Heatstroke (Jack Frost, Rise...

By FlorindaBrydon

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"You know I have never been good with heat. Why me!" Jack Frost has been a Guardian for two years now and li... More

Authors note please read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
New Beginnings the Sequel for Heatstroke

Chapter 35

335 20 8
By FlorindaBrydon

(Romanna's POV)






'So, now can I start the party?!' Alex asked impatiently.

'Yes! Yes you can.' Cupid replied while releasing me from our short hug and smiling over at her. She only rolled her eyes and shot him an unhappy glare.

'What was that for?' I asked him while watching Alex walk up to the platform which was going to be her stage.

'Oh it's nothing really, she's just cross because I didn't tell her I had a partner and kids. Alex lives in the Valentine Palace with me and the rest of my workers and angels. Over time with seeing me like every day, she kinda developed a crush on me. I completely ignored her affections and told her it was because it was against the rules. She's just mad cause the whole time I had already broken the rules and didn't say anything. So I kinda just left her hanging. Which I'll admit wasn't all that nice of me.' He finished with a simple shrug.

'Wow, and this whole time she was watchin me, your daughta, play music for years and years. Hey, she met me two years before you did! Oh yeah I can definitely see why she would be pissed.' I replied while crossing my arms.

'Hey Romie, you might wanna watch carefully with what she's about to do.' Jack wispered over my shoulder and into my ear.

I turned my attention back to Alex as she removed the black and rainbow backpack from her shoulders and then unzipped it. She reached in and grabbed out something that seemed to be a skateboard, only thing odd about it was that it had no wheels.

She placed it onto the floor and grabbed out what appeared to be a touchscreen phone or Ipod. She tapped the screen and pointed it at the strange skateboard as if it was a remote control. Suddenly it lifted off the ground and was hovering in mid air.

'A flying skateboard?' I asked, sounding intrigued.

'It's a hoverboard.' She corrected expertly. 'But it's more than just a mode of transport, it's also my guitar.' She added while tapping the screen again, making the hoverboard transform into the most awesome looking electric guitar I have ever seen.

It was black and had rainbow zigzags, stars, lightning and swirls on it. On the front near the bottom of the guitar was her signature and the quote "Music Makes The Pain Fade" was written in large white font on the black shoulder strap.

'It can also transform into a stereo and a DJ booth. Though this is it's real form, so all of the others have guitar like features on them.' She said while tapping the screen again but this time the once rainbow and black hoverboard now guitar, clicked and folded in on itself until it was a perfect cube. It was about the size of my hand and had a small indent on the top which Alex happily pressed her Ipod/remote control/phone thing into.

It immediately grew in size and shifted into a very high-tech electronic DJ booth, fully equipped with large surround sound speakers, strobe lights and rainbow party disco lights. It even had a fog machine!

'Someone hit the lights.' Alex ordered and on cue they all turned off.

'Let's get this party started!' She cheered while clicking buttons on the top of her extremely large and glowing music machine.

As soon as the music started people flooded into the large hall and onto dance floor, showing off their moves.

'I'm surprised with how many people actually show up!' Jack semi yelled over the extremely loud music. I believe the song that's playing is called I'm sexy and I know it.

'Yeah! You said only a small handful of guardians would come. There's like ova 200 people here. Which ones are guardians and what ones are spirits? And who are the party crashers?' I asked while noticing a small dwarf like man with wild orange hair and beard, who was wearing a green suit and vest.

'Told you Leprechauns would show up.' He commented in a know-it-all tone.

'Well, the guardians are easy to spot because they are all wearing very unique clothes and have very unique features. Also there aren't many guardians so they arn't hard to find.

You've got Alex and her funky hair, in her rainbow mini skirt and ripped hoddie.

Cupid with the massive white angel wings and in the white, gold, rose and silver coloured suit, though you already know him haha.

Hallow with her spooky face paint, witches hat, torn black dress, black and white striped knee high socks plus the extremely high platform shoes. Lucky for us she's normally as short as Alex so the tall shoes only make her more our hight and not taller.

April is the tallest and probably the most causal looking out of them all. She's taller than me! She's the over there with her short and braided orange hair, country styled boots, ripped shorts and red plaid crop top that's tied up at the front.

Everyone else are just causal seasonal spirits or the guardians side kicks and workers, or just random supernaturals.

Don't forget only Guardians of Childhood can be seen by mortals. All of the Guardians, the ones I just pointed out, they are invisible spirits, all except Cupid. He's a supernatural, so technically he's not dead and that's probably why your mum can see him without believing.

Woah! Changing topic, is that Tooth's brother!? Wow he really does look like an anthropomorphic mouse! I did not expect him to be here. Especially with the fall he took after attempting to protect Tooth from Pitch. See he's got his arm in a sling and is using his small cepter as a walking stick. The poor guy, at least he's not dead.

Haha, Tooth's going to have to explain her relationship with Bunny to him. Oh that would be so fun to watch.

North seriously invited everyone, but luckily for Bunny the ground hog has yet to make an appearance.' Jack explained while pointing towards the Mouse man known as Peter.

'Ok... let me get this straight. Every 'mportant Guardian or Spirit is here? As in here, in the North Pole, where we are extremely vanuable to attack?! What if somethin happens? Jack I've gotta really bad feelin 'bout this! Pitch is still out there and he thinks I'm dead! What if he hears 'bout this massive party and decides to crash it?!' I half squealed in a flustered panic.

'Woah! Woah! Calm down! Nothing's gonna happen. You need to relax, and enjoy yourself! C'mon have a little fun! Stop stressing!' Jack reassured.

'Well isn't it my job to stress? I am responsible for all of these people's lives. My gut instincts are tellin me that somethins not right!' I explain while giving him a stern glare.

'Romie, Romie! I think you are taking this "responsibility" of your's a little to far. Don't forget that they are Guardians, and they've done a pretty good job with looking after themselves for this long before you showed up. I don't think you need to be this worried about them. All you need to worry about at the moment is having fun. Oh and maybe destroying Pitch and mastering your powers, but that's hopefully not going to be for ages.' He replied while attempting to ease my nerves.

I responded by crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow, still continuing to glare unhappily.

Seeing that I was still not convinced, Jack rolled his eyes and shook his head.

'Fine, I'll talk with North and see if he can make this room more secure. Does that make you feel better?' He suggested while shrugging at me.

'Yes, yes it does.' I replied with a simple nod.

'I'll be right back.' He finished as he dashed away to find North.

Am I being silly? I know I should be having fun, but I just don't feel right! My instincts have never been wrong before. I've learned to trust them. But Jack is right, they are guardians and don't really need my to protect them to a crazy extent. But what if Pitch has a plan B? What would his plan B even be?

'There we go! North was suprised with your sudden concern, but at the same time he was kinda impressed. He's didn't even realise how much danger we all could have been in until I mentioned you felt weird. He's assigned armed Yeti all along each wall, inside the hall and outside. We are more than safe. Fell better now?' Jack asked while handing me a cup with glowing orange liquid in it.

'So much betta! Seriously, thank you for doin that for me.' I replied with a sigh of relief.

'What's in this?' I asked while looking at the glass suspiciously.

'It's a party potion. Don't worry It's ok to drink, seriously I've had it before and it's just like a mix of fizzy drink or soft drink, fruit juice and popping rock candy.' He said while taking a sip.

'Umm, ok then, just as long as it isn't alcohol or somethin. What does it do?' I commented while taking a sip out of my glass.

He was right, it was just like soft drink, but it had a very interesting pop and fizzle to it that left my mouth and tongue tingling.

'Wow!' I half coughed out with shock from the surprising kick that glowing liquid had.

'Yeah it's great, and there are other flavours too! Each one has a different affect on the drinker so be careful because some are totally nuts!' He said excitedly while dragging me over to the drink side of large buffet table.

There were heaps of bowls all neatly arranged around the end of the table. Each one was filled with a different colour of bright glowing liquids. In the darkness of the room with the constant flashing party lights, the glowing from the bowls made the liquid look radioactive.

'Ok. So you've just had the orange one, that's the weakest potion and has the smallest affect. What I mean when I say "affect" is that they cause you to experience certain emotions or make you do certain actions. Like the purple one is being used the most because it makes you wanna dance, see.' He said while pointing towards the over crowded dance floor.

'I'll explain what each one does so you know.

The orange one is like a super strong and crazy energy drink. It'll keep you up for hours and hours and has no real other affect.

The dark blue one is a confidence booster and will make you do some seriously gutsy stuff.

The fizzing red and pink ones are supplied by Cupid and are love or passion potions, and since the relationship rules are gone I expect a lot of people drinking those ones.

Umm.... Oh the green one and also yellow one that seem to be steaming are relaxants and will make you really mellow out, but they have flip side effects and will make you feel and act super crazy. They're relaxants that make you act toatly stupid.

I have no idea what the light blue, white, black, and rainbow glowing ones do but I'm too scared to find out. I've only ever had the orange one, I don't know from experience what they all do, I only know what I've been told. But something they all have in common is that if you go over your body's intake limit, they will make you have a really bad headache in the morning and slight memory loss from the night you drank it. They're party potions so of course they'll make you act crazy and give you a migraine the next morning.' Jack laughed while leaning across the table and filling his cup with more of the glowing orange potion.

'Oh no, you're gonna get so hypa!' I said while face palming.

'Oh yes, I am. I know from experience that I can have about eight cups of this before I'm jumping off the walls, literally. This is only my second cup, so I'm still good!' He said while hooking his staff around my waist, pulling me closer.

'You know, I really liked what we were doing in the kitchen earlier. That kiss was awesome.' He spoke softly with a hint of curiosity in his voice. 'What happened to slowing down?' He cheekily commented while giving me his signature smirk.

'Well for one I already explained this last night, but I more or less relised that I don't need to go on heaps of dates to know that I love you. Also it was kinda a heat of the moment thing, and I think dad or "Cupid" also had somethin to do with it.' I explained.

'Hmm, heat of the moment huh... Jack mumbled while leading us away from the crowd and to a nice empty corner of the room.

Jack safely slid his staff under the lounge chair, hiding it from being damaged or stolen because he obviously was not wanting to carry it around for the whole party.

'I'll get that later' He spoke mostly to himself while placing his empty cup on the side of the couch.

'Umm... should you do that?' I questioned whether it was a good idea to put down his staff.

'Well how am I meant to dance properly with you if my hands are full? Stop worrying and come dance with me.' He said eagerly while pulling me onto the bright flashing dance floor.

I had no other choice but to comply to his request and dance.

The song that was playing was Phoenix by Fall Out Boy.

Everyone was jumping up and down to the fast beat and dancing wildly with each other. Jack more than happily took my hand and spun me around a few times, but a majority of the time he had is hands on my hips and my arms locked around his neck.

'Not bad Frost' I commented as the music changed from fast to more mellow, sweet and slow.

The song: Kiss me by Ed Sheeran.

Leaning my chin on his shoulder we pulled together into a slow moving hug. Slightly swaying and rocking to the slow beat.

'You're better.' Jack replied while locking his eyes on mine. He was so close to my face, I could easily tilt my head a little and we would be kissing. The gap between us was closing, but painstakingly slowly.

My anticipation and impatience for the kiss was starting to drive me crazy, but at the same time it was making the whole sensation more passionate. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and pressed our lips together, just as a line of the song said "kiss me"

My hands quickly found themselves in his hair and his hands gently caressed my back and sides.

It's strange but I've noticed I've been feeling this urge to kiss him, to feel his cool skin under my fingertips. It's as if my mind and body are craving for his touch, his kiss. Back in the kitchen when Jack had me against the wall, I loved it. Last night when he had me pinned to the bed, I loved it! I'll admit I was kinda disappointed that it had to end so early on. Ever since then I've found myself constantly wanting to rip of his shirt and have him do the same with mine.

I don't know why I am thinking of such things, I doubt we are far enough into our relationship to be even considering doing something like that. Maybe I've just had too many of those potions, it effecting my judgment and making me feel strange things.

Suddenly the music stopped and the party lights turned off.

'What's going on?' I asked nervously while grabbing a tighter hold on Jack's body.

It was so dark I couldn't see anything.

'Oh would you look at this! Every single guardian, spirit and supernatural of importance all in one completely sealed room! I am afraid that my invitation must have been accidentally lost. Not to fear, I came regardless.' A sickly familiar male voice spoke loudly throughout the dark room.

'Pitch!' North boomed and immediately the all of the yeti surrounding the hall, lit the fire lamps that were on the walls, providing us with enough light to see what was happening. They remained in a battle stance with their weapons at the ready for an attack.

Immediately people started panicking and tried to exit the room, but they were forced back by the yeti for their safety because of the hundreds of armored nightmares that were encircling us.

I knew something was wrong! I knew something felt off! Why can't I get a break? Seriously, I was finally having fun!

'Oh would you all shut up! There is no point in yelling or screaming like that.' Pitch remarked while pacing across the front of Alex's DJ and stage, which she was unfortunately still standing behind.

'Ah, silence! Exactly what I want to be hearing. So, Bunnymund, Frost, how are your girls?' He taunted, obviously not knowing we were both alive a majorly pissed.

'Why don't ya ask us ya'self!' I yelled while walking through the crowd. The people immediately backed the hell away and let me easily pass.

They were all watching me, wanting to see what I was about to do. They are all testing me and seeing if I am really able to stop this evil madman.

'WHAT! How is this possible?!' Pitch hissed when his eyed landed on Tooth and I.

'Let's just say the Man in the Moon was eva so kind and made me an official guardian. The sixth guardian in fact! You betta be here to apologise for hurtin my friends because if ya do so much as lay a finga on 'em again I will make you pay!' I threatened the dark king. He seemed suprised with my sudden change in behavior, but it didn't take long for him to find an equal comeback.

'Fine! As you wish, I will not lay a single finger on your friends.' He spat while snarling at me.

'Ok, I know you wouldn't say that unless you have some kind of twist, what is it? Is it Carl again?! Because he doesn't scare me anymore.' I asked him.

'Smart girl! But no, you said for me not hurt your friends, but you didn't say anything about your family.' Pitch laughed while holding a small girl in the air by the back of her white feathered wings.

'JESSICA!' Both Cupid and I yelled while stepping forward.

'What did you do to her!' Cupid growled while taking a defensive stance next to me. His wings were almost fully open and ready to launch him into the air towards Pitch.

'Woah there! Now let's have daddy and big sister calm down before something unfortunate happens to the child.' Pitch ordered while gently placing Jessica back on her feet. She was crying but didn't seem hurt.

'Romie?' She called from where she was standing at Pitch's side on the stage. Slowly the hundreds of people who were in the room, their eyes were fixed on me. They were watching my every move.

'Jessica...' I replied to her call and she immediately locked eyes with me.

'What do you have to gain by bringing her here?' Cupid questioned him while confirming to me that she was indeed unharmed.

He seriously has the eyes of a hawk!

'She's my plan B. Now tell me what I want to know and I'll let her go.

You're powers, where did you get them? I know for a fact the Man in the Moon can't give you that kind of ability without help. Who is he conspiring with?' Pitch asked while glancing down at Jessica and then back at me. Slowly but surely creeping his hand on her shoulder, keeping her as close to him as he could.

I stood there in silence, not knowing what to say or do.

I don't know where my powers came from. I don't think anyone except the Man In The Moon and the previous Mother Nature know.

I need answers and if I don't get them now, Jessica is as good as dead.


And the fun begins again!

I am planning to hopefully bring this book to an END and get started on writing the sequel. I don't really want to go over 40 chapters so that's why I'm making book 2.

I have soooo much more planned and I can't fit it all in this one book unfortunately.

All of MiM's secret plans for Romie are about to be exposed and poor Sandy is caught right in the middle. Yeah, you haven't heard much from him since the very beginning of the story and there is a good reason for it.

Thank you for reading and voting!

Sorry for any mistakes, I'll fix them when I find them.

Be prepared because the next few chapters (like this one) are going to be big and filled with heaps of answers to your questions, action, blood, inspirational speeches, stupid powers and more!!!


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