Confused Much? // l.t

By contaminate

42.8K 976 191

New York City. Portrayed as the busiest city in the world. But behind it's luxurious attributes is your avera... More

01: Beginning of an Adventure
02: "Niall, did you just fart?"
03: Well, that was embarrassing
04: Cat Fights
05: Drastic Decisions
06: National Falling Day?
07: Explanation and... Statue Games
08: Drama Llama
09: Constipation Contest and Goodbye's?
10: Problems and Unknown PedoBears?
11: Brown Substance
12: Going Mad
13: Accidents, Loads and Loads of Accidents
14: Panda's, Haylor and Attacking Floors?
15: Wetness, Smiles and Taken
17: New York City Police and Hatred
18: Broken Beyond Repair
19: Trying to Forget
20: Media Attraction to the Max
21: Hidden Feelings
22: Mood Swings
23: Arrivals
24: Jerk with Tight Pants
25: Over Thinker
26: Barefoot
27: Sixteen Water Balloons
28: Tolerable

16: Lower Regions

1K 34 8
By contaminate

Amanda’s POV:

I couldn’t have felt more stupid.

Here, as I was running past people keeping an eye out for a helpless child, I had a song lyric stuck in my head.

Ed Sheeran’s voice that was great to listen to while having slow sex was flooding thorough my ears.

Eew that’s disgusting… but true.

Keeping an eye out at the person who took Lux –from what I could tell by the haircut and clothing the supposed ‘kidnapper’ was most likely a boy.

‘We’ll play hide and seek, to turn this around.’

The talented gingers relaxing voice out the rising amount of panic that was surging through me to ease.

“Hurry, she’s catching up!” Someone yelled not so far away from my sprinting self.

You can go faster Amanda, I thought as the body ahead of me started running faster, do it for Lux –she needs you.

“Take your time Lo-gan… Logan, it’s not like a child’s life is in your hands!” I heard again from somewhere.

Contemplating whether or not I should scream for help from tourists, or just run so fast that my legs would fall off, I did the most heroic thing possible in a situation like this.

My body got pushed into by what I recall a solid force, causing a huge amount of friction and me and the person in front of me to stumble.

In other words, I collided with the boy who took Lux and we both fell.

“Ouch.” The mystery kidnapper whined from beside my spot on the ground.

I ignored him and while hastily getting up from the grass, which we just so happened to luckily land on, I ran to Lux.

She was strewn upon the mans back, tears threatening to fall from her crystal blue orbs. Loose strands of hair was soon stuck to the sides of her, now wet cheeks.

Softly, but quickly, I picked her up wiping away her tears and humming yet soft tune. The very song that was stuck in my head the whole time during this ‘chase’.

As I was humming ‘Give me Love’ by Ed Sheeran into Lux’s ear, he stirred below me.

No, don’t pity him Amanda, I thought to myself as I looked at the horrible position the man fell in.

He must have fell like that to save Lux from getting hurt, I concluded as I looked at how me fell face first. He must have wanted the child safe if he took her away from me.

Suddenly, all signs of pity for him were gone.

He took her away from me, I repeated over and over again, what kind of sick joke is this?

I didn’t even want to be near him, so I walked away –something I should have done the minute the helpless child was back in the safety of my arms.

From all of the running I did, I was exhausted, so of course I decided to sit on the nearest bench, which thankfully wasn’t very far away.

Still humming into Lux’s ear, I gazed around seeing if anyone noticed the whole ruckus that was just caused by none other than –it all hit me like a brick.

Your friends daughter was just taken from you by a complete ctranger, you chased after the baby, and you fell because he stopped.

Why’d he stop?

Most importantly, why am I not calling the cops on him?

Stupid Amanda, stupid Amanda, I mentally face palmed as I got out my phone –keeping a close eye out for the person laying on the ground from across the pathway.

I gazed over the mans appearance. Sadly, I couldn’t see his face as he was still laying face down on the grass. Why isn’t he moving?

From what I could tell he was wearing cream-colored chinos and a striped shirt.

Interesting choice of clothing…

He was obviously not from here, I thought, his clothes look much too foreign.

Suddenly, a sudden urge took through me. I was out of my state of shock, and I finally got the courage and the common sense to do it.

I dialed in those special three numbers.

A few rings later I heard a lady’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“911 what’s your emergency?”

I gulped, my grip on Lux becoming a little but tighter… she didn’t mind.

“Um… my child –I mean the little girl who I as babysitting was taken from my arms by this man.” I managed to croak out into the small speaker of my phone.

“Okay Miss, did you manage to get her back?” The operator’s calm voice entered my ears.

“Yeah,” I let out a shaky sigh, “He stopped while running away from me. So I picked her up and now I’m sitting on a bench.”

“Do you happen to know where he is?” Asked the lady from the other end of the line.

“He’s still on the grass where we fell, I think he’s just to lazy to get up or the impact of the fall got to him.” I let out a laugh, humor was what I needed right now –even if that small attempt was horrible.

“And where are you?”

“Central Park…” I looked around trying to see what side I’m on, “the north-west side.”

“Okay that’s all I need. We’ll be there shortly, stay there. Don’t go too close to him. I have a feeling he won’t be up in a while.” She spoke and immediately hung up.

I turned off my phone and shoved it in my pocket. Continuing to hum into Lux’s ear, I looked at the people around me.

Most were minding their own business and other was doing the same thing as me. That being looking around helplessly.

I waited for a few minutes, but the appearance of any officers was nowhere to be seen. Shouldn’t they be here right now? I’m writing a complaint.

“Harry, I had so much fun!” Her voice buzzed through my ears.


“Well, I do try my best.” His deep familiar voice cockily sounded somewhere nearby.

I looked up from Lux, and immediately spotted Harry and Taylor walking up the pathway side by side.

“Taylor, Harry! Over here!” I yelled from my spot on the bench.

Their heads snapped towards Lux and I’s direction and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry looked at me with a confused expression and Taylor just seemed annoyed with my presence.

Nonetheless, they walked over [A/N: Surprisingly ‘Nonetheless’ is a word put together. Sorry blonde moment. Continuing on…]

“Hello! Amanda, Lux.” Harry nodded towards us both. “Did you have a fun time?”

“It went… fine.” Meekly, I laughed, they had no idea.

“Well Harry and I had an amazing time! Didn’t we HarryBear?” Taylor nudged the curly haired boy with her elbow.

“Y-yeah, it was fun.” He hesitantly replied not making eye contact with the bubbly blonde at his side.

“Hey..” Harry’s emerald green eyes sparkled my direction. “Why’s Louis’ laying on the other side of the path?”

I looked at him skeptically, “Louis’ not here smart ass.”

“Yeah he is, I can see him wearing my jacket from here.” His head motioned toward the boy whom I called the cops on.

“Wait… that’s Louis?” I asked Harry needing re-assurance.


“The person laying on the grass?”

“Mmhmm.” Harry nodded.

“He’s face down, right?”


I groaned.

“Why so glum Mandy?” Asked Taylor who was obviously enjoying my worried state. At the moment, I couldn’t care less that she used my horrific nickname.

Ignoring her question, I frowned at my current situation.

I just called the police on Louis Tomlinson. 


Shit, I said that out loud.


“How do I wake him up?” Taylor asked Harry and I.

Surprisingly, Harry stayed calm once I told him everything that happened when he left. From Lux getting taken away, from me putting my phone back in my pocket after calling 911. He said I did the right thing, but I knew I dampened his happy mood.

At least when the police show up, he won’t have a spasm.

Now we are currently trying to wake Louis up from the grass, as he turned asleep once I bumped into him… the strange boy.

“I don’t know! Do something, you’re the oldest!” The curls on Harry’s head covered his eyes as he shook his head in exasperation.

“Why don’t we spill water on him or something?” She asked us hopefully.

“Oh, I have a full bottle of it… somewhere.” My pointer finger stood up as I fished around in Lux’s baby backpack that was on her the whole time.

Suddenly, I felt a wetness on my leg.

“Lux!” I whined to the laughing baby behind me.

Crouching down to her level, ignoring Harry and Taylor’s giggles towards the new wet stain on my jeans that was caused by none other than the smirking baby in front of me, I put a hand out to her.

“Pass me the water bottle young lady.” I tried to look stern, failing miserably.

“Gone!” She clapped her hands, and I noticed how wet the ground was around her.

“Lux spilt the water!” I told the two people watching intently behind me as I wrapped the jacket a bit tighter around the baby –not wanting her to catch a cold.

“Then we only have one solution.” Taylor looked at Harry and I slyly, as I stood back up and faced them.

“Which is?” Harry waited for her to tell us.

I however mentally hoped that whatever her plan was, it didn’t involve me in any way at all.

When I heard it however, my heart stopped.

“Mandy has to kiss Louis! That’ll wake him up for sure!”

Somebody pass me a drink, because now is a great time to do a spit take.

No bloody way.

“No bloody way.” Harry voiced my thoughts his tone bewildered at Taylors proposal.

“Why don’t you do it Taylor?” I asked, trying to sound challenging.

“Id you haven’t noticed, I have a boyfri–um, company.” She recovered from her obvious slip, Harry’s cheeks turning a rosy red.

“Plus that’s like asking Lux to kiss him! It’s inhumane!” Taylor continued.

‘It’s inhumane!’ her voice repeated in my head. That comment caught me incredibly off guard.

Harry looked like he was about to punch someone.

Luckily, he calmed down and said something that made me breathe out a sigh of relief, “There’s paparazzi here, and no one should be kissing people out in public.”

“That’s right No one, no one, no oneeee!” I broke down into my inner Alicia Keys, but immediately stopped once I saw the looks Harry and Taylor were giving me. “I mean, I agree 100% Harry.” I nodded, however Taylor let out a un-attractive grunt.

Sadly, she still looked attractive.

“I say let’s just kick ‘em in the lower region.” I suggested, shrugging.

“It’s out only hope, I guess.” Harry shrugged as well, seeming satisfied with our decision.

We crowded around his legs, and Harry’s long fingers moved his legs apart –just enough so he could get a good shot.

God Amanda, what have you started?

“I’ll do it. Don’t want you ladies to be poking around there.” He winked at the two of us.

“Perv.” I muttered, hoping nobody heard.

Seeing as no one did hear, we all watched (including Lux) Harry’s right leg move back, his knee bending backwards, and as soon as his foot made contact with Louis’ crotch, we all winced.

Harry winced.

Taylor winced.

Lux winced.

Paparazzi winced.

The lions winced.

Sea otters winced.

“WHAT THE?” A Doncaster accent rung through my ears.

As much as I felt like running away from the poor boy in pain, I stayed and watched him flip around and hold his ‘area’.

Gosh, I feel horrible.

Louis’ POV:

“WHAT THE?” I screeched as I woke up, suddenly felt a horrible pain in my balls.

My hands automatically shielded my lower region in fear of it getting hurt again.

Slowly I stood up from the ground, and my eyes met three people looking at me in pity.

I recognized Harry the second I saw his eyes, beside him stood Miss Pop star and after her came Amanda –who was looking beautiful as ever.

I tried to forget about the excruciating pain in my lower area but it was impossible. So instead I tried to focus on the situation I was in at the moment.

“What?” I breathily exclaimed, gesturing to my crotch as I slowly got up in the speed of a tortoise. I stood limply as I waited for someone to explain.

“We needed to make you up.” Mumbled Amanda who was looking at the ground, avoiding everyone’s gaze.

“Uh huh.” I looked at them in disbelief, sarcastically nodding as if I knew what they were talking about.

“Who did it?” My eyes peered at the three guilty looking people, who were now all avoiding my gaze.

“Harry!” Exclaimed Taylor almost immediately.

“Hey, it wasn’t my idea!” He argues back defensively.

“Then who’s idea was it?” I asked once again, wincing as the pain became much more strong.

“Amanda!” Taylor yelled again, smirking at my expression.

I was plain angry… but a little confused to why she did it.

My gaze wandered to the embarrassed looking girl whose attention was still directed to the ground.

She looks beautiful, shut up I told myself. Just forgive the stunning lady, Go away.

“Sorry.” Amanda mumbled, of course her gaze was still on the ground.

Instead of replying I just sighed. For one, I didn’t want to say something I’d regret later. Two, I was just plain confused… and a bit pissed.

“Would you want some ice?” Harry asked, breaking the silence.

“That’d be great.”

“So let’s go find some!” Taylor looked at me excitedly.

We started to leave, but then I remembered that I brought Zayn, Liam and Niall with me. Or should I say that they practically forced me to let them come.

Whatever, they’re old enough to venture around by themselves.

As we all shuffled away, I saw Amanda turn around and pick up a familiar baby who was previously playing around in the grass.

“Lux!” I exclaimed happily.

My smile turned into a frown as I saw her whimper at the sight of me.

“C’mon now Lux, he’s not that ugly.” Harry joked and nudged me with his shoulder, immediately catching me off guard as I was still trying to stand up without tipping over.

“She’s scared of you.” Amanda stated, no emotion evident on her face.

“May I ask why?”

“I don’t know, maybe because you practically kidnapped her from me?” Sarcasm dripped off her words, but she Amanda kept her gaze forward.

“Guys not here. Not now.” Mumbled Harry, not looking at either of us as he and Taylor were focused on finding some ice.

“Plus that mustache of your face makes you look like a pedophile.” Amanda continued, not bothering to obey Harry’s instruction.

“Hey!” I fought back.

“Here we are!” Taylor put an end to our bickering.

Wow, what crawled up Amanda’s ass?

“You wish you were up my ass.” Amanda shot back at me, smirking at her high defeat.

I better stop saying my thoughts out loud.

“No we don’t need any of your ice cream sir, we just need some ice.” Harry told a small man working at a ice cream trolley on the side of the path.

Hesitantly, the man have him a packet of ice and with some exchanged ‘Thanks’, we left to go find a un-occupied bench to sit on. 

“Found one!” Taylor motioned to a bench with only room for two.

“C’mon Taylor, I know you want special time with Harry, but there’s a perfectly good bench right beside you that’ll fit all of us. Plus, I’m sure Harry and jerk butt over here might want to sit together… as I’m sure they’re best friends. Am I correct?” Amanda checked with Harry who gave her a meek nod.

Sassy, I like it. What is it with me thinking like that? And why’d she call me freaking ‘jerk butt’?

“How am I jerk butt?”

“Check yourself before you ask questions Lou.” Amanda replied, as we all sat on a bench.

Instead of me feeling offended, I felt jitters run through me once she called me ‘Lou’… and I mean those jitters in a good way.

Oh my god Louis, I thought to myself. What are you thinking?

Amanda’s right, I do need to check myself.


*Not edited* Wow, I've gone through this and I've just noticed how many swear words were in this chapter. Oops? Anyways, I want to thank anyone who has ever read this story. I almost say this is ever chapter, but you guys really have no idea how much it means to me. 

If any of you guys want a chapter deddicated to you, please take your time to write a comment below :) 

This chapter was extra long with not much of a cliffhanger, I wanted to put you guys at rest Haah! Talk to you beautiful people next chapter!

Much Love,

Stay Bootiful!


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