Between You and Me

By laflor777

35.7K 1.5K 465

When Lauren's son asks to say hi to the woman and her dog in the park, Lauren never expected for her life to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 5

1.8K 81 58
By laflor777

It had been three weeks since the little group's first movie night and it had now become a regular thing. Although, once Thunder joined the fold Camila and Leo discovered trying to build forts with him around was a challenge. Thunder would 'help' by jumping into the sheets that they strung up, constantly collapsing the thing. They would always laugh though, Thunder made it fun even if he was troublesome. They couldn't even stay mad at him when he would genuinely smile back at them after causing destruction.

Movie nights weren't the only regular event. Lauren and Leo would join Camila and Thunder at the park occasionally, having picnics or going out for lunch afterwards.

The few times Lauren had to go to work Camila had become the go-to sitter, with Hailee's father still recovering Lauren didn't want to take the girl away. Leo loved getting to hang out with Camila anyway.

Camila even surprised Lauren at the office with Leo a few times for lunch. She knew how much Lauren disliked being there so she made a point to stop by with him and brighten her day.

Lauren had noticed a slight shift in their friendship. They would sit closer, hug longer, talk deeper, even occasionally cuddling during movie nights, after Camila had exclaimed it was a must. Their eyes would linger on each other longer than needed, often one would turn to find the other had already been gazing their way with a soft smile.

It was making Lauren question things again. Was this normal? Surely friends don't look at each other like that? Yet she couldn't figure out what else it could be. Eventually, Lauren decided to just follow Camila's lead - anything she did must just be normal friendship things she wasn't aware of, right?

Lauren had never felt so content in her life. Even with her slight unease about her confusing friendship with Camila, she wouldn't change a thing. Camila and Leo had grown closer, even having their own little inside jokes.

So, it seems fitting, that just as Lauren is finally accepting her happiness, that the other shoe would drop.

Lauren answered her phone frantically as it rang in her hand, still frozen in place.

"Hey Lo, I'm just coming into the park now-"

"Camila!" Lauren shrieked, cutting Camila off mid-sentence.

"Lauren? What's wrong?" Camila now sounded just as desperate.

"It's Leo, he's gone."


"I don't- I don't know Camz, please."

"Ok, ok, I'm coming Lauren, where are you exactly?"

"N- near the p- playground, at- at our tree," Lauren struggled to get out.

"Okay, I'll be there in 2 minutes just hold tight okay?" Camila hung up before Lauren could reply.

Sure enough, less than two minutes later Lauren heard her name being called and saw Camila come sprinting over the nearby hill, Thunder right on her heels.

"Lauren," she breathed out once she came to a stop in front of her.

Lauren let out a sob and fell into Camila's arms, "Camz, my baby's gone," she sobbed harder.

"Hey, hey, what happened? Talk to me," Camila was desperately trying to get hold of the situation.

"He was playing like he always does, he's so cautious. I got a work call, and I would have let it go to voicemail but something felt off, so I answered it. I was struggling to hear, so I moved to the other side of the tree hoping it might block a bit of sound. I would've been less than five minutes Camila, and, and I turned back and couldn't see him. Then I saw this," she holds up the jacket in her hands, "It was just lying on the ground. Camz, he would never leave it laying around, it's his favorite Superman one, oh god." She gasped and pulled the jacket up to her face.

"Okay, he was wearing this when you last saw him?" Camila asked. Lauren nodded, eyebrows furrowed, not sure what the importance of that was. "Okay, that's good. Here," she slipped Lauren's phone from her hands and punched in a number. "This is Sofi's number, she's FBI remember? Call her and tell her what happened, I've talked to her about you so she'll know who you are, okay?" She handed the phone back then dropped to a knee near Thunder.

"Camz, what-" Lauren sniffled.

"He knows Leo's scent anyway but this will help him pick it up easier," Lauren watched as Camila brought the jacket to Thunder's nose, telling him to smell the item.

"Camz, please," Lauren sounded so desperate and it broke Camila's heart.

"It's going to be okay, we'll find him. Call Sofi, tell her we're tailing him," Camila reached out and placed a hand behind Lauren's neck, she brought her forehead down to rest on Lauren's, "We'll find him, I promise." She pulled back to place a quick kiss on Lauren's forehead.

Lauren wanted to say something but before she could, Camila turned to Thunder, "Thunder, find Leo- Seek, seek, seek," she said sternly. Thunder put his nose to the ground and sniffed momentarily before taking off in a sprint, Camila immediately following and keeping up with him.

Lauren fumbled with her phone but managed to connect the call. After a moment a steely voice answered, "Cabello."


"Yes? Who is this?" Sofi questioned.

"It's Lauren. Camila told me to call you," Lauren choked on a sob at the end.

"Lauren? What's going on?" It sounded like Sofi had realized something wasn't right.

"I- I think someone might have taken my son. I turned away for a minute and he was gone. He would never just run off, I just know something is wrong."

Lauren heard frantic movement on the other end of the line, "Lauren, where are you right now?"

"Freemont Park, near the playground on the uh, south side. Camila said to tell you they were tailing him?"

"That's good, Lauren. Thunder is a great tracker. What direction did they head?" Sofi's calm demeanour was surprisingly helpful.

Lauren thought for a second, trying to get her bearings and calm her thoughts, "East, they went east."

"Ok, that's good Lauren, really good. There is some surveillance along the east side of the park, if they went that way we might get them on camera, okay? I've already got people here looking into it, I'm on my way to you. I know it's hard, and you want to be doing something but I need you to sit tight, and stay calm for me, okay? I'll be there in five minutes."

"Okay," Lauren breathed out, trying to calm her racing heart, "Thank you, Sofi."

The next four minutes and twenty-five seconds - not that she was counting - felt like hours for Lauren. She paced back and forward praying to a god she wasn't sure existed, for her baby to be okay.

"Lauren," Lauren turned to find a tough-looking woman, with short auburn hair, a gun strapped to her thigh, jogging towards her.

"Sofi," Lauren breathed out.

"Ok, my guys said there was nothing unusual on the surveillance from that side of the park which is good for now, it means they might still be within the park. The bad news, is that this is one of the larger parks around, and there's plenty of bush and tree cover around, especially on that side," Sofi explained. "My team is keeping an eye on all the exits for if they leave, and another smaller team should be pulling up any minute to start combing the area for them, okay?"

Lauren nodded shakily, "T- Thank you, Sofi. You don't know how much this means that you're doing this, you don't even know me," Lauren choked on another sob.

Sofi pulled Lauren into her arms, "Of course Lauren, I know how much you and Leo mean to Camila," she said hugging Lauren tightly.

Lauren nodded into Sofi's neck, sniffling quietly.

"Okay, I need to know what Leo was wearing," Sofi said pulling back.

"Um, denim shorts, a blue and white button-up, and blue sneakers," Lauren rattled off.

Sofi turned her head and lifted her hand to her ear, relaying the information to her team. Just as Sofi turned back to face her something over the woman's shoulder caught Lauren's eye. Lauren felt the air leave her lungs when she heard the loud "Mama!" that was screamed out followed by a loud bark from Thunder running beside him.


Lauren ran to her son, dropping down to her knees when she reached him. Desperately grabbing him, Lauren ran her hands all over the boy looking for any sign of injuries, "Baby, are you okay?" She struggled to hide the fear in her voice.

Leo nodded through the sobs he was letting out, "Mama, Camila!" He cried.

Sofi was beside them now too, resting on one knee. "Leo, I'm Sofi, Camila's sister. Can you tell me what happened with Camila?" Sofi asked, still keeping her cool. Thunder meanwhile was hopping frantically from paw to paw and whining, obviously trying to tell them something.

"The- the man took me into the bushes and was talking on a phone. I don't- I don't know what happened, he was carrying me, but- but then he dropped me and Thunder was there. He was biting at the man. Then- then Camila came running at me, she pulled the thing on my mouth off. But then the man grabbed her! They started fighting. She- she told me to run. I didn't want to mama, I didn't want to leave her but she said run and told Thunder to protect me," he sobbed out.

It was Sofi that spoke next, "It's alright little guy, Camila is tough, she'll be okay. You were so brave! You stay here with your mama now, Thunder and I will get Camila, you did so well, buddy." She rubbed his shoulder encouragingly, shooting a nod over at Lauren.

Lauren nodded back, pulling Leo into her chest and rocking him softly.

"Thunder, let's go," Thunder barked in response and took off with Sofi in the direction they just came from.

Lauren continued to softly rock Leo, placing kisses on the crown of his head, "You're okay baby, you're okay," she reassured repeatedly.

Leo continued to sob quietly into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry baby," Lauren felt her own tears falling.

Lauren wasn't sure how long they stayed like that, her knees were beginning to hurt but there was no way she was letting her baby go right now. Leo was just beginning to breathe normally again, his sobs subsiding, when another loud bark drew their attention.

Camila and Thunder were walking towards them, Sofi a few paces behind them dragging a man in handcuffs, bloody and bruised, he looked almost unconscious. Sofi peeled off from them with the man, and Lauren noticed the black SUV with three agents nearby that she hadn't noticed until now. Lauren was thankful Sofi didn't allow the man near them, didn't even let him glance in their direction. She made a note to profusely thank the woman later.

Camila finally reached the pair and Lauren couldn't hold back her sob as she finally stood, keeping one hand holding Leo into side, she threw her free arm around Camila's neck.

"It's okay," Camila breathed out, one arm coming to rest around Lauren's waist, the other running through Leo's hair, holding him close.

Lauren pulled back, her hand cupping Camila's cheek softly, "God, Camila, look at you." Lauren's eyes roamed over Camila's face. There was a gash over her left eyebrow, blood dripping down her eye and cheek. A bruise blooming on the right side of her jaw and a split lip. Her hair was a mess and her breathing was shaky, "Camila," Lauren's voice trembled.

"Hey, I'm okay, we both are," Camila said, but her wince said otherwise. She brought a hand up to gently grasp Lauren's wrist, that was a bad idea. It drew Lauren's attention to her bloody hand, knuckles raw and already turning a bluish purple. "Just a few bumps and scrapes, nothing I can't handle," she said with a weak smile.

Looking down Lauren saw Leo had one arm around her own thigh, meanwhile, his head was pillowed on Camila's stomach, her hand resting on the back of his head.

Turning back to Camila with tears in her eyes, Lauren could only manage a quiet "Thank you," dropping her head into the crease of Camila's neck and shoulder.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, huddled together taking comfort in each other's presence, only separating when Sofi approached.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt," Sofi offered the trio a soft smile. "I'm taking that piece of sh-" her eyes flickered to Leo briefly, "garbage, back to base. Mila, I'll need you to come too - need a statement, and I can get you patched up while you're there," she said empathetically, tight smile on her lips.

"Will you need to speak to Leo," Lauren hoped the answer would be no.

Sofi nodded sadly, "I will, but there's no rush since we got the guy. It's mostly just confirmation, making sure the guy isn't lying. It can wait a few days, and I can do it myself and come to you, try and make him feel less intimidated," she said, wanting to make it as easy as possible for the mother and son.

Lauren sighed but nodded, "Thank you Sofi, for everything."

Sofi tipped her head in acknowledgement, eyes flicking to Camila before taking her leave. Taking a deep breath Lauren turned to Camila.

"Will you two be okay?" Camila asked softly, wary of Leo still close by.

"Yeah, we'll head straight home. I might get Normani to bring Ruby over, that might help him feel calmer and safe, surrounded by people. I don't really know how to handle this," Lauren sighed, running her hands through Leo's hair softly.

"No one really does," Camila squeezed Lauren's hand, "Just make him feel safe and loved, you'll both be okay eventually."

Lauren nodded, "Call me when you're done?"

"Sure thing," Camila smiled, "Come on, Sofi can get one of her agents to drive you guys home."

Lauren opened her mouth to argue but promptly shut it when Camila shot her a 'don't argue' look.

They walked towards Sofi and her team together, Camila pulling away to speak to Sofi when they were close enough. Lauren held Leo close as she watched Camila talk with Sofi, the older woman nodding and waving over one of her agents, a shorter woman with a pixie cut. They shared a brief exchange before Sofi handed over a set of car keys. Another agent pulled Sofi's attention away as Camila and the shorter agent walked back towards Lauren.

"Lauren, this is Selena Gomez, she's one of Sofi's best agents. There's no one she trusts more, you'll be safe with her," Camila indicated to the agent by her side.

"Ma'am," the agent nodded sternly, but her demeanour was soft and comforting.

"She's going to drive you home in Sofi's car and then stay stationed outside for the rest of the day, just in case," Camila quietened her words so as to not scare Leo further. Lauren simply nodded, feeling exhaustion creeping in now that her adrenaline had worn off.

She watched as Camila kneeled down in front of Leo, drawing his attention to her. Lauren watched on as Camila offered a soft smile before whispering something to him softly. Leo nodded his head a few times as she spoke, when she was finished he let go of Lauren and lurched forward into Camila's arms, hugging her tightly around her neck. Camila squeezed him solidly, pressing a kiss to his forehead as they pulled back.

When she stood Leo leaned back into Lauren again, though he seemed slightly less tense now. Camila gave Lauren a smile and a kiss on her forehead too, Lauren's eyes fluttering closed as the soft press.

It was only when Camila walked away for the final time that Lauren realised, whenever they had been huddled together Thunder had been circling them protectively, even as he followed Camila now he kept glancing back at the duo. He really was the best dog. It also hit Lauren then that Thunder was the reason they found Leo. It was too late though, Camila and Thunder were already climbing into the car with Sofi, she would have to thank Thunder another time. Was it weird to thank a dog? Not when he saved your baby Lauren!

Lauren climbed into the back seat with Leo when they reached Sofi's car, snuggling in close as they pulled away from the kerb, and she sent a silent thank you, to those God's she was now sure existed.

"Hey," Camila's soothing voice drifted across the line.

Lauren felt herself sink further into the plush couch cushions, comforted by Camila's presence, even if it was only over the phone.

"Hey," she murmured. She was currently curled up in the corner of her couch, glass of wine in hand. Leo had finally exhausted himself and passed out in Lauren's bed where they had been cuddling.

"Sorry it's so late, I didn't expect to take that long. It took surprisingly long to give my statement and then Sofi had to patch me up, but then I wanted to stay for the interrogation too, so Sofi's boss made me sign a bunch of papers and then it took ages for Sofi to crack him but of course she did-"

Lauren cut Camila off before she passed out from not breathing properly during her rambling, "It's fine Camz, I knew you'd call as soon as you could."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm- I'm not even sure what I am right now," Lauren sighed. "I think I'm just so exhausted I'm basically numb. I'm sure all the hard emotions will hit me tomorrow once my brain has caught up."

"Understandable. I'm just glad you're both safe," Camila breathed out.

"Thanks to you, and Thunder. God, I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there Camz," Lauren could feel herself beginning to get emotional again.

"Don't think about that Lo. You'll drive yourself crazy thinking about the what if's," Camila tried to comfort the mother, "All that matters, is that Leo is safe, he's home with you where he belongs, the guy is behind bars, everything is okay. Just focus on the now Lo, okay?"

Lauren sniffled and nodded even though Camila couldn't see her. Trying to change the subject and get a hold of her emotions, she relayed her thoughts from earlier in the day, "I was so confused when you were giving Thunder the jacket and saying you would find him, I couldn't seem to process what you were saying."

Camila chuckled, "Yeah, sorry about that. I was trying to just get to it. I don't think I ever told you, but Thunder was trained by the FBI dog handlers. They said he was one of the best trackers they had seen, but he has too much of a soft side to be used in the field. Though he can protect when he needs to, like today."

"Sounds like someone else I know," Lauren had a hint of a smile. She could tell Camila was blushing without even seeing her face.

Before Camila could reply, a shriek from Lauren's bedroom interrupted them, "Mama! Mamaaaa!" Leo wailed through his tears. Lauren dropped the phone and ran to her room without a thought, scooping Leo up in her arms and settling on the bed, back against the headboard, "I'm here baby, It's okay."

Rocking side to side, Lauren whispered reassuring words to Leo until his sobs quietened. A few moments later she realised he was quietly whimpering 'Camila' over and over, "Mama, want Thunder," he whined. Shuffling to the end of the bed, Lauren shifted the boy so his legs wrapped around her waist and arms around her neck, she stood and held him close. She made her way back into the living room to find her phone, picking it up she saw Camila had not hung up.

"Camz?" she asked across the line.

"I'm here. Can I do anything?"

"Um, actually. Is there any chance you could come over with Thunder? I know it's late, but I think having you guys here will help Leo feel safe, he's whimpering your name and said he wants Thunder," Lauren asked, biting her lip nervously.

"Of course! Gosh, poor little guy, I should've sent Thunder home with you earlier, why didn't I think of that. But yes, yes, I'll be there as soon as I can, it's fine I promise," Camila tried to reassure Lauren her request was okay.

"Thank you, Camz," Lauren whispered.

"No problem, hey can you put Leo on the phone real quick?" Camila asked.

Lauren pressed the phone to Leo's ear with a soft "It's Camila, baby."

She waited as they shared a few quiet whispers, Leo sniffling occasionally but nodding. Lauren lifted the phone back to her own ear when Leo mumbled a 'Bye Camila.'

"I'll be there in twenty minutes okay?" Camila stated reassuringly. The pair shared a few more words before hanging up. Lauren moving back to her spot on the couch, Leo curled up in her lap, head on her chest.

Lauren picked up the remote and turned the TV on, she flicked Hercules on hoping it would distract Leo for a bit. She found herself softly singing along to 'I Can Go the Distance' knowing it would soothe him.

As a final comfort Lauren reached to pull out the fluffy Superman blanket she kept under the coffee table, Lauren would always wrap Leo up in it if he was sick or sad.

"Here you go baby, Superman will keep you safe," Lauren said as she wrapped the blanket around him.

"Not Superman anymore, mama."

"What do you mean?"

"It's SuperCamzi," his body already relaxing into her.

"Oh? Who is that?" trying to remember ever seeing a SuperCamzi hero anywhere.

"Camila," Leo mumbled as his eyes fluttered shut.

Lauren's heart nearly stopped beating at those words from her son.

Lauren must have dozed off at some point because she was startled awake by the ding of her private elevator arriving. Not a moment later she heard the patter of Thunder's paws on the hardwood floors. Just as she looked over to the entryway she spotted Thunder rounding the corner, his ears perked up when he saw her and trotted over.

Coming to a stop just in front of Lauren, Thunder sat and laid his head on Lauren's belly, nose pointing up towards her, just inches from where Leo's head rested on her chest. Almost nose to nose.

Lauren smiled and softly scratched Thunder behind his ear. It was then she noticed Camila leaning against the kitchen bench, a warm smile on her face, affection in her eyes. Lauren spotted the bag of take-out resting beside her and huffed, "Camz, you didn't need to."

Pushing off the counter and making her way towards the trio Camila replied, "Bold of you to assume any of it is for you," she said with a teasing smirk. Lauren chuckled, jostling Leo and Thunder.

"It's fine it was on the way, I was starving, and I knew you probably hadn't eaten," she finally sat down next to Lauren with a grunt, he ribs protesting against the movement, she threw an arm over the back of the couch behind Lauren's shoulders. Lauren took a minute to take in Camila, the cut above her eye had some butterfly stitches and her bruises were even darker now.

"Mm, once again you know everything," Lauren joked. "Leo had pizza with Normani and Ruby earlier but I didn't feel like eating."

Camila hummed in acknowledgment but didn't reply, watching Leo as he nuzzled his face into Lauren, slowly waking again. Leo yawned and lazily opened his eyes, shooting up when he saw Thunder's face. "Thunder!" he yelled as he lunged forward, wrapping his arms around the dog's neck as best he could, shoving his face into Thunder's fur. Pulling away after a minute, his gaze turned to Camila.

Lauren could see a number of emotions on his face all at once. Unlike his excited greeting for Thunder, Leo simply gazed at Camila briefly before crawling across Lauren and onto Camila's lap – she huffed out an 'oof' when he landed on her but allowed him to curl up on her nonetheless - legs on either side of her torso, head in her neck and arms wrapped around her.

"Hey buddy," Camila hummed, circling her arms around his little body, "You're okay."

Leo heaved a big breath, the tension in his body dissipating. Camila whispered something in his ear, low enough Lauren couldn't hear. He nodded in response and Camila laid a soft kiss on his head. Leo then pulled back and leaned against Camila's now raised knees. The pair began talking amongst themselves, Camila asking how his afternoon with Ruby was, then sharing stories to make Leo laugh. The longer Camila talked the more himself Leo became, and Lauren knew he would be okay in the end.

Once Leo seemed happier Camila drew his attention back to the TV, stating Hercules was definitely her number one favorite Disney movie.

Leo insisted they start the movie again so Camila could enjoy it too. Leo shuffled off Camila but stayed curled into her side, one of her strong arms wrapped around him. With one little hand, he gently fiddled with Camila's free hand – the one with raw and bruised knuckles Lauren noted with a frown - like he did to Lauren when he was a baby. Little fingers running over her palm lines, sliding across and between her larger fingers. He giggled whenever Camila would quote along with the movie in silly voices, tickling him occasionally.

Lauren silently watched the two interact, warm-hearted. Even though it was born out of a horrible event, Lauren couldn't help but feel thankful for this deeper bond the pair seemed to have created. Lauren could spend the rest of her life thanking Camila for what she did, and it would never be enough. But watching Camila and her son now, maybe this could be enough.

After the adults had eaten some food, the group returned to the couch for a dogpile, all snuggled on top of each other and put on another movie. Leo chose A Bug's Life this time.

It didn't take long for Leo to pass out again, half on top of both Lauren and Camila. Lauren ran her fingers through his hair softly, helping to soothe him and keep him asleep.

"We really shouldn't be laying on you Camz, you said you had bruised ribs," Lauren softly reprimanded her.

"No, no it's fine, please stay," Camila whispered back, careful not to be too loud.

They only stayed snuggled for a little longer before Lauren decided they had to let Camila rest without two bodies lying on top of her. Camila conceded as long as Lauren allowed her to carry Leo to bed.

Lauren huffed but watched as Camila softly scooped Leo up into her chest. She gently called for Thunder and headed towards the room Lauren indicated. Once in his room, Camila laid Leo down on his bed and tucked him in, before lightly tapping the space next to him prompting Thunder to softly jump on the bed. Lauren watched with a smile as Thunder curled up next to Leo as close as possible, Camila gave him a scratch behind an ear before dropping a kiss to Leo's head.

Lauren moved to do the same once Camila stepped back, lingering over Leo a moment, savoring the sound of his little breaths.

Once back in the living room Lauren kept fussing over Camila, asking if she was in pain and if she needed anything.

"Lo, hey," she softly grasped Lauren's hands, "I'm fine, I promise. Yes, I'm a little banged up and sore, but I will be fine. All I need right now is for you to sit down with me and try to relax."

Camila gently tugged Lauren towards the couch and sat down, pulling the younger woman down with her.

It wasn't unusual for Camila and Lauren to cuddle on the couch, movie nights often ended that way, with Leo either snuggled with them or laying on the floor with Thunder. But as Lauren sat on her couch and leaned into Camila's warm body, she couldn't help but feel like something had drastically changed between them, it felt different.

"I can't believe you saved him," Lauren quietly mused.

"Lo, I would've gone to the ends of the earth to save him, and you," Camila replied just as softly. "Nothing could stop me from protecting you two. I'm just sorry I wasn't there earlier, maybe I could have stopped it happening at all."

"Camz," Lauren breathed, "I spent most of the day beating myself up because I stepped away to take a call. I felt so, shit. I felt like it was all my fault. Not only did I let my son be taken, but then I froze. I had no idea what to do. If you didn't come when you did...anyway. My point is, I was going over this all day and it was only when you said I can't keep thinking about the what if's that I was able to let it go. That advice goes both ways, darling."

"I know, I just-"

"Just nothing. You saved him, Camz. You and Thunder. And for that, I will be forever grateful."

A quiet pause fell between them until Lauren decided she had to know.

"Do you- Um, do you know what happened? Or why?" She asked quietly.

"Uh yeah, I do. Are you sure you want to know?" Camila felt unsure, Lauren could only nod.

"Okay, um. The guy who grabbed him was Liam Payne. He's a known petty crim, nothing serious - until now I guess. Lucky for us he wasn't a pro, I think that's the only reason we managed to catch him. Someone uh, hired him, to kidnap Leo. They didn't communicate very well and that's how he ended up still in the park waiting for his ride when I caught up to him."

Camila was softly running her fingers through Lauren's hair to try and soothe her.

"Liam said they never intended to hurt him, said he 'ain't one of those pricks who hurts kids', as if trying to kidnap a kid isn't hurting them."

Lauren could feel the anger beginning to roll off Camila, she laid a and on her chest over her heart to try to calm her.

Camila cleared her throat before continuing. "They were going to ask for ransom money, a buck ton, and then let him go. They just wanted the money, and to hurt you," She said the last bit too softly, and it hit Lauren.

"Who hired him?" Lauren chocked out even though she already knew.

"Brad Simpson."

Lauren sat up, elbows on her knees and face in her hands, "Fuck."

"Hey," Camila sat up and gently tugged Lauren's face from her hands, "This is not on you Lo. You said so yourself when you had to fire him, he brought it on himself. You are not to blame - for firing him, or for him trying to take Leo. If anything, it's the cops fault for not being able to find him. Sofi found him pretty damn quick once she knew. She called the officer in charge and ripped him to shreds, it was kind of awesome."

Lauren couldn't help but chuckle too. Sofi was as much her hero as Camila and Thunder were.

"They're both going away for a long time. And Leo is safe."

"Thank you," Lauren murmured. Gently running the pads of her fingers across Camila's bruised knuckles.

The pair moved back to their prior position, Camila lying down, with the tops of her shoulders and head on a cushion, Lauren to her side, half laying on Camila. Lauren began absently fiddling with Camila's hand, just like Leo had done earlier.

"Can I ask you something?" She whispered into the still room.


"What did you say to Leo? Those times you whispered things to him, I could visibly see him relax as you spoke each time," Lauren wondered.

"Ah that, well a couple of things are our secrets so I can't tell you," She smiled, "But the first time at the park, just before I left, I uh. Do you remember how I told Leo I had met Superman?" Lauren nodded.

"Well, I'll tell you the full story another time but, long story short I kind of saved Superman and my friend Niall. After it all happened, he came up to me and thanked me. He said, 'When it comes to protecting those we love, anyone can have the strength of Superman,' obviously he was talking about Niall not himself, that would be weird, but anyway. He kind of nicknamed me 'SuperCamzi.' I told Leo the story on my birthday but I left out that last bit."

Lauren felt her suck in a deep breath, her stomach rising with the intake of air.

"So, before I left today, I said to Leo, 'Remember how I saved Superman? Well, he nicknamed me SuperCamzi, and he told me that I had the same strength as him, when I need to protect the ones I love,' and then I told him I loved him," Camila held her breath when she finished.

There was a tense moment where neither woman moved or breathed. Lauren too afraid to pull back and look at Camila. She swallowed thickly before whispering.

"You love him?"

"More than I thought I could."

Another quiet moment passed before Lauren gently pushed off Camila's chest to rise up onto an elbow. She gazed into the hazel brown eyes looking back at her, shining with love and truth. A silent sob left Lauren's mouth as she leaned forward and connected her lips with Camila's, one of her hands softly cupping Camila's jaw.

The kiss was chaste, yet passionate. Filled with all the emotions and unspoken words between them. Camila drew Lauren in closer with the hand on her lower back as their lips parted, foreheads coming to rest together.

The women were silent as they shared breaths, letting the quiet night settle over them. They both knew now wasn't the time for a conversation of 'what happens now,' both happy to leave words unspoken for now, while silently both knowing something had changed.

Camila could tell Lauren was beginning to fight sleep, her eyelids starting to droop. Camila drew back and pressed a light kiss to her forehead before moving to stand, Lauren still in her arms.

She carried Lauren to her bedroom, tucking her in much the same way she did with Leo, a soft kiss on her head before departing. She stopped past Leo's room to check on him before making her way back to the couch and settling in for the night.

It was only a few hours later when Camila was startled awake by Thunder, whining and nudging her with his nose.

"Hm? Wha' is it baby?" She mumbled, sitting up and rubbing at her eyes. He softly whined again. "Show me."

He quickly turned and ambled down the hall towards Lauren's bedroom. Camila followed behind him and realised when she entered the room what he was trying to tell her, Lauren was thrashing wildly on her bed, mumbling 'no' over and over. She was having a nightmare.

"Good boy," She scratched behind his ear in praise before moving towards Lauren. "Go back to Leo." Thunder huffed but left the room.

She moved to Lauren's side and rested a hand on her shoulder hoping to ground Lauren.

"Hey Lo, wake up," she gently shook her, "It's okay it's just a dream."

After another nudge Lauren's eyes shot open, flicking around the room frantically.

"Hey, I'm here, you're okay, it was just a dream," Camila tried to soothe her, running a hand down her arm.

She watched Lauren's breathing slow, her heart beating less wildly now that she was awake.

"Leo?" She asked breathlessly.

"He's fine, he's in bed with Thunder," Camila hummed, but Lauren didn't look convinced. "Want me to bring him in here?"

Lauren could only nod softly. Camila whispered an 'okay' and squeezed Lauren's hand before leaving the bedroom. Lauren heard her whisper something to Thunder, who came trotting into the room just before Camila entered carrying a sleeping Leo.

Thunder came to Lauren's side and licked her hand lovingly before softly jumping on the bed and curling up by her feet. Camila had circled around the other side of the bed and gently laid Leo in the centre of the bed next to Lauren and scooted in behind him.

Lauren pulled Leo tightly into her, careful not to wake him, and reached for Camila's hand, tugging her closer too.

The three of them sandwiched in the middle of the bed, Thunder by their feet on guard. This was what they all needed. They would all be okay in the end, if they just stayed like this.

Even with Leo between them, Camila was able to softly press her lips to Lauren's forehead and whisper to her.

"Everything will be okay. He's right where he needs to be. Between you and me."

next chapter tomorrow!! ❤️

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