
By MemoirsofaGeisha

2.8M 54.8K 5.5K

Ever since they were little the Seizan sisters always knew they would end up being mated to the Princes of Pl... More

1- Brother Bonding
2 - Caught
3 - Meet the Princes
4 - Deer in the headlights
5 - Power Play
6 - Dominant or Dominated
7 - Infatuation
8 - Jules
9 - Old friends
10 - Sorry Mr. Player
11 - Getting acquainted
12 - Unhinged
13 - Aria
14 - Blake's Revelation
15 - The 'Quiet' one
16 - Trouble in Paradise
17 - Dinner
18 - Poor little servant girl
19 - Collared but not submissive
20 - Adrian
21 - Split personality
22 - Down & Dirty
23 - Making up for lost time
24 - Road Trip
25 - Painful memories
26 - Prophecy
27 - Sister, Mother or...Fiancée?
28 - Pissed off Mate
29 - Dream or Reality
30 - Death comes knocking
31 - Alyssa 'heats' up
32 - Chosen
33 - Emotional Roller Coaster
34 - Sex, Lust & Strippers
35 - Could it be love?
36 - Bitches get left behind
37 - The Wedding
38 - Honeymooners
39 - A baby??
41 - So it begins
42 - Long live the King

40 - 18, A Queen, & Pregnant...

43.3K 851 70
By MemoirsofaGeisha

40 - 18, A Queen, & Pregnant...

"Was he surprised?" Sage asked me over the phone.

"Oh he was surprised alright."

She squealed.

"I wish I could have seen his face."

I smiled to myself and remembered the expression on Dimitri's face when I told him I was pregnant.

"Is he happy?"

"I think so. I think he's kind of still in shock. Maybe I should have waited until after his birthday to tell him."

"Oh don't be ridiculous. Anybody would be overwhelmed, the way you went all out."

We talked for a little while longer and then hung up. Alexis came in a little after the call ended.

"So how far along are you? I can't believe my baby sis is pregnant."

"Well it was bound to happen some time."

"You don't sound too happy."

"I am happy. I'm just not sure Dimitri is."

"Why wouldn't he be?"

"I don't know, just something he said on our honeymoon."

"Don't be silly. I'm sure he's just as happy as you are, deep down under all that darkness."

I laughed and slapped her arm. "Where's Chad?"

"Where do you think? He's with your guy. He's quite jealous you know."

I rolled my eyes, because I knew she was just messing around.



That one word kept replaying over and over in my head.

"So, you got dinner, sex, a car and a baby for your birthday. I'm almost jealous. If you weren't my brother I'd probably hate you right now."

I chuckled a little. "I'm sure you'll have a little Chad running around here soon enough."

He looked almost scared.

"I still can't believe she bought you a car. The latest fucking Aston Martin at that."

I sipped from my glass and shrugged. Inside I was pleased that Alyssa even knew anything about cars to get me one in the first place. I steered the conversation away from cars, seeing that Alyssa got one of his cars destroyed when she ran away.

"We're breaking the news of the pregnancy tomorrow at dinner. Please try to act surprised."

I left him there and went to check on Alyssa. When I got there Alexis was just leaving.

"Congrats 'Daddy'." I smirked at her. "Congrats Aunty." I didn't wait for her response, I stepped into the room leaving her there smiling.

Our eyes connected as soon as I stepped inside the room. I wanted her again, even though it was mere hours ago that I had her. Her hair was rumpled from the rolling around that we did earlier. The sight brought a smile to my face.

"I thought we were going somewhere in my new car? Did you change your mind Kitten?"

"No, but we need to talk first."

I knew that look. "Talk about what?"

"The baby. Are you sure you're not upset? I know you wanted me all to yourself for a while. I just don't want this baby to change anything between us."

I pulled her up to face me.

"Alyssa, I want this baby as much as I want you, and I'll love it the same. Besides, you're only six weeks along. We have a lot of time to be with each other. I'm happy we're having a baby. Stop worrying about that, and worry about how your mother is going to take the news."

She winced. "Somehow I think she already knows."

I kissed her forehead and released her. "Now go get changed. We need to be back before the party starts."

***** 2 months later *****

I was a little buzzed from all the liquor I had been consuming. I was a regular at this club. They knew who I was, but didn't seem to mind or make a big fuss about it, and I was glad for that. I eased back, rested my head against the back of the couch and closed my eyes.

"You look like you could use some company."

That voice sounded vaguely familiar. I opened my eyes and stared into a similar pair of blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"I come here often to play out my fantasies."

"Does your father know about this?"

She scoffed. "Of course not! He'd probably have a heart attack if he knew."

"So tell me, what are your fantasies?"

"Come now Prince Blake, you know a lady never reveals her secrets."

"That she doesn't. Care to indulge with me tonight?" I threw the question out there not really expecting her to take me up on my offer. It's no secret I can be very brutal and cruel, so I was surprised when she shrugged and took my hand leading me to where they had the private rooms. Eyes followed our every move, but I knew none of them would dare say anything.


I was a little over three months pregnant now. Almost four months I think, and you could see a small baby bump. Dimitri seemed to be fascinated by it, and would stare at my naked tummy every chance he got. We were sprawled out in our huge bathtub relaxing, when a knock came at the door.

"Go away," Dimitri growled.

"Who is it?" I asked.

People don't normally knock around here, they just barge in. So I was curious to know who was at the door.

"It's Nate. I really need to talk to you."

Dimitri got out and held one of his shirts for me to get in, while he wrapped a towel around his waist. He jerked the door opened and glared at Nate.

"This better be important Nathaniel!"

I rolled my eyes and invited Nate in. Clearly he was worried about something.

"I need you to go get Blake."

"And why should I do that? Blake is an adult. He can take care of himself."

"Go get dressed Dimitri, and stop being an ass. Your brother needs our help and we're going to help him." I pushed him in the direction of the closet and turned my gaze to Nate. He was looking at me weirdly. "It's because I'm pregnant. I get away with whatever I want," I said with a smile.

"So I see." He smiled, and then got serious again. "Blake has been going out to a BDSM club every night for months now and sometimes he even stays out the whole night. I don't know where he sleeps or what he's doing, and I can see that it is hurting Aria. She doesn't really know where he's going, but every time he leaves she just shuts down completely."

"Have you talked to him?"

"I've tried, but it's pointless. I would go myself, but I don't want to leave Aria. She might act as if everything is okay but I know differently. He's been doing this for months now. I'm sure he's bound to get drunk and do something he'll regret later. Frankly if I go, I'll probably kill him myself, so I think it's best if Dimitri goes."

I laughed. "You think it's best if Dimitri goes? Are you out of your mind! Dimitri is the last person who should go anywhere near Blake right now. They're like oil and water. Never mind, I'll go."

"You my dear wife, aren't going anywhere. For one, you are Queen now and should not be seen in places such as those. Two, you're pregnant, and three, it is way past midnight. I'll go. You, are going to bed."

He came out dressed in all black, looking every bit like the King he was. His black button up shirt fit him perfectly under the coat he wore, and his black skinny pants rode low on his hips. His boots were also black and I took the time to study him while he bent to lace them up. His hair was partially dry already, and hung loose around his shoulders. He was due for a haircut, but I liked his hair this way. I brought myself back, and focused on the issue at hand.

"I am going Dimitri, and I am going to take care of this. As a matter of fact, you are going to stay in the car. I am Queen now, what the hell do you think they're going to do to me? Besides I can take care of myself."

Nate looked back and forth between the two of us staring each other down.

"You're not going Alyssa, and that's final. Go give your Queen speech to somebody else."

"Is that so? Well how about this 'your majesty', if you don't allow me to go and to handle the situation. There will be no more sex from tonight. We already know what's going to happen once this baby comes, do you want to give up what, another five months of sex because you're being an ass? Besides this isn't just about Blake, It's about Aria too."

"Fine, go get changed. My decision is not because of your meager ultimatum though. Just to be clear, I know you can't seem to fall asleep these days without me, so you might as well come along. And please don't wear anything short or exposing."

"I'm pregnant, not stupid."

I left them talking, and pulled items from my closet. A white cowl neck sweater top, white skinny pants, and white pumps of course. I quickly got dressed and finished off my look with my white knee length coat. Two pairs of eyes focused on me when I made my way back to the bedroom. Nate looked at me appreciatively, while Dimitri's eyes devoured me from head to toe.

"You do know that you're dressed opposite to him right?" Nate smirked at us.

He did have a point. Dimitri was in all black, while I was in all white. "Ying and Yang," I murmured under my breath. Dimitri's gaze turned into a frown when he focused on my feet.

"Heels? Really? You're pregnant Alyssa." He brushed past me into the closet and came back with a pair of cute white ballet flats I didn't even know I had. "I'm only a little over three months, I think heels are fine." The look he gave me, made me knew I wouldn't win this argument, so I stood there and lifted each foot while he took off my pumps and replaced them with flats. When he was finished, he faced me and fixed the collar of my coat. It was kind of hard to believe that this was the same man from months ago. "We should go," he said.

I nodded. Nate was fiddling around with his phone and smirking. Boys and their toys I thought.

We got to the car but didn't move right away, which meant Dimitri was about to say something I didn't like.

"When we get there, you stay in the car and let me handle everything."

"No," I said simply. "When we get there, you will stay behind and allow me to go in by myself and take care of whatever the situation is."

"Kitten, you are not going into that place alone, and you are not leaving my side if you do."

He started the car and pulled away, letting me know his decision was final. I am not giving up though. I will have things my way, even if I have to play dirty. I'll worry about the consequences later. I need to find out what's wrong with Blake, because Aria doesn't seem to talk to anybody anymore. I might not be close to Blake, but we are family, and family takes care of each other.


I waited patiently for him to come around. The drug should be wearing off any second now. He was stripped bare and tied to the bed. I had a task to do and I needed him to be relatively conscious. Those were the instructions I got, and I knew better than to question them. It also helped that even though he was out, his c0ck was still hard. The drugs were also responsible for that.

My task was to have sex with the playboy Prince and ensure that I get pregnant by him. I thought it would have been easy enough just working my charms, after all I knew about him, but I realized that no matter how buzzed he was, he wouldn't have done it on his own. Therefore, I had to drug him. He was coming around now and would be a little groggy for some time. This was the best chance I had to get this done and get out before he knew what was happening. I quickly took him in my mouth getting his c0ck wet enough to slip inside me easily. After I got it nice and wet, I crawled up and straddled him. Slowly I guided his c0ck to my wet core. I might as well enjoy this, he was handsome, and a Prince, why the hell not. He still wasn't entirely awake yet because he was mumbling some nonsense. I didn't pay any attention to it; instead I sank down hard on his cock, and started to move up and down riding him. I rested my hands on his chest to help with my movements, and grinded hard against him. He moaned a little but did nothing else. I rode him furiously waiting for the moment when he would reach his peak. I was already at mine and wanted this to be over quickly, so that I could get out of here, but somehow, he was being difficult. I didn't have time for this. I rode him harder and reached my hands behind me to massage his sack. That seemed to do the trick, because his eyes were opened now and he grunted as his seed spilled into me. I kept still for a minute, until he was finished. His eyes seemed to focus on me but he still wasn't sure what was going on. I took that as my cue to leave. As I was about to move my body from his, the door swung open.

"We're busy. Get out!" I swung around to face the intruder and sucked in a sharp breath when my gaze landed on someone I would have never expected to be in a place like this.


Dimitri and I had come to a sort of compromise. We would both go in together, but I would take care of the problem. If it got too much for me to handle, he would step in. I thought that was fair, so I agreed.

We made our way inside the building walking briskly side by side. I had the feeling that whatever we would find here tonight I won't like. The owner of the club spotted us and ran over. "Your majesties," he said bowing deeply. I rolled my eyes at this. Startled sounds went around the club, and suddenly every one was on their knees bowing to us. As promised, Dimitri left me in control and stepped back. I waved them up and took full control.

"Where is my brother-in-law?" My voice was firm. The owner looked at me without understanding. "Where is Prince Blake? I know he is here and if any of you value your lives, you'll tell me where."

"Of course your majesties, this way." I stopped him before he could move.

"Just to make it clear, Prince Blake is off limits to all of you." My gaze swept around the room. "If I find out any of you whores have been propositioning him, you'll have hell to pay. Stay away from him and do not offer yourselves up to him like some cheap slut. That goes for you guys as well. Prince Blake is taken. You all will do best to remember that. If you don't, then well, you'll deal with the repercussions from my husband and your King." No one dared to utter a word, because they all knew Dimitri's reputation. With that out of the way I extended my hand to my husband and we followed the man down a long corridor.

When he finally stopped at a door, Dimitri told him he could leave. I was glad for that, because whatever we found behind this door, we needed to stay just between us. I flung the door open and a female voice shouted at us to get out, but that wasn't what shocked me. It was the owner of that voice. Her blue eyes met mine. "Sage..." I left the sentence hanging, not believing what I was seeing. Blake was tied to the bed and his eyes were fighting to stay open. Sage sat atop him with what I assumed was Blake's c0ck buried inside her.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Dimitri sounded livid. My shock seemed to wear off. Something wasn't right with this whole situation, and that's when it clicked. Blake would never allow anyone to tie him up, not even Aria. My eyes zeroed in on Sage.

"What did you do to him?" My voice came out clipped and short. The walls trembled. I saw some sort of fear in her eyes before she quickly masked it. I stalked over and dragged her by her hair from on top of Blake. In a flash, I had her pinned against the wall by her throat. "I said, what did you do to him?" She smirked at me, before she flung me away from her with her hands.

"Nothing he didn't want me to do. Besides, I already got what I came here for."

Dimitri was by Blake's side now inspecting and untying him.

"You have powers." She didn't answer; instead she made a dash for the door. I was quicker though. I had the door slammed shut with her pressed up against it. Something didn't make sense to me. My sisters' powers couldn't affect me, so why could Sage's?

Blake was now coming around.

"I'm not afraid of you Alyssa."

"You should be." My voice didn't sound like my own, and Dimitri's head snapped up at this. "Now, I am going to ask you one last time before I start inflicting pain. What did you do to him and why?" She stared back at me defiantly. "Fine," I said. I started snapping bones. She screamed but still didn't talk. Her injuries started healing a little while after I inflicted them. Something was very wrong here.

"You can't hurt me," she said, and laughed.

I felt my eyes change colour, before I started using my powers to choke her. "Tell me what I want to know and I might let you live." Her organs started failing her. I could control the body from both inside and out. This she didn't expect. Her eyes opened wide. Invisible claws scratched at her throat, leaving visible marks.

"Start talking Sage, before I go for your face."

"It burns she screamed."

"I know. Now start talking." I was slowly setting her body aflame from the inside, and that was the burning she was feeling. After a few more dramatic screams from her and she still didn't start talking I decide to stop playing around. Flames sprouted from the floor below her feet, and these weren't imaginary. If she didn't want to talk, she can die like the deceiving bitch she is, burnt alive.

"She said you couldn't harm me," she whispered.

I made the flames bigger, moving them closer to the soles of her feet.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Sofia! She said you couldn't touch me. That she made sure of it."

I had already figured out who the she was. "What did you do to Blake?"

"I drugged him so that I could have sex with him and get pregnant."

"You did what!" Dimitri exploded from behind me. I on the other hand kept calm.

Suddenly, the building started shaking. Thunder roared outside and the sky trembled from it. I gasped when something seemed to suck me in. I could hear Dimitri swearing from behind me, and Sage screaming for me to let her go, but all I could focus on was that thing that had sucked me in. I didn't know when or how I got to my feet but I did. My eyes snapped open, and in that voice again, I heard my self speak. "They're coming."

The building shook again. The floor started to open up, and just when I thought it was over Sage's body started jerking, froth formed at the corner of her mouth and then just like that, everything stopped. Sage looked up with black eyes and said, "We're coming..."

Then the lights went out. We heard a scream and then the lights were on again. The sight that greeted us made everyone gasp. Before us, on the back of the door, was Sage's body, with the whole of her insides ripped out and plastered on the floor. Someone had slashed her across the abdomen and ripped out every organ inside her body.

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