Yeah, I just got her to quiet down." I say, as my mother walks over and squats down right Infront of me.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, "Don't lie to me either... I know what you have been through hell these past two years."

"It's been overwhelming." I say, tearing up, "I lost my mate, two WHOLE years... what am I supposed to do?"

"Someday honey, you'll find another one."

"How do you know?" I ask.

"My mother, your grandmother wasn't my adoptive father's first mate." Mom says.

"What?" I ask.

"You remember Lucian?" She asks.


"That was my mother's first mate, who 'died' then became a vampire." Mom laughs.

"So did Gramps just choose Grams?" I asked.

"No, my mother was Gramps' first mate, but Gramps was Grams' secondary mate."

"What?" I asked.

"Look," Mom says, licking her lips, placing a right hand on my left knee, "You have a mate, someone out there... you'll just have to look."

"Thanks mom." I smile, as I check on my baby girl, "She's asleep." I smile, yawning.

"Well go get some sleep," She says, standing–kissing my head plus my daughter's head, "See you in the morning."

"See you." I smile, as she leaves my room. I wait a few minutes, before grabbing the speaker and walking back into my room. I put the speaker on the nightstand right where I have the cot. I put my baby in there, before climbing into bed. I lay on my stomach and leave my right hand into the cot, before falling sound asleep.

The sun wakes me up, as I groan–hating mornings. I hold my left hand up and flick my wrist, using my abilities to close the curtains. I sit up in bed and check the time–about ten thirty three. I stretch as I see that my baby is wide awake.

"Hey baby girl!" I say in a high voice, as she starts laughing.

"How about we get you all dressed for today?" I ask, as I pick her up. I bring her into her nursery and lay her on the changing table. I quickly change her diaper, before putting on a mauve knitted long sleeve onesie on with a jean overalls with shorts. I give her hair a little brush through, before picking her up and kissing her on her head. I carry her out of my room and down the hall, knocking on my brother's room. I wait a few moments, before seeing my shirtless brother.

"Arya here?" I asked.

"She just got out of the shower." He says, "Why is that?"

"I need her to watch Maverick while I get ready."

"Sure, I can take her." He says, holding his arms out.

"Thanks Luca." I smile, before kissing Maverick's head, "Here is a bottle." I handed him a milk bottle, "I'll be back." I say, before leaving.

I walk back into my room–which so happened to be my grams' old room, which I fixed up to keep it the same. My mother's old nursery, I had fixed up to make it my daughter's room. I even made a room next door to what I call my peace room, which is an art room–since I love to paint. I take a deep breath, before going to my closet. I grab my outfit and go into the bathroom, and begin to take a shower.

I slide on a cropped white tee-short with a knot tied in the front with black high waisted ripped shorts with a white moon and sun combined on my back left pocket. I brush out my dry dark brown shoulder length hair with silver-blonde front strips. I leave it straight, before grabbing my phone and leaving my room. I skip down the hallway, and knock on Luca's door again.

"Hey gurl!" Luca's mate and my close friend Arya says, as I see her open the door with Maverick in her arms.

"Thanks," I smile, "Let me see my baby girl."

"Here you go." She says, handing me Maverick, "She was an angel."

"She always is." I smile, looking down at her. I start to tear up, because she looked almost identical to my mate, well ex mate, Brock.

"You okay?" She asks, worried.

"Peachy." I smile, "I'm going to go downstairs and get some food."

"Have fun." Arya says, laughing.

"I hate you." I laugh, knowing my mother must've had something planned.

"You love us all." She laughs, as I walk down the hall.

"JOJO!" I hear my little sister yell. I chuckle, as I see her brown hair race up to me.

"Hey Kingsley." I say, smiling–she looked identical to my grandmother–from the photos my mother has shown me. She has brown waist length hair with straight across bangs, with tan skin, and purple blue eyes.

"I want to show you a trick!" She says, clapping as she jumps up and down, "Can I show you? Can I show you?"

"Of course." I smile big.

"Okay, watch." She says, as she holds her wolf teddy up and mumbles something, as her hands glow. Seconds later, her teddy started flying up high in the air, before hitting the ceiling and falling.

"That was so cool Kinnie!" I smile, "That was an amazing spell."

"It's the one you taught me!" She says.

"Well, that's the first spell I learned when I was your age." I laugh.

"You were six when you did this?" She asks.

"Yep." I laugh.

"How old are you now?"

"Eighteen, tomorrow I'll be nineteen." I laugh.

"So how many bigger than that?" She asks.

"A lot." I chuckle, "How about we go get some food?"

"YEAH!" She shouts, "I need to go get Zerek." She turns and races away and down the hallway.

"Goofball." I chuckle, before heading downstairs with Maverick.

"There's my girl." Dad says, kissing the side of my head.

"Morning daddy." I say, "Morning Grampaps." I say, mimicking a little voice.

"Weirdo." Grayson grumbles, as he feeds his youngest child, Mavis, while his oldest son Riley eats with his mother.

"Says the dude who still acts like a little child even though he is the ALPHA plus KING." I say, as I put Mav down as she starts walking around the kitchen and over to my mother, all she does is hold her arms up and my mom picks her up.

"Has she eaten"

"Not yet." I say.

"Good, I'll make some pancakes and ends... would you like some honey?"

"Sure." I smile, "I do want to say something."

"What is it?" Mom asks.

"I do not want a party." I threaten.

"Oh hot damn." Grayson says, laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"Grayson Markus Phoenix, if you say a single WORD! I will and I quote kick your sorry behind. I do not care if you're alpha or not."

"SHE'S ALREADY IS THROWING IT!" Grayson shouts fast, as he quickly stands up and uses his daughter as a shield.

"YOU ARE SUCH A CHILD!" Mom yells, putting Maverick down as she begins to chase Grayson, "PUT MY GRANDBABY DOWN!"

"Or what?"

"I SWEAR GRAYSON!" She snaps, as Mav comes over to me, as I pick her up.

"Mom." I say.


"MOM!" I shout.

"WHAT?" She yells.

"The pancakes are burning." I say.

"God danggit!" Mom yells, before rushing over to the pancakes as she tries her best to stop the pancakes from burning.

"This family gets weirder and weirder."

A/N: So this may be a short chapter, and I'm sorry... but let me know what you all this of it! Comment below, vote, and add it to your reading lists. I will try and upload chapter 2 tomorrow so tune in!

Also comment below who your favorite character or moment of this chapter is... 

My fav in this chapter is Maverick, because she is the sweetest as the book goes on. My fav moment is between Jordyn and Luciana when she wakes up with Maverick!

Also to be clear as well 

Zelda and Jeremiah are Jordyn's Grandparents

Zelda and Jeremiah are Maverick's GREAT grandparents

Luciana and Levi are Jordyn's Parents

Luciana and Levi are Maverick's Grandparents

Luca and Grayson are Jordyn's OLDER brothers

Margo and Arya are Jordyn's "sisters" in law

Kingsley and Zerek are Jordyn's YOUNGER siblings

Then Luca, Grayson, Margo, Arya, Kingsley, and Zerek are all Maverick's Aunts and Uncles

Then Grayson two kids are Maverick's cousins.


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