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Advance Australia Fair

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So this dates back to when I was a child, with my brothers Ben and Jett Kirkland. It was the start of World War One, Australia being the young country it was along side New Zealand, we Australians look up to our -you could call it- 'mother nation' England. England needed some troops and quick, seeing as Australia and New Zealand were England's 'child nation' we had to be equipped with soldiers, men to be precise. Young men were needed in the army, and young women in their aid when injured. My two older brothers -Ben Kirkland and Jett Kirkland- knew about their plans beforehand, as our cousin in England -Arthur Kirkland- wrote to us, informing us of what was happening.

Then came that day, the day I never forgot, I was about twelve, -nearly thirteen- years old. My oldest brother Jett invited a friend of his from the neighbouring country, Indonesia, her name was Kirana Dewi, she would look after me when my brothers were out. She was a very fluent english speaker and knew alot of things at the time, that not many would. She would usually wear what she called a batik dress, it was a slight yellow-brown sort of colour scheme. Anyways this day left a good ol' burn hole in my heart and my family, that no one ever could fix, no one.

Let's go back to the day it happened shall we?


We were inside the small cream coloured australian cottage that we owned, it was quite a walk down the gravel road from the front of our property. We owned quite a large property thanks to our father's will, our lives were -well you could say- quite peaceful, apart from the times the wild fox's tried to scurry their way into the hen's sleeping box.

It was 'round saturday afternoon, mid summers heat bursting through the roof and walls of the cottage, our Australian Sheep dog outside on the veranda sleeping. We were inside playing checkers or dominoes, -one of the two, my memory is starting to fade- Jett and Ben against Karina and I.

"I'm thirsty! Anyone wan' a drink?" I asked my legs starting to stretch out and straighten as I stand.

"I'll just 'ave a bit of yours" Jett said, his voice monotone as he was planning out Ben and his, next move.

"I'll have some of that orange juice Karina made, please" My other brother Ben said his voice a bit more filled with life, than Jett's.

"Do you want me, helping you?" Karina asked, her accent sounded a bit South American, despite her time being here.

"If you wish Kari" Kari, that's what I called her, ever since I could remember. Karina stood up and duted herself off before following me into the kitchen, it was a nice sort of kitchen not overly big, nor underly small. She walked to the icebox, the box -more like cupboard- whwre we kept the cold meat and other things best kept cold. She poured out the orange juice into three cups, one for Ben, one for Karina and one for Jett and I to share.

As we were walking back into the room, you could see and hear the two boys bickering to each other about what they'll make as their next move, but just above that I could hear the sounds of what seemed to be like... horses? And carriages? And shouting of men?

"Karina... w-what's that?" I say, looking up at her trembling and in fear of what is yet to come. She looked down at me her eyebrows crunched together, it seems she had noticed it as well.

"I don't know Sharni," she was stumbling and looking for the right words, I could see it in her eyes and her facial expression "Let's go see leave, drinks here" she placed the two cups on the nearby flower table and we both walked over to the front door in the hall way, there was two windows on either side of the door, I took the right one Karina took the left.

And boy was I right, there was one carriage being towed by four horses, two dirty brown ones, that almost looked alike, and the other two a more creamy caramel. Beside the horses and carriage were some men, they were wearing what looked like a cadet uniform, there was two men ordering the others around, he must've been on a more higher rank then the others.

"Quick! Open the door and get your brother!!" She said in a quicked hushed tone, I nodded as I ran off to get my brothers, as I ran to the nearby family room, I could hear the harsh barks coming from our Labrador, she wasn't one to bark meaning something bad was happening I know it!

I started walking, my two older brothers in trail, there was this quaint voice in my mind telling me something I knew so very well was true, but I just didnt want to admit it, we came to a halt infront of the door Karina held such a terrifying face.

"Sergeant" Jett said, both Jett and Veb straightening their posture and standing straight, saluting at the man whom was tanding at the door.

"Jett, Ben, you should have been formed about the ongoing war, and the recruiting?" He said sternly, no agony, no sadness, no nothing in his voice.

"Yes sir!" They both said almost in unison, both of them stern, Jett with a bit more stronger tone, Ben a more weaker tone.

"B-brothers? Your not going to leave me like mum and dad? Are you?" I ask my voice, shaking and very weary. My eyes pricking with tears, I knew this was going to come sooner than later but when the time came I . . . I . . . I couldnt bring myself to it though.

"Sharn," Ben bent down a little to face be face to face with me, he placed his large hand over my cheek and his thumb stroked my right cheek. "Sharni, you knew this was going to come sooner or later, we trained hard for this. . ." He trailed off and gently pressed his lips to my forehead, "we love you alot, but to keep you safe, we need to keep this country safe." He stood back up straight and ruffled my hair.

"Come on Sharn, we'll be back soon! Be strong for us mate!" Jett said smiling brightly at me. I looked down at the wooden floor boards, they had seemed to given me interest. By thr time I finally got back to reality, my brothers were to leave and join the army that day, and I would be in the hands of Karina.

"We'll come back and see ya soon matey!!" Jett said a big smile on his face, it was filled with sadness and the tiniest bit of happiness, he kneeled down, Ben as well. And they both wraped their arms around me, I cried tears of sadness and a bit of happiness as I got to feel the warmth of their embrace one last time.

"I-I love you . . ." I mumbled within my tears, Karina joined in ahe couldn't help but cry, it was such a sad time.

They left, they left Karina and I on the porch it was becoming really dark, but we didn't care we missed the loud laughs and the stupid remarks and bickering they both left us a huge black hole in our hearts.

"They're, really gone? A-aren't they?" I say my eyes, that was once full of life, now lifeless and dark.

"Yes . . . It's just you, Milo and me" she said bluntly, Milo our dog lay there on the porch sulking and whining.

"We. . . Should shower, we won't get anywhere," I manage to breath out "like this. . ." At that she nodded and we started to head inside to go shower and after we went to bed.


Jett and I went through alot of blood sweat and tears, we had to face the mud, face surviving not eating for a certain amount of time, how to use a gun properly, and we were basically put through torture. Finally after several months of training we were finally sent off to the front lines, things were getting harder. I picked up my paper and quill and started to write.

Dear Sharni and Karina,

We finished our training just over two days ago, we are now being sent to join the rest of the army on the front lines, It'll be scary but we have practised and gone through enough training and we are going to be put on the front lines soon, I shall do my best to fight for our country and for you both. I will write as much as I can to you both, don't worry too much we will be home soon. Food isn't the best, but atleast it generates our energy, the beds aren't all too comfortable. Water isn't as clean as the water at home, I miss alot of things but I cannot expect much, thinking of you both.

I love you Sharni, take care okay.

Ben Kirkland

I folded the paper and placed it inside an envelope and sealed it, I placed the names of my loved ones and I left it on my desk for it to be flown back home. I had been writing letters to Sharni and Karina, it was nest if they had not worried, knowing Sharni she would've cried her eyes out and would've most likely killed me if I didnt write to her. . . I really do miss home, Jett walked into the tent and shined me a warm and soft smile,

"Ben, mate you ready for front lines?"

"I guess so, you gonna write to Sharni?"

"Yeah, I will before we leave don't ya worry. Your the best gunman here, ya know that?" Jett came and sat on his bed I joined in and sat on mine.

"And your the most strongest here, we'll do our best on the battlefield for our sister and our country we have to return to both." I said thinking of the two girls we left at home.

"Yeah, best we get to bed we're going out to the front lines tomorrow" he said as he started to lie down I nodded and lied down as well.

I didnt sleep that great that night I jelt tumbling and turning I was so restless. Early in the morning we were sent out to board a plane and our course directed to the Gallipoli peninsula.

We were finally brought to our war, the war we'd be fighting for our country and for our beautiful vast land.


After several months of this damn war, fighting the Turks day in and day out. Mamy of our mates dieing, many of us wounded, it was not the best view in the world, the battlefield full of dead and rotting corpses, the smell of burning and chaos. It was retched, and was the worst Ben and I along with two other rookeys were currently in an abandoned building, it looked as if it was a bit burnt down, we kept guard for the night, and rested as much as we could taking turns on duty.

"Yo zee, any new order's?" I asked a bit annoyed and bored, we hadn't moved from the current spot we were in, in days and I was starting to get bored and hungry.
"Matter o' fact we 'ave orders to move out and ascend for'ard and cover some ground there" Ezekial or Zee as we call hi, had said walking into the room adjusting the band on which his rifle laid.

"That will be close to Turkish territory, we'll need some back up" I turned my head to face Ben who was noe drawing some sort of plan into the dusty concreted floor

"So you got a plan Benny boy?" Caleb always would pick on my brother but he didnt mind much at times, we chuckled at the nickname given. Despite the rough and horrible things we go through we manage to find a little entertainment to occupy us.

"Yes I do, isn't the bush trackers in the building next to us?" The bush trackers, thats what we called the other group, we have different names for the different groups so its easier for us to remember instead of their names.

"Yeah, one of 'em is injured though, but he's a great sniper" Caleb said, Ben thought for a bit then nodded,

"Okay well he is able to walk right?"

"Yes, but not to fast, his injury is quite a small one, I'll go get em up 'ere" Caleb walked out of the room adjusting his rifle to place infront of him just incase there were any spies, although I doubt there was,

"Best to stay in groups o' two or more" added Zee, we nodded and they both went to retrieve the 'bush trackers.'

"Wonder what she's up to . . ." I trailed off Ben seemed to have noticed my sudden change in mood.

"She's started playing the guitar, I wonder if she'll be able to play for us"

"Course, she will want t do everything with us, when are we going back?"

"When there's major advancement . . . In other words soon more or less"

After a while of silence the two boys returned with another three,

"Where's Keith?"

"The soldier died last night on our food run, we trailed a little closer to one of the camps and shot him down, cold and dead." His words were sharp and blunt but dripped with fear and sadness.

"You men okay?"

"Yeah we're fine, now what did you campers want?" He smirked, we chuckled at the group nick name they gave us.

"We got new orders, heard em?" Said Ben,

"Yeah, guessing we're teaming up?" Ben nodded "and you've got a plan?"

"Always, Bruce you should know that much about me" Ben said before gesturing us to come around him "so here's the plan. . ."

* * *

After scavanging around the new area, and having two of our men injured we got in-touch with aomeone of a higher rank, the spot we were sent to scout had been cleared and more men were moving in, we were finally allowed to take a break and be in some sort of 'safe environment' just for a little while, but we could not return home, we wrote letters both Ben and I, and nearly a year and a half had passed.

Dear Jett and Ben,

We're doing fine back here, hope you two are okay, I'm learning how to cook and sew. I already know how to wash the dishes and the laundry. Milo hasn't been all to well, she has been scratching lately and we found out she has a bad case of . . . Fleas. We're doing our utmost best at trying to keep those damned things out of her coat and are truely on the verge of giving up! They are horrible literally! Anyways we've started making bread and other baked goods to sell at the market for money, alot of people like the bread. I want to write about other things but Karina is urging me to sleep, which sounds like a good idea as tomorrow I have to get up early to bake bread.

Goodnight Jett, Ben. I love you both so very much, and miss you both a whole heap!

P.s Come home soon, please!!

Love sincerly
Sharni Kirkland

I laughed a bit at the letter, its good to know that she is doing well alongside Karina. Before I could say something about it I was interrupted by a cough, it was a harsh, rough and bloody one.

"You right?" Asked Ben as he approached me,

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine here a new letter, from Sharni" I wiped my hand in some dirty puddle water and then dusted it off on my uniform and passed the letter to him, he chuckled slightly and then folded it up and placed it in his inner pocket of his jacket.

"She's a cute one, I hear we're going home soon," he said smiling a bit, after a year and a half of this war and not seeing our only family, he could still hold a smile.

"Dad, must be proud of us, he was here not to long ago, but in a plane,"

"Of course, wonder how mum dealt with this and us,"

"It was hard, we were a painful bunch of kids"

"Yeah, hahaha true true" we laughed but that was soon interrupted by a bomb shell go off a mile or two away and gun firing and shouting,

"Shit! What now!?!"

"Damn those Turks must've come back!!" We both pulled out our guns and neared the area slowly, "Left!!" We turned and fired, hearing groans and yelps, blood splattering everywhere, soon there were other gun firing, and it was heading towards our direction, Ben and I quickly seperated to the two nearby trees, Ben on the right, me on the left.

"Godamn! Turks!!" I said poking my head out and firing, before moving back behind the tree to reload,

"Stupid war!!!" Ben yelled out before making a suicide run to a different tree and shooting, managing to kill three men and injure one.

"You trying to kill yourself?!" I yell out as I turn to throw a grenade before pulling my shirt up a bit to cover my nose and mouth,

"No just trying to shoot!" Was what Ben tried to say but instead I got "Ngh, jut tying t sho!"

"Why are you tying your shoes now?!? Idiot!!" We both ran into the more wider area some of the enemey on our tails.

We turn to shoot and just as I did I hear a scream of pain come from the left of me, when I turn to look behind, and I see a small brunette one hand gripping his thigh the other holding a rifle and aiming it at the incoming ememy and shooting, he got shot again but in the lower calf, blood started to gush out of the wound my eyes widen and I snap.

"BEN!" I yell out and turn fully to shoot at the enemy who started to shoot at us and I stumble towards my younger brother who was now on the ground he was losing alot of blood and fast, "Damn! That's a nasty wound come on mate let's go!" I manage to grunt out I brought his arm around my neck and I grabbed his waist and helped him get back quickly to a safer zone

"Leave me there, I need to keep them away so you can es-"

"Im your older brother! I'm going to put my life on the line for you whether you like it or no-" I couldn't continue as I got shot on the back near my spinal cord,


"Im fine, just keep go-"

"Jett!! Ben!!" I heard Caleb and Bruce yell out, they both took Ben on my order I turned around to shoot, ignoring the throbbing pain in my back, until I couldn't handle it, I let my guard down and got shot in the chest, my breathing slowing down. By the time someone came to pick me up I didn't recognise them or the uniform nor the voices, wverything was rather blurred. I was brought into a bright light and beeping noise.

Where . . . am . . . I? I thought, before closing my eyes disconnecting from the world, I could feel the blood dripping from my back and my chest, my breathing slipping away, my life was leaving me. I manage to grab the small locket out of my pocket it held a picture of Sharni, Ben and I, and another picture of us three and our parents when they were alive, and then was another picture, a picture of Karina. I really loved Karina I mever got to tell her that but she knew it, I knew she did. I smiled and held the picture close to me before I started my ascend to the dark world.

* * *

Karina and I were waiting for the plane to arrive and when it did the men and women walked out, holding neutral faces, many people being reunited with their family, I look around searching for my brothers when I see Ben he had his left leg bandaged and his upper arm as well, but there was no sign of Jett, I ran up towards Ben and got hkm in a hug, I was nearly fifteen now and was just below his shoulders,

"Hello there Sharni" he said his voice wasnt so joyful,

"Where, where Jett?" Karina asked confused

"Yeah. . . What happened? B-ben?" I asked my brows furred together and my voice weary,

"He, the enemy came and we ran, I got shot in the thight and lower calf, he came running and helped me get to a safer area, and when we were half way there he got shot in the back, he didnt follow me and stayed there fighting"

"Then. . . He, he still okay?" Karina asked voice shaling and dripping with fear,

"He, he, he got shot in the chest and didnt make it through. . . Surgery" at that moment Karina didn't hold back her tears and cried, I cried as well but Karina's tears were different hers was full of heart break and loss of hope, mine was of sadness, fear and a bit of heartbreak, Ben gathered us in a hug a warm hug and we stayed like that snd cried, until we were interrupted by a man who looked like he was higher rank.

"Soldier," Ben turned and stood up straight saluting,

"Yes sir!"

"I'm sorry for the death of your brother and loved one, this was his" he passed us a golden locket and a few notes. We all cried once we got home we needed our space.

* * *

So here I stood listening to the Last post and the Ode,

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."

I stood and placed a note on his grave that read,

My brother was a great man, and was loved by many, Lord please bless my brother, keep him safe tell him we love him, tell him we miss him. Tell him he was great and fought well tell him that he will be remembered tell him everything I can't. I love you Jett, I love you big brother I wish I could show you things I've found and discovered, I miss you.
After that some soldiers stood and fired their guns as a man played the Last Post, after that Karina got handed the australian flag and we couldn't help but cry, we lost a loved one.

* * *

Today on the 25th I stand infront of my brothers grave, with a poppy in my hand and a wreath placed on his grave, I start so sing In flanders field a few tears dripping from my eyes as I kneel down on te lush green grass infront of his grave and cry.

"My dear brother, thank you for your bravery, till this day you are remembered as a brave Anzac soldier, from a young sixteen year old boy who had so much love for his family and country, who left us, trying to keep his country safe and died at the age of eighteen. I love you and always will, Jett Kirkland"

I was then joined in with the rest of my family, Ben and Karina, and we all sang the Australian anthem closing our eyes snd singing with all our hearts,

Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are young and free;

We've golden soil and wealth for toil;

Our home is girt by sea;

Our land abounds in nature's gifts

Of beauty rich and rare;

In history's page, let every stage

Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing,

Advance Australia Fair.

Advance Australia Fair. . .
Thank you Anzacs, for fighting for this country thank you for your bravery.

Okumaya devam et

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