The rise of the black eon

By Misty9800

380 3 5

Ash starts to head with pikachu home to tell his mom about his victory in alola. Yet he discovers a secret wh... More

Secret uncovered

A Dangerous Situation

146 2 2
By Misty9800

Ash was asleep like usual, it was getting pretty late but ash still was asleep like always, and unfortunately so was pikachu, ash was then awake by a loud roar from incinerator which woke up both ash and pikachu ,ash was so close to using psychic by accident but held himself and looked at his pokemon

"Oh my Arceus... you will never stop waking me up like that" ash said as incinerator laughed and so did his other pokemon

"Ash your late for school come on quickly get up!" Rotom said as ash nodded while him and pikachu went to get ready quickly and eat breakfast with his pokemon, ash then started to run with pikachu, ash and pikachu were running a lot and finally made it but they were late, ash fell while going in to class and so was pikachu, they both were tired and exhausted

"Ash your pretty late i already arrived here and didn't see you knowing you were still asleep I left you breakfast" kukui said looking at the boy and pikachu which were collapsed at the floor

"Well... y'a know.... At least.... I.... Made.... It..... huff" ash said looking extremely tired as he got up and carried pikachu and then sat on his desk while putting pikachu down then rests his head on the table

"Was there ever a day when he came to school in time?" Vikavolt says

"Well he tries to get here at times and at times he doesn't" tsareena said shrugging

"Well today class we will be learning about-" kukui said as class began, it was pretty much the same like every class interesting and boring at times, ash can't help but wonder what would he do if he had to tell his friends about his latios form and power, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it

"So are you telling them?" Asked pikachu

"Do you think saying I'm a legendary pokemon is that easy?" Ash said through telepathy

"Since when did-"

Ash said cutting off pikachu and answering his question

"Well let's say training the mind helped concentrate my psychic powers" ash said looking at his starter then focusing on the lesson

After a few hours class has finished and everyone was getting their lunch's out and eating

"So has anyone heard about the black repear?" Lillie asked

"The black repear?" Ash questioned

"It was the name of a fast pokemon that flew in alola none knows what it looks like or what it is, we just know that it's black and it's big much bigger then kiawes turtonator, and never to be seen again" mallow said

"Yeah I haven't seen any sightings of the black repear" lana said

"Why was it called the black repear?" Ash said

"Because the pokemon started to behave strangely and the tapus started to appear on melee melee more often, tapu koko and tapu fini sightings have gone haywire being all over the place, as for tapu bulu it was mostly in the forest and tapu lele on the beach and also sometimes in the forest, it's as if this pokemon attracted the deities that they leave their islands much more often then regular" Sophocles explained

"Oh I see-" ash said as he heard a noise outside the school, it was the sound of pokemon alongside some people with red R letters on their clothes, one with blue hair another with pink hair and a small cat, alongside a blue looking creature, it was the troublesome group again causing mayhem outside, everyone rushed outside quickly

"What are you doing here team rocket?" Ash said not knowing a faint bluish aura was flowing from his body

"Prepare for trouble!"
"And make it double!"
"To protect the world from devastation!"
"To unite all peoples within our nations!"
"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light, surrender now or prepare for a fight!"
"Meowth! That's right!"

"Not you guys again what are you doing here?" Mallow said

"We're here to take pikachu" Jessie said

"Not gonna happen!" Ash said as pikachu nodded standing on the battlefield

"Try to get me you dumb trio won't be able to!" Pikachu said

"That pikachu's really confident dat we won't catch it, but y'all are forgetin about our robot" meowth said clicking a button as a giant robot appeared behind team rocket, then the giant team rocket grabbed ash with its hand

"Don't you think this is a good time to hand pikachu unless you want the twerp to get hurt" Jessie said

"Ash!" Pikachu said as he used iron tail on the machine but it didn't do anything

"You have to do a lot more then tem weak punches to break this baby" meowth said smirking

"Now hand pikachu and your pokemon unless you want the twerp to get it" Jessie said, she clicked on a remote and the grip on the robots hand that was holding ash hit tighter and ash screamed in pain

"We're not actual going to hurt the twerp are we? It's a bit far even for us" James whispered

"Of course not, we may be thieves but we aren't monsters, we're just going to leave them at a tight spot" Jessie said

"Wobbuffet!" Wobbuffet said agreeing with his partners

"What do we do Professor?" Asked lillie worried about their friend, the professor was more worried considering that ash was a son figure to him

"Aurghhhh!" Ash groaned feeling his rib cage breaking from the tightness of the robots hold

suddenly a blackish aura was surrounding ash and the robot, the aura was visible making everyone suprised, soon a huge bluish light was covering ash and the robot let go off ash, soon ash's body changed into a black latios suprising everyone even the rocket trio

"Wh-what's going on?" Jessie said

"Is that...." Lillie said almost fainting as she saw the black looking eon pokemon

Then ash opened his eyes instead of the blackish pupils it showed glowing red eyes, out of anger his body had a yellowish aura around him as he rammed onto the robot pushing it far away, the rocket trio was shivering then took out their pokemon

"Mimikyu shadow ball"
"Mareanie use poison sting!"

Jessie and James said pointing at the black latios, both pokemon complied firing their attacks, ash dodged the poison sting and shadow ball, then he charged in with a dragon claw and hit mareanie making her stumble back, then used dragon pulse on mimikyu pushing the pokemon back and growling at them loudly

"Wh-what I-I-incredible p-power" Sophocles said

"H-he looks angry" lillie said

"He's going to loss control if he continues we have to do something" kiawe said

"But standing in his way seems dangerous especially if he is angry" mallow said

"It's going to be hard. Ash being an eon pokemon means he is incredible strong and he is in a fighting frenzy fighting like he is using outrage, he's like a midnight lycanroc we can't calm him down right now or he might attack us aswell" kukui said

"Shadow claw!"

Jessie and James said as both pokemon use their attacks trying to land a hit, only to have the Venoshock miss and shadow claw was deflected by ash's shadow claw

Then ash charged a huge amount of energy on his mouth and then fired it at the air, then huge meteors came down from the sky and hit mareanie and mimikyu back to their trainers

Then ash charged another attack but the energy was colored white and then fired at the rocket trio making them fly away

"We're blasting off again....!" Team rocket said flying away alongside their robot, probably to bewear's house

"TIOS!" The giant black latios roared still angry as it turned around still with glowing red eyes

"Now is it a good time to run?" Sophocles said

The giant black latios prepared shot a dragon pulse at them but was hit by a rock throw, everyone turned to see ash's alola pokemon glaring at the black latios getting infront of the others, clueless that it is their trainer they start to attack the pokemon, the black latios had a hard time getting hit by the pokemons attack, he got some hits on them but not a lot

"We need to stop them before ash gets hurt anymore" lillie said running towards the pokemon

"Yeah we need to calm them down" kiawe said running alongside her while everyone but kukui followed

"Wait!" Kukui said trying to stop them but to no avail

The black latios fell towards the ground and laid there unable to move, ash's friends were standing infront of the black latios which made ash's pokemon confused

"Th-that thing I-is ash" Pikachu said looking at their shocked faces, they then stopped as they saw the black latios laying there

A few hours later

Ash was slowly opening his eyes waking up from his sleep as he shook his head and tried to focus on where he was at, he saw that he was in his class but his neck felt longer, he immediately knew he was in his latios form

"What happened..." ash said in poke speech while waking up

"Well one thing for sure your an idiot" Pikachu said as he then hit ash's head with his pawn

"Oww stop that I feel like someone threw rocks at me" ash said but to humans it was just coos

"That..may have been me." Lycanroc (dusk) said as he walked towards the eon pokemon lowering his head

Ash shook his head and was able to concentrate, he looked around and saw his friends gathered around him alongside their pokemon and his own pokemon

"Oh arceus.. you explain I still have a huge headache" ash said and just kept laying on his stomach and just lays his head on the table he was on, all the classmates and kukui were all just confused because they just hear cooing

Pikachu explains everything to the pokemon as ash transforms into a human then explains everything to his friends and teacher

"Oh wow.. we're so sorry you never knew" kukui said

"Well it's kinda cool if you think about it having a friend that's a legendary pokemon" sophocles said

"Does it mean your a full pokemon?" Lillie said

"I don't think so, although it's confusing pokemon can't use Z moves alone, maybe ash is half a pokemon and half a human?" Kukui said

"So ash is half a pokemon and half human? That's Cool!" Mallow said

"It was an interesting day for sure" kiawe said

"So what are you going to do now?" Kukui asked

"Maybe I will go back to unova maybe I could find some of my old friends there, I wanted to show you all and my pokemon my form but I was also afraid that you and my pokemon won't take it well.." ash said only to have lycanroc jump onto ash's lap and lick his face, incinerator goes and hugs ash while melmetal joins the hug and rowlet chirps happily and stays on top of ash's head

"Why would you be scared? We're all a family here" mallow said

"Yeah plus its fun having to be your friend and rival" kiawe said

"I agree plus someone needs to be there so you don't do something stupid again" sophocles said

"It was fun having you as a fishing partner and I understand why you were scared I was like that once" lana said

"We're still friends ash and also a family so don't worry" lillie said

"Your always welcome to stay in alola for as long as you want" kukui said

"Thank you everyone" ash said transforming into his latios form

"And maybe you could all help me adjust to this? I barely know any pokemon moves and haven't really tried using them" ash said through telepathy

"You can use telepathy?!" Questioned lillie

"Yeah I kinda figured it out" ash replied

"Well me and turtonator can help you train and use pokemon moves if you'd like" kiawe said

"Yeah!" Turtonator said

"Wait if ash is half pokemon can he understand our pokemon?" Mallow asks as everyone including the other pokemon looked at ash

"Yes I can" ash said through telepathy

"So ash what are you planing to do now?" Kukui asks

"I am going to go towards unova i just wanted to ask my alolan pokemon if they wanted to come along" ash said as he turned to look at his alolan pokemon

"I'm going to come along" lycanroc said which just sounded like barks to the others

"Me too" incinerator said

"Me too and I will get to sleep more so" rowlet said

"Since rowlet is going I'm going too" melmetal said

"And you know I'm always up for adventure" Pikachu said as he then hopped onto ash's back

"Then let's go get that adventure" ash said as he smiles and then turns to his human form and returns his pokemon then puts them in his adventure dex

"So your really going to go now?" Lillie asks

"Yeah, i need to go back to old places and see friends" ash said

"Well I guess this is it then" mallow said

"Mhm" ash nodded

"Well i guess it's a goodbye again" kiawe said

"Oh man I'm not good at second goodbyes" sophocles said

"It has been fun ash" lana said

"Remember that alola is always here whenever you want to come and rest or to just see us again" kukui said with a smile

"I will" ash said hugging kukui while the whole class joined the hug

"Goodbye everyone" ash said as he turns into his latios form and everyone waved goodbye as he flies away with pikachu on his back

A few mintues after flying a white portal opens and ash goes through it because he was flying fast he didn't have the right reaction time since he hasn't been a latios for a long time to focus while flying, he flew through and then almost hit a huge pillar before stopping and stepping back while pikachu was still on his back

"Where are we?" Ash said as he looked around, he was suprised seeing all the legendary pokemon looking at him, he was shivering and realized he was standing in the middle of a huge room with thrones of all the legendaries

"We've been expecting you ash" A huge white goat pokemon with plates floating around it said as he sat on the biggest throne

"Arceus?" Ash said looking up at the god pokemon

To be continued

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