My Whole Family Are Villain

De SheijiHiei

343K 9.8K 579

Fourteen-year-old Su Bei almost died when she caught a high fever, got transmigrated into another world, and... Mais

Chapter 1: Transmigrated Back
Chapter 2: Upcoming Trouble
Chapter 3: Compared With You, He is Far Worse
Chapter 4: Finding Dad
Chapter 5: Returning Slap
Chapter 6: My Dad is Qin Shao
Chapter 7: Call Him Dad
Chapter 8: Even a Vicious Tiger Will not Eat Its Cubs
Chapter 9: I Don't Like This Place
Chapter 10: Good Morning, Dad!
Chapter 11: School Entrance Test
Chapter 12: Entrance Test Result
Chapter 13: Is Our New Classmate Pretty?
Chapter 14: Misunderstanding
Chapter 15: How Are the Kids?
Chapter 16: Daddy Qin
Chapter 17: Father
Chapter 18: Mr. Qin is Back
Chapter 19: Qin Shao?
Chapter 20: Paternity Test Result
Chapter 21: The Video
Chapter 22: Dad's Birthday is April 7th
Chapter 23: New Names
Chapter 24: Go To N City
Chapter 25: Going to the School
Chapter 26: Beating Back
Chapter 27: This is for you, Dad
Chapter 28: Darling
Chapter 29: Early Love?
Chapter 30: Invitation
Chapter 31: Opening Performance
Chapter 32: Improper!
Chapter 33: Face Slap
Chapter 34: Protecting His Children
Chapter 35: This is Your Home
Chapter 36: I'm Her Dad
Chapter 37: Banquet
Chapter 38: Drunk
Chapter 39: Admitting Mistake
Chapter 40: Investment
Chapter 41: Sing Me a Song
Chapter 42: Identity Exposed
Chapter 43: Praised
Chapter 44: Monthly Exam
Chapter 45: Strict Dad
Chapter 46: Exam Results are Out!
Chapter 47: Protect Our Father
Chapter 48: Mid-Autumn Festival
Chapter 49: He Won't Let Them Be Harmed
Chapter 50: The Only People I Care About
Chapter 51: School Parent Meeting
Chapter 52: Essay
Chapter 53: Ahaha!
Chapter 54: Da-Dad?
Chapter 55: Daddy Qin's Warning
Chapter 56: Thank You, Boss!
Chapter 57: Sports Festival
Chapter 58: Don't Do Early Love
Chapter 60: Dad!
Chapter 61: It was Her!
Chapter 62: The Truth is Exposed
Chapter 63: Cannot Wait to See
Chapter 64: 1/16 Finals
Chapter 65: God Q
Chapter 66: Do You Want a Mother?
Chapter 67: There is no Stepmother
Chapter 68: Gossip
Chapter 69: Truth From the Past
Chapter 70: Fight
Chapter 71: Mr. Qin's Counterattack
Chapter 72: This Director
Chapter 73: Siblings Pair T-Shirt
Chapter 74: Pig Breeder Goes Online
Chapter 75: Good Teaching
Chapter 76: Having Dad is Enough
Chapter 77: Annual Gathering
Chapter 78: Going To The Company
Chapter 79: Question
Chapter 80: Dancing Together
Chapter 81: Gift
Chapter 82: Arranged Marriage?
Chapter 83: Deadly Ugly
Chapter 84: New Year Eve
Chapter 85: Thank You, Dad
Chapter 86: My Little Princess
Chapter 87: Final
Chapter 88: Identity Revealed
Chapter 89: Birthday
Chapter 90: Growing Up
Chapter 91: Qin Family's Young Miss
Chapter 92: Guilty Feeling
Chapter 93: She Is An Adult Now
Chapter 94: I'm Serious
Chapter 95: Awkward
Chapter 96: Are You Stupid?
Chapter 97: Lin Shaochi
Chapter 98: Mr. Qin Found Out
Chapter 99: Hello, Uncle
Chapter 100: Be Happy
Extra 1: Xiaobei and Xiaobao's Previous Life
Extra 2: Daddy Qin in Another World

Chapter 59: Accident

3K 97 7
De SheijiHiei

On the second day of the school sports festival, Mr. Qin once again threw the company's affairs to Chen De and his subordinates, then went to school with his two children.

Su Bei was surprised, and so was Su Xiaobao. The boy didn't say anything and even seemed annoyed when he saw Mr. Qin followed them to school. However, the joy in his eyes couldn't fool anyone.

Su Bei's competition was scheduled today, a 400-meter middle distance race.

Although 400-meter race didn't require a quick sprint like the 50-meter nor did it test the endurance like an 800-meter one, but in fact, it was harder than the other two.

Originally other students, including Dong Wenqi, thought that Su Bei only wanted to participate and wasn't aiming for a win. But to everyone's surprise, Su Bei actually did excellently on the field and finally took the second place.

Mr. Qin took the back photo of Su Bei when she ran across the finish line and posted it into his WeChat with a short line: My daughter won the second place in race, not bad.

Not surprisingly, this post was instantly barraged with another wave of rainbow farts.

As for Su Xiaobao, who already won 5 first places...

Mr. Qin only said: Just so-so.

After finishing the only event she signed up to and even got the second place, Su Bei was naturally happy. Now she had nothing more to do, she was originally going to relax and watch the rest of the sports festival with Dong Wenqi while occasionally browsing the school forum and Weibo. But to her surprise, her classmate Li Xiaoyan came with their class leader. Their face looked awkward.

"Su Bei."

"What's happen?" Su Bei saw Li Xiaoyan's embarrassed face and asked.

Li Xiaoyan: "Can you run in my place for the next 4 x 100 relay race?"

Li Xiaoyan pulled Su Bei closer and whispered in panic: "You see, my great aunt(1) suddenly come..." She also wanted to be a runner girl, but how could she know that her 'relative' would come uninvited today.

(1) Great Aunt: girl's period.

Su Bei was stunned for a moment before nodding understandingly: "I can run on your behalf. But I never practiced short distance run and may drag our class down instead." Su Bei then glanced at the class leader hesitantly. Even though she had some coaching for this sports festival, she only trained for the middle distance run.

Class leader: "You did well in 400 meters. 100 meter won't be a problem."

All other girls in their class who were relatively good in sports have been participating in more than one competition, except Su Bei. The remaining girls were mostly at Dong Wenqi's level, who were only suitable for the cheering team. After pondering her options, the class leader thought that Su Bei was the most suitable.

After a pause, she said to Su Bei: "It's okay. Su Bei, you just have to do your best, no need to be pressured. On this race, our class only focuses on participation and isn't aiming for a win."

All thanks to Su Xiaobao's and Xie Minxuan's over performance. Because of those two boys, their class already won several first places from a number of individual competitions. Adding up these points, class 8-7's current total score was far ahead of other classes in their grade. Even if they didn't get a good rank in this relay race, their current first position wouldn't be shaken. Moreover, she also had to be honest: Su Bei's last spurt in the 400-meter race was pretty fast.

The class leader felt that their class wouldn't lose that easily.

"All right, I will try my best." Su Bei nodded and promised.

The class leader was overjoyed: "That's great! We're counting on you."

Li Xiaoyan held Su Bei's hand with a smile on her face: "Thank you, Su Bei. I will send you a cheering message later."

A moment before the race began, the class sports committee rushed to brief Su Bei about some precautions and tips for the relay race: "It's okay if you are a bit slow. But when passing on the baton, you must make sure that both you and the next person are steady...."

"Li Xiaoyan was originally the first runner. But you never had any practice before, so I'll put you in the second run. That way, your burden will be lighter. Even if you are falling behind, no need to panic. Lin Xuefei and Sun Yaoyao will catch up later..."

Su Bei listened attentively and nodded.

The relay race was about to begin. All the runners have been ready in their designated position.

There were also voices cheering for Su Bei from the side:

"Wow, god Su is also in. God Su, fight!" "School flower, I'm cheering you!" "My goddess, I love you~" "Thermos little sister is on stage." "Sister in law, fight!"

Well, Su Bei had many nicknames.

The number of parents who came to watch today was less than yesterday. The seats near the podium were surrounded by students. Mr. Qin frowned slightly at his daughters many 'strange nicknames.' But what annoyed him the most was seeing many boys taking out their mobile phone and snapping Su Bei's pictures.


On the signal, the relay race began.

Su Bei held her breath in focus and waited for Zhou Xinyue, the first runner, to run towards her. Although Zhou Shiyue's speed wasn't slow, she didn't have experience being the first runner and was a few steps behind the others.

Soon, Zhou Xinyue arrived at Su Bei's position. Su Bei firmly grasped the other end of the baton and immediately ran forward.

After confirming that the baton has been passed over safely, Zhou Xinyue let go of it and shouted, "Fight!"

Holding the baton tightly, Su Bei put her utmost focus on running forward at full speed. The cheers seemed to get even louder, but she didn't care. Her mind was full with: run until the third bar, then hand over the baton.

In the end, Su Bei and her class took first place in the relay race.

When Su Bei returned to her classmates, she was greeted by admiring gazes.

"Su Bei, you are too good, ah!"

"If I know you can run this fast, I would have signed you up for the 100-meter race."

Su Bei: "???"

Seeing Su Bei's confusion, Dong Wenqi exclaimed: "Su Bei, do you know how amazing you were just now?!"

Dong Wenqi's explanation was lengthy. But in essence: In the relay race, their class was initially ranked third. But after Su Bei took up the baton, she rushed so fast and immediately surpassed the two runners in front.

After seeing Su Bei's incredible performance in the preliminary round, the class' sports committee rearranged the runners' position and let Su Bei run as the fourth runner in the final.

Afterward, the sports committee didn't forget to give Su Bei advice nervously: "Just do as you did before. Make sure you get the baton properly and immediately run for the finish line. Don't be nervous and just focus." He was going to give Su Bei an encouraging pat on the shoulder when suddenly Su Xiaobao and Xie Minxuan came over and quickly restrained both of his arms before dragging him away.

Seeing Su Xiaobao and Xie Minxuan dragged the sports committee's burly figure, it was a bit funny.

The sports committee broke free and glared at the two: "Don't you have to do the long jump now? What are you doing here?"

Xie Minxuan: "Waiting for our turn."

Su Xiaobao: "Come to take a look."

And they arrived right in time to see the sports committee extending his pig paw towards Su Bei.

Sports committee: "How can you are still waiting. It's almost time. Hurry up and go. I have to look after the girls here and won't watch you two."

"Keep your distance." Su Xiaobao made sure that the sports committee took enough distance from Su Bei before going back to the long jump field with Xie Minxuan.

The sports committee had no choice but to give his cheer to Su Bei from far away: "Do your best."

"Okay, I will." Su Bei nodded.

Four classes entered the final for the women relay race: 8-7, 8-2, 8-6, and 9-1. The tension was befitting for the final. After the race started, the distance between the four classes was very tight: the first runners arrived almost simultaneously. The second and third runners also didn't have any significant differences. However, class 8-7 managed to maintain a slight advantage and was currently in the first position.

Soon Su Bei took the baton from the third runner.

As the fourth and last runner, Su Bei didn't have to hand over the baton in the end. Therefore, after she received the baton, Su Bei immediately rushed towards the finish line. For a moment, Su Bei felt that the runway was like a big spring, and she seemed to be flying.

Seeing the finish line getting closer, Su Bei gritted her teeth and sped up. Anyway, she didn't have any other competitions to attend afterward. Even if her legs were going to be sore when she got up tomorrow morning, it wouldn't be a problem.

The last steps!

Su Bei vaguely sensed other runners behind her. Seeing the finish line right in front, she became excited. But suddenly, Su Bei felt that she stepped on something. Her feet immediately slipped, and she lost her balance.

Su Bei's mind went white. Her vision was shaken, and the next second, she fell hard on the runway.

The loud shouts from her surrounding awoken Su Bei from her stupor. The dull pain on her arms and ankle, as well as the dangling pain on her knees and elbows, made her realize that her fall wasn't light.

During this time, the runners behind her already passed by her and across the finish line.

A crowd of students immediately surrounded Su Bei.

"Su Bei, are you okay?"

"Let me help you get up."

"No, don't move her carelessly. Su Bei, can you try to get up by yourself?"


The commotion at the relay race runway quickly gathered other students' attention. Su Xiaobao was in the long jump field when he heard someone said: "It seems that Su Bei fell." In an instant, Su Xiaobao's face turned pale before he ran towards the runway.

Xie Minxuan, who had just finished a jump, also quickly followed behind.

However, someone else moved faster than Su Xiaobao: Mr. Qin.

Originally, Mr. Qin was talking to the principal on the guest seat at the podium. But from the moment Su Bei prepared for her run, Mr. Qin's attention has always been on his daughter.

When he saw Su Bei falling down, Qin Shao's mind momentarily blanked, and he felt that his heart almost stopped beating. Mr. Qin quickly got up from his seat, stepped down from the podium, and rushed to Su Bei's place.

Su Bei listened to the advice and tried to stand up. But a piercing pain from her foot made her unable to move.

Su Bei shook his head: "I cannot."

"What should we do?" someone asked.

"Shall we lift her first to the seat over there?"

"Don't move her." A low voice suddenly said. Mr. Qin quickly crammed into the crowd and arrived at Su Bei's side.

Hearing Mr. Qin's voice, Su Bei almost wanted to cry.

"Stand a little further." Qin Shao instructed the crowd. At this moment, heavy coercion was emitting from Mr. Qin. It was as if he returned into the 'Mr. Qin' that made countless people in the business world feared of him.

Upon his words, the surrounding students immediately scattered and gave a space for Su Bei.

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Mr. Qin knelt down next to Su Bei. Although his tone was full of assurances that calmed people down, the person himself was very nervous when checking his daughter's condition.

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