Do him? (Scott x Jim...

By Writer160

24.2K 818 1K

Scott is on the hunt for a Queen in order for him to take over Rivendell as King...Or so he was meant to be... More

Future Queen
You again...
I object!
Date gone wrong
Together at last
Getting him back
An idea
Secret entrance
Until next time...


1K 39 39
By Writer160

Sorry this chapter is shorter than normal, I just wanted to get a chapter out for you guys since it has been a while since the last chapter.



Jimmy was happy now that him and Scott were back together again, he was glad the elf had snapped out of his emotionless state. He had a second chance and he wasn't going to waste it. Now that things had somewhat gone back to normal between the two, they had agreed to meet up to go on a date.

Scott was waiting in an opening surrounded by trees, the place decorated with fairy lights, and in the centre sat the Prince next to a basket of goods on a picnic blanket. He had set the whole thing up, hoping Jimmy would like it.

He smiled when he saw a familiar figure moving closer, a small blush forming on his face. "Hi Scott." Jimmy waved as he approached the picnic blanket.

"Hey Jimmy."

Jimmy stopped in front of Scott and scanned the area, taking in his surroundings. It was truly beautiful. The sun was just setting, making the fairy lights shine brighter, only making the place look even more magical. Jimmy turned his attention back to Scott, a huge smile on his face. "It's amazing!" He then sat down opposite Scott.

"Are you sure? I can add more if-"

"Scott! I love it."

"R-Really?" Scott turned his head down, still a little unsure.

Jimmy gently placed his hand under Scott's chin, turning his head up to face Jimmy. "Would I say it if I didn't mean it?"

Scott gave a small smile, a light blush on his cheeks. "I-I guess not..." Scott's smile immediately brightened when he remembered his plan for the evening. He gave one last smile in Jimmy's direction before turning to the side of him, placing a disk in the juke box and standing up, holding his hand out for Jimmy. The Cod Father watched in confusion as Scott moved around, wondering what he was doing. "Would you like to dance?"

They both smiled, a slight blush forming on Jimmy's cheeks. He reached up to grab Scott's hand and Scott pulled him to his feet. He let go of Jimmy's hand and wrapped his hand around his waist instead, Jimmy bringing his arms up to Scott's neck, wrapping them around him. They began dancing, Jimmy's head slowly falling to rest on Scott's shoulder.

"Well isn't this cute."

They pulled away from each other's embrace, annoyed at the person who had interrupted them. They turned to face the figure and were shocked to see Scott's brother, except it wasn't his brother at all. Xornoth stood in front of them, dressed in full black and an unreadable expression on his face. "X-Xornoth?"

"Hello, brother." His voice was much deeper than usual, making it harder to understand.

"What-What happened?" Scott was watching in confusion, Jimmy standing next to him, equally confused. Xornoth chuckled and suddenly vanished into thin air, right in front of their eyes he just disappeared, his laughter fading into nothing.

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