Twisted Wonderland x (Todorok...

By Memesuga01

737K 29.1K 15.3K

Follow Todoroki (Y/n) in her journey of being in Twisted Wonderland, and on the way somehow having a harem of... More

~Todoroki (Y/n)~
Welcome to the Villains' World
Welcome to the Villains' World
Welcome to the Villains' World
Welcome to the Villains' World
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
The Rose-Red Tyrant
Tea with Riddle
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
The Usurper from the Wilds
Studying with Leona...or not?
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
The Merchant from the Depths
Beach Day with Octavinelle
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Schemer of the Scalding Sands
Scarabia time!
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
A Beautiful Tyrant
Pomefiore Shopping Spree!
~Birthday Special~
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
The Watchman of the Underworld
Getting to know Idia!
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
The Lord of Malevolence
Small A/N

The Merchant from the Depths

9.9K 442 148
By Memesuga01

-3rd POV-

Azul woke up with a gasp, but the girl stayed unconscious.

"Oh, hey, you're awake." Floyd said.

Jade crouched down, and held up his fingers, "Azul, how many fingers am I holding up?"

"Er...Eight?" The gray haired male said, trying to focus.

"Still in shock, it seems. But your blot-induced rampage has subsided at last."

"That little tantrum you threw really put us through the wringer, y'know." Leona said.

"Uh, Leona-san, I'm not sure you get to say that." Ruggie said.

Azul looked around, "What did'"

"You overused your magic and overblotted. You don't remember it?" Jade said.

"You were sucking everybody's magic dry left and right, bawlin', "Give me your poweeerrr!"" Floyd said, imitating him, "It was the cringiest thing I've ever seen. I'm still not over it."

"Oh, no...Me, going berserk? I don't believe this..." The male said, before seeing the girl, and his eyes widen, seeing the frost.

"Hey, I can't exactly blame a guy for gettin' bent outta shape when something you've been building up for years gets ruined." The hyena male said, before pouting, "I mean, if someone broke the coin bank I've been saving my money in, I'd hold a grudge for life."

"But all those shady business dealing have gotta stop. You oughta learn from this." Grim said.

"How about you guys learn not to coast through exams using someone else's notes?!" Jack exclaimed.

The dual haired girl woke up a bit, and let our a small laugh, which made everyone look at her, "I'm still amazed Grim got an 85, actually..." She softly said, using her left side to regulate her temperature, as she clutched Jack's blazer close to her.

"...What?" Azul said.

"Y'know, it's true. One all-nighter reading that study guide you wrote was enough to bag me over a 90 on my exams." Ace said.

"Yeah. It was seriously on point." Deuce said.

"I heard from the headmage that you wrote that guide yourself, analyzing a whole century's worth of test question trends. I'm still now okay with your shady practices, but your work took serious guts. That much I'll admit." The wolf male said.

"Hmph." The gray haired male smiled a bit, before sighing, "Your clumsy attempts at consolation aren't helping me in the least."

"Awww, what's the matter?" Floyd said, leaning over to him, "Are you gettin' teary-eyed, Azul?"

"Oya oya. You're gone back to that ink-spewing crybaby again." Jade said.

"Hey! You two signed an NDA covering that exact topic!" He glared at them.

"Right you are. My mistake."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me..." Jack said, before looking at the girl, who took out the picture, "Here's the photo of Prince Rielle you asked for. We got ahold of it. The sun hasn't set yet. I think that seals our victory."

Leona took a closer look, "What's this? It's just some picture of a buncha mermen fingerlings huddled in front of a camera."

"Is it some kinda group photo of an elementary school class? What'd you want it for, anyway?" Ruggie said, as he looked.

Floyd laughed, "That takes me back! This is a picture from our school field trip." He then pointed at the two small eels, "Me 'n Jade are right here. Aaand..." He pointed at another, who shied away from the camera, "See the kid sulking way off in the corner? That's baby Azul!"

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed, with the exception of the girl, who's eyes shined.

"Aaaah!!! No! Don't look! Please don't look!" Azul yelled out, panicking.

"Well well, Azul. You sure are spirited all of a sudden. Shouldn't you get a little more sleep?" Jade said, and smiled at him, "Considering how far things have already gone, it would be easier for you to let this one go."

"Let's see here." The orange haired male said, leaning closer to the girl, just to see the picture.

"What's in the corner...?" The lion male said, leaning in.

"Are you talkin' about the octopus who's more rounded than any of the mer-kids, even holding the pic at an angle?" The hyena male said, pointing at the baby Azul.

"Whoa, Azul! I never knew you used to look like that!" The feline said.

(Y/n) smiled softly as she stared at the picture, "He's so cute and round..."

Azul could only blush and let out a small yell in embarrassment.

"I...I get it. I totally get what you're feeling. Everybody's got a past they wish they could erase!" Deuce said, then looked at everyone, who was looking at the picture, "I saw nothing! Neither did the rest of you, okay?! Never speak of this again!"

"Never pegged you as this, uh...passionate." Jack said.

"I was going to expand the Mostro Lounge with a branch café and simultaneously erase the shame of my boyhood. It was supposed to be the perfect plan! Two birds with one stone!" The gray haired male said.

"Hey, you know what they say: a rabbit in hand is worth two in the bush." Ruggie said.

"I got my schoolmates' yearbooks and the negatives from the photographer...I succeeded in laying claim to every single old photo of me through a whole web of deals...But there just wasn't any legal way to dispose of that last photo."

"That doesn't mean it's cool to make other people do your dirty work for you!" Grim exclaimed.

"I don't see the big deal, really. I like the old Azul." Floyd said, before grinning, "He'd make a better meal than the one we've got now."

"That's not the point at all!" Azul exclaimed.

The girl looked at him, "You don't need to be that hung up on hiding it. You put a lot of work in what you do."

The male sniffled, "This is the worst. I could crawl into an octopus pot right now." He said.

The wolf male looked at the male, "Anyway. We held up our end of the deal and brought the photo to you within the deadline you gave us. We've completely fulfilled your terms."

"Yeah. Real shame about the contracts gettin' sanded before we did." The feline said.

"But stealing just doesn't sit right with me." He mumbled, "Azul, you're a law-abiding sorta guy, right? Take some responsibility and return the picture back to where it belongs."

(Y/n) walked up to him, and gently took his hands, "We can return it together." She said, smiling softly at him, which made him blush.

"Fine...But at least let me switch it out for a version where I've been edited out of the picture." Azul said, averting his eyes from the girl, and gently pulled his hands, not used to the contact.

"Hah. You just don't know when to let something go." Leona said.

"He's right, you know. Records are a valuable treasure." Jade said.

Floyd grinned, "Ooh, field trip! When do we go? We're goin' as a group, right?" He said, as he hugged the girl, who tensed, "I haven't been to the Atlantica Memorial Museum since our elementary school field trip. This is gonna rule!"

The feline started to smell something.

"Hm? Yo, Grim. What are you sniffing at the ground for?" Ace question them.

"My gourmet hunting instincts are tellin' me...that there's a pitch-black treat as delectable as a truffle around here!"

"What are you, a truffle hog?!"

He then found it, "Myah! There it is—a black stone! There's no foolin' gourmet hunter Grim's nose!"

" stone?" Leona said, confused.

"Time to chow down!" He exclaimed, before eating it, "Mmm...It's rich, with a briny punch like salted squid guts...This would drive any discerning gourmand wild! Seriously top-tier stuff!"

"Really? You're eating off the ground again?" Deuce said.

"Feels like a waste of breath to even tell him to stop at this point. There's just no accounting for a monster's palate." The orange haired male sighed.

The lion male stared at the tanuki, "Hey, Does that weasel always pick up black stones off the ground and eat them?" He said.

(Y/n), who was still in Floyd's arms, only nodded, "Unfortunately..." She muttered.

"Something wrong, Leona-senpai?" Jack said, looking at the male.

"Nah. Don't mind me." The male said, shaking his head.


The girl walked up to the Ramshackle dorm and she smiled softly.

"It's good to be back..." She said.

"Ah. You've returned."  The familiar voice said, making the girl turn to him, "Who would have ever expected you to win a bet with Ashengrotto? For as doe-eyed as you look, you're quite the schemer." He smiled.

(Y/n) blinked at him, 'Doe-eyed? Well, I do have mother's eye shape...' She thought, before looking at him, "Your advice helped me." 

The male's eyes widen before turning back, "Really? I wasn't trying to offer some cryptic clue or the like. Heh. In any case, I'm glad to know this garden will remain nice and quiet." He smiled, "Ashengrotto's calm features contorting in frustration must have been quite the sight. Would that I could have been a fly on the wall. Mm...It seems I had best be returning to my dorm now. I bid you good night." He said, before disappearing.

"Oh, he's gone..." She mumbled, before turning when she heard footsteps, and saw Silver and Sebek.

"Well? Is he here?" Silver said.

"No, I don't believe he's present in the vicinity." Sebek said.

"Perhaps he's near the western schoolhouse." 

"How could you go on an excursion unescorted?!" The looked at the male, "This is your fault for taking your eyes off of him, Silver!" He scolded.

"He's not a baby. Personally, I think you're worried to an inordinate degree."

"It won't be so inordinate if something happens to him. You must never relax, even for a second! Or do you not understand the gravity of your duty as guardsman?! You're lucky that he and Lilia-sama took you in and raised you despite your humanity. Don't you dare forget it!"

Silver sighed, "I think we're getting off track..." He said, before the two ran off.

The dual haired girl stared at the two, "Are they looking for someone?" She said, before walking into the dorm.


"Aaah...Now that's a whopper of a fish...I can't eat all that..." Grim said in his sleep, as he purred.

The girl sighed, "What an exhausting day..." She mumbled, before the mirror glowed again, catching her attention, "Hm...? The mirror's glowing." She then walked up to it as it glowed brighter and brighter, but then she flinched back when a hand knock on it.

"...lo?...ear me?" They said in broken words, "Is...anybody there?" They moved back.

The brightness from the mirror then toned down.

The girl could only blink, "What...just happened?" She said, before her phone went off, making her go towards it, and open it.

Sho-nii(Y/n), I hope you're okay out there. Everyone here at U.A. misses you, surprisingly even Bakugo. I've been feeding Akio and they greatly miss you too...but I miss you the most, my greater half.

(Y/n) frowned, "If only I could text him back..." She mumbled, then laid next to Grim and went to sleep.


The girl was in the foyer, putting her shoes on, before a knock was heard, making her go up and open it.

Floyd instantly hugged the girl, "Morning, Little Koi-chan, Baby Seal! We're here to get you. It's time to go!" He said, smiling.

The dual haired girl nodded, "Okay..."

"Eerk! Whenever I see you two, I'm always worried you're schemin' something. Makes my heart skip a beat." Grim said, before pointing at the male, "And let go of her!"

"Nope!" The male said, smiling at them, and hugged the girl closer to his chest.

"Please. We would never dream of getting rough with those who aren't in breach of contract. The weather's quite clear today—perfect for an outing. On that note..." Jade said, trailing off.

"Off we go to the Atlantica Memorial Museum!"

"Azul's arranged it so that we'll have the whole museum booked for ourselves. He's already gone ahead and it waiting for us on-site." He smiled.

The girl looked at him with narrowed eyes, "You'd better not have doctored the photo, okay?"

"We haven't. I've taken full responsibility for keeping the photo in safe custody."

"C'mon, let's move. Time's a-wastin'!" His twin said, picking up the girl and running with her in his arms.

"Oi! Put my henchman down!" The feline exclaimed, as he ran after them.

Jade could only chuckle, "Guess he's excited today."


"Duuude! Wild." Ace said, as he looked around, "So this is what it's like inside."

"There's a statue of a legendary Sea King. Huh. I guess there's more famous figures around these parts than just the Sea Witch." Deuce said.

"Wow. That king's pretty ripped." Jack said, smiling.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Atlantica Memorial Museum. The Mostro Lounge will be holding a study tour today. Or at least, that's the purpose of our visit on paper. Regardless, I bid you take your time and enjoy yourselves." Azul said, smiling at them.

"There you are, octo-tentacle Azul! Only..." Grim said, before noticing his form, "you're not. Are you just stayin' in human form?"

"Yes. Betentacled merman like myself aren't common around these parts. I wouldn't want to draw any undue attention to myself when our job is to return a photo on the sly." He sighed softly.

"I see no reason to be concerned. No one would see the cute chubby little merman in the picture and connect that it's you." Jade said, teasingly.

"It wouldn't hurt you any to swim around in your real form on a trip home! Why limit yourself to two legs when you can have eight?" Floyd said.

"Hmph. Just drop it, please." The gray haired male said, before turning to the rest, "I'm going to slip the photo back in its spot. The rest of you, feel free to explore the museum."

"Hey, check it out. There's a display for the mermaids princess's silver hair comb."

"I saw a picture of that in the pamphlet before. That's clearly a fork, not a comb, right?" The orange haired male said.

Jade chuckled, "Maybe that's how it looks to you land-dwellers."

Then all of them swam away in their own way, leaving the girl and Azul, which he took notice.

"You're not joining them?" He said.

(Y/n) shook her head, "I'm a little worried about you." She said.

"You're so suspicious. I'll put it back right now." He sighed, as he put the photo back in its place, "I thought that if I could erase every phot of my past...I could erase my past itself—my youth spent mocked as a slow, dimwitted octo-twerp. The Sea Witch never his her pas misdeeds. She worked to restore her reputation, and earned the people's respect that way. I kept saying I wanted to be like her...But in the end, I couldn't accept my own past. I kept rejecting it."

The girl put a hand on his shoulder, "You're amazing as it is, even without stealing anyone else's powers. What I said last time was true." She said.

"What...?" He blushed.

"I say that diligence is way harder to master than magic." 

"You...You think?" He chuckled a bit, "You needn't try so hard to butter me up. All I wanted to do was get back at the kids who made fun of me." He smiled a bit, before he noticed something come close to the girl, and latched on to her hand.

The dual haired girl looked and smiled, "Azul-senpai, this is my octo buddy I spoke to you about."

"So, you're not afraid?"

"Of course not. I became friends with the flamingos and hedgehogs at Heartslabyul after all. All the animal all seem to surround me all the time. Whether they are dangerous or not, they still come to me." She smiled softly.

"Hey, (Y/n)! You wouldn't believe the size of the dinosaur bones they had back there!" The feline exclaimed, swimming up to the girl.

"That wasn't a dinosaur. It was a sea dragon—a type of undersea monster." Jade explained, "The Sea Witch's cave entrance was built out of sea dragon bones...or so the tales claim."

"They've got a replica of the Sea Witch's cauldron, too." Floyd said.

"Really? They have cauldrons under the sea, too?" Deuce said, shocked.

Ace only sighed, "How do you heat things up in the water, anyway?"

"Uhhh...Beats me." Floyd said, before turning to Azul, "Azul, you tell 'em!"

"Very well. Fair warning, though: I charge a steep prince for playing tour guide." He said, smiling.


Once it was time to leave, the girl had to part ways with her oceanic friend, who looked at her with sad eyes.

"Ah, don't make those eyes...You'll make me sad too. I'll try to visit again when I'm not busy, all right?" She said, as she pat their head.

The small octopus nodded, but still gave sad eyes.

Azul, who watched the interaction, could only think to himself, 'No wonder Leona-san and Riddle have fallen for her. I can see the rest also liking her...She makes me She wasn't disgusted by my merform...' He thought, as he kept staring at the interaction, 'I think I have an idea...'

"I promise to be back little one. So behave while I'm gone. No, mischievous little things like last time." She smiled softly, which made the small octopus swim around happily, remembering when he latched himself to the side of her face unexpectedly.


"Ahhh! Oxygen, how I've missed you!" Grim said, as they got back to the school.

"Visiting the Atlantica Memorial Museum was pretty fun." Deuce said.

"I think I was bored to tears last time I went, but I had a good time visiting it again after all these years." Floyd said.

"Once you get a feel  for the world up here, it's funny to see how much of it merfolk misinterpreted in the old days." Jade said.

"That fork—I mean, "silver hair comb"—was hilarious." Ace said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the trip. I'm sure you must be tired after spending so long in a strange environment. It's just about opening time for the Mostro Lounge. Would you care to drop by for some tea?" Azul said.

"You bet I would! I was just gettin' hungry." The feline cheered.

(Y/n) on the other hand had a depressive aura around her, "I miss my buddy..." She mumbled, before she was picked up by Floyd and taken to the café.


"One house special, please and thanks!" A Heartslabyul student said.

"I'll have the drink set with the limited snack!" A Pomefiore student said.

"Coming right up!" The Octavinelle student, who was taking the orders, said.

"Whoa! Why's it so crowded in here?" Ace said, shocked.

"Ah, I see the promotion is paying off already." Jade said.

"What promotion?" Jack asked.

"After everything that went down, the headmage chewed us out and said not to take anybody's powers again, even under contract." Floyd said, before grinning, "So Azul devised a point card system!"

"Yeah? How's it work?" The orange haired male said.

"Your get one point for ordering a 6-thaumark drink special. And you get three points for ordering something off the 15-thaumark limited menu. When you build up to fifty points, you can earn the privilege of one free consultation with the manager—namely myself." Azul explained to them.

"When you say "consultation," do you mean, like, for anything?" Grim said.

"Let's say I needed help with my studies." Deuce said.

The gray haired male nodded, smirking, "That would absolutely fall within my purview."

"What's more, when you fill three-point cards, you'll unlock even more perks." Jade said.

"If your want to know more about these offers, please feel free to peruse this pamphlet or browse our website." He smiled at them.

"Myah! In that case, gimme a special drink! And make it extra drink-y!" The feline exclaimed.

"Same!" Ace said.

"I'll have the snack set..." The blue haired male said.

"We appreciate your prompt orders." Azul said.

"You guys..." The wolf male said, sighing.

(Y/n) deadpanned, "Nobody's leaned anything..." She mumbled.

"Come, Jade. Floyd. It's time for us to make some money."

"Yes, sir./ You got it, Boss."


"First there was the Spelldrive tournament. Now, even in the final exams, our dorm's position remains stagnant...This is a grave matter indeed." Kalim said, but his eyes looked hazy, "Jamil! Jamil, are you there?"

"Present, sir." Jamil said, walking up.

"Gather all of Scarabia's students on the double. It those layouts think they're in for a relaxing holiday, they are sorely mistaken."

"Understood, sir. All will be as my housewarden wishes." He said, then turned his back and started walking, letting out a small laugh.

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