when the wives are away

By Sharyn28

76.3K 2.9K 4K

Louis and Harry are both married...but not to each other. The neighbours became close many years ago when the... More

Chapter 1 - Drinks
Chapter 2 - Therapy and Shopping
Chapter 3 - Get Together Gone Wrong
Chapter 4 - Suprise!
Chapter 5 - Goodbye Wives
Chapter 6 - Unexpected
Chapter 7 - Fun Times
Chapter 8 - New beginnings
Chapter 9 - Temptation
Chapter 10- Popped
Chapter 12 - The Talk
Chapter 13 - Return
Chapter 14 - Pregnant
Chapter 15 - Denial
Chapter 16 - Moving
Chapter 17 -Revealed
Chapter 18- Boy or Girl?
Chapter 19 - Renovated
Chapter 20- A Understanding
Chapter 21- Balancing
Chapter 22 - Hospital Rush
Chapter 23- Delivery
Final Chapter

Chapter 11- Beautiful Mistake

3.1K 105 148
By Sharyn28

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Depending on what that may be, our habits will either make us or breaks us. If this is anything to go by, then the future for the attached neighbours is starting to look very optimistic.  

Harry who for the last 3 days had pretty much moved in next door, is enjoying every single moment the two of them share and is relishing in this newfound routine of breakfast for two. The days are going by too quickly. Time really does fly by when you're having fun. Since Louis kissed him the other day Harry has decided today is the day he wants to make it clear that their silly little unspoken rule gets disposed of.

"I'm going to take a shower."

It's 9:33 AM and Louis is stacking the dishwasher while Harry is currently watching Louis's ass consistently as he continues bending down to stack the dirty plates. Louis unexpectedly feels hands on his hips causing himself to freeze.

"Did you not hear me? I said I'm going to have a shower"

The hands around his waist pull him backwards gently grinding Louis's ass against his boner. Harry is waiting for a response but doesn't receive one, so he does it again. This time he feels a little circular rocking motion as Louis presses back down harder begging for more contact. Harry leans down to his ear

"Clothes off.  The water isn't going to be the only thing making you wet"

Louis instinctively tilts his head to the side as Harry attacks his neck. Within mere seconds the men have moved to the bathroom where for the first time they are indulging in a bit of R-rated water play. Harry drops to his knees in the shower and Louis can't help but breathe in a breath of fresh relief because 'thank fuck' Louis has been longing for this. He hasn't liked not being able to touch in the daytime just as much as Harry has, but there was no way he would be the one to make the 1st move.

Louis who is still new to boy on boy is grateful that Harry is experienced and knows what he's doing. Louis likes it that Harry initiates and dominates. While the men are busy pleasing each other in the bathroom, both of them are oblivious to their phones that are continuously ringing downstairs in the kitchen from their wives. If only they knew the importance of the calls.

By the time they finally step out of the shower and get dressed it's almost 10:45 AM

"We need to do some grocery shopping"

Louis continues to stare at the bare fridge that now only contains a bag of carrots and some yoghurt.

"Yep I stand by what I just said Haz, I can't live off of this."

Harry walks over reaching into the fridge grabbing a carrot and biting a huge chunk off its end.

"What's wrong with carrots Lou? Vegetables are good for you, you know. "

Harry takes another bite deliberately crunching the loudest he can as he laughs.

"yeah OK true but, I'm only hungry Harry I'm not desperate!"

Harry laughs shaking his head as he looks around for his car keys.

"Alright let's go then"

He goes to walk past Louis who steps in front of him. Harry gives him a questioning look as he raises an eyebrow curiously. Louis pushes up onto his tippy toes connecting their lips and now Harry couldn't care about whether he starves for the next week because shopping is now the furthest thing from his mind, while Louis is suddenly convincing himself that living on carrots wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Louis Tomlinson you horny little devil. Was that rendezvous in the shower only an hour or so ago not enough? How will I ever keep up with you hmm?"

"I don't know but I have a sneaky suspicion that you somehow will."

Resting his head to Louis's forehead he pecks Louis's nose with a kiss quickly before roughly squeezing both of Louis's ass cheeks finishing it off with a slap.

"Go upstairs and grab a jacket, it's a bit chilly out today. I will wait for you in the car, don't be long."

Harry smirks turning around with the front door in sight, as he hears Louis's footsteps running up the stairs.

"No need to be so bossy darling" he yells laughing.

Harry sits himself down in the driver's seat patting his thighs as he bops along to the song on the radio. He's happy and it's not because it's a one-of-a-kind rock classic but because Louis called him 'darling' and Harry is enjoying the pet name a lot more than he should be because all he can think about right now is how good and natural it sounded and how much he craves to hear it again.


Walking around the supermarket Harry is having a hard time trying to control himself. He is often discovering that he is fonding, daydreaming about this everyday life with Louis that he has had the pleasure of experiencing and how his wishing it would never end.

You see you can't force chemistry between two people where it doesn't exist, in the same way, you can't deny it when it does. Harry forgets where they are for a split second and doesn't think when he grabs Louis's hand interlocking their fingers, while they stood there trying to decide on which type of cheese to choose. A good 45 seconds pass before Harry and Louis realise they are holding hands.

Louis pulls back instantly letting him go and checking around the aisles in the hopes of not seeing anyone they know. Thankful for Louis the coast is all clear.

"Shit, Lou I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that"

It's true. Harry can't explain it but it does hurt a little bit at Louis's reaction, when to Harry.... holding Louis's hand had felt nothing but a natural instinct.

Harry was not going to let Louis pay for the shopping. The total amount was a £113

"Harry no, what do you think you're trying to do?"

Harry has pulled out his wallet whipping out his bank card and swiping it before Louis could object any further.

"What? I pretty much eat most of the food at your house anyway, it's only fair that I pay for it." 

"If you felt that way you could have paid half then, not the lot."

Louis isn't angry he's just a little annoyed as he doesn't want Harry to treat him like a charity case and Harry notices straight away the change in his mood.

"I'm sorry "

"It's fine"

The drive home is too quiet and Harry doesn't want the day to turn sour. Harry doesn't even bother with an indicator light and sharply turns a corner, swerving into the opposite direction in which they were supposed to be travelling making a detour, immediately catching Louis's attention.

" Jesus Harry slow down, what are you doing? Why did you vere off?"

Harry giggles as Louis jokes around holding on for dear life. Louis can already tell Harry has a plan and he doesn't know whether to be excited or scared.

Louis has asked Harry now a total of 8 times where they are going and still Harry has yet to answer. They have been driving for a good 40 minutes.

"We're here."

Harry pulls into the carpark while Louis scrunches up his face.

" Is this some kind of joke Harry? Do I look like I'm 5?"

" Hey, I've always wanted to do this. C'mon it will be fun. "

Walking into the building the first thing Louis's eyes are drawn to is the massive sign on the wall that is illuminated with big red and blue lettering.

' Welcome To Build A Bear'

" I can't believe we're doing this. "

" How about we make one each separately and surprise each other? "

The universe wasn't on Louis's side this day as one of the staff workers approach him asking if he needs help using the tablets to pick out his options.

" Yes, he needs help. I know what I'm doing. See you in a bit"

Harry takes off leaving Louis standing alongside the staff member who doesn't look a day older than 20.

" Ok, so where do we start then?" He asks the young man.

Louis cannot believe the amount of time and effort that goes into making these bears. Getting to choose his own bear, getting to fill it with stuffing, choosing its clothing, naming it, no wonder all the children in here are smiling and having a great time.

When he has finally finished, with a much needed thank you to the boy helping him, he sees Harry waiting for him back at the exit door with his hands behind his back. Not wanting Harry to see his work of art he to decides to place it out of sight.

" Let me see Let me see" Harry demands and Louis thinks Harrys spent too much time in here already by his new apparent childish tone.

" After you Hazza"

Harry as proud as he is of his new creation whips out his bear as Louis bursts out laughing. 

" Louis meet 'Rainbow bear' "

Harry's bear is not just one colour it's multiple. There's a mixture of pink, yellow, and purple and Harry is grinning so wide from the amusement on Louis's face because this is it. This is the happy smiley Lou he always loves to see.

" Harry, what the fuck have you done? Is that bear ...no wait...Is that bondage wear?"

Harry turns the bear back towards himself bursting out into laughter.

"It was just supposed to be leather clothing but now you have said that I can't see anything different!"

Some other children around the place were starting to give the two men some weird looks as they watched on at the sound of their horrendous laughter.

" My god Harry that's not Rainbow Bear, from now on his name is RBB"

" RBB?" Harry questions. 

" Yes, Harold. Rainbow Bondage Bear"

When the two decide to finally calm down, Harry looks over Louis's shoulder.

" Let's see it then, where's yours?"

Louis purses his lips tight together and tries his hardest not to break because the kid standing not too far away looks like he's ready to kick them both out.

Sometimes when two people are just so right for each other, something magical can happen. They tune in to each other and have a sixth sense about the person. They start to synchronise.  Louis pulls out his teddy and Harry loses his shit. Louis grabs him by the arm dragging him out the door into the parking lot.

" Fucking hell Louis, yours is exactly like mine but smaller. What the fuck. Great minds think alike hey"

Louis's jaw is extremely sore from smiling as he watches Harry laugh so hard but it's a good scene to endure because there's nothing more in this world that Louis loves watching more than Harry's dimples.

Getting back into the car, Louis can't believe that teddy bears of all things, has made his day so exciting and fun.

"Fancy a beer? "

" When have you ever known me to knock back a beer?...of course I want one."

" Mr sassy pants tonight are we?"

Harry cracks open the bottle watching Louis put on a jumper before turning back to him.

" You wanna sit outside? "

" Sure. "

The night sky is dark. There's a few twinkling stars glowing between the many clouds. It's cold out but bearable but Louis still doesn't understand how Harry is just in a shirt and shorts when he himself was still shivering.

" I will be right back" Louis states as he disappears back inside the house.

Harry looks around his backyard and finds it a tiny bit funny that he hasn't been here for a while. After spending so many days couped up at Louis's place, as he now eyes his backyard it occurs to him how odd it feels being back here. He frowns as he wonders why that is. Hopefully, Harry isn't as naive and will soon connect the dots that maybe it's because his home is longer a place but a certain person.

Louis returns no soon later re joining Harry at the pool's bar, adding another coat on top of his existing jumper.

" My god it's chilly tonight. "

Harry gets up off the stall, walking over to the outdoor patio heater lighting it up to create some heat. He walks around the side of the house and Louis hears what sounds like a little motor start humming.

Harry pulls back the tarp that is covering the hot tub.

" Well let's warm you up then. "

Louis loves a hot tub. He doesn't even hesitate. He rips everything off to his boxers and jumps right in. It's still slowly getting warm so the initial quick change of body temperature didn't bother him too much. It doesn't take long for the hot tub to become steamy and bubbly and no sooner Harry is joining him.

" I should have brought my beer in here. Dam it.. "

Louis laughs meaning it as a joke but watches Harry immediately jump out going over to the table and collecting it for him. Harry hands him the beer gliding himself back into the water. Harry is sat opposite Louis and for the next hour, they do nothing but talk about all sorts of crap and continuously down beers just enjoying each other's company.

Louis is getting hot. His cheeks have flushed and his pretty sure his drunk and even though he is sitting down he feels like his head is floating. He's not sure if it's all because he's been in the tub too long or whether the amount of alcohol he has had is starting to affect him.

What he does know, is that Harry who is topless is looking very appetising. Louis is so lost in Harry that he finds himself gawking. There's a hunger evident all over his face as he licks his lips and Harry has picked up on his desire as the two stare silently at each across from the tub. 

The water is bubbling around them fiercely and Louis can't wait any longer.

■■■ Slight Smut ■■■

Louis drifts across the tub ever so slowly as Harry watches on his eyes full of lust as he knows what's happening. Louis rests his arms on each side of Harry behind him on the tub to gently sit down on Harry's lap straddling him.

Harry's mouth falls wide open when he goes to wrap his arms around his waist feeling nothing but skin. Louis smirks knowing Harry is surprised at his lack of boxers which he had removed earlier on when he made Harry fetch him a beer.

Just as Louis moves to kiss him Harry moans into his mouth.

" You little minx, fuck Lou. How do you make me so hard so fucking quickly all the time?"

It's not a question that needs to be answered. Hearing his deep husky voice sends Louis into an erotic bliss. Tonight however is different. Louis isn't moving too fast. He kisses his favourite spot near Harry's ear before licking a long strip up his neck sucking a deep purple bruise, all while Harry has tilted his head backwards moaning at the pleasure it's caused. 

Under the water, Louis starts tugging at Harry's shorts to remove them. The moment it's only skin on skin Louis takes Harry's cock into his hand slowly stroking him. Harry moves to grab Louis's ass cheeks and finds a pleasant surprise.

" Fuck, do you have a butt pl - "

Louis shooshes Harry by holding his finger over his lips before bending down and pressing his tongue inside his mouth slowly but sensually as they tenderly explore and taste each other.

Harry can't explain the goosebumps he feels when his in hot water. Louis has a warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of his stomach and fuck Louis has realised this is not just sex. It's intimate. He feels a connection with Harry like no other and it's driving him into a euphoric kind of happiness that he never felt before.

" I did it so that I'm already prepped for you, now get inside of me, please. I really need you right now Harry."

There's something different in the way Louis pleads for Harry's closeness which makes Harry's heart melt. He doesn't want to make Louis wait any longer, still holding onto his ass cheeks he spreads them apart discarding the plug and lifting him slightly before lowering him down carefully and slowly onto his cock.

Louis doesn't break eye contact the entire time as he adjusts to Harry being fully inside him. Louis uses a hand to caress Harry's chest before holding him tightly behind the back of his neck.

Louis circles his hips listening to Harry moan. Lifting himself up lightly off Harry's length Louis pushes back down with a little more force. Harry's hands are now firmly on Louis's waist as he guides Louis's delicate bounces.

Louis again presses his lips to Harry's as he continues to ride him. Harry knows he isn't going to last too much longer when Louis's hand grabs Harry's hair pulling it out from the bun it had been tied in.

Louis pulls Harry's hair prompting Harry's head to fall back against the tub's edge leaving Louis the opportunity to again plant kisses along his neck and jawline. Louis places his mouth next to Harry's ear and whispers.

" You like this don't ya Haz, feeling every inch of my tight walls. You fucking love it, but don't worry darling I love it even more"

That was it for Harry. He almost spilled at Louis's sinful words. He starts to gently thrust inside of Louis grabbing his cock and pumping Louis in sync.

" Cum with me baby" Harry pants.

Louis instantly senses his impending release, soon feeling his load escaping his slit as he hits his high. It's not exactly the same time but close enough for Harry, who shoots his cum inside of Louis filling him completely.

■■■ END of Smut■■■

Louis leans forward giving Harry one last kiss. When their lips parted green eyes and blue eyes stared intensely at each other both knowing that, the sex they just had was far from being "just sex."

Sometimes it's not just sex that we crave but rather intimacy. To be admired, and touched, to feel completely safe with another while in our most vulnerable state. Even though Louis tried and tried to refrain from anything other than 'just sex' He has failed miserably.

Harry stays put in the tub while he watches Louis.

" I'm just gonna pop on over home quickly and freshen up." 

Removing himself from the tub he collects a towel tying it around his waist. Walking over to the back door Louis can feel a thick warm liquid oozing from his hole and he squeezes his eyes closed shut for a few seconds as he realises the mistake they have just made. 

Mistakes. We all make them. It's impossible to go through life not making any. Sometimes we may make a mistake that's bigger than others and sometimes, we can make a mistake that is going to affect not only ourselves but all our loved ones as well. Depending on who you ask, some might even say that in life, we don't make " mistakes"  but rather
" Happy little accidents".

One night.
One moment of lust.
One beautiful mistake.
One life-changing experience!!



Attention, a friendly heads up. There's only one more chapter until the wives return!!!!

Things are soon set to change.
What do you think is going to happen when the wives return?

I'm actually nervous to see all your responses to what I have planned in the following few chapters. Please don't hate me, trust the process.


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