Our love story

By EclipseAftonissavage

131 0 2

I have no idea what I'm about to make, but I hope you'll join me for the ride! ----SHIPS---- Mark x Fred (Obv... More

Hunting for le missing siblings and le friend~

The beginning

88 0 2
By EclipseAftonissavage

🥺🤎Fredricks POV🥺🤎

I walk into my school and accidentally bump into someone.
"Watch i-" I started then saw who it was. "Sorry, Mark..."
"It's fine, Fred!" He said sweetly.
"BROTHER CALM DOWN!!" Eclipse yelled.
"Fine..." Mike said giving E a small hug.
Eclipse smiled at her success and saw Mark and me.
"MOMMY MARK, FREDDY!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled and hugged us.
"Hey, E!" Mark said shocked.
"Hello, tiny demon!" I said hugging her back.
"Hey!" Mike said to us.
"Hello, Mr. leader!" I said.
"Where's Simon and Terrance?" Mark asked.
"They went to the bathroom like an hour ago!" Eclipse said yawning.
E went to Mike and lifted her arms in the 'up up' motion. Mike picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.
"You act like her dad! It's adorable!!" Mark told Mike.
"If I took Dad's role E would kill me!" Mike said eyes as wide as possible.
"Hey, guys and girl! We're back!" Simon said and Terrance looked like he was going to or had committed a murder.
"Bubba? Did you kill someone?" Eclipse asked Terrance. It was like she read my mind which I don't believe she can do.
"I'm close." He said. He had his fist clenched. He looks scary like this!
E jumped down from Mike's arms and hugged Terrance tightly.
"I don't want you to go away! Please don't do that!!" Eclipse pleaded.
"Fine E..." He said.
"YAY!! OH! Simon, Mommy Mark, and Freddy do you wanna have a sleepover this weekend? Daddy said you could come by because she was going to Vegas or something!" E said hopefully.
"Sure!" I said shrugging.
"I'll come!" Mark said sweetly.
God, I love hi- WAIT! WHAT!? I thought shocked at my thoughts.
"Freddy, are you okie?" E asked snapping me out of my trance.
"I-I'm fine, tiny demon!" I said.
"You seem to have a fever! Your face is very re- OH!" E said starting to mumble to herself and write something down.
Mike whispered something to her. She nodded. He looked at Mark and me.
"You know what I just remembered E!?" Mike said to E.
Eclipse tilted her head to the side.
"We only have 5 bedrooms! Not counting dads! Terry and Simon have to share! You can sleep in my room! And Fred and Mark will have to share your room!" Mike told E.
"TRUE!!" E yelled starting to mumble again.
Mark seemed unfazed.
Terrance and Simon were both broken. Mike was trying to snap them out of it.
"Kids! Get to class!!" A teacher told us.
"We have a free period!" Eclipse said and went back to mumbling. 
"Also, Eclipse and my dad owns this school and can shut it down!" Mike chimed in and turned his attention back to the broken boys.

-After school-

"Hurry bubba!!!!!" E yelled out to Terrance.
"ECLIPSE!!" Some girl yelled to E.
"Uh-oh!" Eclipse whispered. It's one of Eclipses' simps.
"Get away from my sister." Terrance and Mike said behind the girl.
"THANK YOU!!!" Eclipse yelled jumping into their arms.
"Always!" They said and started carrying Eclipse like she was their queen.
"Y'all ready?" I asked.
They all nodded minus Eclipse. She was staring at a girl she's stared at before. The girl started to walk over and Terrance and Mike put Eclipse down in front of the girl.
"Hi, E sickle!" The girl said sweetly. (Me ILR: Like ice sickle just with my name instead of ice!)
"H-hey, Anna..." Eclipse said with a dark red tint to her cheeks.
"Anna! Wanna come over today?" Mike asked and Eclipse gave him a death glare.
"If it's ok with 'Clipsey!" Anna said turning to E. E was muttering to herself.
"Who are you talking to?" Anna asked.
"No one! If you wanna come you can!" Eclipse said and saw Mr. Aftons' car. "DADDY!!!!!"
"Hey, sweetie! Hello, others! Hi, Mike and Terry!" Mr. Afton said kindly.
"Hi, dad!!!" Mike and Terrance said hugging him.
"Hello, Mr. Afton!" Mark, Simon, and I said.
Anna waved shyly.
"Eclipse? Who is this shy child?" Mr. Afton asked.
"Sh-she is one m-my friend..." Eclipse stammered.
Mike and Terrance smirked at that.
"Is she coming?" Mr. Afton asked.
"I dunno! Are you?" Eclipse asked Anna.
Anna nodded. Eclipse smiled a little. 
"Ok! Hop in everyone!" Mr. Afton said opening the car door.

-At the Afton's house-

"Ok, kids! I have to go to the pizzeria! Have fun and make sure you are asleep by 9 PM!" Mr. Afton told Eclipse, Mike, and Terry.
"Okie, daddy!!!" Eclipse said.
"We know dad!" Mike and Terry said and hugged him.
He drove off.
Eclipse skipped to the front door and let us in. Anna was on the sidewalk still.
"You guys go ahead! We'll be in, in a second!" Eclipse told us and closed the door. "What's up?"
"I'm scared..." Anna trailed off.
"Heh! I'll hold your hand okie?" Eclipse asked holding her hand out to Anna.
Anna nodded and grabbed Eclipse's hand.
Eclipse skipped back to the door with Anna and they walked in.
"Why are you holding her hand?" Mark asked.
"This was the only way I could get her to come in -_-!" Eclipse replied and sat down on the couch and Anna sat beside her. "Where are my siblings?"
"Kitchen!" Simon said staring at Terry.
Mike walked in and shrugged. Eclipse facepalmed and stood releasing Anna.
"You'll be fine! I'll be back!" Eclipse said and went outside to her bike with a wagon. She then rode away.
"Well, she just left! She'll be back!" Mike said and went to the kitchen... again.
Anna started to shake and rock back and forth.
A few minutes later Eclipse came back with Chris and Lizzy.
"BIG BROTHER!!" Chris and Liz cheered. (Me IRL: In this Chris died from hitting his head too hard on a wall! So, no sibling conflict in this~!!)
Anna ran to Eclipse and hugged her tightly.
"I was only gone for 10 minutes! Why are you so scared of our house!?" Eclipse asked shocked.
Anna just hugged her tighter.
"A-Anna! I c-can't breathe!" Eclipse said losing air.
Anna released her and started to ramble a lot of apologies.
"Calm down!! I'm okie!" Eclipse said and went on the hunt for Terrance and Mike. "WHERE THE FRICK DID MY SIBLINGS GO!?"
"Aren't they in the kitchen st- Wait! WHERE'S SIMON!?" I asked scared.

A/N: That's the end! I hope you enjoyed it! Also, please don't ask why I'm updating so much! Thank you! ILYA!! Bye! *Bows*

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