Changing Rain

By silversinger

30.7K 740 113

(under reconstruction) When Raiyn forces her way out of the shifter underground, the last thing she expecte... More

Changing Rain
Changling Underground
The Start
Begining of the End
Watching and Waiting
Death's Hold
Finding Her
Fallen Angels
Jail Cells
Guilt of the Living
crimes not commited
Thick as thieves
Dying memeories
Starting anew
all uprooted
something changes
Foul winds stir
Greck makes plans
The kiss
Quincy and the wolf
Strange happenings
Rain storm
Unexpected turn of events
The Golden Wolf
cries of the lost
A new twist
Heavy hearts
Unwanted future
The slumbering Red Hound
Untold tales
accepting the new
Shifter camp
Monsters in our midst
The Teaching
The Shifter Underground
One More Battle Won
Learning the ropes
The Dreamer
Upwards and Outwards
Odd day
The Stag and Wolf
Lash out
New beginings
Fall of the father
Torren the Unconqerable
Untitled Part 61

The Healing

344 8 0
By silversinger

The air in their city of tents was thick with the anxiety flowing throughout it. Jessica had been put in a small guarded tent, they didn't know what to do with her. They could have no trial nor sentence for her with nothing to enforce it. Elih had barely slept these past couple of days, and a constant weariness was setting in as well as the ever present hollow feeling in his chest.  

" Elih, we have to do something. " Said Joseph who walked in the burnt village alongside him. Elih ran a hand over his face, not wanting to think about such things.  

" They'll be wanting an answer about Jessica, we can't just keep her tucked away in a tent. " 

" I know Joseph. " He rumbled, voice slightly muffled by his still present hand.  

" She killed Hilda, maybe Eric. People want her to answer for that. "  

" I Know Joseph. " He said a bit more impatiently. Joesph open his mouth to argue the point further, but seemed to think better of it, and closed it again.  

Elih had come to their ruined home in order to try and think through his problems. Once again they were low on food, the hunting parties were inexperienced when it came to hunting their abundant rabbits, and the deer and elk that they were used to were now scarce. The only healer they had left was a deranged killer. Half the village was down with white cough. And He had let in a shifter, much to the grievance of most the population. 

They came upon the graveyard, only the stones that were where the wooden fence had been had been marred by ash and soot. He knelt in the snow, staring at the two graves in particular. Jared's had been closer to the fence, and half it's surface had been blackened. Rachel's was clean, but worn from years of bearing the elements. The were simple stone tablets, with terse and simple words painstakingly carved into the cold stone. He reached a hand out to his wife's headstone, trying to clear the thoughts that ran amok within his mind. Why had Hilda hated his wife so, what had she done to earn the hatred of a healer woman.  

" Was Hilda wrong Joseph?" The older man looked to Elih, and saw a man too young to have so much gray in his dark hair, Too vital to be half dead with the cares and burdens he bore alone, and too dignified and proud to have his shoulder slump so low.  

" Hilda may have been insane in the end Elih, but she knew who killed her, and she spoke inspiring words of truth. I doubt she would see things so clearly in the end only to overlook your capabilities. " Elih stood, looking like a tower among primitive huts with his massive height.  

" It's just... every time it feels like I'm about to stand on my feet again, something happens to kick them out from under me once more. How am I ever to properly lead our people if I can't even control my own problems. " Joesph put a wrinkled yet strong hand of comfort on Elih's shoulder, having to reach a bit to do so. 

" Do not fret for us Elih, you've done right by us. It's true that you have been given much more then what seems like your your fair share of trials, but they are a test. The Father does not give you more then you are able to bear. " Elih stared down at the twin graves, feeling so very lost.  

" It's just too hard. I can't do it anymore." His voice broke as he said it, and hot tears stung his eyes, but he did not let them fall. Joesph took on a stern look as he shook Elih's shoulder roughly.  

" Here now Elih! You've never been one to whine nor quit. Let's not start now. This is the time for you to be your strongest if you ever hope to get through it. Like all things, it'll pass with time. " Elih nodded, taking in a deep breath to sooth away his emotions, things he used to only deal with on occasion were now bothering him every day. Running his fingers over the rough stone tops once more before be parted, Elih turned to dip his head in thanks to Joesph.  

" You are too good a friend to me Joesph. " 

" I only do what I can. " Elih nodded, beginning his walk back to the hillside. Joesph fell in step beside him.  

" Ive been thinking," he said " Maybe we should get a headstone for Eric as well. " 

" But we never found the body." 

" I'm aware, but he had a good soul. And I want the others to remember that. " Joesph said as Elih mulled it over for a moment as his feet crunched then snow below.  

" I would like that, thank you. " The humble man shrugged like it was nothing, but Elih knew that It would just mean more work. He was extremely grateful for Joesph's offer.  

They were cresting the small hill just elow the wall of tents when they saw Raiyne. She was in wolf form limping on her front leg back towards the tents, coming from the forest. In her mouth dangled a fat rabbit. Joesph blinked.  

" Did you know she left camp?" Elih shook his head, picking up his pace to catch up to her. Quincy's young son sprinted out from the tents and beat him to her. He hung on Raiyne's neck fondly as she snorted in surprise. A few other young children could be seen peeking timidly out from behind the tents, uncertain. Elih stopped to watch, curious to see what would happen. 

Two of Christina's children, the twins Ralph and Rebbecca slowly emerged, as timid as the rabbit Raiyne clenched her jaws around. When they reached her side, they shyly reached out to pet her back, their small faces full of wonder. Elih watched, his amusement bubbling up and helping to clear the dimming cobwebs from his mind. These children had never even seen a dog, Raiyne's wolf form must have looked very odd to them.  

More children started to pop out from the line of tents, each wanting to touch and feel Raiyne, make sure she was real. Raiyne dropped the rabbit and tried to limp away, but she was too slow. It left Elih wondering how she had caught it in the first place. The children easily overcame her sorry pace, trailing their small hands along her upright ears and long waving tail.  

A small girl began to giggle as she grabbed the tail, Raiyne jumped a little and looked back to see her smiling. Gently she flipped her tail out of the girls hands, brushing the girls face and making her sneeze. Giggling again she kept trying to nab Raiyne's tail, who kept twirling it out of reach. Pretty soon all the children were pushing each other aside to try and nab the tail.  

Raiyne began to relax, waveing her tail harder, turning it into a game.  

" That's something I never expected to see." Joesph mildly stated as he came to stand next to Elih. With a leap into the air, Raiyne twisted about so she landed facing the children in the strangest pose he had ever seen. Her front legs were splayed out in front of her while her chest just barley touched the ground with her back legs still upright and standing. It looked like a playful bow, especially with her jaws agape and her red tongue lolling out in an in an unmistakable grin. The children gleefully began to chase after her, and her stiff muscles seemed to loosen enough for her to playfully run away, twirling out of their reach at last moment. 

Elih grinned as he stepped forward to pick up the dropped rabbit. Raiyne let out a pair of excited barks as the children continued to chase her back and forth across the small field adjacent to the village tents. A crunching of snow behind them made him look over his shoulder to see Christina watching with a small smile on her face. She blushed when she saw that Elih had caught her spying.  

" It really is Raiyne, isn't it." She said her voice vibrant with an undercurrent of happiness. Elih folded his arms and went back to watching the play as she came to stand next to them. 

" It always was her, she never changed. Just her memories. " A shimmer appeared as Raiyne shifted to her human self, and Christina stiffened just a little.  

" It just dosn't seem natural." She said sheepishly as she caught Elih's raised eyebrow. Raiyne was laughing as the children continued to chase her in an ever tightening circle.  

" They don't seem to mind. " The trio watched the play with interest, noting how often Raiyne would change her shape. She seemed to do it without any real thought, it was as part of her as anything else. Panting hard, Raiyne finally flopped in the snow with in the big wolfs body. Tiered children plopped down next to her, using her as a massive pillow. The sky had darkened by then and mothers were calling for children. One by one they all toddled off. Christina wandered off with Joesph to their own canvas homes.  

Elih approched Raiyne to crouch down at her side, and she phased so that she was looking up at him with human eyes, still breathing hard.  

" Rough day?" She answered with a laugh.  

" Aye, it's the small ones that be most vicious. " 

" I'll remember that." He extended a hand and hoisted her to her feet. She wobbled a little when she became a bit dizzy but shook it off almost immediately. Her distraction had been but a temporary relief from the plaguing worries in his mind that would not abate. What would he do with Jessica? 

" Raiyne, can I ask you a question?" She slowly let the smile slip off her face.  

" Aye. One " 

" How did you know Jessica poisoned you meal?" 

" Thats two questions. " she said quietly. He smiled a bit, but she just looked at the ground, seeming unsure.  

" Whats wrong?" She bit her lip, looking back up at him." 

" I like you Elih, and many others here. But I won't say anything to harm my people. "  

" It can't be that much of a give away," She looked at him sideways for a long time, and he began to wonder if she would answer. 

" I won't use anything I learn to harm the shifters." He said solemnly. She held his eyes with her piercing silver green ones.  

" I know the plant well, it be all over my home. My father was a healer as well, I know plants a little as well. " Elih stayed quiet, wondering over the significance of what she had said.  

' So they live in the caves.' He thought to himself, but aloud he said. " You know healing?"  

" A little." 

" Can you treat White cough. " She nodded. Elih smiled.  

" Come on Raiyne. I have a job for you." Her eyebrows flicked, but she followed him.

" Be you trying to get me killed?!" Raiyne hissed at Elih. They were back in the healers tent towards the back, all the herbs that they could find of Hilda's were lay-ed out in front of Raiyne. The creeper seeds had been buried in the jar, in A sun soaked spot in the forest so that they would never grow.  

" I'm trying to help you. " He said, trying very hard not to smile at her discomfort. Wilma stood at the entrance with her son Elliot, who was coughing hard. Rayin's gingerly picked up a bottle, sniffing the contents. Her form shimmered as she went into half shift, then inhaled deeply. Wilma looked conflicted, white cough could turn into pneumonia if they didn't cure it, which could kill. But at the same time she didn't trust Raiyne at all.  

Elih impatiently waved her over. " Its fine Wilma." She gave a pointed look at Raiyne, who set aside the bottle and picked up what looked like a miniature dried bush. She sniffed this to, her face scrunched with concentration. He had to stifle an eye roll. Smiling at Elliot, he called him over. The two year old happily scampered out of his anxious mothers clutches. Raiyne was crushing different plants between her slender fingers and dumping them into a tin cup. Wilma drifted over, unhappy. 

" Here," Raiyne handed Elliot the cup after she poured in a small amount of water. He wrinkled his nose at the flavor, but drank the entire small dose, Wilma scooped him up, and hurried out the tents entrance flap. Raiyne glared up at Elih, who ignored her as Christina brought in her second youngest. Raiyne looked up hopefully, but uncertainly. Christina smiled down at her. 

" I'm glad to see you, Raiyne." She said warmly, Raiyne returned her smile tentatively, her sharp canine teeth flashing. Christina blinked a bit, but knelt down next to her as she started to pulverize more herbs. Elih glanced towards the entrance and saw more white cough patients lining up outside, peering anxiously in. Elih smiled, his plan was working. Slowly they were accepting the shifter. Trust would come later, but for now they understood that they needed her, it would do for now.

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