His Witchy Ways

By shewrites

242 5 4

Alyson Hartley is a witch, an inept one but a witch none the less. How does she know she’s a witch? That is v... More

His Witchy Ways

242 5 4
By shewrites

Chapter One

Being a witch is not fun, well maybe it is when you know what you are doing, but being a teenage witch with no idea of what you are doing is not fun. Not at all. I mean I know I have all this power but there is very little I can do with it, I can make flowers bloom early, I can even make a book hover for a few minutes but the really important stuff like making your nemesis suffer well that I don’t know how to do.

Case and point Jessica Hewitt, she is the school hottie and my self-proclaimed tormentor. She used to be my best friend in grade school before she discovered boys. That discovery led her to change from the sweet shy girl I knew to the skank leader of St. Mary High because, let’s face it, HOT BOYS LIKE BITCHES.  Right now she is proving how well she took to being a biatch by tripping me in the middle of a crowed cafeteria.

Now normally I would shrug it off and play the tormented little nerd but today I fell face first in front of Pierre Deveraux. How did I know it was Pierre’s loafers I was currently looking at? Well no other boy at St. Mary’s wears loafers and most importantly no other guy would even bother to help anyone who was on BITCHessica’s shit list like I clearly was, to do so was to draw attention from Jessica and not the good kind of attention.

I looked up slowly and sure enough every eye except for those who were also Jessica’s victims was trained on me. I could feel my face burning as they cackled, I dropped my face again and prayed for the cold cafeteria floor to swallow me up.

“Are you okay?” I heard Pierre’s deep, impossibly sexy voice from somewhere above my head. I wanted to die! The first time he notices me is because SHE made me look like a complete spastic klutz. Some part of me acknowledged that I usually am a spastic klutz without Jessica’s help but the humiliated part, the larger part just wanted to make her as embarrassed as I was.

As if drawn by my thoughts I heard Jessica talking to Pierre. “We are sitting over there, don’t worry about Aly, she does it all the time,” her nasal voice grated on my nerves. I looked up and the first thing I see is her, she was standing with her back to me clearly trying to steer Pierre away.

Pierre acted as though she hadn’t spoken, as though she wasn’t there. “Alyson are you okay?”

For a moment I was too dumbfounded to speak, he knew my name. By the shocked look on Jessica’s face it was a surprise to her too, not a very pleasant one if I were to go by the angry splotches on her cheeks. It took a while to remember that he had asked a question.

“Ah…ah…ah…” I felt like an idiot, how could my brain freeze on me like this?

“Oh she’s okay, we can go now that she is back to normal,” Jessica inserted with a proprietorial hand on his arm.

An angry flush suffused my cheeks at her suggestion that I was usually a bumbling fool but I didn’t say anything, I set about collecting some stuff that fell out of my bag and ignored her and him.

“I wasn’t talking to you,” he sounded slightly annoyed. I gasped and looked back at them to see him shrugging off hold her on his arm and bending down to pick up one of the pens I hadn’t seen. The whole cafeteria seemed to quiet. It was the first time anybody had dared to talk to Jessica like that. She practically ran the school.

I was impressed. Whoever said chivalry was dead clearly had yet to meet him. He handed me the pen with a slight smile, I found myself smiling.

“You are sure you are okay?”

I nodded and flushed, I turned to leave and as I was walking I was once again tripped. Yes again, this time by my own feet. Naturally the cafeteria roared with laughter, I could hear Jessica’s annoying laugh above all others. I got up to leave, more like run but then I heard Jessica say, “See she is hopeless.” I looked back to see her giggling manically at me and something snapped.

Maybe it was all the years I had spent trying be invisible so as to not raise her ire, all the time spent hiding and most importantly all the years I spent as her friend whatever it was, I was suddenly angry. It wasn’t new being angry, my mother often jokes that it is the curse of the red heads, but the magnitude of this anger was stunning. I wanted to hurt her, make her feel like each and every one of her many victims. I could feel the pulsing of magic around me, sort of like electricity in the air. I had never felt it like this before, it had always been an elusive hum of energy, never this tangible.

I summoned it and focused on her willing her to experience everything the people she tormented experienced over the years and…nothing…happened. Epic brain fart. See I told you being a witch sucks BIG time. I turned to walk away resolving to research some really nasty revenge spells, hopefully they wouldn’t involve human parts.

I had barely walked two steps when a loud farting sound stopped me. The laughter ceased and the whole cafeteria, myself included, turned to identify the unfortunate farter. There was another loud fart and this time everyone knew who the culprit was.

“Oh,” she sounded as surprised as the rest of us to discover that she was the farter. Another loud fart and this time someone snickered. It was as if the dam broke, the whole cafeteria roared with laughter, even her friends were pointing and holding their noses.

Jessica’s perfectly made up face turned an ugly blotchy red, she tried to find an escape route but the crowd that had formed to watch her ridicule me was an effective wall. Another loud fart, this one would have done Jack Black proud!

“Stop it!” She cried in a squeaky voice. Her embarrassed voice, I knew it well enough from back when she had a heart. She rushed past me and ran from the cafeteria howling laughter following her. So maybe being a witch isn’t all that bad, especially if you can show your enemies how full of hot air they’re (Hehehe I kill myself sometimes). This had me wondering how I did it though, it was the first time I had ever done something so. . .very witchy.

I almost felt bad about having done it to Jessica, almost. But you know what they say turnabout is fair.

Author’s note

This is just something I’m playing around with, just a light read. Want me to continue it then vote. I am mainly a reader so I hope you like it. Also I made it PG13 because of the language, tell me what you think.

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