Ursula is a Merman? I'll Sign...

By VitoDeCeniza

2.4K 184 29

Oneshot Story: Ursula is a Merman? I'll Sign Your Contract! What if you become one of the 'Poor Unfortunate S... More

Bandit On The Shore

Ursula is a Merman? I'll Sign Your Contract!

1.4K 103 22
By VitoDeCeniza

Oneshot Story: Ursula is a Merman? I'll Sign Your Contract!

Have you ever heard of 'Poor unfortunate souls'?

How about the villain 'Ursula' from 'The Little Mermaid'?

What if you become one of the 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' because you signed a contract with 'Ursula' and the plot twist is you're not the 'Little Mermaid'?

What if Ursula is actually a Merman Evil Prince?

My name is Azalea, a former human who signed a suspicious contract with Ursula, the Ocean's Evil sorcerer. 

You thought Atlantis and Mermaids are not real? 

You might be wrong.

I was tricked into signing a contract with the Ocean Sorceror for the thought that I'll be rich and be able to pay my debts, but who would've thought that this guy was actually 'Ursula' and signing a contract with him is the dumbest decision that I've ever done?

In the end, I wasn't able to satisfy the price of our contract.

As a result, I, Azalea, who was a former human, became a mermaid who serves the Evil Prince of Atlantis.

Well, I guess I'm still lucky because Ursula didn't turn me into seaweed like his other contractor.

"Master, how about eating human foods for tonight? Seaweeds are too bland and distasteful to be eaten by your excellence," I politely suggested to Ursula, my master. "Please allow me to get the food that was suitable for you."

A Merman who was sitting on a stone at the seafloor glanced at me. He was reading an ancient book that we found on Titanica when we went to North Atlantis Ocean.

His deep oceanic orbs were staring at me intently.

The man let out a smirk before closing the book in his hands. 

"How about I turn you into a seaweed?" He asked before placing the ancient book on the stone that was shaped like a table beside him. "I will only allow you to go to the Human World as a seaweed."

I secretly shrieked when I heard it from him. 

I've been staying with this fish-- I mean Merman for 50 years, and because of his dark magic, I have never aged a bit.

And after staying with my master Ursula for 50 years, I have proved that this person is very hard to read. 

When he tells you a joke, you won't even know if it's a joke. Sometimes you'll just want to silence his mouth with clams.

"Haha, Master, I've changed my mind. Seaweeds are also good to eat," I told him with a smile on my face. "Oh, I think oysters and clams are good too, those food are very suitable to eat with my Master Ursula."

"No, you'll just get the pearls from those things," Ursula told before brushing his silky hair with his fingers.  "You already had troves of golds and shiny stones that was only disorderly organized in my own cave, those are only nuisance."

I grunted when I heard that from him.

It's so sad that this fish-- I mean Merman doesn't know the value of these treasures when he enjoys their luxury when we went to the land.

Nope, I'm not greedy, I just already know the pain of being penniless that's why I collect valuable treasures in case of emergency.

My master and I love to travel and we often go to land, that's why I collect these things for him.

I'm his servant after all.

"Master, don't make it sound like I am greedy, I am only collecting the 'nuisance' that we call 'treasures' for our expenses whenever we went to the land," I told him with a smile. "In short, these golds are actually for my Master's sake."

"For my sake? You sound like an obedient servant, my Azalea," My master replied.

The Merman swam in my direction as he took my hand.

"By the way, my fair mermaid, I have some interesting news for you," Ursula told me as he pulled me closer to him. "Would you like to hear the news?" He asked playfully before blowing bubbles on my right ear.

My face turned red as I swam away from him. I covered my face with my hands as I hide behind a stone.

Why the heck are you being clingy again, fishy?! 

You're acting suspiciously once again!

I let out a snort when I heard a laugh from the Merman. I can't help to be flustered because I know that my Master is enjoying teasing me.

Mermans and Mermaids are seductive and charming, so it's only natural to be charmed if they chose to seduce you. 

If there is an average-looking Mermaid, then it will be me for my looks when I was a human never changed when I turned into a Mermaid.

Anyway, my master looks dazzlingly handsome, his dangerous looks we're enough to lure you into his hands. Perhaps it was the reason why I was tricked into signing a contract with him 50 years ago.

And look at him now! He is enjoying to tease me!

"Don't hide there, my favorite mermaid. I know that you're flustered because of my charm, but I want to tell you the interesting news."

I screamed when I felt a big hand suddenly wrap around my shoulder. The culprit pulled me upwards to reveal myself behind the stone where I was hiding.

How ironic, a mermaid who was once a human is his favorite mermaid.

"Master! Stop being clingy!" I shouted at him, but the fish ignored my words as he placed his chin on my neck. He moved his big hand on my waist and wraps it around my stomach. 

This Evil fish is really flirty.

Is he really a fish or a snake?

No, never mind, I won't waste my time thinking about it.

"Dear Poseidon," I mumbled. "Errr, what does my Master want to tell me?" I asked.

I heard him chuckle. 

"Your Master will be the king of Atlantis," He suddenly whispered in my ears. "I am really near to reaching my goals, the only thing that I need is to wait for the king to fall out of his throne."

My body froze as soon as I heard him.

I was dumbfounded.

50 years ago, I was forced to join Ursula's side as soon as I became a Mermaid.

Ursula wasn't as evil as the rumors tried to portray him, but I wouldn't say that he is a good person either.

The master that I was bound to serve for eternity is a Merman who thrives to own the Oceans and Seas of the world. 

In order to do that, he rebelled against Atlantis because the King of Ocean didn't even give him a chance to contend as an heir.

The reason is simple.

Ursula is a black magic user, he inherited his power from his mother who is a powerful sea witch.

And as his servant, I was bound to help this fish--- I mean Merman to make his way to the throne. 

However, I don't want anything to end up like that, and If Ursula became a King, I might stay in the Ocean forever, that's why I keep making Ursula busy traveling with me for 50 years.

For 50 years, Ursula wasn't able to make a move to take over the throne, I thought he had already forgotten about it, but it seems like it is not the case.

"Poseidon's gracious," I mumbled as I sigh. "Master, if you're planning to take over the throne, then make it as peaceful as possible," I told him.

"Oh, it seems like you're not scheming to make me busy traveling with you," He chuckled.

You're not going to change your mind anyway, besides, I don't think it is possible to stop him from doing that.

I snorted as I took his hand away from my body.

"Who am I to stop My excellent master from being the king?" I told him with flattery words. "It'll be my greatest honor to serve the person who will be the future king of Atlantis,---- that's right, I'll be overjoyed if you became the king!"

I turned around to face him.

"If that happens, will you let me travel more often to the land? After all, more servants will come to serve you if you ever become the  Ocean King," I said while motioning my hands dramatically. 

"Perhaps I could live in the land again if that happens."

"What did you say?" The Merman asked me.

"I said who am I to stop my Master from becoming the king," I said. "Should I call you your Majesty from now on----hmmmp."

My eyes went wide when Ursula placed a clam on my mouth.

"Puha! Blerghh! Master! Why did you do that?" I asked him angrily. 

I let out my tongue to remove the gross taste of that clam from my mouth.

The handsome Merman placed his hand on my cheeks as he stared into my eyes directly. I was surprised by his sudden action, I don't know how to react when he did that.

I became silent when I saw the serious look on his face.

He's not just teasing me today, I could tell it.

The Merman's serious gaze became soft as his thumb was carefully caressing my cheeks. If everybody could see this face, no one would say that he's the Evil Sorceror Prince of the Oceans.

"Just tell me if you're upset with my decision," He said.

"I wasn't upset," I told him.

"Then you won't go back to land and leave me if I become the King?" He asked.

"How can I do that without your permission? I am your servant," I told him before trying to remove his hand away from my face. "But it seems like my master doesn't want to let go of me, how about treating me better?"

I laughed as I caressed my cheeks that were touched by his hand.

"I do treat your better," He replied with a frown. "Since when did I treat you bad?"


Yeah... He's telling the truth...

Signing a suspicious contract with Ursula was my dumbest decision as a Human, but living with this Merman is one of the greatest decisions in my life.

Truth to be told...

I think I have already fallen in love with him.

"Telling me that you'll turn me into a seaweed?" I told him with a playful tone. "I'm already the most average-looking mermaid in the world, don't try to turn me into a seaweed, Master Ursula."

Ursula took a deep breath as he pulled me closer to him once again. He wrapped his arms around my body making me startled by his sudden action.

"I don't see you as the most average-looking mermaid, but If you don't want to become a seaweed then sign another contract with me," He whispered.

My eyes went wide when his beautiful tail clung around mine.

Do you what it means for a Merman to cling his tail around a Mermaid's tail?


For 50 years of staying with you, why did you only decide to do it now?

"If I make you fall in love with me, I'll stop pursuing the throne and you will be my wife," He mumbled with his most affectionate voice. "Will you sign another contract with me?"

I've been tricked into signing a contract with Ursula once again.

Can you guess the outcome?

I'm already in love, that's why I lost.


Year 1972 (Island of Elvetta)

On the Island of Elvetta somewhere on the southeast continent, there were humans who seemed drunk dancing and singing on the shore hailing the beautiful melody that they could hear upon the sea. 

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Nearby that sea, there was a creature who has a tail of a fish and a body human observing these people with cold deep blue orbs. 

This creature holds a lyre that creates the sound of the sea.

In his eyes, you could see the contempt while staring at the lower being who was being lured by his music. The longer they listen to the sound of the sea, the more they'll be drunk and turn insane by its melody.

Nevertheless, the Merman continued to play his music.

"Are these the pathetic creatures that Poseidon was trying to protect?" He mumbled with a cold tone. "They did nothing but to dirty the sea."

As soon as the Merman stopped playing the lyre, the people who were dancing to the sound of the sea started to panic. Some of them started to run to the sea and drowned because of the strong waves.

This situation was pleasant in the eyes of Ursula who was renowned as the Evil Sorceror of the sea. 


While observing the people who were suffering on the shore, someone who is insolent enough to die grabbed the precious beautiful tail of the Merman.

"What kind of..."

Ursula's eyes went wide when he saw a woman holding his tail, the woman didn't just stop by holding his tail, she even hugged it while brushing her soft cheeks against his scales.

"Hehe, I fwound a fish--- hik! fwor dinner," the woman mumbled like a fool. "Woah--- hik! Why is there water arwound me? Hey pretty man, why are ywou a fwish?"

Ursula covered his nose when he smelled the scent of alcohol from the women.  A frown appeared on his forehead while trying to wiggle his tail, but the woman hugged his tail tighter.

"Get off," Ursula threatened the drunk woman.

"Noooo! Don't wiggle! I'll die, I dwon't wanna drown! I have many many debts to pway."

Annoyance could be seen in at eyes of the Merman, however, even if he finds it annoying, he couldn't stop looking at the woman who was shamelessly hugging his tail.

The Merman just finds himself transforming into a human taking the woman to the shore with both of his arms.

"Hik! I just wanted to bwe rich--- hik! can I be rich in the ocean?" The woman asked drowsily. "Man! Where's the---hik! Fish?!"

"Silence, I'll turn you into seaweed."

A beautiful woman who was named Azalea was staring at him with confusion. 

"Dwo I lwook like a seaweed?" The woman asked out of nowhere. "You're pwretty but you're---hik! dumb."

"How dare you to call me dumb?" The man asked in annoyance. "I am a prince of the sea, I'll make sure to make you pay when you gained your consciousness. You're lucky that I was keeping you alive for today."

"Pway? That swucks, anwother debt" The woman told him as she wiggled her body. Azalea almost fell to the ground but Ursula didn't let that happen. 

A smile appeared on her lips as she stared at the eyes of the Merman.

"Hey, how about I marry you to pay?"

Ursula who heard her proposal was dumbfounded.

"Sign my contract."

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