Shattered - Completed

By LeonaPage

201K 13K 3.1K

A darker romance, MF, wolf shifter story. It is recommended you read TrueBorn's Queen first, but not entirely... More

1- A Princess
2 - The Bond
3 - The Alpha and Luna
4 - Chases and Dreams
5 - Bastard
6 - Luxury
7 - Petition
8 - An Oak at the Museum
9 - So Strange
10 - Run
11 - Something Borrowed
12 - Dizzy
13 - Salvatore
14 - Master
15 - My Pet
16 - Family Dinner
17 - Empty Prince
18 - The Knowing
19 - Pampered Indeed
20 - Arrogant-est
21 - Tiny White Squirrel
23 - It Wasn't Real
24 - Natural Lies
25 - Black Prince
26 - Fiend's Obsession
27 - Your Guard
28 - Brute
29 - Choice Mates
30 - Clan Lines
31 - Lost Princess
32 - Secrets, Secrets
33 - Father-By-Mating
34 - My Cave
35 -Nuts
36 - The Priestess
37 - Precious
38 - Eventually
39 - Seeds
40 - Storytime
41 - The Final Illusion
42 - The Clans
43 - Allies
44 - The North
45 - Of Mates
46 - Family Tree
47 - Threads
48 - Challenge
49 - Liars
50 - You Said 'Soon'
51 - Octavia
52 - Princess, Priestess, Mine
53 - Stepmother
54 - Shattered
55 - Purpose

22 - Paper Snow

3K 214 26
By LeonaPage


I blink open my eyes. My vision swims with fuzzy pictures of light and dark. Colors flash in my line of sight. It's snowing. Paper-light flakes of white mingle and drift with yellow and blue and pink.

I can only hear a buzzing sound. My lips part. I feel my mouth form the words, "sorry." I taste blood in my mouth.

Dark eyes meet mine. Someone to help. I reach for him. He'll stop the mad swirl of pastel snow that blurs my vision.

"I'm sorry," tumbles in the air between us. My apology. His apology? I'm not sure...

A calloused hand, bristled, clawed, slides over my cheek. I grimace when the touch turns wet and uncomfortable. Warm lips touch mine. That I like. My neck bends just the slightest bit. I can't see anything, but I think my eyes are still open. I sway, to and fro, rocking on my furry boat.

I press my whiskered, pink nose between the filigreed bars of the golden cage. The cool metal squishes my snout. My voice chitters loudly, complaining to the black wolf about his abysmal disregard for me. I'm the queen of the squirrels. How dare he?

He pads along, silent, pensive. My cage swings back and forth in his mouth. A small drop of drool hits the top of my head, sending me into a flurry of scolding chirps.

The hissing makes me fall silent. I press my tiny paws to the bars, peering out into the shadows beyond the black wolf's massive jaws. I see nothing but inky darkness.

Another hiss, a flash of silver, a serpentine body unwinds itself from a tree trunk and drops onto the path. I let out a soft chirp. A warning to the black wolf, but he plods on steadily forward as if he can't see her lying in wait for him.

The silver serpent lashes out, striking the black wolf in the foot. He stumbles but doesn't fall. Another strike and he begins to limp. He regains his footing and steps forward, but the serpent is there, poisoned fangs at the ready. Again and again, the viper sinks her fangs into the black wolf while he ignores her, carrying my cage all the while. The foul taint of poison stains the air.

My wolf falters at last. He sinks to his haunches, then collapses fully. Now the viper can reach his neck, his face. His jaws clench on the cage. I don't stay silent. My loud screeches do nothing to stop her.

One lone, golden eye watches me until it glazes over. I scrabble at the bars of my cage, trying to set myself free, but the golden metal doesn't even scratch.

The viper turns her attention to me. She strikes. Her fangs sink into the bars. Her body twists angrily. Flakes of gold and poison spittle fly from her blood-red maw. She draws back and hits the cage again. The metal still won't bend. I curl up at the bottom of my cage and tuck my tail around my body protectively.

I am safe, but my black wolf's eyes are dark.

My wrists are heavy. The world smells right again. I burrow deeper into sleep, refusing to open my eyes and see my black wolf's glazed-over eyes. My body is so heavy. I feel as if I'm sinking to the bottom of the world.

I sniffle and rub the tears away from my eyes. Something scratches my face. I smack my cheek, sending the annoying pest away. It bites me again.

Tivo's eyes stare up at me, dead and glossy. I stand on the head of the corpse and chitter triumphantly up at my black wolf as he chuffs in humor down at me.

Relief floods me. My black wolf is absolutely fine, golden eyes shining. No viperous poison racing through his veins. I run to him, exalted in my victory, only to smack into the golden bars. Stunned, I shake my head and spin in a circle, sending my tail spinning out in a fluff. My cage is red-hot.

I force my eyes open. The pillow under my head is soaked through. I shiver despite the heat shimmering in the air next to the little potbelly stove. When I try to speak my mouth is dry dust. My chapped lips bleed when they part.

"Gavin?" I croak. I hear, faintly, footsteps on the stairs and wait with bated breath for my mate to arrive. When he appears at the top of the stairs his eyes, molten gold and very much alive, meet mine. "I'm sorry, love," I croak.

"No, beloved," he murmurs. He crosses the tower and sits next to me on the bed. Gently he reaches out and takes my wrists in his hands.

I see them, then, the thin bracelets on my wrists. Gold ones, delicate, but unforgiving. Attached to each is a long, thin chain, also of gold. Bolted to the wall is a heavy, iron hook. I've never seen it before.

"Why?" I rasp, horror-struck, then numb in disbelief.

His fingers pause as he unlocks the manacles. "Beloved... CeCe... You keep trying to run away," his voice is low. His eyes burn into mine. "You keep dreaming, sweetheart. Nightmares."

I shake my head up at him as he takes the chains off with a glare at the offending metal. "I what?"

His eyes slide closed. He leans close and presses his lips against my forehead. On my skin, he whispers, "you're raving, sweetheart. For three days."

My breath seizes in my chest. Spots dance in my vision. My body is aching and as heavy as a boulder. I recognize the signs of the Knowing, but it's rare that it affects me so deeply.

The golden bars are melting. Flames lick the edges of my cage, but I'm ice cold. Paper snowflakes dance down. Wolves surround the golden cage. Their paws churn in the mud until the ground is nothing more than reddish-brown soup. Furious howls split the air. They are at war.

My fur is red again, with specks of gold dripping on me. The mud is becoming deeper. It rises inside my cage. Brighter and brighter the flames burn. Brighter and brighter. The mud turns red.

The pack is burning.


"You're playing a dangerous game, pup," Dad's voice rumbles with concern mingled with an ounce of disdain.

"You know we can't invade MoonGlist," I point out.

Dad pauses. It bothers him that the north is off-limits. MoonGlist rests only a few hours away from BlackFur, but right at the base of the mountains claimed by other shifters.

"You bring an army to MoonGlist, and the Coven up there'll declare war," Dad finally, begrudgingly, admits. "They won't want our army so close to their borders."

"So, I bring the fucker to me," I say. I'm white-knuckling the phone. I can't help it. Fury beats its black wings on the edge of my consciousness. My wolf hasn't stopped pacing for days, ever since CeCe placed her delicate fangs against my neck, and didn't bite down.

"Killing her truemate isn't necessarily the best way to capture her heart," Dad cautions.

"He has to die," I rasp out. "He hurt her. The alpha and luna, too. I want to wipe them all out."

"Idiot," Dad spits out. "Sometimes that shit happens, Gav."

"She can't let him go," I growl, still thinking of her soft, panting breath against my skin, the welling disappointment when I didn't feel the sting of her fangs, her tears of fear when I finally stood back up and walked away without a word. "She can't let him go, and I won't let her go." She's been sick for days. Because I asked her to Mark me? Is that little prick ruining my mating from miles away?

"Possession is nine-tenths of the law," Dad says snidely.

"Asshole," I mutter. "I'm not invading, Dad," I change the subject back to MoonGlist. "That prick will come to me. CeCe's picture has been splashed all over the news."

"Just be careful he doesn't skulk in and steal her away when you're not paying attention to your little mate," Dad warns.

I let out a dark laugh, "not a problem." We hang up and I walk upstairs to the top of the tower. CeCe sits up in the bed, looking disheveled and utterly lovely, the gentle tinkling of chains sounding blasphemous in the quiet.

"Good morning, beloved." I cross to her and sit at the edge of the bed. With the key dangling on the leather tie around my neck, I unlock the thin bracelets on her wrists and ankles, then rub the delicate skin underneath. I check her wrists for red marks or bruising while those green eyes stare at me balefully.

"You've chained me here for days, Gavin," she remarks quietly. Her eyes droop in exhaustion. She's thinner again after just a week in this tower. She's barely been awake. I lean forward and kiss a small purple bruise on her cheek. "I hit myself with the manacle by accident," she remembers. Her body starts to sag. "So cold," she whispers. "When I'm dreaming it's so hot, but so cold when I wake up."

I nod, my jaw locked tight. My wolf paces in my head. His constant low growl and lack of sleep is making my head ache something fierce, but my discomfort is nothing compared to how much CeCe is suffering. "I'm trying," I rasp out. I cup her cheek with my palm and lean forward to rest my forehead against hers. The contact soothes my wolf, making his growl lessen and my headache stop pounding so terribly. "Today, I'll bring you down to the fields. For the tournament," I whisper. "You can walk around the castle, go to the village, see Salvatore. I'll be with you all day. I promise, beloved."

"I'm sorry I couldn't Mark you," she whispers back to me. Tears slip from her puffy, red-rimmed eyes.

"It's not-" my wolf snarls, snapping his teeth in my face. I groan with the effort to hold back, but the sound rips from my gut anyway. I grab CeCe to my chest. My breath heaves as my wolf rakes his claws down my spine.

"It's alright, Gavin," my sweetheart strokes my cheek with a limp, weak hand as her head lolls to one side submissively.

With something approaching regret, I sink my canines into the Mark on her pretty shoulder. My wolf stops tormenting me as he slinks away to resume his pacing. I taste CeCe on my tongue right before the sharp taste of mating venom wells up and spills into her fresh bite.

"I'm fucking sorry, beloved," I murmur as I lay her back on the thick mattress and cover her with my body. She's pliant, even welcoming, as I sink into her sweet, tight channel. I'm as gentle as I can be until I spill inside her.

When I stand up, she smells of me. My essence is sunk into her pores. I, however, smell of fucking her and nothing else.

I have to step away, breathing deeply as sorrow and anger lash out at me. My wolf paces. After a minute, I realize that I'm echoing his movements while CeCe watches me warily from the bed.

I force my body to stop moving. "It's time to go downstairs, beloved."


It's freezing cold outside today. I'm shivering even though I'm bundled up under layers of blankets and fur-lined boots. It's snowing up on the mountain, but down here in the valley, it's a light drizzle.

All of the competitors are near-naked. Even the spectators are dressed much more lightly than I am with their cotton long-sleeves and thin pants. Gavin is lounging next to me, with only a black leather vest and a pair of soft cotton pants on. He's sinfully sexy, but his neck is also terribly blank.

Swallowing guiltily, I sweep my eyes over the field again. Everyone's gazes keep falling onto me before darting away hurriedly. They don't look at Gavin at all. Even as the competitors line up and bow their heads respectfully, no one meets Gavin's eyes.

Gavin reaches out and grasps my gloved finger in his and starts playing with my fingers.

Javi stands slightly ahead of us on the platform and makes the announcements, his voice washing over me but the words not registering. Wolves line up facing each other. Some are on feet, some on paws.

"Hand-to-hand is first," Javi says to me over his shoulder.

"Tell me if anyone catches your eye, beloved," Gavin whispers in my ear.

"I will," I breathe out. Not. I will not tell Gavin that a wolf or two impresses me. That's a fast way to trigger his jealousy.

"Princess, tea?" Argen inserts himself into the conversation by offering me a warm travel mug.

"Bring her the beef broth again," Gavin orders.

I drink whatever I'm given. It's all tasteless. I keep chewing on the inside of my cheek. It's swollen and bleeding. The only taste I have in my mouth is blood no matter what I drink. Nothing washes it away.

The competitors clash below the platform. Bare skin and fur, screams and growls, spittle and blood, it's all a mess. I can't pick them apart. I can't choose one or the other as victors. After a while, the sun is rising higher and higher in the sky. Javi announces that we will break for lunch.

I'm not hungry. I can't be sure if it's because I have no appetite or because Argen keeps stuffing me full of hot food at Gavin's bequest.

"Here, Princess," Argen says, extending another mug to me.

"Thank you," I say. I can hear the exhaustion in my voice. "Gavin?" I call his name out tentatively. His golden eyes find mine, but he doesn't respond. "How, um, how many competitors are left?" It seems that no one has left the field this morning.

Gavin's eyes lower a bit. He's still holding my hand in his. His fingers offer me the only real warmth I have. "There are no losers today, sweetheart." His gaze narrows even more, "this isn't about winning. It's about you choosing." He smirks a little coldly. "You have to choose, beloved."

I yank my eyes away from him to stare blankly out at the field again. "I can't decide," I protest quietly. "They're all so good."

"They are the best. My elite. Others. Javi and I already vetted them," Gavin explains dismissively. "They wouldn't be on the field if they weren't good enough."

I go quiet, unsure of how to deal with this reticent, brooding male. If he vetted them before today, then why have contests at all? Why not let me choose based on personality? He's been in a mood since I finally left the tower.

"Um, where is Salvatore?" I ask hesitantly.

Gavin frowns, "Saxon took him to visit my parents in the Capital."

"Without us?" I ask, startled.

Gavin nods abruptly and I understand. He doesn't want Salvatore to stumble onto me chained in the tower. I sit back and tug on my fingers. Gavin doesn't let go and I give up after a bit. "When is he coming home?"

"Tomorrow," Gavin grunts. "I promised you," he mutters. His fingers tighten on mine and I see it for the first time since Mr. Grumpy-Paws sat down next to me; he's worried.

There's an awkward silence between us, then Javi says, "this afternoon we'll open the games up to any and all, luna. It will be more interesting for you. Archery, knife throwing, battle of wills. This morning was meant to intimidate any newcomers."

"Oh, I see," I reply, although I don't particularly understand why these warrior-wolves need to scare off the competition. I remember the only time I visited the village and their mock battles. I think they just like fighting.

I look over my shoulder at Village Black. It's a pretty sight. In the scant time I've been here in BlackFur the village has grown. Some of the more dilapidated buildings are visibly being restored, with scaffolding and building materials piled neatly in alleys and fresh coats of paint on nearly every wolf-made surface. I want to explore, but with Gavin's attitude so low, I don't dare to ask. Maybe I'll at least have time to go back to the museum and see Johannes.

"Bathroom," Gavin grunts. He stands, then pulls me to my feet. Facilities have been set up behind the platform. When we reach them I realize that they're not for everyone, but just Gavin and I. Aren stands outside, playing bathroom attendant. I'm wide-eyed at the luxury (even the smell is pretty) of the small space. It's brand-new and rather than cheap, temporary materials, the walls and floor are made of cedar and the toilet, sink, and shower are real porcelain.

Gavin helps me unwrap myself. When I pee, the warmth is startling, and it stings. "CeCe," Gavin mumbles my name, sounding tortured.

"I'm fine," I respond softly. I stand up and Gavin swears under his breath. I look down at the bowl. There's blood in my urine. My body is falling apart. It reminds me of all those times in MoonGlist when I was so ill. I think Gavin is blaming himself, but I blame the Knowing more. My dreams won't stop. I feel as if I spend half my time trapped inside my head.

Gavin lets out a low snarl as he helps me re-dress in all my layers. "I should have held this shit inside," he growls to himself.

It's confusing. He's confusing. He takes care of me but chains me in his tower. I'm a beloved pet.

"That's not true, CeCe," he mutters as he angrily finishes tucking in the ends of the fur-lined outer cloak all around me. "You are my mate, my luna, my love." Grasping my hand in his, he leads me back outside to the platform.

I know it's not true. Not entirely. I'm angry because I'm scared. Something's wrong with my body. My stomach hurts and I feel weaker than I ever have.

The drizzle has turned to snow. Fat flakes drift down over the field. It reminds me of the knowing, of the ash falling from the sky as MoonGlist burns.

Gavin's hand tightens on mine. When we take our seats again, he pulls me flush to his side, but not on his lap as usual. A bell rings and wolves start to return to the fields. The crowd is larger than it was before. I see that while we had our break, new contests were prepared for. The excitement in the crowd is heightened. Sensing it, my she-wolf pokes her head out and looks around.

"I want to run with you tonight," Gavin rasps out. It's the third time he's demanded I run with him. My she-wolf slinks back into her den to hide. "We'll have your new guard. You'll be safe," he promises.

"Alright," I find myself promising. It's a promise I don't know that I can keep. 

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