The Degree of Mixed Emotions

By Kekesi94

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Zamya Scruggs the sheltered girl who wants to live life. She spent her whole life in her family's box. Now it... More

Chapter 1: Here's To A New Start
Chapter 2: Leaving The Nest
Chapter 3: Trust Me
Chapter 4: This Is Only The Beginning 
Chapter 5: All That Awaits
Chapter 6: Oh, That's How You Feel

Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out

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By Kekesi94

Elijah's POV:

I was currently at Zamya's and Rayona's apartment. Going over the surprise for Zamya's birthday tomorrow. Hopefully, everything stays a surprise as well, because this has been hard to hide from Zamya for the past month or so. I wanted this surprise, to showcase how I really feel about her. So hopefully she wouldn't take it as me doing too much either; because I also know this is something she wanted to do herself.

Yet, I knew she really didn't have the time to do it. Also, it was insane that I was doing, it because that meant we wouldn't have our same moments together from school. But, I was willingly to take the risk. Plus we lived next door from each other so doing this was no big deal.

"Where's the car at?" I asked Rayona.

"It parked, on the fifth floor of the parking deck."

"Dude, I can't believe you paid for something so expensive, for a girl that won't even admit she likes you. Even after 9 months of knowing each other at that." I just gave Rayona a what the heck face. Because she wasn't gonna just play me like that.

"Really, really that's how you gonna do me?"

"Hey, she my cousin but hey. I'll admit you doing lot. I'm not going to say so soon, because its been almost a year now but one thing I do know you love her more than she loves you." I frowned my face up at her in response. Because its like she was trying to diss me.

"Why you keep trying me, like this Ray?"

"I'm messing with you, you know I ain't got no filter. I say what I think. I just hope after this she finally admits she likes you more than a friend." She shrugged.

"When do your auntie and uncle get here?" I decided to just change the subject because ain't no point in continuing getting drilled.

"They land in about an hour." She said picking up her phone and looking at the time.

"Okay, cool. So, I'll go pick Zamya up from school." She was there recording her first single at the moment. I wish she had more songs out because I had another idea originally on getting her first show, because I know someone. But the car was Rayona's idea and since I wanted to do something big to show I was serious this was it. This was the way to go for me.

The whole reason this all came about is all because of a joke. Rayona said jokingly one day, hey you should get Zamya's car down here since you can't get the show now for her. She was joking doubting the fact I would even consider doing it. But, thankfully, I've been getting shows myself performing for me and playing like instrumentation for people. So, I had extra money to spare to do this.

It was cheaper than I thought it was to get down here but still a pretty penny that's for sure. But, I wanted to show Zamya I didn't just like her but I honestly love her, like I truly do. She's became my best friend and I just hopelessly fell in love with the girl.

I wasn't trying to buy her love, I just knew that it was taking her longer to get her car than she expected to down here. She didn't want her parents to do it for her. So, as a surprise I took the role of doing it. Thankfully we were at a place in our friendship where I knew for a fact she wouldn't think I was overstepping my boundaries doing this. Because we pretty much didn't have boundaries with one another. We told each other everything. Except our true feelings to be honest.

Beside the car, I was going to buy Zamya a promise ring. Asked Rayona her ring size and everything and somehow the conversation came up between me and Zamya and I found out she thought they were corny. Her words not mine "Who am I Tiffany Evans?" She had questioned laughing and saying yeah maybe if we were in middle school I'll take one.

So that went out the window, getting the car down here was about the price of the promise ring. I was going to ask Zamya to be my girlfriend with it. What better way could I do that with getting her car down here.

Honestly, I might still get the promise ring down the line. But, I felt buying both was definitely doing the most so, this will do.
"So, what you got planned for me today? Because I know you got something." Zamya asked getting into my car.

"What makes you think I got something planned?" She just looked at me, placing her elbow on the armrest and her wrist on her chin; staring at me with one eyebrow raised. Giving me a look like 'You know I know you.'

"Well I do have a small surprise for you." I admitted, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I knew it!"

"How you knew?"

"Key, told me. She told me there was a surprise that she heard you and Rayona talking about that's she said she didn't know the details as of what. She also told me when she asked Rayona about it, she wouldn't tell her because she know that girl can't keep a secret if her life depended on it." She huffed in laughter, shaking her head.

"I'll let you know later what it is, deal?"

"No, but I like surprises." She said rolling her eyes.

"My parents should be here soon. No, pit stops." She laughed

"I got you, I got you."
"Why are we going to the 5th floor? We live on the 4th?" Zamya questioned.

"Just wait and see."

"They didn't!" Zamya shouted in amazement as we walked over to her car.

"Why wouldn't they be up here for the surprise, if they did this?" She questioned as she started looking around the parking deck for her parents.

"Because they didn't do this. They helped me with all the information and Rayona. But I got your car out here for you. It was her idea though, but I said why not since I knew you didn't want your parents to." I said leaning against her car.

She just looked at me for moment before mouthing "wow."

"Thank you, where's the keys." She laughed.

"Right here." I said dangling them in my hand.

"Get in." She said as she snatched the keys playfully from my hand and opened the door.

"Can I ask you something?" She questioned as we sat in the car.

"Yeah, anything."

"Maybe, I'm overstepping myself here but do you like...."

I cut her off kissing her and she deepened the kiss. She put her arms around my shoulders and I immediately pulled her over into my lap. Never breaking the kiss.

Zamya jumped away, bowing her head on the steering wheel. As we were interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Where ya'll at?" Rayona questioned over the phone.

"Just was showing Zamya the car." I said as fixed my shirt.

"I thought we were... Well, her parents here just was letting ya'll see ya'll." She said before hanging up. She must have peeped something was going on.

"Zamya what's wrong?" I questioned as she laid her head on the steering wheel.

"I don't know what came over me." She said with her head still laying on the steering wheel.

"Look at me." I said turning her head facing me.

"You didn't do anything wrong. That's what happens when 2 people love each other."

"You love me, like more than a friend?"She said more like a statement.

"Of course." I said pecking her on the lips.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you back. I don't know if I'm ready for all of this? I kissed you back because I think I just got caught up in the moments. I'm having mixed emotions, I don't know what to do." She said as tears filled her eyes.

"We can take it one step at a time." I said assuring her.

"I love you too. But I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship. For me a relationship means courting means in the next year or so I'm ready for marriage and I'm not." She said as disappointment cast her face.

"Well, since we're being honest I'm in love with you. So, I'm willing to wait until your ready." I said honestly, it seemed crazy but I was head over heels for her.

"I'll try." She said exhaling."This with you." She said letting me kiss her again.

"You sure?" And she nodded her head in response.
Its been a while Chapter 7 though.

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