In love with my bully? 💣 🔞...

By esmeralik1D

48.4K 9.1K 1.9K

One HIGH SCHOOL, Two STUDENTS One a HOT JOCK The other an AWKWARD NERD Both HATE each other UNTIL, One DAY, ... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (part 1)
Chapter 6 (Part 2)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Thank you <3
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Dirty Bastards
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
The Mysterious Knight 🏹
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29

chapter 1

3.6K 316 204
By esmeralik1D

Sarah's POV:

"I cry, I scream, I bawl and sleep
I wait, I wonder and cry some more
And I ache and burn from my very core

Then, I'm not alone, and the mask reappears:

Out goes the grief, pain and all of the tears,
As I am a happy person, cheerful all day.
A world full of rainbow, not one shade of grey.

Of course I'm not okay, I'm not fine,
No matter how much I seem to shine.

But it is, and will be, so I cling to life,
As one day I might slip, and end it with a knife.
But, I'm still here, no matter what my dreams might say
And I hope that one day I will actually be okay."

I put my pen down and looked at the poem I wrote.

A tear fell from my now wet cheeks to the peace of paper I was holding in my hands.
Leaving a big blue stain on it.

At school:

I was now standing in front of my school.
It was a big building surrounded by landscaped gardens, trees, seating areas, and a large sail covered area.

The name "Melville High School" was written on top of the building in black capital letters.

It was actually quite a beautiful place.
But for me, it was hell, a gold  cage...

I passed by the school gate hopping with all my heart that I wouldn't bump on him like I usually do, everyday.

You all maybe wondering who is  this him I'm talking about...

Well it's Harry Style people.

Harry styles: My bully and my tormentor.
Co-captain of our school's football team.
He is one of the most loved and popular guy of Melville High.
Hot, sexy and quite annoyingly actually smart.
He makes guys and girls fall on their knees for him.
He is tall, strong and gorgeous. Curly brown hair with shiny emerald green eyes.
A dream, yeah I know it all sounds so good isn't it?
But he's more like my worst nightmare.

It was kind of like fate... as if fate made a Machiavellian plan to make me bump on him everyday single damn fucking day of my life!

Like it wasn't enough for me to have to see and bear him in class all day!!

But luckily he wasn't anywhere in sight today...

Seems like God's being merciful to me today.

Well for the moment I just need to hurry up before I get late for my first period.
I ran to my locker and opened it.

It was red and had the word worthless written all over it in a black permanent ink.

Believe me I've tried to wash it out with  almost everything  I could find on wiki how, but it just didn't worked...

It's still here, forever reminding me, of who I really was: a worthless looser, a nobody.

I grabbed all the things I needed and shut it, before joining my first class today.

I had English: one of my favorite subjects, I just love languages in general and literature. In short I'm just a pure nerd.

With glasses and all that goes with the word NERD.

I sighed before sitting at my usual place.
I always sit on the first raw so I can get a better view of the teacher and the board.

And of course for not getting disturbed and bullied in class.

Well the last one was just a hope that had been crushed in small little little pieces, and thrown out the window obviously .

Me sitting on the first row, never stopped any of them from bullying and annoying me.

And they always managed to come up with new horrible things, worst than you could possibly imagine.

I still don't get why the teachers never seemed to notice, when I get bullied in class...

I opened my book and started to read...

Let me tell you, I  just LOOOVE reading!
I can read literally anything!!!
I love it so much!

Actually books are like my only friends.

( not that I don't have friends, but they are not really what you'll call real friends.
They are just some people I hang out with.
They are the only one, in this whole school, or possibly my life,  who actually care enough to talk to me, sometimes...
so basically they are not my friends, they are just being nice to me. )

Books are like an escape to me, an escape I really needed in this, almost unbearable world, I have to live in.

Why did I say Escape? Well in a book I can be anyone. Suddenly Sarah the nerd becomes a cool fearless girl. She can be a pirate a princess, a witch anything that I fancy and can imagine.

My world seems to fade away making place for a fantasy wonderful one. Where anything can happen...

I could date a rockstar... marry my favorite actor...

Suddenly my book flew out of my hands.
I looked up a bit taken aback, well why was I even surprised by that, by now???

I looked up, to see him, of course, inspecting every single inches of my book, with a devilsh smirk on his face. Him: Harry Styles, the devil himself.

Oh no, not again !!
Why does he always have to stand on my way? Why can't he just let me be for like once??

"Give my book back Styles!!! " I demanded.

He looked down at me, his smirk growing wider and wider.

"Oh, look at her guys!!
The princess wants her book back!!! " he shouted.

All eyes fell on me, and the whole class burst on laughter's. I felt my cheeks burn red from the humiliation, but I knew there was more to come yet...

I just calmly extended my hand toward him, waiting for him to give my book back.

There was no need to slay back, that always made things worst for me.

He just shook his head and laughed loudly .

" No, no, no, you are not gonna get it back so easily, bitch.
Is this what you want? "

He asked showing me my book, that he held far away on top of his head.
I nodded silently while they all laughed again.

"Come and get it then!!! Come on! "

Everybody's eyes were on us now.

I stood up and tried to get my book back, but it was too far away for me to reach it.

He was way too tall for me. He didn't even needed to put any effort on it, he just watched me with disdain jump up and down, trying my best to get a hold of it.

" Come on fat ass, I'm sure you can do it!!! Try harder ".

Fat ass .
He just called me 'fat ass '!
I know it wasn't the first time, but it didn't stop me from hurting every time he said it.

I am really self conscious, I hate my body, the way I am, literally  everything about me...
Everything was wrong. I was ugly and worthless.
It was true he wasn't making it up.

But somehow he just managed to make me feel worst every single day...

While everybody was laughing at me, I tried harder to reach for the book, holding on my tears from falling out.

That's when the teacher finally walked in and the classroom went silent.

Harry glanced down at me frustration written all over his face.

He just lost a good opportunity  to humiliate me in front of the whole class.  Of course he was, but I knew he would manage to make up for it later.

"Everybody get seated please!!!" our teacher Mr Hudson said.

I sighed in relief , I just got saved by the teacher!
God bless him!

I looked up at Harry again and tried to get my book back but that just made him smirk.

Oh no that was definitely not a good sign!!

"You want this back nerdy??? " He asked.

I nodded and moved my hand toward my book again, but a crack stopped me halfway.

"Then take it!! " he said before throwing it back at me.

My eyes widened when I saw that he just teared my book apart, I stood there in shock.

That was the library's book, I had to get it back on Monday... What am I gonna do now???
I'll just have to pay for it...

"Miss Parker!!! " The teacher yelled at me.

I jumped back to reality and looked up at him.

"Yes sir?"

"I said, sit down!! Or maybe, you need a special invitation?? "

The whole class burst out laughing, while I quickly sat down.

I couldn't get any more embarrassed than this.

There's no way you could start a worst day than this one!

Harry chuckled loudly behind me.


I just hated that nickname!! Why did I have to be named Sarah???

Like even my name was a fucling curse to me!!

Now I had to hear everyday Harry calling me 'princess Sarah'!!! HUGHHH!! If only I could kill him!!!

Could I?? I'm sure the world's gonna be a better place without a jerk like him. I would be doing everyone a favor!

I turned back and glared at him.

He just smirked amd leaned against his chair. Like he fucking owned the place😒😒😒

"What do you want princess??
I know that I am handsome. Everybody knows that.
You can stare all you want.
I'm sure you must be dying inside to just watch me..."

"Shut up would you!!!" I cut him off.
"You are the ugliest guy in this school!

The biggest jerk I've ever seen in my entire life!

And believe me , even if you were the last guy on earth I would never  ever ever find YOU attractive,let alone handsome!
Just...just looking your disgusting  face makes me wanna throw up! "I spat.

Wow that was something!! Did I just slam him back??

He just froze and blinked for a few moments.
And I swear he did look hurt for a second but only a second, before his expression's turned  evil again.

"Oh look at that now, the fat ape can answer back!!
Bloody nerd!!
'Your face makes me wanna throw up' "
He repeated my words in a high pitched, stupid voice.

All of those who were still watching us laughed silently sending me odd looks.

Like I was some retard.
Assholes. Every single one of them!!

I looked down in embarrassment and turned to face the white board.

He called me a 'fat ape' and 'nerd'!!

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore, they fell like hot cascades on my cheeks. I cried in silence, head down facing my, now, teared book.

My Life's horrible!!

"Owwww look at her she's crying now." He cooed.
"Do you need a tissue, princess??"

I,so, hate, him!!!!!

He always sits behind me, so he can bully me during the classes too.

And I couldn't do anything back, 'cause I was seated just in front of the teachers.
I could get in trouble for that, but HE!!!
He never gets caught!
Lucky bastard!!!

Hope he dies a rats death.

The rest of the class went on as normal.
By 'normal' I mean, by how it usually goes: He called me names. "ugly","geek","nerd","freak"etc... And kept quicking my chair from behind or throwing stuff at me .

Luckily the class ended and I rushed out of it before Harry or anyone else could get me.

Happily I just shared three classes with him Maths, English and Music.

The next class was biology so I didn't have to tolerate his presence anymore.

Hey thanks for reading guys!!
Hope you enjoyed the book so far!
Any critics or advises are welcome!!
And I love to hear from u, so always tell me what u think about my book
Don't be silent readers!!!
Please Please Please comment vote and share!!!

So here comes the part I call "Real questions"

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