A Poisonous Butterfly || Roxa...

By yeislech

28.1K 1.2K 370

Roxana Agriche. She belongs to a twisted and corrupted household known for their villainous deeds. One day, s... More

Beginning P.2
Beginning P. 3
The Chase!

A Stupid Mistake

2.5K 131 13
By yeislech




Roxana jolted up from the bed, scaring Grimm.

"Hey! Why do you wake up like that?! It surprised me!" Grimm yelled, making Roxana frown at him.

"I only woke up like that because you're loud." She told him, clearly annoyed that she woke up to him yelling in her ear.

"Well I had too! The headmaster is at the door!" Grimm told her before someone started knocking on the door.

"Ms. Roxanaaa! Are you awake??" Crowley yelled.

Roxana frowned and sighed at the fuss he was making outside. 'So annoying.' She thought before walking to the door while Grimm climbed off the bed and stood next to it

She then opened the door, softly smiling at Crowley. "Please come in." She told him as she turned around to sit down on a chair.

She crossed her legs as she waited for him to sit down on the couch.

She then smiled at him once he sat down. "So why are you here so early in the morning?" She asked with a friendly tone.

"Well- WAIT! Aren't you that monster who started a fire during the entrance ceremony?! I threw you out of here though! Why are you here?!" Crowley yelled while pointing at Grimm who was standing next to the bed.

"Hmph! I helped Roxana with befriending some ghosts in here!" Grimm told him smugly.

Roxana glared at him before smiling coldly. "Hmm? Weren't you covering your eyes while trembling behind me?" She asked Grimm while emitting a menacing aura.

"..  Yeah," Grimm mumbled quietly before speaking up. "But-"

"What do you guys mean by ghosts though?" Crowley interrupted.

Roxana thought back on what happened last night before sighing. "Well 2 ghosts showed up while I was... talking to Grimm." Roxana told him.

Crowley then put his hand on his chin. "Hmm... Now that you mention it, the Diasomnia dorm abandoned this room because-"

"Of those trickster ghosts that always hung out here." 

Roxana, Crowley, and Grimm turned to see Lilia and Malleus right outside the door.

Roxana smiled at them. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"Well, we just came to check on you... but we ended up hearing your little story with the ghosts." Lilia told her before walking to a chair with Malleus following him. He then sat down while Malleus sat on a chair next to him.

"But you befriended those ghosts? It's quite unusual for a human to be able to befriend ghosts..." Lilia said before glancing at Grimm. "Hmm.... The cat over there also seems to be quite scared of you..."

"What?! I'm not scared of her at all! She's the who's scared of-"

"Grimm." Roxana said coldly. "Knock it off." Grimm flinched at her cold tone before speaking up. "Tch. Fine." He mumbled.

Lilia stared at them is amusement before grinning. "Hmm... You seem to have the ability to command monsters Roxana." Lilia said.

"... command monsters?" Roxana asked before resting her hand on her chin. "That may be a possibility." Roxana said.

'I just threatened him. But I guess I'll just go with the flow.' She thought.

"Anyways, can you allow Grimm to stay here with me?" She asked Malleus.

"Absolutely not!" Crowley exclaimed.

(Author: No one asked u Crowley, but okay ig-)

"How could I let a monster live anywhere at my school?!" Crowley said.

Roxana glared at him. 'So annoying.' She thought. She was sincerely trying her absolute best to not summon her butterflies and have them get rid of Crowley.

So she just smiled instead. "Headmaster. I promise I'll take care of him. So can you allow him to stay here?" Roxana asked with the nicest tone possible while emitting a menacing air around her.

"... Oh well. Since you seem so desperate, I'll allow this monster to stay here... for I am gracious." Crowley said.

Roxana smiled at his response. "Thank you headmaster." She said before looking at Malleus who was watching them with Lilia.

"But Malleus, do you allow Grimm to stay here?" She asked.

Malleus then smiled. "As long as you can keep him under control." He said.

"I see. I definitely will keep him under control." Roxana told him. For a second, Grimm felt a cold feeling run down his spine.

"Anyways, I came to give you a Diasomnia uniform Ms. Roxana." Crowley said before giving her the uniform. The uniform looked exactly the same as the other students, but there was a skirt instead of pants. It also came with a pair of black knee-high socks.

Roxana just stared at the uniform silently.

"... Do you not like it Ms. Roxana?" He asked.

"It's fine. It's just very different from the clothes back at Agriche." She said.

"Oh. Back at the Agriche Dukedom?"

Grimm suddenly jumped. "Wait- DUKEDOM?!" Grimm exclaimed.

"Oh? Are you the daughter of a Duke?" Lilia asked.

"Yes. I am." Roxana said.

"Well, I guess those clothes might be weird for you to wear since you're a noble that's not from this world." Malleus said.

"Then should I ask for your uniform to be designed differently?" Crowley asked.

"What? No, that's unnecessary." Roxana replied.

"Hmm... I see. Well, school is almost starting! So I'll have to get going now!" Crowley told them before walking to the door. But before leaving, he turned back to look at Roxana. "Also, you and the raccoon can just explore the school for today. But don't disturb the classes, and don't go into rooms you're not allowed to go in." He told them.

Roxana smiled with her eyebrows furrowed. "I'm not stupid."

Crowley moved his gaze to Grimm before pointing at him. "Well, the raccoon is."

"Hey! I'm not stupid! And I'm not a raccoon!!" Grimm yelled.

Crowley stared at him as if he heard the most stupidest thing come out of his mouth before smiling like he never heard him. "Well, I have to go now!" He yelled before walking off, leaving Malleus, Lilia, Roxana, and Grimm in the room.


Roxana then spoke up. ".... Well, I'll go change now." She said before walking to the bathroom. She then changed out of her nightwear and put on the uniform.

'It feels weird wearing something like this.' Roxana thought while looking at her reflection in the mirror. The skirt she was wearing was very short compared to the skirts back at where she lived. Over there, it was considered improper and slutty to wear a skirt that stopped above your knees.

Roxana then sighed.  'Oh well. Skirts like this don't seem to be considered improper over here.' Roxana thought before exiting the bathroom and walking over to where she was sitting before.

She then smiled at Lilia and Malleus. "School is almost starting, so you guys should probably get going now. I won't take up anymore of your time." Roxana said.

"Hmm... I guess we'll see you guys later." Lilia said with a sad smile before leaving with Malleus.

Roxana watched them leave the room before turning to look at Grimm when they left. "Let's look at the main street." She suggested with a smile.


Roxana and Grimm managed to get to the main street without any trouble. Over there were 7 different marble statues.

"Wow~! So this is what the main street is! But what's with these statues?" Grimm asked with a slight glimmer of curiosity in his eyes.

"I'm not sure who these statues are supposed to be, but I'm sure they're important people." Roxana said.

"I wonder who this mean-looking granny over here is." Grimm said while pointing at a statue of a chubby woman with a snob look on her face. She also had a small crown on her head while holding a stick with a heart on the top.

"Like I said before, I'm not sure who any of these people are." Roxana responded, ignoring his rudeness.

"You don't know who the Queen Of Hearts is?" A voice behind them asked.

The two turned around to see a boy with orange hair and a red heart painted by his eye.

"She was the queen who lived in the Rose Maze. The Queen Of Hearts was someone who highly valued discipline and rules. She valued it so much to the point of painting rose bushes! It was a land of madness where all listened to her. Why did they listen to her you ask? Because if you didn't, it would be 𝙊𝙁𝙁 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙃𝙀𝘼𝘿!"

"What?! That's terrifying!" Grimm yelled.

"Huh? I like it though. I mean, no one would listen to a queen who's nice all the time." The boy said.

"I guess a strong leader is better than a weak leader. But who are you?" Grimm asked.

"I'm Ace! A first year at this school! Nice to meetcha!" Ace introduced with a wide grin on his face.

"I'm Grimm, the one who'll become the greatest magician in the world!" He said before pointing at Roxana. "This is Roxana! She's my assista-"

"Stop spouting nonsense Grimm." Roxana said while glaring at him before hearing Ace speak.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, aren't you guys the ones who started a fire at the ceremony yesterday? It's pretty rare to see a monster and a female showing up at the ceremony!" Ace said.

"Well actually, Grimm was the one who started the fire. I helped stop it." Roxana corrected him with an intimidating smile.

Ace smiled nervously at her response before speaking again. "So the headmaster ended up assigning you to the Diasomnia dorm? It's a pretty cool dorm." Ace said.

"Yeah. It does seem like a pretty cool dorm. But we'll be going now. It was nice meeting you." Roxana told him.

"Eh? You're gonna leave when you just got here?" Ace asked.

"Yes. This is a big school, so I'd like to memorize where everything is without wasting time." Roxana replied.

"I understand what you mean. I'll see you guys later I gue-"

"I want to continue hearing about these statues from Ace though!" Grimm yelled, earning an irritated sigh from Roxana.

"Haah... fine. I'm just gonna explore the outside of the school for a few minutes. I trust you know what'll happen if you run off somewhere without me." Roxana warned him coldly.

"I know!" Grimm replied.


Roxana just finished exploring some of the places outside of the school. Now she was walking back to where Grimm and Ace was.

'I'm glad it only took a few minutes to explore some of the places outside.' Roxana thought before hearing a voice behind her.


She turned around to see the Headmaster waving at her before walking towards her.

"I see you've been exploring the outside of the school. But where's Grimm?" He asked while looking around.

"I left Grimm with a student named Ace who was talking about the 7 statues at the front." Roxana told him. "I'm heading over to them now."

"Oh. Well how about we head there together?" Crowley asked before mumbling ."Hopefully Grimm didnt do anything disastrous." He mumbled under his breath before motioning for Roxana to walk beside him.


When Roxana and Crowley arrived where Ace and Grimm was, they were met with a bunch of students surrounding the statue of The Queen Of Hearts.

"... why are all the students surrounding Grimm and the other student?" Crowley asked suspiciously before walking into the crowd.

"All right, all right. What's going on here?" He asked while shooing away the other students.

But right when he saw the scene, he gasped.

"JUST WHAT IS GOING ON?!" He yelled angrily.

The students just stayed quiet.

'I knew I shouldn't have left Grimm alone with that student.' Roxana thought while looking at the scene.

'I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake.' She thought while glaring at Grimm and the other student.



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