How To Unlock A Duke's Heart

Par liaapeaa

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This story takes place in England, 1760, some years before lady Georgia sadly married Lord Walter Pearson at... Plus

How To Unlock A Duke's Heart
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 22

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Par liaapeaa

Richmond House
London, England

"Your Grace, you have a caller." Presley, the Duke's original butler announced from his study door.

The duke sighed and finished the last of his coffee. He had no appetite for breakfast as of late and had been overly partaking in some of his business investments for a good distraction from all that had happened between the lady Georgia and himself. So, he only suspected that the call could only be pertaining to some of those important matters.

"Thank you, Presley." The duke said using a napkin to dab his lips. "And, where are they?"  He asked raising a dark brow.

"Drawing room, your grace." Presley said and bowed on his way out.

Francis gained to his feet and headed to the drawing room. For a moment he imagined that it would be the woman his memory had been conjuring up for the last month or so standing right before him when he entered the room, beautiful as ever with her satiny, black locks falling down and around her shoulders.

He was cursing himself immediately for allowing his train of thoughts to linger in that direction. For, his nether regions were almost standing to full attention from the mere memory of her when he entered the drawing room. He saw that the visitors had actually been his mother and sister, the Duchess of St. Gerard and the Duchess of Kent with her son, Lord William, his newest nephew, who was still a four month old infant.

"Mother, sister..." He blinked and stood behind a long chair as soon as he entered the room.

"Francis, please let our mother explain." Edith, his sister said apprehensively. The mood of the room was impending. As if they both thought he were furious with them. It was quite hysterical, actually. If it had not been for his sudden distress.

"My son," His mother said with a start and he had fought the urge to roll his eyes. Honestly, he had been so wrapped up in his investments and trying his damned hardest not to think about all that had transpired between him and the Lady Georgia, but miserably failing to do so. He hadn't even had time to process his mother's treacherous behavior.

Ever since setting foot in Shrewsbury his thoughts now drifted to Georgia like how the sun rises early in the east, and sets in the west, before covering every inch in of sky in between. He had been so distraught he decided upon having a said ball and inviting the young widow, even if it was just to glance upon her for a short while, fore the last time was not enough to quench his thirst for her. He could only hope that she wouldn't abandon his request.

As for his mother. Her sins were already atoned for. He had no quarrel with her. Even after, she blatantly lied and sent him off to the country. Turns out, it was one of the best things that ever happened to him. Except for the part where he bungled it up.

He still remembered the look upon Georgia's face when she told him "no". He instantly caught a chill and flashed back to his mother in front of him who grabbed him by his arms then squeezed him tightly.

"Mother, I don't wish to quarrel with you, if that's what you think. Let's just say I rather did need some time off in the country. Actually, I...met a... lady."

He didn't know why he felt suddenly compelled to admit to his mother and sister truly about the only woman he desired to be married to. He guessed after having to suppress his feelings for her for the last few weeks, now he needed some advice on the matter. She was his mother after all and the opposite sex, maybe she would know what to do.

"You met a lady?" His mother gasped. "Edith, is this not wonderful news?! Oh, don't be modest. Do tell us Francis, how did you two come to meet?" She spoke excitedly.

"What is she like, dear brother?" Edith chimed in curiously enthused sitting over by the queen chairs where she held baby William lovingly in her arms.

"Well, she's quite lovely, but I..." Francis stared at them both blankly unsure if he should tell me how he bungled the entire thing.

"You what?" His mother asked alarmed. "Francis Alexander William Edwin Audley the fourth."

He took a step back from his mother and pinched the bridge of his nose groaning in frustration. "She does not wish to marry unless for love."

"As should any young lady!" His mother snapped and Francis rolled his eyes once more. In his world marriage was supposed to be a business transaction, not a broker for love. He made his mind up long ago.

"And, you do not love her?" His sister asked curiously.

"Edith, love is for fools." He stated determined to end it there.

"I am no fool, dear brother." She retorted.

"You did not answer the question." His mother interrupted. "Do you love her, Francis?" She said taking his hand and clasping it between hers.

"Don't be silly mother. Of course, I do not." Francis said but in the back of his mind something in him did not feel absolute about saying those words out loud.

"So, help me to understand. You are throwing a ball because you do not love her?" His mother asked him mockingly.

"Yes, no. I mean, it's quite complicated, mother." Francis groaned out snatching away from her again.

"Well, then the matter is quite simple, dear." His mother smiled and came over to pat his cheek. "All you have to do is un-complicate things. Go to her and tell her how you feel, dearest."

"It's not that easy mother." Francis said stepping out of her embrace. "I haven't seen or spoken to the lady. She'll probably think the worst of me."

"Oh, darling. She must be very special indeed if you care how she thinks." Francis' mother said as baby William began to fuss and his sister, Edith rang for a nursemaid.

He tuned his mother out while he watched the nursemaid come in the room and take the baby from his mother for him to most likely have a feeding. Little, small, baby William. Watching his nephew just recently brought him back to a time where he was very insistent in his endeavors with the lady Georgia.

Matter of factly, every time he was with her, he found himself trying to plant his seed deep within her. What if she were carrying his child right now as he stood there idly in the drawing room. He would never abandon her or the child, but isn't that what he was doing now. The look upon Georgia's face the day she walked away from his offer disturbed his thoughts once more.

There were so many emotions that he could see twisted upon her beautiful face. And, oh how he wished could give anything to go back to that very moment and kiss every line of wrinkled hurt and confusion until they were all smoothened out and she understood how very much he felt for her even if he didn't have the words of love to describe his feelings. Even his own feelings desperately confused him when it came to her. Did he love her?

His heart turned over in his chest.

He needed to speak with her. He needed to see her. He needed some reassurance that all was well with her. He hadn't spoken the lady Georgia in a matter of weeks, and every day has been less exciting than the last since he last looked upon her. A letter would not do him justice for all the time lost.

"Well, you'll need more than a ball to impress her. You shall vie for her hand, if you are smart, and everything must be perfectly planned." His mother said at once. "Edith and I will oversee all the arrangements. You, my son, will need to make sure the lady is in attendance or else I fear it will all be for naught."

Francis thought to his best friend Lord Hackett and his wife. He was sure that he could meet with him at their club tonight and get him to convince his wife to make sure lady Georgia agreed to come to his ball. He was debating whether or not he would tell his closest confidant about his plans for matrimony. He would juggle with that idea later. All he knew is that it was time he stopped wallowing for the woman he wanted and got up to do something about it.

"You're exactly right, mother. Thank you." Francis kissed his mother and hugged his sister before leaving them to do all of the planning at his behest.

Later that evening, the Duke had called for Presley to prepare his carriage for the White's club after he bathed, shaved, and had his valet help him to ready for the night. Francis tapped the carriage with his walking stick to set the driver in motion and the carriage wound it's way through the cold, old, cobbled streets of London. He let his mind wonder to the many times he made love to lady Georgia.

He hadn't been with a woman since and he's wasn't the type of man who spent coin on wanton women for only one night or bought mistresses and kept them up waiting in apartments on the other side of town. After, everything with Lucia he wasn't even sure how he allowed himself to feel anything at all for the lady Georgia.

She was most captivating with her audacious charm, bewildering wit, and irresistibly, warm smile. They way her soft ample curves felt beneath his touch and even softer lips seemed like the keys to unlock his stale, rigid heart. He thought he blocked off any such emotions a very, very long time ago, but in her presence he found nothing but luminous companionship in an abundance of warmth and lust.

The carriage stopped abruptly at his destination knocking him from his reverie. He took a few moments to calm himself for the second time this day, and then he proceeded down out of the carriage, and out into the night.

Moments later, he entered into the large gentleman's establishment.Cigar smoke filled the room along with some of the ton's most eligible bachelors. He was one of them and was instantly caught by the attention of Lord Hackett motioning him over.

Ah, just the person he came to see, he thought to himself.

"Your grace," Lord Hackett called to him from across the card table. "Plan on losing some of the duchy's purse strings tonight?" He spoke freely to his friend with a mischievous grin broadening his face.

"Actually, I came her to speak with you." Francis told him. He tipped his hat at the footmen to call for a brandy immediately taking a gulp, and then circled the contents around in his glass, as if to examine it.

Lord Hackett paid the man across the table and stood to take his leave. "Gentleman, I think I've had enough of loosing my money to you all, I must bid you goodnight." He stated, which caused the gentleman at the table to combust with laughter and stark comments before calling over the same footmen to refill his cup. After that, he and Francis proceeded off to a secluded section of the room and began to converse.

"So, what's this all about Richmond, did anything untoward occur?" Lord Hackett asked him.

"No, not at all." Francis said clearing his throat and Lord Hackett gave him a look of disbelief. "Well, actually, yes there is something I need your help with."

Francis told him no more letting the suspense loom over Lord Hackett's senses as he continued to stare over at him with an annoying look of mock-disbelief.  He waved his hand and a footmen near by with a tray of cigars came over and had two lit for them both.

"You see, not really your help, but rather the help of your dear lady wife."

"Oh, I see." Lord Hackett said with a wide grin playing on his lips. "And, why would that be?"

"Damnit, Hackett you insufferable bastard!" Francis wheezed and then Hackett began laughing blowing out a cloud of smoke.

"You know very well why." Francis groaned letting his pride get the better of him.

"Are you admitting that you made a terrible mistake when you let the very lovely lady Georgia slip right between your scared, little fingers tips?" Lord Hackett said jokingly, but there was a hint of undeniable fact in his tone and choice of words.

"Well, yes." Francis almost hated to admit, but he had his mind made up and his ball. Everything must proceed to plan of this was going to win her hand

"I'm hosting a ball and I'm hoping you and your lady wife will be in attendance, of course. I've already sent formal invitations, but I wanted to speak with you myself because your wife is very close to the lady Pearson. I'm sure it would be in her best interest to make sure that she is in attendance as well." He said smoothly getting to the point.

Francis continued, "It's quite simple, Hackett. All you need to do is encourage your lady wife to see that lady Georgia is in attendance at the ball come Saturday next."

"So, please help me understand. What has changed?" Lord Hackett asked and Francis was taken aback. He wasn't sure if he had the words to answer that question or rather he did and just didn't want to admit what he felt out loud, making it all the more real.

In his heart of hearts, though he knew the answer. He loved her. His heart had finally melted and gave in. He stared at his friend as a slow smile crept onto his face. No more words needed to be exchanged between them. They both shook hands and all was agreed. Now, Francis thought to himself. There's only one more thing he needed to do.

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