The Underworld God With His B...

By Cale_ndar

23.9K 835 188

what if lan wangji died instead of Wei wuxian would cause Wei wuxian bringing chaos to the cultivation world... More

characters introduction
I will be waiting for you for even 10,000 years..
the child was the heavenly demon?
not an update nor announcement.
lan zhan was the baby boy..?
' So I see, so you both are the ones who transmigrated here. '
questions for readers
wangxian bonus for wangxian shippers
is he cheating on me..?
the discontinuation 😏
behind the scenes
meeting the original | questions
to be continued
deleted scenes

" I'll be on your side, even if you die or not. "

1.6K 81 23
By Cale_ndar

Wei wuxian smiles, by seeing the Royal couple being happy with their twins.

Wei wuxian slowly disappeared into pieces.

Lan wangji was looking at him, if it was without the blurry visions he has, he could have been crying to see Wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian fully disappeared, removing the memories about him.

It's now like, everyone has forgotten a person.

Everyone was cheerful, contented, and delightful. Once it was all because of Wei wuxian's wish.

But the demon realm and the yiling Wei sect did not forget about their beloved emperor.

Since their leader has died, they were wondering, who would be their new Lord or emperor to rule the demon realm?

Wei Heilin: I see, so looks like his wish has came verifiable, and true.

Hua Cheng: but then, who would be the new Overlord?

Wei heilin: we need a boy, who's 33 years younger than him.

Wei heilin and Hua Cheng looks at Luo binghe.

Luo binghe: me?

Wei heilin: yes, you.

Hua Cheng: I'm more like 800, yk so it's basically you.

Luo binghe: I will not replace my beloved brother!

"we'll, you have too! " Wei heilin said

" I don't wanna! " Luo binghe shouted

"oh stop being so ungrateful! Or we will kidnap your shizun! " Hua Cheng also shouted for him to stop shouted for once.

Luo binghe turns silent after his younger brother mentions his dearest shizun.

" ...... Ugh fine! " Luo binghe finally stopped

Luo binghe turns around in despondency.

Luo binghe knows he will regret it, if he did. It's just, he couldn't replace his brother's position, even if he died or disappeared.

18 years later.

The demon realm missed their formerly leader, the demon realm has changed this years after the day he died.

Even if the demon realm tries to forget about him, everyone in demon realm failed to forget about him, the reason why the first demon Lord was called as 'unforgettable demon lord'

There was a statue of him, in the burial mountains.

In the mortal realm, there was always an event, every year.

Somehow lan wangji has a headache everytime, he thinks of a person with the silver eyes, pure black hair, black, grey and red clothes, always has his flute in his waist.

Lan wangji always felt he was wearing a headband. Even he thought that someone was watching him. And he also felt that person was his soulmate, but he always appear on his dreams only.

It was true all along, someone was watching him, he used to wear headband before, the person he was describing was his actually true soulmate, but he can only appear on his dreams.

This takes over the 18 years, where he was intelligent, elegant, and smart.

He was called by a knight, that his parents are calling him.

"Your Highness, the empress and the emperor are calling for you. "

The knight bowed, as he said that with pure ease without struggling with it's own words.

"You may go. " lan wangji told the knight, and the knight bowed again and left the room. Lan wangji stands up from his seat, and put down the pen, as he stands up, he walks outside.

He was currently walking through the hallway, multiple girls was fangirling.

When he went to the throne room, he saw a girl who was beautiful and appealing.

He bowed to his parents, and he wondered why is this girl next to me.

"Mother, father, may I ask why is this girl next to me? " lan wangji questions his parents.

"Well, my son, this is your fiance, you will be marrying her. " the emperor speaks in a happy tone.

Lan wangji and the girl was shocked, as they didn't want to marry each other..

"B-but your majesty! I am just a mere girl who doesn't deserve to marry his highness! " the girl said in an unhappy tone.

"We'll, when you helped the elder woman, and the people on this town, we found some potential on you. "

Lan wangji finally put his first emotion with his voice. "Father and mother! Why did you arrange a marriage whom I don't met or either liked? " lan wangji said in emotion as he didn't want to marry a person before. He just wants to meet the person in his dreams before he got married.

The nobles and the emperor and empress was dismayed and shocked, he hasn't been this mad to his parents before.

His sister stands up from her Royal seat, and slams the desk. "Mother, father. Even if you find potential in this woman, a-zhan doesn't deserve an arrangement! "

"You-" the empress was cut by her own daughter.

"Let's go a-zhan and woman! " his sister said in furious and enraged expression and tone, as she hold lan wangji's and the girl's hand.

She Sprinted to the outside, the people that has passed through them didn't know why they were running. The guards was following them, since the guards was following them, they had to go to another way to the forest.

'Ugh! They are still following! I have to find a Way to get to the forest!' The sister thought, and was thinking.

The sister thought of going to the left side to go to the forest, so she stopped and went to the left side to go to the back of the town. Somehow the guards couldn't focus on them, so they didn't know where they went.

The sister turns around to see only trees and vines behind her back, cannot see the guards. "Finally! They got away! " the sister said so, in a gleeful tone.

They found a noise within in the forest, so they stopped, they were stopped by a flute melody, which was beautiful.

They were wondering who was the person, or who was this person who was playing the flute, in the middle of the forest?

They strolled through the forest, just to find this person.

They have looked everywhere, but couldn't find the person, the music was beyond to them, the girl took a glance on the tree, seeing what beautiful person with that pure black hair, red and black clothes, has four braids to his ponytail, with a sword on his waist.

The looks of the man exactly looks like the boy, he only dreams about.

The flute melody stopped, when the girl looks at him. The boy's eyes started to open, and glance at the people.

The boy chuckled, the two people looks at him, with that amazed looks.

'He looks like.. That man from my dreams.. ' lan wangji stares at him.

"What are you guys doing in the burial forest? "

"Burial forest? " the girl asked the beautiful and matured man in front of her.

"I suppose that you came here without consent, am I right? " The man asked the three people who is at the bottom of his.

The sister looks down. "Indeed yes. I am sorry for trespassing. " the sister said in the sad tone.

The man looks at her. "It's fine. " the man jumps off the tree, and landed in flawlessly and perfectly.

The man signs them to sit down on the ground, and the three people listened. "So, what made you approach this forest? " the man looks at them, wanting to have the answer.

"Well, my brother and this woman was forced to be married, just because this woman has potential to marry my brother, since my brother and this woman didn't want to get married, we had to escape to the forest. But we didn't knew that we have trespassed to this forest, so we're sorry for trespassing without anyone's consent. " the sister said.

"I see. But it's fine, I don't mind anyone who trespasses through my forest, unless they damage my forest. " the man looks away.

Y'all wanna know who is the man?

Answer: wei ying courtesy name wuxian 😃


They chatted for so many hours, it was nighttime.

"It's late.. " the sister said.

"I'm tired. " the girl said sleepy and yawned

"So you guys are tired, follow me. " wei wuxian told them, and ofc they would listen to their elders (😀)

They were walking for 2 minutes to his treehouse? (Idk so that's why I put the question mark, I was getting ideas from my bestie but didn't told me if it was a mansion or a treehouse so-)

Everyone yawned while walking, except for wei wuxian.

Once they got there, it was majestic with leaves and vines for a treehouse, they were amazed at that time they first saw the treehouse.

Since they were tired and sleepy, they went inside first instead of complaining about the beauty of the treehouse.

Wei wuxian escorted them to their rooms, only leaving the boy. But since there is only one room, they have to share each other's rooms.

"So where's mine? " lan wangji asked wei wuxian.

"You don't have a room. " wei wuxian told him, as he starts to take a glance at lan wangji.

"Then where am I going to sleep? " lan wangji asked wei wuxian.

"In my room. " wei wuxian said.

"Ok.. " lan wangji said in a sleepy tone, as he wanted to sleep.

"Just follow me" wei wuxian told him to follow him, he began to step forward, leaving lan wangji behind him.

When they arrived at the room, lan wangji quickly opens the door and went to bed, and slept for a minute since it was 9:00.

"... "

Wei wuxian looks at him while he was sleeping.

'I can't believe that lan zhan's reincarnate is still sleeping in 9:00 pm.. ' wei wuxian thought, as so he move to his bed to sleep next to lan wangji.

Wei wuxian took a stare at him, and placed his hand on the bottom of the head.

'It's been a long time, since I ever saw you lan zhan. ' wei wuxian placed his other hand on lan wangji's cheeks.

'I'll be on your side, even if you died or not.. '  wei wuxian eyes turns teary.

If your wondering.

Will lan wangji get married?


Yes, he will be married twice.

Why does lan wangji get married twice?


Someone has put him under a love spell to fall in love with someone, and the both of them got married but the marriage was ruined because of wei wuxian. Wei wuxian and lan wangji was also married which made him married twice.

How did wei wuxian survive from his own wish?


Wei wuxian has fully disappeared after lan wangji's birth, but it didn't mean he will die after he disappeared. He has another wish from himself to survive after lan wangji's birth.

Who are the girl and the sister?


The sister was Jiang yanli's reincarnation, while the girl is Mianmian's reincarnation.

1799 words

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