The Beach House [Narry]

By karmasucks

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"I don't wanna feel this way!" Niall finally cries, his shoulders trembling with each sob. Harry looks hurt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 22

315 25 34
By karmasucks

I Drink Wine — Adele

The following week, they hadn't discussed much about coming out since that Saturday morning. They knew they'd do it eventually, it's just about finding the courage and the right time to do so. The Monday they're back at school found Harry and Niall by their lockers. Harry is a few feet away, talking to Louis while Niall is further down the corridor, talking to Liam. Liam had just said something funny, causing Niall to laugh and Harry looks up at the sound, the sound so recognisable and distinctive that it causes a smile to stretch on Harry's lips and he just could not hide it.

The sound of Niall's laughter fills the corridor, despite being surrounded by student chatter and Harry's eyes fall adoringly on him. The way his rosy cheeks are flushed, his blonde hair tousled, his blue eyes gleaming...Harry's heart melts at the sight of him. Niall could sense that someone is watching him and when he catches eyes with Harry, he's still smiling. Their looks linger for a while, both of them sharing some kind of unspoken greeting, a secret message until Louis appears in front of him, blocking his view from Niall and Harry blinks, eyebrows knotted together as he scowls at his best friend.

"Earth to Harry! Did you hear me just now?" Louis asks impatiently, waving his hand at Harry.

"No." Harry shakes his head, flashing Louis a sympathetic look and Louis groans, throwing his head back in exasperation.

"I said," Louis continues, "Have you talked about what I suggested? Bout getting a beard?" He presses and now it's Harry's turn to sigh in expaseration, closing his locker door with his shoulder.

"Lou, I told you," he starts, "We're not gonna do that. I couldn't do that to Niall." Harry insists and Louis snorts derisively.

"Might wanna think 'bout it if you're gonna gawk at Niall all day." He suggests warily and Harry rolls his eyes.

He doesn't even bother to respond to Louis but heads over to Niall himself all the same. When Niall sees Harry approaching, a huge grin spreads across his face and it's Louis turn to roll his eyes. Harry's about to open his mouth to speak when one of the It girls approaches them and he closes it shut.

"Hey, Harry!" Izzy beams, flicking her hair hair over her shoulders.

"Hey, Iz. What can I do for you?" Harry asks casually.

"It has come to our attention that you have yet to old a Halloween party." Izzy starts.

"Mhmm. That's right." Harry nods and behind her, he can see Niall with a deadpan look on his face, staring at her back.

"Well, do you plan on having one any time soon?" She giggles.

"Well, actually I already went to the disco with Niall, seems pretty pointless holding a party as well," Harry shrugs and the hopeful smile on Izzy's face disappears, "But I'm considering having a Thanksgiving party to comprise. How about that?" He adds and her face lights up again.

"Really?" She gasps.

"Really?" Niall repeats, standing behind Harry, staring at him and Harry stares back.

"Yeah. Figured I'd make it up to ya." Harry responds softly to Izzy, without looking at her.

"Great!" She beams, "I'll spread the word."

She drifts off into the crowd of students before Harry could protest and he walks with Niall, side by side with Louis and Liam walking closely behind them.

"You really can't help yourself, can ya?" Niall teases in a whisper as they saunter off to class.

"Couldn't say no to a party." Harry frowns and Niall shakes his head in disbelief.

Admittedly, since dating Niall, Harry had never felt the need to "host" any kind of party anymore at his house. He mainly head parties because it was outside of school and it was a better way to get to know the female students and maybe pick up a few chicks...but he didn't need to do that anymore. He had Niall.

"Speaking of thanksgiving," Harry continues, "I want you to be at my thanksgiving this year." He announces and Niall blushes, hesitantly looking up at him.

"W-with your parents?" He stutters nervously and Harry nods, smiling.

Gulping dryly, Niall glances back at Liam and Louis who are still walking closely with them and then he turns back around again and he cleans into Harry to whisper in his ear.

"Meet me at our usual place during free period." And with a light resssuaring squeeze to Harry's arm, he heads off to class with Liam.

About an hour before lunch, Harry finds himself squeezed in the janitors locker with Niall. Despite it being horribly enclosed and dark with a faint smell of bleach, it has increasingly became his favourite place in the school because it means he gets to spend some alone time with Niall, even if it's for an hour or so.

"You didn't accept my invitation for thanksgiving." Harry states mildly, looking intensively at Niall.

"That's because this will be our first time as boyfriends with ya know...with your parents." Niall blushes and Harry sighs.

"Baby, you don't have to worry 'bout that. You know they love you." Harry assures him, his fingers settling against Niall's hips and rubbing gentle fingers with his thumb.

"I know, it'll just be...different this time. That's all." Niall shrugs and Harry's eyebrows knot together.

"It doesn't have to be." He points and niall nods slowly, staring thoughtfully past Harry.

"'re gonna have thanksgiving party now too, huh?" Niall teases and Harry grins slowly.

"I am, indeed."

"Wow, you're such a people pleaser." He mocks, shaking his head playfully and Harry giggles.

"I'll only have a party if you come." He offers.

"Fine," Niall huffs defeatedly, "Although maybe I should give you your chain back. Might protect you from the It girls." He adds meekly and Harry starts laughing but then realizes Niall's deadly serious.

There's a short pause, an awkward tension hangs in the air and Harry studies Niall carefully as he blushes furiously, a hint of redness creeping up his neck.

"Niall, are you jealous?" He scoffs and Niall blushes further, "Oh my God, you are."

"And so what if I am? You should see the way they fluff their hair and batter their eyes at ya. I don't blame them though, you're a ridiculously handsome guy." He adds in a mumble and a grin spreads on Harry's lips.

"Okay, just for that compliment I'm gonna make that jealousy thing slide." Harry muses and Niall giggles as Harry dips his head to kiss him.
_ _ _

When Thanksgiving finally comes around, Niall finds himself perched on Harry's of his motorbike as they speed along Ocean Drive to Harry's house. Niall's nervous to say, at the very least but Harry on the other hand has been surprisingly excited about the whole thing.

Harry's bike comes to a halt as they reach his house and after they take off their helmets, they both quietly head inside but almost instantly, Niall's greeted by a small, brunette girl with wavy hair and a big smile on her face; Niall knows her as Gemma, Harry's sister and he's taken completely by surprise when he sees her.

"Gemma!" He beams and he's pulled into a warm, friendly hug from her.

"Surprise!" She exclaims, carefully holding her glass of wine to stop it from spilling over Niall's plaid white shirt.

"Wow, you look amazing. And tanned." He adds cheekily, gesturing to her sun-kissed skin that's usually fairly pale.

"Well, ya know. Had to have some kind of break in Spain to make up from working in t'he studios all that time." She says expasratingly and Niall giggles.

"Where's your boyfriend you've telling us non stop about? He here?" Harry counters with a  frown on his face, sauntering into the living room as if has expecting the big, burley guy to appear.

"No, H, he had to work this weekend, unfortunately. Vogue are just finishing their winter collection." Gemma explains matter-of-factedly.

"Gemma has a boyfriend? H, you never thought to tell me this? That and the fact that she'd be spending thanksgiving with us?" Niall retorts and Harry and Gemma snigger in unison.

"Thought it'd be a nice surprise." Harry admits and casually, without thinking, he leans forward to peck Niall lightly on the cheek before heading off into the kitchen to find Anne.

The gesture causes Gemma to pause, her fingers still linked with Niall's from the hug and her eyebrows had furrowed a little as she stares at him, but she doesn't say anything.

"So, Niall, you gotta catch me up on all the  high school gossip." She demands, linking her arm through Niall's and leading him into the living room.

"There really isn't any." Niall responds, shaking his head and Gemma purses her lips.

"Harry tells me you're a pretty smart kid. So smart, in fact, that you're learning the shit he's learning and he's a year above you." She insists and Niall practically chokes on his salivia.

"He told you that?" He gasps.

"Sweetie, he doesn't stop taking 'bout you," She whispers fondly, causing Niall to blush, "Anyway, let's get you a drink."

They head into the kitchen where Anne and Des are standing with Harry. Anne and Des are standing by the kitchen island, sorting out the final pieces of the food while Harry is leaning against the kitchen counter next to the sink, with two bottles of freshly cool beer next to him.

"For you." Harry offers, holding out a beer to Niall and they clink glasses as Niall stands next to him, their arms brushing against each other.

"Heard you've been talkin' 'bout me." Niall murmurs lowly in Harry's ear. When Niall side glances at Harry, he can see Harry's lip threatening to smile:

"Only good things, my love." Harry whispers back, squeezing Niall's arm lightly in reassurance before heading over to his mother to help her with dinner.

They're finally seated at the dining table that sits in the large dining area, looking onto the patio where the pool is in their back garden. It had fallen dark outside now so there's a lovely golden glow and quiet, chilled atmosphere as the five talk amongst themselves, enjoying the delicious meal Anne had prepared for them.

"Food is delicious, Anne." Niall compliments, smiling at her and Anne beams proudly.

"Thank you Niall, I'm glad you're enjoying it. There's room for leftovers so I'll wrap up some for your parents once they've finished their shifts." Anne insists and Niall thanks her.

"Shame they've had to work on Thanksgiving, though. T'club must be keeping them busy." Des inputs, referring to Horan and Rose.

"Yeah, they absolutely love it." Niall nods in agreement and Des grins back before taking a gulp of wine.

"That's a pretty cool chain, Niall," Gemma speaks suddenly, gesturing to the St Christopher's chain that falls loosely around Niall's neck, "Almost like the one...holy shit." She breathes, her eyes widen in shock as she stares at it.

"Gemma, love, are you all right?" Anne asks curiously, her voice filled with concern as she peers at her daughter.

"Yeah, I'm...uh...I'm outta wine. Gonna refill." She decides half heartily, grabbing her glass and standing up.

"Mine too, Gem, if you don't mind." Des adds, holding up his glass for Gemma, which she takes and she scurries off into the kitchen.

"H?" Niall whispers in Harry's ear.

Harry had gone tense as he realises that Gemma must've figured them out. He had been staring into space for a brief moment and he's pulled out of his trance at the mention of his name.

"On it." He assures Niall, standing up.

"Harry?" Anne asks uncertainly, a look of confusion on her face.

"Just gonna help Gemma with the wine." Harry sighs and Niall stands up also, clearing his throat awkwardly.

"I'll help." He says quietly and follows Harry into the kitchen, which is only a few feet away from the dining table.

"Didn't know getting wine was a three person job." Des jokes, deadpan while Anne stares after the three suspiciously and when Des smirks, she looks at him and rolls her eyes.

When Harry and Niall enter the kitchen, they find Gemma gulping down another full glass of wine and when she sees Harry and Niall, she looks as if she's a little kid caught doing something naughty so she stops, hiccups a little and settles her glass on the kitchen counter before leaning against it.

"Hey." She greets, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Gem, about the necklace..." Harry starts, hesitating a little.

"I know what I told you when I gave you that." Gemma remarks, pointing at Harry and Niall glances back and forward between the pair.

"W-what?" He stutters.

"I said to Harry when I gave him that chain, "Promise me you won't give that to anyone unless it's for someone special." I gave that to Harry on his 15th birthday." Gemma explains, waggling her finger and the more Gemma spoke, the more emotional she became and Harry's lips press into a thin line, unsure of what to say.

"H..." Niall chokes, staring wide-eyed at Harry, who's eyes are still fixed on Gemma.

"You're like a little brother t'me, Niall," Gemma continues and Niall's eyes shift back to her, "I don't know what's going in between you two but if you make each other happy, that's fine by me. But if I find out you've hurt him...I'll tear you to pieces." Her words sound terrifyingly sincere, her eyes boring into Niall's, who gulps dryly under the intense stare but he watches as she pours herself another glass of wine and heads back into the dining room.

Harry and Niall are left stunned in the kitchen, both completely speechless. They aren't really sure how that went. Louis took the news better, definitely. Perhaps Gemma is just being the protective big sister she always is to Harry. Niall stares at him, long and hard but he still looks just as clueless as he does so they both feebly shrug their shoulders at each other and head back to join Harry's family.


Hey guys, happy Friday! So...I do like this chapter, I guess I just planned making Gemma's entrance a bit, ya know...bigger?? I dunno. She's definitely gonna play a big part, much like Grace and I'm glad I brought her in the way I did, that was always planned too hehe. Anyways let me know what you think (and your favourite new Harry Styles song; mine is Little Freak.) Feedback would be much appreciated, thank you!

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