vivid - vmin

By hiraethjoy

4.3K 138 6

"i never should of said i love you. you never said it back so why do i still care for you?" taehyung, althoug... More

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55 0 1
By hiraethjoy

jhope : so i said to the bus driver 'and that's why ur mum died' and he did not like the joke

joon : hobi...why would u say that?

jhope : it was an in the moment kinda thing plus he was a dick to everyone that got on the bus

jin : so u decided to make a yo momma dead joke?

jhope : exactly

joon : lord have faith for the future generations

jhope : he refused for a guy to get on with his guide dog. HES BLIND LIKE HOW R U GONNA REFUSE HIM

jin : people are mad rude nowadays

parkjimin : what have i walked in on...

jhope : okay i'll explain bcus it was so fun and interesting , basically this guy was trying to get onto the bus and he paid for himself and went to walk on, he had a guide dog (he's blind) and then the bus driver stopped him

joon : why is the bus driver like that tho

jhope : fck knows

jhope : he says to this guy that he needs to pay double for the dog or else he can't get on

jin : double ?!?

jhope : yeah so then the guy is like 'why would i pay double for my guide dog which helps me see?'

jhope : the bus driver replies 'well simply do not get public transport if you can't pay for ur dog and urself'

parkjimin : HUH

joon : he said that? what

jhope : so everyone on the bus was quiet apart from some old people who were agreeing but they gonna be dead like next week so who gaf

parkjimin : u right u right

jhope : so i offered to pay for the guy in exchange for me getting off so he could have two seats . well this bus driver did not like that and was like 'i would rather have you then this blind bastard on my bus'


joon : no bcus why do some ppl feel so entitled that they speak abt people like that

parkjimin : only ugly people do that shit

jhope : so i said 'he is blind not deaf, don't talk bad about him like that'

jhope : this guy was like 'okay well he shouldn't be blind. this is why the world has gone to shit with people and their stupid guide dogs'

jhope : so that's why i said ur momma dead

parkjimin : i think i would actually flip my shit if i was there

jin : did anyone else say anything to the bus driver or no?

jhope : oh the blind guy came up to me and said it was a social experiment and that i'm gonna be on youtube so. looks like ima be a meme

joon : oh no. hoseok said a yo momma joke in front of millions of people

parkjimin : AHAHAHA i wish i got the bus with u this morning :(( i had early lectures

jhope : lollllllllll , but now atleast ik that social experiments ain't fake bcus i had no idea it was one

jin : that's so unfair...i've always wanted to be in a social experiment

jhope : i see alot of them happen

parkjimin : i've always wanted to be in one where they protect a child from a kidnapping

joon : why... what

parkjimin : so i can fight them obviously

jhope : ong the people in social experiments are always too soft

jin : fr i watched one and they were like 'no don't take her'


joon : ...

jin : should we be concerned jimin?

jhope : bad day?

parkjimin : no i'm good

parkjimin : just passionate abt kidnappers ig

joon : uhm the phone bill came in

jin : yeah and a letter

jhope : ?

jin : from busan.

parkjimin : who is it from?

jin : idk it doesn't say their name

parkjimin : why would we have a letter from there ? what? where is it?

jhope : u can open it when u get home

parkjimin : no get rid of it

joon : this could be ur parents trying to contact u jimin

parkjimin : why would they try to contact me? i don't want to talk to them

jhope : jimin..

parkjimin : what? my parents fcking hate me

jin : don't say that. u know that deep down they love you

joon : maybe it's from ur brother ?

parkjimin : they don't love me. my mother made it pretty clear she doesn't

jin : you've been in contact?

parkjimin : u told me after i passed 18 i could contact my parents. i did

joon : why have u got this idea they don't love you?

parkjimin : she told me to stop trying to contact them. said i was a disgrace to their family

jhope : is she joking or? you've been clean of drugs for 1 and a half years now

jin : not only that but you have shown a great improvement in attitude, they should be happy u are trying to contact them

parkjimin : yeah well they are not , in fact i don't even know if my dad or brother likes me. she won't let them speak to me

joon : damn :/

parkjimin : damn is right

jhope : it's fine u have us now

parkjimin : exactly :) i have u guys, dowoon and taehyung

joon : u kinda need more friends tho

jin : jimin has tons of friends

jhope : he legit lost all of them bcus he told them
to die

parkjimin : i need to visit my grandma now that u mention that

jin : i saw her yesterday :) she gave me free mochi

jin : she said business isn't going very well tho

parkjimin : ppl don't really wanna buy the old stuff anymore, they go to convenience stores and stuff for mochi now

joon : i'll go down to the station tomorrow and say we should go out for mochi, it should be okay tomorrow

jhope : are u trying to say quiet without saying quiet ?

joon : never say the q word

jin : agreed. a newbie said it once and the whole ER flooded with people

parkjimin : i gotta head to class

jhope : let's order take out tonight !

jin : deal


jhope : imagine that

yoongs : i couldn't , seems cruel af

jhope : yeah and jimin isn't too bad with emotions but he was cleared upset with this

yoongs : i swear jimin has anger issues

jhope : yeah he does but...doesn't matter

yoongs : maybe if he opens the letter he will finally see who it's from

jhope : he is not going to do that

jhope : his mother clearly doesn't want him and i don't think he wants that confirmation again thru a letter

yoongs : it could be his dad?? or brother ?

jhope : jimin doesn't think like that does he

yoongs : well he should

jhope : enough of him

yoongs : wow okay

jhope : not like that , its just jimin wouldn't like us talking abt him

yoongs : mk mk

jhope : my dance competition is in 2 weeks

yoongs : how fun

yoongs : ima make a big ass sign for u

jhope : that's slightly embarrassing

yoongs : how

jhope : bcus yk

jhope : ppl might think u like me

yoongs : nothing wrong with that

jhope : i didn't say there was , just don't want people to get the wrong idea

yoongs : once again, nothing wrong with ppl getting the wrong idea

yoongs : r u gasp homophobic ?

jhope : no wtf

yoongs : then?

jhope : i just don't wanna have ppl thinking we are dating

yoongs : fine. there is nothing wrong with dating me

jhope : as if anyone would know , u don't let anyone close enough to u to let them date u

yoongs : that is not true. u and i are very close

jhope : stop using me as an example, i don't wanna date u

yoongs : well if u did want to

jhope : well i don't. leave it be

yoongs : okay fine whatever i don't care anymore

yoongs : u will regret not wanting to date me

jhope : u are being weird min yoongi

yoongs : whatever idc

jhope : okay...

yoongs : i'm gonna go , i gotta go to work

jhope : mhm see ya later


jungkook is streaming...

"what do you mean the quality is ass? i am in a hotel guys so it's not gonna be good"

chatter1 : hi jungkook! when are you going to play valorant?
chatter3 : apple pog
chatter4 : lemme be the apple ayo

"i don't know when i'm gonna play valorant. i'm kinda holding back on it because the competitive scene is really big right now and i don't wanna get dragged into that. especially with school and everything"

yugyeom : lemme in ur room

"go away. i booked separate rooms for us so i could do this without you guys. stop banging on me door"

chatter2 : i became a jett main but idk how i feel abt her

"i was an omen main but right now i'm really feeling astra. i like playing smokes because i love lurking. but when i play duelist i drop like 30 kills per game"

chatter5 : bet u play bots lmao
chatter6 : kekw
chatter1 : what rank r u?

"lmao imagine. i probably do play bots but right at this moment i am immortal 2. that's my peak rank. i'm trying to get to radiant but that shit is hard"

tarik : jungkook!!!

SenTenz raid

"thanks for the raid cutie."

"no stop because when tenz asked if i wanted to collab i think i shat my pants"

chatter7 : ur lying
chatter 8 : the tenz????
chatter3 : he is famous

"why are you guys acting like i'm not the biggest korean streamer right now?"

chatter9 : bcus u ain't
chatter2 : u suck lmao
chatter2 : kidding
chatter1 : get better kekw

"whatever. i thought this was a bonding moment guys. anyways. tarik is here too? shit sorry i didn't see your chat. my bad."

"i was gonna bring my laptop to the hotel i'm staying at to maybe play one game of overwatch but apparently this hotel has a vpn thing so i can't actually join any servers. which is fucking annoying"

chatter6 : who u with?

"who am i with? just some friends from school. you guys know yugyeom and bambam. there is a shit ton of us so i'm not gonna go through all the names."

"how do y'all know jaehyun? i didn't even mention that he was here and you guys are bringing him up"

chatter2 : he streams lmao
chatter10 : he is live rn

"what?! he streams? you are joking right? no way...this motherfucker was going on and on about how he didn't want to stream with me. i bet that's because he didn't want me to find out he streams"

chatter4 : yeah but u have more viewers so maybe he was embarrassed by that
chatter6 : TRUEEEE
chatter7 : as if jaehyun would care

"no for real. he would not care. i bet that guy cares more about how he looks on camera rather than his fans"

chatter1 : true tbh
chatter12 : he fixes his hair like every second of the stream but he's funny to watch

"i wish he told me he streamed. but whatever we can't have everything. should we raid him at the end of the stream to expose him?"

chatter3 : idk cos we weren't supposed to tell
chatter9 : do it lmao

"okay at the end of the stream we will raid him. now guys i have some exciting news and also wanna do a question and answers thing with you guys if that is okay? just something simple so we can get to know eachother because all you asked about earlier was valorant."

chatter6 : u dating anyone?
chatter7 : any future tattoos?
chatter2 : how do you plan on spending ur streaming time after school is finished ?
chatter18 : DIE DIE DIE

"mods let's ban this guy please. what the fuck is wrong with you guys"

he would laugh.

"uhmmm and no i'm not dating anyone right now. mainly because i'm a child still and ya know i don't really plan on dating anyone. i guess if it happens it happens."

"this is a good one. i love my tattoos as they are, so as we speak i'm not going to be getting any new ones. but i could get bored one day so i may get some more."

"and honestly, i'm not sure if streaming is a full time job thing for me. i really do enjoy talking to you guys and playing games on stream but the idea of doing this until i'm like 28 really scares me. mainly because i'm probably going to run out of content for you guys..

but i guess also because i want to have my own kids and be able to look after them. i don't know if streaming will bring in enough income for that"

chatter6 : i wanna see ur kids bro
chatter8 : baby jungkook's would be so annoying

"leave my unborn children alone guys"

chatter7 : uhmmm any update on ur stream schedule? this is the first time you have streamed in ages
chatter12 : trueeeeee
chatter9 : where have you been?

"uhmm i don't know if i wanna talk about that guys. it's kinda personal to me. but i will for sure tell you guys once i've gotten...let's say better"

chatter5 : are u dying?
chatter2 : cancer?

"no guys. i do not have cancer or any terminal illness for that matter. i'm not dying. just yet"

jungkookie would chuckle.

"i'm kidding again. i'm all good honestly. i would let you guys know if there was seriously something wrong. this is just something i have to deal with myself right now. when uhmmm they tell me i'm better then i will tell you guys."

"but this does lead to the news i said i had earlier. so as you guys do know, i did take a break from streaming for quite a while but i am back. and i'm going to be streaming regularly. however ! it won't be as frequent as it used to be. i used to stream atleast 5 days a week but now i'm shortening it down to 4 days maximum. this is the best for the both of us"

chatter4 : if u say so
chatter8 : so no more taehyung tuesdays ?

"hey we stopped making fun of taehyung ages ago. we can not let him know that those were a thing. and the reason for that is because he is now going to be accompanying me atleast once a week for streams. this is great for new content and maybe i can teach him some games"

chatter2 : wow...this has really changed
chatter16 : idk how i feel abt this
chatter3 : if it's necessary let's do it!

"i promise guys this is only temporary. we can go back to how it was after i get better. i'm just glad i can finally start streaming again. especially now it is with yoongi's permission and not behind his back. sound good? good."

"not let's go raid jaehyun...make sure to say you are from my stream okay!"


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