Where? || Razer/Reader [Disco...

By AkitasStories

3.6K 92 85

Another novelisation reader insert fic can be found on my profile. This one is unfinished! . (Y/N) (Y/L) is... More

Beware My Power (1)
Razer's Edge
Into The Abyss
Heir Apparent
Lost Planet
Author's Note
Searching for a beta reader

Beware My Power (2)

434 10 4
By AkitasStories

A/N: I have a new fic! It's Razer x reader oneshots, there I will dumb any stupid ideas I decide to write!
Link to the book: https://www.wattpad.com/story/312922331?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=AkitasStories&wp_originator=rK6ddWwSXQv2efRfG13kD%2FX4OgPlTuF59PLy%2FJd13%2FjVTAWKwWPU4LPfeU5rvZwJKdZT1sYWV3fISpvBJ0E0Ktc1dV4tAQfv3FgP3wEJW%2BzZlUc6VdQZQufKdN9qKqXa
(I have absolutely no idea should it be so long)
And I realised I probably wrote Demrax 7 wrong so uh ;_;
Anyway, enjoy the second part!

We were all in the cockpit, slowly flying. The boys were talking about what had happened and discussing how awful these Lantern Killers are.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Hal say.

"Hm?" I asked and looked at him.

"Are you okay? You didn't talk much," he asked me.

"Oh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine!" I said a little hesitant about what I will say next. Should I tell them? Probably not... I did try anyway. "But there is something-"

I was cut off by Aya. "The guardians are calling."

Three holograms appeared.

"Hal Jordan, (Y/N) (Y/L) of Earth, you're soon to be former Green Lanterns of sector 2814!" Appa immediatelly started accusing us. I began freaking out at the thought of loosing my ring so I stood up from my chair and spoke.

"Why me? He was the one that dragged me into this!"

"Quiet." Appa said, annoyed. I also got a look of disproval from Kilowog which added to my panic. Appa pointed at Hal. "You're now charged with treason, grant theft and..."

"Let's postpone my lynching until I tell you a couple of things," Hal cut him off. Appa did not look happy at all from the disrespect we were showing.

"What have you found, Hal Jordan?" Ganthet asked.

"You see these handsome devils?" Hal asked, making a hologram of the two we fought earlier. My eyes were glued to the tall one, wondering why he didn't kill me and if I should say what he did. That would help, right? "Ring any bells?" I heard Hal say. Ah, how could I not love it when I stop paying attetion.

"Red Lanterns?" Sayd asked. "Are you sure?"

"He has concocted this ruse to save himself from a deserved punishment!" Appa continued, unbelieving us.

"Respectfuly sir, I got an aching jaw and two hurt Green Lanterns that say there ain't no ruse," Kilowog got in the conversations, being the only civilised one from the whole thing.

"Their power rings fire some sort of red energy," I explained.

"They have rings?" Sayd questioned. I could see something was wrong... Did she know about them? "Powered by what?"

"Best guess? A huge desire to mash us all into pulp," Hal said.

"Most likely. They do not like smart-ass comments as well," I repeated my words from earlier.

"Kilowog, what is your recommendation?" Ganthet turned to him.

"I say we go back to Oa, cramp the ship with as many GLs as she'll hold, ultra warp back and kick their red butts until they're back and blue," he explained as I tried to hold down my laughter.

"Despite the colorful terminology, a logical course of action," Sayd agreed.

"Sensors have picked up an unmanned probe sweeping the area. Markings match the insignia of the recently encountered hostiles." Aya said.

"Right, Red Lanterns," I looked out the window.

"Aya, plan the intercept course, it's go time," Hal commanded.

"Hal Jordan of Earth, do not terminate this communication, we're..." Appa tried to stop him.

"Sorry, we've gotta take this," Hal excused.

"This was kind of stupid," I said and saw that a machine flew in front of us, turning around for a bit before continuing. Hal immediately followed it.

He was navigating nicely between the asteroids and gave out another command. "Forget about scaring it, just blast it!"

I pressed a couple of buttons, trying to aim, Kilowog doing the same thing. The machine shot at us back, a lot of red light coming in through the window. I put my face in my hands, trying not to go blind.

"Shield degrading." I heard Aya say. The thing blasted at us again but this time we missed it.

The whole chase did not seem to be doing well onto Shyir Rev, who owed from the pain.

"Hal, break off, stick to the plan. We go for reinforcements, then come back," Kilowog said. I was also worried about this. If we take a few more hits, this could be crucial for the ship.

"We can't let this thing give away our position." Hal answered him, seeming very stupid but until now, everything worked so I decided to stop questioning every single thing... Although this did require questioning.

"What position? We're going home! Red Lanterns caught you in your pants down and now you want payback!" Kilowog shouted. The machine we were chasing shot back at us and did not miss this time.

"Direct hit to port ampoules. Shield's degrading to critical. Please do not let that happen again." Aya annouced.

"Get ready to fire when I clear that rock." Hal commanded, ignoring what Aya and Kilowog just said. He made a drill with his ring and drilled through the asteroid. We got right in front of the Red Lantern's machine.

"Peek-a-boo." I heard Hal behind me and I shot, destroying the probe.

"Happy?" I asked, annoyed with Hal. Kilowog had a point.

"That felt good," he said and sat back in his chair.

"Probe like that means that Red Lanterns are more than two killers with rings and a symbol. They're organised," Shyir spoke.

"He's right. We might be in serious trouble," I added.

"Yeah. Well, looks like we have to head back home and load up the boys like we planned. Aya, take us home," Hal said. I was hoping nothing like what happened before will happen now.

"Arching ultra-warp drives. Ready in three, two, one. Impel." She said. I felt the battery loading. We were sent fast forward, but there was a sharp stop and I hit my head. I quickly got up like nothing happened.

"If this happens everyday, I'll retire at the age of 30," I frowned.

"Are we there yet?" Shyir asked.

"Aya, what happened?" I turned to her.

"Overload due to crack in the ultra warp coil. Most likely caused by the last missile hit by the enemy's probe," she informed.

"For the record, she said most likely not totally likely," Hal tried to escape any accusation.

"There's no such thing as totally likely!" I got up from my seat.

"Are you the one whos going to teach me English?" Hal looked at me.

"If you keep not knowing your language, I will," I gave him a smile.

"What does what Aya said mean?" Shyir asked.

"It means we're gonna be a little late to Oa. That's okay, I like to make an entrance," Hal said.

"You did make a big one today," I once again smiled at his direction as he looked at me, now getting annoyed by the little game we started. I began to walk around the cockpit.

"Aya, please estimate time for repairs," Hal turned to her.

"Calculating... In nine point two-"

"Nine minutes, no problem," Hal cut her off.

"Nine point two one months," She finished her sentence as I stopped and looked at her hologram, surprised.

"Okay..." Hal thought for a second as I felt like I should say something in the lines of 'That will be a great entrance' but stopped myself because this was serious. "Can we form a contruct and replace the defective part for the ride home?"

"The construct would have to be an exact copy of the ultra warp coil mechanism and it's fifty-six moving parts," I looked at Hal, then Kilowog who also returned me a look and then at Shyir Rev. "To in a point one six point micro tolerance."

"Can one of you do that?" Hal asked and looked at each one of us, expecting a reply.

"I make hammers," Kilowog shrugged.

"And I make animals." I said as I made a wolf with my ring, making it growl when Hal spoke then having it disappear.

"Look, maybe it's for the best," Hal turned in my direction and seemed disappointed because he thought I had passed this 'phase' of using my ring for making animals. "The Guardians won't deal with the problem like we will. We'll make those Red Lanterns pay."

Shyir seemed to have fainted. I quickly walked over to him and asked "is he alright?"

"Just a little light-headed," he answered me.

"He has taken a beating, he needs a real doctor or he's not making nine hours, nevermind nine months," I elbowed Kilowog in the arm because what he said was not the nicest thing.

"I was kind of looking forward to seeing Oa..." Shyir spoke and I caught sadness and hope in his voice.

"Aya, scan for the nearest inhabited world," Hal commanded. "Preferably one with a hospital."

"Don't bother, I know my own sector. We're not far from my home colony," the Green Lantern said as I went to my chair and sat down again.

"Sounds like a good place to lay low for a while and get you fixed up." Kilowog said.

The ship went in the direction of Rev's home planet. I was sitting deep in my seat, watching the board in front of me with all the buttons and overthinking about what Kilowog had said and Shyir's wish.

We landed on the planet. It was beautiful and full of life. We were greeted by Shyir's wife, who was the first one to come up and then go for her stuff, checking her husband.

Shyir owed when his wife did something with the instruments. "Don't be such a baby."

"Very handy to have a doctor for a wife," Hal smiled.

"Medicine's something I picked up because of my husband's second job," she explained, showing us Shyir's ring.

"She's actually the colony's head geologist," Shyir Rev said. "I was an engineer. That's how we met. Beata's the genious who used the volcano's lava for thermal power."

"So is that your secret identity? Engineer?" Hal asked.

"Secret what?" Shyir and his wife were confused. It was understandable. Small colony, no need to worry about anything.

Kilowog laughed and got up from the rock he was sitting on. "That's Hal's hang up. That thing on his face, it's a mask. He wears it in case some of those earthlings sneaks onto the interceptor while we're in space, minding our own business and goes 'AHA! The Green Lantern on my planet is Hal Jordan! I'm telling everyone!'"

We all started laughing at the little scene Kilowog made.

"I have a mask too," I said as I stopped laughing and revealed it. "I just hate wearing it in space."

"Talk to me when your planet invents paparazzi and the news 24 hours cylce." Hal crossed his arms. He had a point but wearing the mask in space was pretty useless.

I heard a child shout and I turned to see a small girl which looked a lot like her parents run towards Shyir.

"Wait! Who is this giant?" He asked. "What have you done with my daughter Amala?"

The child laughed and hugged her father. It was so cute, seeing families unite after a long time. It made me think of how there was no way for me to settle down on one place and have children on my own... unless The Guardians do what they threatened to.

"Now, now, time for hugs later. Let daddy rest," Beata took the child away.

I looked over at Kilowog, who walked to the edge of the cliff. He seemed upset, even more than me. Shyir went to him and I watched them talk although I could not hear their conversation. Hal got up and I decided to follow.

"...Even here we heard about it's destruction," I heard Shyir speak, I was guessing it was Kilowog's planet.

"Your planet was destroyed?" Hal asked. "I-I never knew. How di-"

He was cut off by Kilowog. "Just concentrate and get us out of this mess you made, hotshot."

"Attention." Aya's voice came up and I jumped from surprise. "I have found a tracking device under the intreceptor's hull and I require assistance removing it."

Hal scanned the ship, finding the device and smashing it.

"You think they-" I ran down to where Hal landed and asked. I jumped by a loud bang and turned around to see a giant rock coming out from a portal. I flew to the edge of the cliff, watching what will happen next. The thing dropped a big cylinder, which propped itself up on four legs and showed a hologram.

"This colony now enjoys the protection of the Red Lantern Corp. You have been liberated from the tyranny of The Guardians but there are Green Lanterns here. You have one solar hour to bring these war criminals to us or your planet wil be vaporised." The Red Lantern spoke.

After his speech was over, the hologram disappeared. I had no idea how tall he was but seeing his ugly face in that size was something horrifying. What was even more was what he said. The rock which dropped the bomb slowly went up and the portal disappeared.

"Those murdering Red-" Hal began getting annoyed.

"We have to turn ourselves over to them," Shyir cut him off.

I was getting annoyed as well, I was not only scared for my life but I wanted to fight till I could no more. That would most likely costed the colony's life.

"Shyir, no!" His wife said.

"We don't have a choice!" He turned around to face her.

"These guys are murderers, they're gonna blow up this rock no matter what you do!" Kilowog said.

"They are gonna destroy this planet for the fun of it, even if we give up." I joined with my thoughts. "We can't do anything, if we give up... another colony will disappear... Do you seriously want that?" I faced the Lanterns and they shook their heads.

"We do have a choice," Hal said after staring at the bomb for a bit. "We can fight them and keep fighting until we can't fight anymore!"

It was like Hal just voiced my thoughts. "That thing is a fortress, a front attack would be suicide!" Kilowog stepped closer and pointed the bomb.

"Hey, if you have another idea, I'm all ears but we've got to take that thing out!" Hal argued.

"The Earth man is right, we must go!" Shyir Rev had changed his mind now. This is the spirit of a Green Lantern!

I slowly flew up with Hal and Kilowog, waiting for the other Lantern.

"Shyir, wait!" His wife called out. "I have another way..."

We landed. She brought us to their tent looking houses and showed us a map then a device and explained to us how to use them. We formulated a plan and got out of there, everybody in our own ways.

"Accourding to Beata's map, we're right under it." Shyir said. Me, him and Kilowog were in a bubble, flying in the volcano and trying to reach the bomb from underneath. Hal went to distract whoever was in it.

"Boy, I hope she's right about this, I'm baking here!" Kilowog said.

"She's always right," Shyir reassured us.

We flew up to the bomb and made our way in it. We went up some staircases and reached a door. I shot it and entered in what I suppose was the control room.

"Why do they even have those?" I said, looking around the room. "How many planets have they destroyed? And for what?"

"It's scary, isn't it?" Kilowog turned around to look behind me.

Shyir started working on the bomb and I asked. "You think you can disarm it?"

"I'll need a few minutes," he informed.

A red energy got shot at us and I saw the same guy who didn't kill me come closer. He jumped with his ring loaded. I jumped to the side, missing his attack. Kilowog made a shield and I hid behind it. The Red Lantern kept breaking it and I used that time, before Kilowog made a new one, to shoot at the Lantern.

"Hurry up, Rev," Kilowog said. The Red Lantern landed and shot at us again and pushed Kilowog over me. He fastly got up from me.

"This guy's not playing around," I said as I also got up and turned around to see him approaching us.

"This is your fault. You, Green Lanterns, might enjoy destroying worlds but I do not!" The Red Lantern shouted.

"Destroying worlds or killing?" I shouted as Kilowog made another hammer and threw the Lantern on the floor.

"In case you haven't been keeping up on current events, you were the ones who put this here and pressed the button!" Kilowog said. The Lantern got up and looked at us. "You wanna help? Stop fighting us!"

"I won't listen to your lies! I'll destroy you!" The Red Lantern shouted. I guess he gives no more than one chance and now it was my time.

He loaded his ring and made something like a whip, trying to hit Kilowog who had a hammer and me, who made a shield. I quickly turned my shield into a bat and tried to hit the Red Lantern but he managed to miss it.

"And what? You're gonna be a mass murdered by blowing up the planet?" Kilowog asked. "You know who you are fighting, kid, but what are you fighting for?"

This made the Red Lantern think. He stopped again and looked at Shyir and then me. I was standing in a fighting position, with the sword still in my hands.

This didn't last long because Kilowog hit him out of the bomb. The Lantern flew off and I decided to follow him. He did not realise that I was and I flew behind him until we got into space.

I made a hammer and landed a hit on his back when I finally got closer. He turned, making another whip but when he saw me, he just flew further away from me. At that moment, I heard cracking and turned around to see the whole planet cracking up.

I made a bubble to protect me from everything which started flying in my direction. I put my face in my hands and curled in a ball in my bubble.

As I opened my eyes and turned off my bubble, I looked around. The Red Lantern was gone... so was the planet. I couldn't see anyone around. I started shouting. At first I was calling for Hal, Aya, Kilowog or Shyir. When I got no reply for around I minute or so, I began shouting for a Red Lantern too. Well, I didn't know names so I just shouted the words. I was panicking. I would even take the beachball Red Lantern. I flew fast around all the rocks until I heard a scream from my left.

I immediately went in that direction. Whatever it was, it was alive and could help me. I saw Hal and, I think the Red Lantern, in a bubble. "Hal!" I shouted and threw myself on his neck, happy that he is alive.

"Oh, I see you missed me," he gave me a smile.

"You're gonna help me with this, hotshot?" I heard Kilowog behind me. I turned around to see he had the whole colony and was carrying it. "I got most of the colonists before the Big Bang but my ring's running low."

I hugged him as well. "What happened?" He asked confused.

"I can help," I heard Aya and looked up. She took the colonists off of Kilowog.

"What's he doing inside that bubble?" Kilowog asked once he noticed the Red Lantern.

"Nevermind him. You are a sight for sore eyes. You too, (Y/N) and Aya," Hal smiled. We thanked him.

"What about Rev? Did he make it?" I asked. A ring flew by us. I watched it until I could no longer see it and then put my face in my hands. How could this happen? How could he do it?

We got back in the ship, placing the Red Lantern in the cell the interceptor had and his ring in the special place for it.

We asked Aya to look for a new planet for the colonists. It took awhile but she finally found one and went in that direction. 

She set all of the people down. I walked out and watched them, checking if they were okay. They all seemed sad but so was I.

"I hope everyone knows the sacrifice Shyir made," I said.

"They do," Beata answered me. "The elders have named our new planet after him."

I looked at the little child which was cuddled in it's mother. I gave it a pat on the head and it looked up.

"Your daddy was very brave, Amala." Hal spoke. "He saved us all."

"Is it okay if I still miss him?" She asked us.

"Yeah, we all will," I answered her.

She once again cuddled in her mother and they walked off.

"You know, Shyir really did save them all. He asked me what I would do if I had another chance to save my own planet. That's when it hit me-I'd save the people," Kilowog said.

"At least one of us got it right." Hal flew off.

I stayed there for a little bit before being called by Hal. I flew back in the ship and looked over Hal's back. I watched what he was doing.

"Cooling system now functional. Continuing repairs," Aya announced.

"Finally. I might not have spent so much time here but knowing that this part of it works now is a relief," I said.

"So?" Kilowog walked closer. "What's next?"

"Next we find the Red Lanterns." Hal didn't taking his eyes off the board.

"Just how are we gonna stop who knows how many super powerful Red Lanterns with just the three of us?" Kilowog asked.

"We have already stopped one," I said and looked at our prisoner.

"And what should we do with him?" Hal asked.

We all had a couple ideas of what we could do while he is on the ship but soon stopped on Kilowog's idea to make him watch the destruction of the planet on repeat. I was pretty tired and I could agree to anything, even letting him go. I went in my room and took off my ring, falling asleep.

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