{I DON'T FALL IN LOVE} Kageya...

By hinatastinygiant

9.9K 302 287

-y/n doesn't fall in love, or at least that's what she'll say to anyone who asks her about getting into any k... More

puppy eyes
phone number
career ~ xxx
flower girl


763 29 22
By hinatastinygiant

chapter seven: wine

Y/N'S P.O.V.

You had gotten a bottle of wine and an empty glass from your kitchen and you now tiredly walk across your flat to slink down onto your sofa. You quickly pour your glass completely full and find a new show to binge TV on for the rest of the day. You really don't have much stamina to do anything else anyway.

Once your glass only has a few drops left in it and the sun is now completely disappeared behind the horizon, there's a knock on your door. You don't move. As you've already concluded, you don't have the energy to get up and answer it. However, whatever asshole is on the other side continues to knock every so often and just won't go away. It's giving you a headache and is forcing you to give in to their idiocy.

Eventually, you give up and mutter a string of curses to whatever idiot salesman is so obsessed with getting your attention and won't leave you alone at this late hour of the day.

"Go away!" you shout drunkenly from the other side of the door. "I'm not interested in whatever it is that you're selling!"

"It's Kageyama!" his unmistakable voice calls back. Great, so it's worse than a salesman knocking at your door.

You shake your head as you undo the lock, knowing it's a bad idea to let him in. But as the door swings open, you're quite at a loss of words to find two of him waiting on the other side.

"What do you guys all want?" you mutter as your head begins to swirl around.

All of the Kageyamas now standing before you look at you as though you're the one with five heads.

"Are you okay?" they all ask.

"You didn't answer my question," you pout.

"I was going to talk to you about something but you don't look well. Are you sure-"

The Kageyamas stop speaking as you suddenly slap your hand over your mouth. You think that seeing all of them has suddenly made you ill so you ignore his question as you turn away.

"Excuse me," you squeak before running off to the bathroom as quickly as you can before tossing your insides into your toilet bowl.

Kageyama rushes after you, too. You can tell after hearing the door slam shut and then, an instant later, he's holding your hair away from your face as you puke up your large glass of wine right in front of him. When you're finally finished, you lean back onto your toes from where you had been kneeling and catch your breath.

"Are you alright, Y/N?" he asks again with a voice filled with worry.

"I'm fine," you sigh. "I'm just gonna rest for a sec."

You sit down on the floor and lean your back against the wall. You close your eyes and try to steady your hurried breathing. Perhaps you drank all that crap too fast or something, you try to rationalize.

Kageyama leaves your side and you aren't sure where he has gone. Maybe he was so grossed out by what he just witnessed that he left without another word. But that theory is soon squashed when he returns with a warm towel and begins to clean up your sweaty face. As much as you'd like to enjoy the pampering, it feels more embarrassing than anything else, like he's taking care of one of his elementary students after they spill their guts out on his gym floor. But his touch is soft, so you've got to give him credit for that at least.

Once he's done, he hands you a glass of water and some medicine. "Here, this'll help you feel better," he explains as you gently begin to open your eyes.

"Thanks, Kageyama. You might'a just saved my life," you hum.

"It's nothing really. I'm just glad I could help."

After you return the medicine bottle to him, you ask if he can bring you to your couch. He picks you up with his arm tucked under yours and allows you to lean against him as he walks you across the flat. He's so warm and as he sits down beside you, you lean your head on his shoulder.

"Would you like to keep watching your show?" he then asks as he grabs the television remote for you.

You nod back tiredly, "mhm," and so he plays it and sits with you even though there's no way on earth he could possibly understand what's going on since you're halfway through the season you're on.

Soon, your mind begins to drift away from the show and as Kageyama looks over at you he sees your eyes beginning to close. He gently lays your head down against the pillow on the side of the couch and lifts your feet up on the other end. You smile tiredly, not having enough energy to even thank him which makes you feel even more pathetic. He said that he came here to talk to you about something but ended up just taking care of you instead.

He leans down and kisses you on the forehead as he gets ready to leave. "I hope you feel better soon," he softly hums. "There's something I'd like to talk to you about then but it can wait for now."

You nod and he smiles softly before walking away. Whatever animosity or hatred you had for him before has totally faded away whether you like it or not. You had completely forgotten about the girl with hearts in her texts or the whole 'it's weird for us to date' excuse. Being with him made your heart soar and how kind he was only made you feel as though you were flying even higher.

But as your door closes and he departs, your stomach sinks. What are you going to do now? You can't have feelings for a guy who has made it perfectly clear that he has no intentions to be with you and that just makes you hurt all the more.

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