🏳️‍🌈✨Shigadabi One-Shots✨🏳...

By K3nmaKur0o

134 1 0

This is a ShigaDabi one shot book because I love this ship. There will prob be smut but I am not good at writ... More

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🏳️‍🌈The Confession🏳️‍🌈 ✨Fluff✨

64 1 0
By K3nmaKur0o

Everyone had just gotten back from a mission. Shigaraki's plan failed once again. He seemed angry but there was something else there and everyone could see it. "Im going to my room don't bother me." Shiggy said in his raspy voice everyone just watched as he walked out of the bar. Dabi mainly the only person who knew he loved shiggy was Toga who he trusts deeply even though he doesn't show it. Dabi was never really good at showing his emotions so he hid them.

Dabi POV-
I look over to Toga, she is looking at me. We share eye contact for a minute and then she gently nods her head. I let out a "Tch" sound and start to walk to shiggy's room. "Didn't he say don't bother him!?" Twice said. I just ignored him and kept walking. Once at the door of the said villains room. I was about to knock until I heard shuffling, sounded like bed sheets along with some sniffling. I check to see if the door was unlocked and surprisingly it was. I slowly crack open the door and walk in slowly trying not to make any noise. I shut the door behind me. The room is dark only illuminated, with a small light plugged into the wall. I look around to see shiggy on his bed the blankets covering his face and the top half of his body his shoes on the floor. "G-go away." His voice was slightly muffled by the blankets but I could tell he was crying. I slowly walk over to the bed.

Shiggy POV-
I feel the bed dip, signifying that someone was on my bed. I didn't know who since I didn't bother to look at them as they came in. I feel the blanket being pulled off my face, I keep a tight grip on it glad that I had my gloves on so it didn't disintegrate. But in the end I gave up letting the person pull the blanket off. Only to come face to face with Dabi. I quickly turn over so he doesn't see me crying I don't want him to see me in my weak state. But then I feel an arm wrap itself around my waist and a hand run through my messy hair rubbing my scalp soothingly. I was surprised at first but slowly melted into the touch letting all my feelings out.

Narrator POV -
The only sound that could be heard throughout the room were quite sobs and sniffles, and the calm comforting sound of Dabi's word's. After a while shiggy stopped crying turning to face Dabi and snuggling into his chest. Dabi's hand still in shiggys hair and one wrapped around his waist.

"Thank you." Shigaraki said into Dabi's chest. Dabi chuckled and placed a soft kiss onto shigaraki's head. You could see Shigaraki's face turn red. "I love you..." Dabi said a bit hesitant, afraid of being rejected. "I-i love you to..." Shigaraki said in a low voice but was loud enough for Dabi to hear. Dabi smiled happy that shiggy felt the same way. "You wanna be my boyfriend?" Dabi asked. Shiggy laid there for a moment speechless at what he just hear the man he loved say."Yes!" Shigaraki said.

*A few months later*

Narrator POV -
Everything is going great. Dabi and shiggy came out to everyone and they were all very accepting and happy for them. Toga would always tease Dabi about it but nothing bad. Shiggy would always get flustered when Dabi kissed him. Of course Dabi and Shiggy got into arguments sometimes but they always apologized to eachother and made up. They share a room now. Dabi is trying to work on Shigaraki's scratching habit which is still in progress. But other than that everything is great and they couldn't be happier.


The Next Update will be headcannon's some of them may not be accurate cause they are my headcannon's and what I think their relationship would be like. Also there will be Fluff,and NSFW headcannnon's cause why not. Anyways thats all bye!

- Zack 

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