~Sweet Treat~ Hongjoong x ATE...

By akumasu

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After a break up with his fiance of 2 years, bang chan, hongjoong is devastated and hurt. After spending days... More

Bitter tea
Friends and brownies
Starting a New
Back with a Bang
Collecting Friends

Boys Day!

183 6 3
By akumasu

Hongjoong smiled softly as he heard the sweet voices of his best friends. He couldn't help the sweet atmosphere that enveloped him as he stepped into the living room. Hongjoong smiled softly as he took in his friends' familiar outfits. 'It's the same ones I made them on their birthdays. They really want to make sure todays about me.' The small man smiled as he felt his heart swell with the love his friends will spend the end of time showing him. 'I really got lucky, maybe healing won't take as long as I thought.' He let a small smile spread across his lips as he fully stepped into the room, a questioning look quickly spread across his face as Namjoon had seemed to stop talking mid-sentence just to stare at him with a wide smile on his shocked face.

"And what Joon? You really need to stop losing your train of thought halfway through your stories!" Felix asked as the taller man just shook his head and roughly turned him around to face the pastel haired man.

"Hey! Be careful with me! I'm very delica- Oh my god!" Felix's expression quickly morphed to match Namjoon's as he took in his smaller friend's form. Hongjoong couldn't help but chuckle at his friends overjoyed and excited expressions.

"What? Does the look not fit me anymore."

"Say that one more time and I'm gonna hit you. Now shut up and give us a twirl!" Namjoon said as he grabbed the shorter man's hand and spined him softly, the skirt fluffing up slightly as he twirled. He chuckled as the two clapped like two pre-teens at a boy band concert while he bowed playfully.

"I knew you would still look amazing in your old aesthetic!" Felix exclaimed as he hugged the purple haired man tightly. Hongjoong felt his heart flutter slightly as he finally let his head finally settle on the fact that for once he was dressed for him, not for Chan, not for his image, not for his brand, just for himself. 'God, damn I forgot how good this felt! I shouldn't have never lost it no matter how lovesick I was. I'm never letting this go, not again.' Hongjoong promised himself as he pried the small blonde off of him, laughing softly at the other man's slightly pouty expression.

"Honestly I feel amazing too! I feel like myself again. You guys are the best people I could ever have, you know exactly what to do to help me bounce back!" Hongjoong chuckled as the two men rolled their eyes playfully.

"We've known you for how long? For like 18 years we've been stuck with each other. Of course, we know how bring back out that cute but sassy bitch we met in that small boutique." Namjoon said causing the group to chuckle softly "Speaking of I think that should be our second stop for boys day, I haven't been there in ages I also heard they're under new management."

"Really? What happened to the old lady that used to run it?" Felix asked as he shot a concerned and curious look at the taller man.

"Don't worry nothing bad happened to that sweet lady. Apparently, her son had moved back to town and him and his wife decided to take over the shop so she could retire and move back to the country. Last I heard she's sitting pretty at their family farm." Namjoon chuckled at the collective sigh of relief that came from the other 2 boys at the news.

"Thats good to know that she's still ok. Have you met them yet?" Hongjoong asked

"Not the new owners but when i picked up your outfit today the person working at the counter looked really young so I'm assuming it could be their son."

"How young do you think?"

"He couldn't have been older than like 20."

"Thank god! I was gonna cry if we have to get checked out by a snobby little teenager from now on." Felix sighed as he made a choking motion with his hands.

"Okay, well at least he won't be much younger than us. who knows he might even be better than the little lady. Anyway, I think we should go I mean it is kind of symbolic in a way." Hongjoong said as the two shot him a small questioning look. "Think about it, that little boutique was the last place we went to together before me and Chan became official and i was dragged away from you guys at any given moment. Now, not only are me and him through but were also on a trip to get my old self back. It feels like it's the start of a new cycle, like I'm getting a redo." The two boys couldn't help the soft smiles that blessed their faces as the enveloped the small man in a sweet hug.

"Hongie you are too sweet for this world let alone for Chan." Felix said as he stroked the small man's hair " He made the biggest mistake of his life cheating on you, and we're gonna prove it! Now I say we head out. I convinced Hyunjin to let me take the car for the day!" The blonde said with a smirk as he took the car keys out of skirt pocket and jingled them softly.

"That explains all the hickys I saw this morning." Hongjoong said, a loud laugh slipping out of Namjoon and earning himself a small punch on his shoulder from a blushing Felix. 

"I swear if you mention that one more time, we'll do it on your bed!"

"Damn, it's always the shorts ones that are vengeful beyond compare!" Namjoon chuckled

"Its cause we're closer to hell now let's go before I make that threat a promise." Felix said as he rubbed his cheeks softly to get rid of his blush.

"I'm shorter than you!" Hongjoong laughed softly as the group slipped on their shoes before making their way down to the parking lot in front of the small apartment building. Namjoon instantly stole the passenger seat while Felix slipped into the driver's seat, only a slight trimmer of fear going through the other two, as Hongjoong threw himself into the back seat before Felix sped down the busy Seoul roads.

"So where is our first spot?" Hongjoong asked as he stared out the window taking in the sweet autumn beauty of the city. A small sense of serenity washing over him as he took a deep breath of his friend's sugary sweet perfumes. 'Today really was going to be the start of something new. Better make the most of it!'

"That one cafe we used to always get bubble tea at before Felix opened up. I figured it would be a nice slow start to our boys day." Namjoon explained as Hongjoong felt his heart ache slightly and his serenity was shattered. He understood that his friends were only trying to be supportive but as the memories of yesterday in that very cafe started to creep back into his head so did the sorrow and broken thoughts. The way his tears stained the soft peach table and the way the chai had turned bitter on his lips as Chan confessed the desperate measures, he took for his career. How Chan had admitted that he wasn't worth fighting for. Hongjoong shook his head softly to get rid on the thoughts 'I'm not letting him ruin another day right now. Especially not one that's meant for me and the people that love me most. Just remember what Dino said, it's okay to think about him but it's not okay for him to take over the life he's not involved in anymore' the purplenette thought as he let a sigh slip thought his lips as Felix pulled up in front of the small cafe. After taking a few seconds to ground himself, Hongjoong stepped out of the car and looked at his sweet friends as they locked their arms together with bright smiles spread on their faces. He tried not to let the small pang in his heart take over as he plastered a matching smile on his face as he clung back onto his friends, strutting through the glass doors. The small man felt his pain feel a little more bearable as Felix and Namjoon wrapped his arms around his waist in a small side cuddle, nearly making the small man fall as they walked up to the counter.

"Welcome in you guys, what can I get started for ya?" The petite barista said with a small smile as she adjusted her high ponytail

"I'll just get the rose latte" Namjoon said softly as he buried his face in Hongjoong's shoulder, making him chuckle.

"I'll get the depresso" Felix chimed in as he did the same as his taller counterpart.

"And I'll just get the chai." Hongjoong finished as the small barista locked eyes with him for a split second, her look of understanding and pity making the small man send a questioning look at her.

"Alright and what names can I get for all of those?"

"Kim Namjoon, Lee Felix, and-"

"Kim Hongjoong, alright so it looks like that total is gonna be 15.36." The girl cut Namjoon off as the other two males sent a questioning look towards the smaller man. Hongjoong just shook his head softly as he handed his card to the small yet strangely familiar girl before Felix and Namjoon could protest. Hongjoong quickly urged his best friends to snag them a table in the corner of the small shop before someone stole it first while he stayed up by the counter and waited for their drinks. 'I wonder if Chan has come back here after yesterday. Not likely.... he probably wouldn't want to be anywhere that reminds him of me. He has a career to focus on. But so do I.' "Pardon me, Mr. Kim?" Hongjoong Jumped slightly as the small barista from before pulled him from his thoughts.

"Oh my, you spooked me!" Hongjoong said as he let a soft chuckle slip past his lips. "What's up?"

"Please forgive me if this is me stepping out of line or if this makes you uncomfortable but i just wanted to ask if you were, ok?" Hongjoong sent a small questioning look to the sweet girl as he rubbed his arm shyly

"Um of course I am. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I'm not sure if you remember me but I was the person that made your drink yesterday and I saw everything that went down with you and your fiancé well ex now, I guess. I really wanted to speak up and comfort you, but you ran out before I could. I know it's probably really strange hearing that from a complete stranger, but I really admire you and I just hated hearing and seeing you so upset. I'd be lying if I said I didn't give that cheater and his mistress a piece of my mind after you left but I had to get back to work before I was able to at least give you a cookie." The barista rambled as Hongjoong felt a sweet smile start to spread on his face. The small man felt the small pain in his heart start to lift as the girl continued to ramble on about how much the breakup must have hurt and what she wanted to do to make him hurt just the smallest amount less. Hongjoong calmly reached out to the girl and placed his hand on her shoulder stopping her nervous words in their tracks.

"Thank you, that means more then you know. I really can't tell you how much better that makes me feel knowing that someone else who aren't my best friends could see how much pain i was in even when I tried so hard to hide it. I also want to apologize , i ended up making a scene here yesterday ,i should have never done that no matter how hurt i was." Hongjoong smiled softly as the sweet girl placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed in reassuringly. "To answer your question from earlier a little more truthfully, not really but I'm healing. Just like how those two helped me heal my soul yesterday and this morning," Hongjoong said as he pointed to Felix and Namjoon who were currently drowning in the beanbag chairs in the corner of the cafe "You just now helped me heal my head. I will admit that coming back in here again after everything that happened yesterday feels like i just reopened a barely healed wound but hearing you say all of that no matter how nervous it clearly made you, helped that wound start to close again. So, thank you." Hongjoong couldn't help the sweet smile that spread over his face as he saw all of the nervousness drain from the small girl in front of him and a equally sweet smile spread across her face.

"I'm so happy I could do that for you! Your friends are really amazing people to help you heal I'm happy that I could be on the same level as them even if for just a minute."

"They really are amazing." Hongjoong sighed as he sent a quick and sweet glance towards the two crackheads in the corner before turning his attention back to the barista " But I'm also really lucky to have a amazing fan like you. I'd love to have you come to my comeback runway show if you're willing. Well after i get it set up anyway." The way the baristas face lit up like a firework and her body started to shake with excitement instantly lit up the small mans heart, solidifying his new path of healing in a heartbeat.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! I'd love to go! Oh my god thank you!"

"No thank you...."


"Thank you Hwasa. its the fans like you that will help me revive my passion and I couldn't thank you more. Since you will be a personal guest of mine would you mind exchanging numbers?" Hongjoong snickered softly as the girl checked her pulse like a frantic teenager trying make sure that she wasn't dead and that her crush had just asked her out, that this wasn't her wild dream.

"I'd absolutely love to!" Hwasa exclaimed as she quickly took out her phone and handed it to Hongjoong, who handed her his in return. "You have already given me so much but is there anyway i can get a picture for the contact photo?"

"Of course, as long as I get one in return." Hongjoong chuckled lightly before he smiled softly and put a piece sign up to his eye. He quickly snapped a similar picture of Hwasa before saving the easily excitable girl into his contacts with a small coffee cup emoji next to her name. The two shared a sweet smile towards each other as Hwasa's coworker set the small man's drinks in front of them. Hongjoong opened his arms shyly to ask for a hug which the small girl easily gave before the petite  man made his way to his best friends in the corner of the shop. ' Today is already turning out great! Maybe moving forward and healing wont take as long as i thought!' Hongjoong thought as slipped into the beanbag chair next to Namjoon while he started to pass out the drinks before taking a sip of his own, the sweet flavor not being dulled in the slightest despite the very fresh memories of yesterday still circling his mind. The small man let a smile grace his face as he finally looked at his two friends, both of their faces holding a surprised and confused expression as they locked eyes with him.


"What was that?" Namjoon asked as he flicked his head slightly toward Hwasa

"What was what?"

"That whole.....interraction with the barista!? you gave her your number and she looked like she was halfway through passing out the longer she talked to you." Felix exclaimed as Hongjoong chuckled softly at his friends' wild actions.

"And she even knew your name before we even told her."

"Calm down its nothing serious. Shes just a fan and she was the barista on shift yesterday when me and Chan had our breakup. She just wanted to ask me if I was ok and that she thinks that you guys planning this trip to help me get my groove back was really sweet of you. She said that she was happy that I had great friends and I offered that if she wanted to grow and be friends then we could, so we exchanged numbers. " Hongjoong explained as the other two shot a look of appreciation towards Hwasa before returning their attention to the purplenette. "Her name is Hwasa and she's super sweet I'm hoping I can hang out with her soon."

"Why don't we all get to know her? I mean I'm not against growing the friend group plus she already adores you and that's already one thing we have in common with her." Namjoon suggested as the other two nodded in agreement.

"Now, you promised you'd tell what all of those notifications were from when I was doing your hair in the bathroom! I was telling joonie about it and it was killing us not to just look it up." Felix said as hongjoong set down his tea yet again before taking a deep breath to soothe his nerves before looking at the two men that had been at his side for ages, stayed with him through thick and thin, seen his sunny days and storming ones. they have saved him from himself on so many occasions and he can't  wait to show them that he won't waste this attempt, not again.

"Well after i found seonghwa post about the dress he made inspired by me it helped me realize that i had a really big impact on so many people when i was doing my passion and helping people feel confident and safe in their bodies with the clothing i spent hours designing so every piece was perfect. It also helped me realize how much i really missed fashion and designing and everything I'm good at. So, the reason the internet exploded was because in that comment i had officially announced that I was off hiatus and I was finally ready to return to the fashion world  for now and forever." Hongjoong finished as he sipped his tea, trying his best to not panic as his friends stared at him astonished. He covered his ears slightly as his friends loudly  cheered suddenly before tackling him into a group hug.

"Hongjoong thats amazing!"

"Exactly, your taking your life back! Finally your you again!" Hongjoong chickled softly as the two settled back down into their seats after squeezing the air out of him.

"seriously that is amazing news! We can get your old studio set back up, get you a new assisstent, get your contract renewed-"

" Alright joon slow down." Hongjoong chuckled softly as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. "Ill get all of that set up eventually but there is still bogger stuff i need to do now before i get the brand afloat again. I still need to find a place to stay long term, i need to get a side job to pay for supplies and to even get the show set up and to be able to even pay the assistant."

"Oh that reminds me! I could have taken care of the place predicament for you." Namjoon said with a small smile as he scoot foward in his seat slightly. "So one of Hoseok's students had mentioned that her friend had just broken up with his boyfriend and kicked him out but he had already renewed the lease so he looking for new roommate but he hasn't found anyone yet. So Hoseok knew that you wanted to get out of Felix and Hyunjins hair as soon as possible  so he had told his student to let her friend know that he has someone that might be interested. So were gonna actually take you to meet the guy this afternoon at like 5ish." Hongjoong couldnt help the bright smile and the small happy dance he did before hugging the taller man tightly.

"I love you and your immense amount of boyfriends!" Hongjoong exclaimed as he kissed the man cheek softly. "When did this guy say was the soonest i could move in if everything goes well?"

"Well that question i dont have an answer for. Since he definitely jumped the gun on his last room mate he doesn't really want to give any false hope."

"I guess thats fair. He has every right to be cautious. Aside from that whats he like?"

" Well from what Hobi told me hes pretty laid bavk and chill but can be a little loud . He likes to have friends over often so be prepared for that. Oh and hes a transfer student for japan! He goes to the university a little bit away." Namjoon said, each like bit of info checking off good ticks on his list.

"Anything else you might want to know we can always cyberstalk him. For educational purposes of course." Felix said causing the group to crack up.

'God, i love me friends!' Hongjoong sighed happily  as his body shook with excitment and happiness . "I really cant thank you guys enough for helping me get back on my feet again."

"Of course Hongie we love you! We'd do anything in our power to make sure that You're safe and cared for."

"I really couldnt wish for better friends. Thank you guys for always being here. I promise i will find a way to pay you guys back for this." Hongjoong gushed as a few tears started to well up in his eyes,causing the other two to coo at him softly before pulling him into a gentle hug.

"Trust us hongie we feel the same way too. You've already payed us back tenfold by just letting us be here for you." Namjoon smiled softly as the small man before standing from his seat "Now i think its about time we headed to our next stop! But i gotta go to the bathroom before we leave."

"oh gosh me too Ive been holding it since that red light." Felix exclaimed as he stood up too.

"Which one? The one you ran or.the one you pretended not to run because a cop was nexf to you?"
"The one that i had you guys flip off the camera with me,now move it! Do you have to go Hongie?"

"Nah you guys go ahead. Ill be here when you're done." Hongjoong smiled softly as his two friends scurried towards the restrooms while he slowly began to tidy up their space. The small man couldnt help the warm feeling the enveloped him as he sat back down and continued to sip his tea, the taste even sweeter with the new memory attached to it. Not only has he met a dedicated fan but he had also reached out a friendly  hand and it was taken without question. 'i guess Dino was right healing is patient. I just have to continue to be patient with healing and ill get even better than before.' Hongjoong sighed softly as he let the hopeful thought settle into his soul while he downed the last bit of his tea. The soft sounds of the chill cafe that settled him was slightly broken by a soft grunt of frustration coming from his side. 'I really need to stop jinxing myself!' Hongjoong side as he stood from his seat and gathered the dishes around tbe table. As the noises continued Hongjoong couldn't help but look around for the owner of the irritated noise, his gaze landing on the strangely familiar  man sitting at the single table across from the cushioned corner.

The man had his hand burried in his short raven hair as he stared at his laptop screen in pure anger while his other hand scribbled on the drawing pad next to him roughly before throwing down the metal pencil aggressively while he buried his face in his hands. Hongjoong felt his heart drop as he looked at the man trying to soothe his anger. He remembered feeling like that every time he tried to make a new collection, losing his temper so often when the templates didn't come out perfect no matter how hard he reworked it. Sometimes he just needed to walk away and cool off and come back to rework it all with a clear head or just having someone else look at it helped the issue.

'Maybe it's not my place and maybe it's something I can't help with but ill regret it later if I don't a least try.' Hongjoong sighed softly as he downed the rest of his tea before letting a sweet smile spread on his lips as he turned toward the man. Hongjoong tried his best to let his self doubt sink to the bottom of his thought pool as he lightly tapped the mans tense shoulder, a slight jolt coming from the man on instinct.

"Excuse me? I know this is sudden and probably not my place but i noticed you getting frustrated at your work and i was just wondering if you wanted any help? At the very least a fresh eye to help you spot where you could have gone wrong?" The raventte groaned loudly  as he finally pulled his hands away from his eyes, glaring daggers at his computer screen. 'Damn if looks could kill.Id be six feet under.' Hongjoong thought as the man began to speak.

"While i do appreciate the concern and the offer im afaid unless you're world renowned designer Kim Hongjoong you wont be able to help me." The mans deep timber caught Hongjoong off gaurd for a brief  moment as the man finally turned to face him with a tired expression. Hongjoong couldnt help but chuckle as the mans sharp features went from wearyness to  pure shock as the mans brain seemed to catch up with his eyes.

"I guess you're in luck then....." Hongjoong couldnt help the feeling of familiarity that washed over him as he took in the mans features for a short minute. The mans sharp jaw, the even sharper eyes, even right down to how his raven black hair fell was slowly scraching the back of Hongjoongs brain until  finallly it all clicked into place. "Oh, You're  Seonghwa, right?!"

"Y-you know my name?" the ravenette said in complete astonishment as he stared at the small man as if he were the 8th wonder of the word. His cheeks dusting themselves pink at Hongjoongs soft chuckle.

"Of course i do. I love the dress that you made for me! It was absolutely nothing short of stunning, you did a amazing job. Hell you inspired me too! When i commentented on your post this morning i meant every last word of it. " Hongjoong smiled sweetly at the man as his soft blush deepened.

"T-Thank you. Seeing that really made my day. You've been my idol for so long and talking to you now seems like a dream come true and i never thought id actually meet you let alone have your help and im talking too much im gonna just shut up now." Seonghwa rambled on as Hongjoong tried his best to hold in another chuckle at the mans adorable flustered state.

"Please its ok. I completely understand the excitement if i met my idol out of nowhere i wouldnt be able to stop my tounge either. But did you need my help or..."

"Y-yes please!" Seonghwa scrambled up from his chair and motioning for the man to sit. Hongjoong smiled softly as he gracefully to the offered seat and turned his attention to the other designers frustration . "id love to know what im doing wrong."

Hongjoong smiled softly as he took in every detail on the mans dimmed screen. It was a rough sketch of a long flowy dress on a female silhouette, a split straight down the middle of skirt revealing the silhouettes long legs. Each part was labeled with elegent hand writing of different textures and fabric ideas. Even certain places where the fabric should hug the frame and where it should flair out we labeled precisely. 'It dosent look that different from how i would come up with my concepts. Nice to know that organization is still a big thing in the fashion world.' the small man thought as he read over some of the notes the man behind him had scribbled out on the blank space around the peice. Hongjoong almost thought the man was just being over critical of himself until he read the name of the peice.

"Etheral lovesick." Hongjoomg whispered to himself the name rolling off his tounge like butter. "Ok i see where you're freaking out." Hongjoong said as he started a new layer and changed the ink color to his signature pastel pink. Seonghwa couldnt help the small internal freakout that filled him as his idol began to edit his peice. "When going for a feminine ethereal look you dont want the peice to hug as much. You want to keep it flowy while still looking almost seductive. You really arnt too far  from what you're  going for so im impressed." Seonghwa felt like he could die in this moment as he stared at the beautiful man in front of him as he explained his small edits with trained profection. Seonghwa leanded over the man to take in every little edit just a slight bit better, his hand landing close to the smaller mans free hand. He felt his cheeks burn slightly as he turned his attention from the screen to the small man. They were so close. He never thought he would ever be this close to the man he admired so much let alone close enough to truly take in his beauty.

The world seemed to fall away from the pair as Seonghwa ran his eyes over the man. His frustration forgotten and replaced with unadulterated love. He admired the way the mans lilac hair seemed to fall perfectly even as he ran his small hand through it. The way the mans skin was falwless without a hint of make up yet his lips seemed to be plump and glossy. God, his lips looked so soft. The taller man wondered if they would feel as soft as they looked, wondered how they would feel pressed against his own. He let his gaze continue down the mans small frame, how his outfit hugged his body in the perfect places yet still left so much to the imagination. 'Why is he so perfect. Why is he so pretty. Why is he already my everything . I never want to let him go. Please dont make me let him go.'

"There we go that might help with what you're going for." Hongjoong said,breaking the taller man from his spiral. Hongjoong turned to look at the other, their faces only inches apart as there eyes locked. Seonghwa seemed to come back to his sense as he jumped away from the small man like he had been burned, a deep blush coloring his cheeks as the smaller man just chuckled softly. "In case you dont like any of my suggestions you can always hide the layer i drew on and work it out yourself. I just hope i helped just a little bit." The lilac haired man smiled as he gently grasped the raventtes slightly  shakey hand as he placed his stylist in the center of his palm,closing his fingers around it. "I want you to know that i mean every word when i say im impressed with your work Seonghwa. Im honered that you consider me your idol and i hope that as i jumpstart my career again i can continue to be worthy of your admiration. Im happy to call you my future competition!"

" Th-thank you that means the world to me. You are such a amazing person and i-" Seonghwa felt his cheeks burn hotter as Hongjoong placed his finger against his lips, quieting him.

"Please dont say anymore, otherwise ill cry and i am the farthest from a pretty crier" The two chuckled softly as Namjoon and Felix made their way back to the lobby.

"Oh my gosh, Seonghwa!" Felix exclaimed as he ran up to the two, namjoon being practically dragged in the blondes excitement. Seonghwa seemed to jusmp out his skin at the blondes exclamation while Hongjoong just shook his head slightly before putting some distance between them.

"H-hey Felix. Wh-what are you doing here?"

"Oh im out on a boys day with Joonie and Hongie!" Felix exclaimed as he pulled the two men close to him. Hongjoong tried not to chuckle as the mans eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

"You know Hongjoong!? The Kim Hongjoong! The fashion icon and worlds greatest designer!"

"Yes, that Kim Hongjoong! We've been best friends since forever! He was the one that practical built for my cafe." Seonghwa looked between the 3 men for some form
confirmation, Hongjoong nodding softly once their eyes met.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

" You never asked!"
"You still could have mentioned it! Oh god all the things i told you about him and you said nothing!" Seonghwa hid his face in his hands in embarrassment as Hongjoong fixed a questioning gaze on Felix.

"Dont worry i haven't told him a thing! Anyway sorry to make your fan meet short but we..."Felix said as he linked arms with his best friends. "Have a few more stops for boys day before we go meet your hopefully new roommate." Hoongjoong chuckled softly as he pat the small blondes hair.

"Okay you guys head to the car ill get our spot cleaned up. I really dont want to make more work for Hwasa."

"Fine but hurry i dont think i can last through another rant about felix wanting  to get tattooed by his boyfriend because he looks hot doing it but still being horrified of needles." Namjoon teased only earning a small punch in his shoulder before the two men made their way to the car. Hongjoong chuckled softly as he gathered the groups dishes carefully before turning his attention back to the awestruck man that seemed determined to not meet his eye. Hongjoong smiled softly as he lightly grabbed the mans jaw with his free hand, forcing their eyes to lock.

"I'll see you around Seonghwa. Good luck with your piece, i hope i was of help." Seonghwa just smiled softly as he waved goodbye to the man that dropped the dishes off at the counter before leaving the cafe just as gracefully as he entered. Completely unaware of the heart that he had just made soar to the heavens.

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