As Clear As Crystal


18.7K 966 111

The Inhumans have always been secretive about their existence, very few were aware of them. This only makes i... More

A King's Decision
Someone To Talk To
A Late Night Visit
Proper Introductions
A Tense Night
Que Sera, Sera
Remaining Inconspicuous
A Glimpse Of Something New
Sneaking Out (Again)
Personal Concerns
Conflict At The Breakfast Table
The King's Favour
Demonstration Of Character
Blowing Cover?
A Safe Place
Violence And Accusations
Siblings At Odds
Taking Chances
A Show Of Compassion
To Change An Opinion
A New Lead?
When Needed The Most
The Morning After

The Mysterious Arrival

3.8K 76 4

Attilan - it is the home of the secretive Inhumans, a species of Metahumans that has remained hidden from the rest of the world for countless years. This was how they preferred it and, seeing how their city was so technologically enhanced in comparison to the rest of the human world, it wasn't difficult for them to remain secret for so long. This led to the Inhumans being rather sheltered from the outside world, unaware of how the human world worked.

This made it so that when you, a human, were found within the city, a stir was caused as there was nobody who recognised you. It led to a fear among the Inhumans that they had been found, perhaps humans had sought to attack them due to a fear of such a large collection of super powered beings. This would have been a viable assumption, had you not been found unconscious and in bad shape from the start.

That being said; the state which you were found in couldn't negate a possible threat, and a human being discovered in Attilan was not something that could be ignored. This was what led to the involvement of the Inhuman Royal Family.

The Inhumans live under the rule of their King, Blackagar Boltagon (Black Bolt for short); he ruled alongside his wife, Medusa, and their family which consisted of Black Bolt's brother, Maximus, his cousins, Karnak, Gorgon and Triton and Medusa's sister, Crystal. Then there was Lockjaw, a large dog which had the power to teleport anyone to whatever destination they wished. Lockjaw was the loyal pet of the Inhuman Royal Family, he was also a very good boy.

When word had reached Black Bolt of your presence in Attilan, he couldn't with good conscience as King just leave you be. So you were taken from where you were found, injuries tended to before you were locked in a cell until you regained consciousness. Even though you were injured, Black Bolt had to perceive you as a threat for now so you would have to be questioned when you awakened - the sanctuary of Attilan and its people could very well be at risk if you did indeed pose a threat.


"Ugh, ow, my head" you groaned as you were finally starting to regain consciousness. Every fibre of your being, every bone in your body ached and wracked with pain, so much so that you struggled to sit up on the bed you were laying on. It wasn't by means an uncomfortable bed, but it wasn't the most comfortable either, there was a slight area between the two adjectives where the comfort resided. But that aside, everything ached as you sat up to find yourself locked in a cell.

"Wh-what the? Where am I?" You asked aloud, not really expecting a response as you staggered to your feet. You nearly crumbled but gained some balance as you looked around the cell, then a voice spoke up. "Oh, you're awake?" Crystal asked as she stood on the other side of the cell, having been the one to keep watch over you after some persistent begging to her sister.

You blinked a few times, vision still a little hazy from waking up after being found in such a state as you were. You stared a little at Crystal, noticing how she had a rather intrigued expression as she stared back at you before you asked who she was, then where you were. This made the princess of the Royal Family jump a little before she introduced herself to you - Crystalia Amaquelin was her full name but for simplicity's sake she goes by Crystal.

"So, you're a human?" Crystal spoke inquisitively as she had that same, intrigued expression on her face, a confused one turning onto yours as you tilted your head. "What?" You countered, unsure as to what Crystal meant as she repeated her question of you being a human. You just looked at your hands before replying that you were a human the last time you checked.

"Why? Where am I? Is this Area 51 or something?" You asked but Crystal didn't answer you, she was too busy looking you over. A human in Attilan was something new after all, Crystal was just interested in what made you different to her and the rest of the Inhumans. There didn't seem to be any visual differences as far as she could see, but her observation was quickly interrupted by the sound of a door which made both you and Crystal turn around.

Black Bolt and Medusa had arrived at your cell, Crystal stepping to the side as her sister and King stood before you. There was silence for a moment as the two of them stared at you, an awkward silence made worse by the tension in the air. No words were spoken for a moment longer until you spoke again, if only to ask if someone else was going to say anything.

In response to this, Medusa asked who you were and why you were in Attilan. The questions only confused you more as you tilted your head, countering by asking what Attilan was but Medusa told you to answer the questions you were asked. "Who are you? Why are you in Attilan?" She repeated and you stumbled over your words, eventually answering that you didn't even know where you were, never mind what Attilan was.

"I just woke up in this cell, everything was aching and then she asked me if I was human" you said as you pointed at Crystal who was standing off to the side, Black Bolt and Medusa glancing at the princess before turning back towards you. Medusa then asked the same question as her sister, about whether you were a human.

You gave the same answer as you did to Crystal, answering that you were human the last time you checked before asking where you were. "Is this a prank? Am I in Area 51 or something? Why are you asking if I am a human?" You asked your own questions to which Medusa only said for you to answer Black Bolt's questions, a statement that made you tilt your head as you pointed out that it was Medusa who asked you the questions. The Queen of the Royal Family explained to you the reason why.

"Black Bolt dares not to speak; even a whisper could destroy Attilan. Therefore, I speak on his behalf the questions he wants to know, now answer them!" Medusa spoke firmly but you only laughed, blurting out how this must be a prank. "I mean no way could a whisper be that loud" you laughed before yelping as something grabbed your leg and you were hoisted into the air.

You were flipped upside down, there you were dangling as you panicked and looked to see that Medusa's hair was wrapped around your ankle. "What the hell! What is that? How are you doing that?!" You exclaimed as you flailed about, Medusa only responding to ask the same questions as before - who were you? Why were you in Attilan? They were two simple questions, right? Well, maybe not so much at the moment.

"I told you; I don't even know where I am? What is Attilan?" You again turned the questions back on Medusa and she looked at her husband, the antenna on his head glowing as he motioned his hands. Medusa nodded before she looked back at you again.

"Very well, who are you then?" The Queen of the Inhumans asked but you were still panicking about how she was holding you by your ankle by her hair. You flailed about, shouting how this must be a nightmare or something before Medusa shook you in the air. "Who are you?" She repeated the question one final time, irritation evident in her voice as she shook you about in the air. This time though, she got a response to her question, even if not what she would have wanted.

"I don't know!" You exclaimed, fear in your voice as your arms dangled. Medusa glanced at her husband again before coming back to you. "What do you mean; you don't know?" She asked and you panicked some more, squirming about as you whimpered. You really were freaking out about all of this, though that would be fair as you were being held in the air by hair.

Nevertheless, you answered Medusa. "I don't know, I-I can't remember anything, ok? I just woke up in this cell and I'm being interrogated. I don't know where I am, I don't know...I don't know who I am, just please let me down!" You begged with fear in your voice, you couldn't possibly fake such fear, could you? Medusa shared another glance with husband who again motioned his hands and the antenna on his head was glowing, his wife nodding before you yelped as you were dropped.

"We will discuss this matter with the rest of the council, for now you will remain here" Medusa said as she and her husband started to leave, but Crystal stayed behind for a moment and approached your cell.

"You don't know who you are?" She asked as you stared, trembling from what just happened before Medusa called for Crystal. "Come with us, Crystal, we need to discuss with the rest of the family about the human" she said and Crystal called back that she'd be right there, glancing at you before catching up to her sister and King as you scrambled backwards towards the bed where you woke up.

You stared, breath heavy as Crystal was the last to leave your voice. You were still shaken by what just happened, how Medusa held you up by her hair and your ankle. But then there was what you said at the end - you didn't know who you were?

You raised your hands to your head, holding it as you tried to think. "I don't know, I don't remember - wh-who am I?" You asked yourself, still hoping beyond hope that this was perhaps some bad dream and you would soon wake up and realise you were just being dumb in your subconscious...but you never shot upright in a comfortable bed, no personal name coming back to mind.

You didn't know who you were, where you were, nothing but that you were a prisoner right now.

A/n and that's the first chapter for this book. I know I have quite a few going right now, and perhaps another one on top of that isn't the best idea but this idea just came to mind and i just had to write it. Anyway hope y'all enjoyed and as always till next time peace out.

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