Falling For the Mafia Bad Boy...

By creativemindxo

55.5K 1.7K 222

After a failed attempt at a relationship, I tried making it on my own only to be saddled with a new neighbor... More

Prologue - The Catalyst
Chapter 1 - First Meeting
Chapter 2 - The Diner
Chapter 3 - The Start Of A Shitshow
Chapter 4 - Nightclubs Suck
Chapter 5 - Make Believe
Chapter 6 - A Woman Scorned
Chapter 7 - Attempted Escape
Chapter 8 - Dinner and A Show
Chapter 9 - Rescue
Chapter 10 - The True Beginning
Chapter 11 - Poor Decisions
Chapter 13 - Lost In The Woods
Chapter 14 - Strippers
Chapter 15 - The Penthouse
Chapter 16 - Pool Party for Two (Mature)
Chapter 17 - Bloody Night (Mature)
Chapter 18 - A Blast From The Past
Chapter 19 - Joining The Enemy
Chapter 20 - Reality
Chapter 21 - The End
Epilogue - Three Years Later

Chapter 12 - First Shootout (Mature)

685 15 4
By creativemindxo

*Warning MATURE scene ahead*

This book is rated mature for a reason. If tons of violence, lots of swearing, and explicit sexual scenes between two consenting adults bother you, then this is not the story for you.


Rough hands hastily drag me through a door into an isolated parking lot. I try to think about how I find myself currently getting pulled along by a gun-wielding maniac. Nico held his gun in his right hand while dragging me along with his left. I must have had more drinks than I thought. I cover my mouth as the motion threatens to unleash my unsteady stomach.

"Do not tell me you're going to be sick."

"I don't feel so good. What were in those drinks?" I gasp and grab Nico's arm as I vaguely remember being in a chapel. "We didn't get married, did we?"

Nico shakes his head. "Don't sound too excited at the prospect."

"I'm sorry if I don't want my first wedding to be at some skeevy hotel."

"Jesus, you could argue over anything. Have you forgotten about the two men following us?"

"I find that offensive. If you weren't so damn irritating, then I wouldn't argue with you."

"Why, you little..."


By now, Nico and I were standing face to face; it was actually more like my face was the height of his chest. We were in a glare-off. The world around us ceases to exist as we feel that invisible thread pulling us together. Suddenly, I'm in his arms with his lips attached to mine. His hands holding my face in place, and the moment his lips touch mine, I'm a goner. I tangle my hands in his hair and moan softly. It feels like eons since we last kissed, and I'm desperate for it never to stop and for him to be permanently attached to me. I fist his shirt in frustration, trying to get closer to him, if even possible. Then he's gone, and I blink my eyes open as I'm pulled behind a car in the parking lot.

"What the actual hell, Nico?" I spit as I furiously wipe my mouth. Why does he turn me on the way he does? Not ten seconds after I snap at him, something comes wising by where we had been standing. "What was that?" The last half of my question is muffled by Nico's sweaty ass hand covering my mouth. He hisses at me to shut up as he spins me towards him. The same seriousness he had at his apartment when those men came in is currently present on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"They've found us. I let my guard down, which I seem to do a lot around you."

"That was a gunshot? How did you know?"

"The scope reflected off the car's mirror."

"So, you're like a legit killer?" A glare is the only response I receive.

"I'm going to draw their fire towards the left while you run towards the woods. Once you start, don't stop, okay?"

"You're not coming with me?" Pure fear fills me. "I cannot just leave you."

"As you've said yourself, this is what I do."

"Nico, I-"

"Get ready."

Before I can fully grasp why, I lean over and kiss his cheek. "Be safe."

"Now." Nico starts shooting around the car at some unseeable enemy.

I wait a few seconds before running for the next car parallel to the woods. I skid to my knees as I stumble behind it. Pure adrenaline pumps through my veins as I stare at the woods. I have to believe that Nico will be okay. I'll only slow him down or get him hurt.

After taking another deep breath, I run the last leg of the journey to the woods. Almost there. A shot blasts into the tree that I had just passed. Someone almost blew my head off. I finally collapse behind a tree after about twenty minutes of running. The breathlessness I feel is nothing compared to my worry over Nico. How is he supposed to find me? Maybe I shouldn't have run. Perhaps I could've helped. Doubt over every decision I made today plagues me.


A twig snaps not far away from my position. I close my eyes and try to strain my hearing. What if they killed Nico and are coming to finish me off? I cover my mouth to quiet my breathing as the crunching of leaves stops. I'm strung so tight that I can't tell if I'm imagining things now. Just as I peek out behind the tree, a hand grabs my arm and pins me to the tree. I try to scream only to have a hand cover my mouth.

"It's me." Relief fills me at the sound of Nico's deep voice. "Now, if I release my hand, are you going to scream?" I shake my head no. As much as I want to yell at him for scaring me, I hug him in relief instead. After breathing in his scent, I relax. He's okay. Only a chuckle breaks my fog. I pull away and back up a few steps. "Didn't know you cared so much giggles." Nico's amusement after everything pisses me off.

"I don't care if you are okay. Considering how directionally challenged I am, I'm just worried about how I'd get out of these woods." I play it off as I glance around the woods. "No more bad guys?" I turn towards Nico and find him slumped against a tree, holding his side. "Nico? What's wrong." I finally notice the side of his shirt stained with a dark red. Was he shot? He slowly lifts his shirt to show the bullet wound that was slowly leaking blood from the side of his stomach. I slap his arm. "You idiot. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Did you just slap a mortally wounded man?" I roll my eyes at his dramatics.

"That needs to be cleaned and taken care of. Where's the nearest hospital?"

Nico grunts in pain. "No hospitals."

"What? You need that to be looked at."

He glares at me. "No. Hospital."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"There's a...cabin...not far...from here." He's struggling to talk through the pain.

"Fine. Which direction?"


"Thank god." I huff at the sight of a small, broken-down cabin. "Where the hell are we? How did you know about this place?" I turn to Nico, who is turning pale. I rush forward to help him, but he tries to refuse. "Stop being all tough, guy Nico and just accept my damn help."

"It's not a big deal."

"You could bleed out."

"But I'm not." He points out with a smile.

"Not yet."

"Let's get inside so you can patch me up."

I blanched, "Me?"

"Yes, you. It went all the way through and missed any vital organs. I think."

"Not funny. How the hell do you know about this place?"

"It's one of our old safe houses. It hasn't been used in a long time. Come on." I help the stubborn idiot into the small cabin, place him on the couch, and searched for medical supplies. A few minutes later, I return with a first aid kit from the bathroom.

"Okay, let's see what I can do." Sitting on the coffee table next to him, I open the kit. It isn't your usual first aid kit; it had sewing needles, big bandages, and items you'd find at a hospital.

"You just need to...stitch it...then bandage it...for now. First...sterilize the...needle - alcohol."

"Okay. I can do this." Not going to lie, I am freaking out. With shaky hands, I lift his shirt and almost gag at the blood seeping from the bullet wound. He's right. It doesn't look too bad. I wipe my hands and the needle with several alcohol wipes I find in the kit, then his wound. Before I can start stitching, Nico grabs my wrist with his good arm.

"You don't need to be nervous." He gives me a gentle smile. "I trust you." I stare into his eyes and see the truth; he trusts me to do this. With newfound confidence, I thread the needle and began to stitch his arm. God, please help me not to kill this man.

Once I finish, I notice Nico's eyes are shut, and I freak out a little. I check his pulse, but it's steady so he must've passed out. I clean the wound one more time before bandaging it.

I clean up the best I can then glance around the worn-down cabin. The kitchen and living room are one big room with the kitchen right by the front door and the living room further back. A hallway sits at the back leading to a bedroom and bathroom.

I set up in a rickty old chair next to Nico on the couch and wait for him to wake up.


A moan of pain snaps me awake. I glance over at the couch to see Nico trying -and failing- to sit up from the tan couch opposite the fireplace. The only thing he was going to accomplish was ripping open his stitches.

I rush over to help him. "Careful, you'll hurt yourself or undo my handiwork." I move the blanket that I found from his chest to inspect the wound. The skin around it wasn't an angry pink, so I'll count it as a win.

"Well done, giggles. A little lopsided, but overall a solid three." Nico pokes at his wound and winces. "Definitely going to hold me back a few days."

"Three out of what? And shouldn't we be getting you to a hospital? Or calling the police on those gun-hungry nut jobs?" How is he acting so calm?

"Out of ten, and you know the rules, no police or hospital. No matter what. Repeat." He eyes me to make it clear how serious he is. "I'd hate to have to kill you, sweetheart." Nico obviously isn't going to let this go until I say what he wants to hear.

"Fine. No police or hospitals. Even if I think that's stupid." Not to mention, the whole killing me thing stresses me out. "And only a three? I saved you from bleeding out while only throwing up once. I deserve at least a seven."

"Five, and that's final." Nico tries to stand, but I just gently push him back down.

"Woah, you need to stop moving. What do you need?" I fail to realize how close we were. I'm kneeling on the floor, bent over his body that is sprawled flat on the couch.

"I have to check outside." Nico turns his head to stare at me. "For safety." His breath fans my cheeks while awakening something hidden deep within me.

"You've been unconscious for almost a whole day, which means rest. I really did consider leaving you, so please don't destroy the work I put into keeping you alive.

"Shit. They could've found us." He scrubs his face in frustration. I pull his hands away and hold them.

"They didn't. Don't be so hard on yourself." Moments tick by as heavy silence covers the air. So many things are left unspoken due to running for our lives and Nico getting shot. Like the wedding, had any of it been real for him? After a few moments of awkward silence, I jump up and run into the small rustic kitchen on the other side of the open room, muttering about finding something to eat.

What is it about this man that has all my insides all twisted around? Why couldn't I be attracted to some nice dorky guy, not Mr. I kill people for a living? That's the root of the problem. I'm attracted to my crazy-ass neighbor. I've seen him kill people, and yet I'm thinking of asking him to play bedroom games with me. I must have been shot and am currently in a medically induced coma, dreaming of an alternate reality.

"Find anything?" I let out a small scream at being startled by Nico's approach. "That felt like an overreaction. What were you daydreaming about? Some sexy thoughts, perhaps? Please tell me I starred in them."

I sigh in annoyance while dropping some unopened canned peaches before him. "I see you got up anyway. Has anyone ever told you that you're a pain in the ass?"

"How long do you think we can afford to stay here?" I ask before he can say something sexual.

"Maybe a day. This cabin is insanely hard to find unless you know where to look."

"You need more then a day," I comment."

"I'll be fine. I've had worse."

"That doesn't make me feel better. At least go lie in the bed and get some solid sleep."

"I have to keep watch."

"You just said it yourself that we have about a day."

"And what if I'm wrong?"

"Then I'll wake you."

"You're not going to give up, are you?"

"No, so you might as well give in now. Go," I motion with my hand for him to head towards the bedroom.

"Fine," Nico growls before disappearing down the hallway.

"I'll bring you some pain pills from the first aid bag!" I yell to him.


Nico's groan makes me wince. "How are you feeling sunshine?"

"Those pills actually helped a lot. Now I can go take a look around."

"You're ridiculous." Nico sits on the edge of the bed with no shirt, just the bandage wrapped around him. I move between his legs. "You need rest."

Nico places his hands on my hips and stares behind me, "Move."

"No. What will get you to stay in this bed?" I question.

When Nico's gaze meets mine, I freeze like prey caught in a predator sights. "You aren't ready for that answer."

My heart starts beating wild because I know what he's hinting at. What we've been dancing around since we met each other. Was I ready for that? My breathing becomes heavy as I stare into his eyes as if the world melts aways and it's just us two.

"Kiss me," I whisper.

Nico doesn't hesitate in reaching up and linking his lips with mine. Our other kisses had been a war, this one is soft and gentle. Slowly I staddle his waist and lift my hands to his hair. I can tell he's holding back allowing me to explore.

I pull away and stand back up. "Lay down," I say softly with more confidence then I feel.

"We don't-" Nico starts.

"I want to." I cut him off shyly. "Unless you don't..."

Nico laughs, "This is all I've thought about since the moment I met you. Come here." He holds out his hand and I take it.

Slowly I walk over to him and he stands up and starts undressing me and I start undressing him.

"Nico...I've never...uh-"

"That's okay."


"Lie down."

I pause, "Your abdomen."

"The pain pills worked great and I can handle some low intensity sex."

Okay, so we're actually doing this. I lie down covering my chest with just my underwear on.

Nico pulls down his boxers and I go wide eyed and he chuckles, "Don't look scared."

"How can I not? That thing is massive."

"First of all, that's my dick. Maybe use big girl words?"

"Fine. Your giant dick is freaking me out."

Nico chuckles, "Relax." I stare up at the ceiling until his face comes into my vision because he's now straddling me.

"Hi," I whisper shyly.

"Hi," he laughs. "I don't think you realize how adorable you can be." Nico starts kissing up and down my neck and suddenly I'm not as nervous.

"Okay, I'm definitely feeling better."

When Nico raises his head back up, I finally witness the full depth of his desire for me. The shields were down between us. His hand cradle my face while taking in every inch of me.

"How do you make me feel this way?" He murmurs in disbelief. I blinked slowly up at Nico, knowing he could see my total need for him. Nico removes my hands from my chest, "Never hide from me because you're so fucking beautiful."

Slowly climbs down my body kissing and each ones causing me to pant harder until he reaches my underwear.

Nico cocks his head then growls, "You won't be needing these," and rips them off me. Holy. Hell.

Before I can respond, Nico buries his face between my thighs and I let out a startled squeak followed by a moan.

Shit, he knows how to use his tongue. Nico's eyes latch onto mine as he adds a finger. I only wince when he adds the second finger.

His eyes seem to scream mine and dare me to glance away and I can't. Suddenly a buddle of nerves are lighting up inside me and my thighs start shaking.


Nico presses on and I fly over the edge and moan out his name.

I barely have time to recover before Nico is sitting up and asking, "Are you ready?" Fuck me sideways if that isn't the hottest come-hither stare I've ever seen. I pant in anticipation. He tears open a foil packet before putting it on. Where did he get a condom? And how did he find one big enough? I cock my head to the side, studying his giant dick.

"I think we might have a problem fitting that in."

"Ah, she speaks. I thought I rendered you mute."

"Just shut up, and don't hurt yourself."

"The pain pills are still helping just fine. Now, your wish is my command, my lady." He slowly starts moving into me. Shit. He's stretching me and causing slight discomfort that is overshadowed by extreme pleasure.

"You, okay?" Nico holds my face again with concern in his eyes.


"No, I want to go slow." He needs to speed up before I say something I'd regret.

"Is this the powerful Mafia boss everyone fears?" I mock, and he takes the bait by pistoling in and out of me while grunting with effort.

"How's that for power?" He was daring me to mock him again.

"Not bad?" He laughs as I moan when he hits a particular spot. He reaches down to suck on my nipples. "Been dreaming about this."

"Less talking and more sex, please." My head drops back into the mattress with a moan.

Nico listens to my instructions and focuses attention on the task at hand. Just as I think I'm at my breaking point, I explode into a million pieces before he follows with a loud groan. He rolls off me, panting as we both lay there trying to recover from the best sex of our lives, at least for me.

"Well, that was adequate." I say.

Nico grunts, "I have no more energy for you." I laugh.

I doze off until I hear twigs snapping outside the Somewhere outside the bedroom window. Nico gets out of bed.

"Stay here." He tells me dismissively as he tugs his jeans back on and starts to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I need to go check if there's someone outside."

"It's probably an animal."

"I should have checked when I first woke up, but I have difficulty concentrating around you for some reason." He shakes his head as if he's trying to clear me from it and grabs a gun from the nightstand. "If I'm not back in ten minutes, run." With that, he leaves to go into the darkened woods. 

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