His Everything

By angelforg

1.7M 34.2K 22.2K

Bella is a shy girl, but when you get to know her she's outgoing. When she was 5 something tragic happened to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 46

4.5K 96 18
By angelforg

(3931 words)

Bellas pov

"... can't leave," a burning pain sprung from my head as I became conscious. I groaned due to the pulse-like throbbing. I blinked rapidly, trying to eliminate the blurriness surrounding my vision as I looked around at my surroundings. However there wasn't anything to see, it was pitch black.

I tried to rub my eyes but something prevented me from doing that. My hands were bound together over my head. It felt like frostbite against my skin. Every time I moved I could hear the metal moving. It finally clicked what it was, they were chains.

Suddenly the door opens and light shines into the room. I was blinded for a couple of seconds but I shortly got my vision back. I forced my eyes to stay open although my eyes were burning from how bright it was. The door was white but chipped over with age. The room was surrounded by cement walls including the floor. Out of my peripheral vision, a table sat in the corner of the room but I couldn't really see what was on top of it, I could tell it was something shiny, it reminded me of the cage that I was stuck in when I was kidnapped the first time.

"You've been gone a while dove," a terrifying chill ran down my spine at the sound of his voice. He stood there in all-black clothing, even his hands were covered by black gloves and he had a sick twisted smile on his face.

"I think it's time that I taught you a lesson. You know, jog back your memory," he slowly closed the door behind him the room once again filling with darkness. I blinked repeatedly hoping, praying that I could see in the dark once more, to see when he would strike but I couldn't. I was completely blind in the darkness.

I tried to even out my breathing to keep myself from panicking but it was impossible when I was utterly drowning in fear. I heard his footsteps as they grew closer. 

I couldn't move. 

I felt like my lungs were restricting me of air as my whole body seized up in terror.

"I promised I would get you back and I have," I held back a flinch as his fingers touched my cheek. I bit down so hard on my lip that I drew blood—the taste of metallic on my tongue. I begged myself to move away from him but I didn't, I couldn't. I was too scared to move. Tears fell down my cheeks.

"Your mine now my dove," his breath brushing against my cheek, "All mine,"

His hand grabbed onto my face his fingernails digging into my skin, "Welcome home my dove,"

No this wasn't my home, I wanna go to my real home, I want Ryder.

Ryders pov:

The detectives had split from us to listen to the recording. Detective Miller had her in the interrogation room gathering information from her about the call. We weren't allowed to listen to it, there was something about it being confidential to the investigation. Which I thought was a load of shit.

Brian, Bobby, Ace, and I stayed near their desks. It's been a good half hour since they went back and I was losing my patients, "How fucking long could a tape be?" I complained.

"They need to gather as much information as they can on that tape," Ace explained, "And that could take time,"

"Yeah they gotta do all that techy stuff, see if they can hear anything in the background," Bobby said spinning on my uncle's chair. I wondered how he wasn't getting sick from that, "How would you know that?" I asked confused.

Bobby slowly stopped the chair and pointed to the empty desk next to me, "Have you not learned anything from the shows we watch?" he asked. Brian shook his head and faced Bobby to where I was, "Oh Thanks bro," he then again pointed the wrong way, "Criminal Minds, Bones, Castle, I mean every police-involved show,"

We all looked at each other shaking our heads, "No?" Bobby said looking at each of us, "Nothing?"

"You uncultured swines," he exclaimed. "Audio can pick up background noise, like a train, a car, maybe even voices,"

"So there seeing if there is a possibility of picking up her kidnapper's voice on her 911 call?" Ace asked clarifying what Bobby had said.

"Well when you put it like that, yeah basically,"

The doors opened and Detective Miller was walking the lady out. They all came back into the room grabbing their coats, "We're going to Bella's," my uncle said and we jumped up following them to the parking lot.


"I t-think t-they b-broke the door d-down,"

I looked at the kitchen and the living room. Just imagining what took place as the recording was played. My stomach lurched hearing the fear in her voice. 

"I'm so so sorry, I wasn't strong enough," I sniffled. "I'm so s-sorry I broke my p-promise," I choked on a sob, "T-there's letter's for you, a-and the others in my old room...everything's there,"

"F-find what makes you happy, and hold onto it for me," I choked on a sob, "I know you think you can't do this but, you can," Tears falling down my cheeks, "I know you can I believe in you," I coughed, "I'll always be with you," I rushed out the footsteps came closer, "I just wish we had more time. I-"

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I stared down at the floor of the bathroom, blood and pieces of wood coated the floor. Her voice played through my head, on a continuous loop. What was she going to say? Would I ever find out? No, I can't think like that, my uncle would get her back, I would get her back. 

"Ryder," Brian called snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to him, and he gestured his head towards the kitchen and I followed.

"Okay, what do we got?" my uncle asked once everyone was in the kitchen.

"We already know from the recording that there was more than one offender," Detective Johnson pulled out his notepad, "At approximately 11:27 p.m. a 911 call was made by Bella Russo," He looked around the room and sighed, "According to the 911 call Bella had stated that she was hiding in the bathroom when the incident happened. We believe that three offenders broke in, followed by all the noise that caused this," he said gesturing to the mess on the floor, "And then broke into the bathroom. There's evidence to believe there was a struggle and Bella was forced out of the house by one of the offenders..." He paused and frowned staring at the couch that was bare of its cushions. He then looked around the whole room.

"What?" Detective Brown asked.

"If their goal was Bella, what was the point of," he gestured around the room at the mess, "This?"

"I mean Bella's small, she could fit in a cabinet if she wanted to," Bobby stated as if it was the obvious answer.

I looked at him weirdly, "The utensil draw?" Ace pointed out.

"No your right," my uncle pointed out, "If they wanted Bella there was no reason to wreck the place,"

"They could have made the mess to throw you off," Brian gave his input. 

"That's a good point, focus on the mess and throw us off the real reason they were in the house," Detective Brown said, "Unless..."

"They were actually looking for something," Brian commented.

"Son of a bitch," my uncle cursed rushing out of the kitchen and down the hall. I followed him as he entered the office, it was completely trashed. Papers were scattered all over the floor, the desk was flipped over, and glass from an old vase covered the floor.

"Leo, what's going on?" Detective Miller asked entering the room.

My uncle grabbed a random paper off the floor, "When Bella came back she was put into therapy. While she was trying to cope with everything, her therapist suggested writing down anything and everything she remembered. Even if it didn't seem important. She used to write in these notebooks-,"

"Wait, what?" I asked confused. I didn't know anything about any notebooks, let alone that she went to therapy. Why didn't Bella tell me? I thought we were past keeping things from each other.

"She never told me what she specifically wrote but she said if anything happened they could be useful," my uncle explained.

"You think that's what they were looking for?" Detective Johnson asked.

My uncle shrugged, "It would be the only logical explanation as to why they would trash the place because they were actually trying to look for something," 

"So, where are the notebooks?" Ace asked looking around at the mess.

My uncle sighed, "I don't know,"

"Great," Bobby said sarcastically.

"You got to be kidding me," I mumbled running my hand through my hair.

"Listen, I only knew that she hid them somewhere in this room. She was scared that they were still around. As if they were listening to her every word. Watching her every move..." he trailed off looking over other papers, before placing them down.

"Okay, did she give you any hints besides it being in this room? Maybe near the shelf or the desk?" Bobby asked trying to help.

My uncle stopped and thought, "She didn't tell me anything except that it was in her father's office," he recited her words. I ran my hand down my face tiredly.

"Well that's just great, our fucking sister, your girlfriend," he said pointing to me, "Is missing and she decided to throw us a little scavenger hunt to find her notebooks that hold her past trauma," Bobby said pacing the floor, "I don't know whether to be excited about this scavenger hunt or pissed, but right now I'm more pissed," he slammed his foot down on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum. The sound his foot made on the floor had me confused.

I pushed Bobby out of the way slamming my foot down in the same place, "Bitch, did you just push me?"

"Do you hear that?" I asked slamming my foot again ignoring Bobby completely.

"It's hollow," My uncle stated.

"Which means?" Bobby asked confused

"Help me with the carpet," My uncle said. Everyone quickly moved off the carpet. We rolled it up and pushed it to the side. I tapped the floor again hearing the sound. I bend down knocking on the floor.

"Anyone gonna speak for the people lost right now?" Bobby complained.

"When a floor is hollow that could mean there's space underneath it," Brian explained.

"Which also meansssss?" Bobby drawled out still confused.

"Hidden space," Ace stated gesturing around the room. 

Bobby's eyes widened finally understanding, "Holy shit- "

"Do you have a knife or a crowbar?" I asked looking up and my uncle handed me his pocket knife. I slid the blade between the cracks and pushed up causing the floorboards to open. I stuck my hand under it making sure it wouldn't close and handed my uncle his knife. I then pulled the flooring up revealing a dark hole. I pulled a couple of other floorboards out and grabbed a flashlight.

The second the light hit the hole we were able to see a flight of concrete stairs pitched down to an open doorway. Cobwebs covered the small stairway. It didn't look like anyone had been down there in a couple of months, maybe even years.

"How deep do you think it goes?" Ace asked.

"9... maybe 10 feet," Detective Brown said.

"It looks old, you think Bella even knew about it?" Brian asked.

"She did," I said shining the light onto the side of the cement. Slightly neat handwriting was written on the wall opposite me, in black ink.

Bella Russo 11/2014

That was a couple of months after she was found.

"Alright, who wants to go down the spooky staircase where it could possibly lead us to our potential death?" Bobby asked excitedly.

I rolled my eyes, "Stay behind me," Leo said. He pulled his gun out of its holster along with a little flashlight. He slowly began descending the steps, with me following behind him. As we walked we pushed cobwebs out of the way. I saw them gathering on my uncle's head and shoulders.

Once he got to the bottom he looked both ways before entering the room. I stepped to the side so others could get in. I pressed my back against the wall only for something to poke me. I turned around and just next to the door was a light switch. I flipped the switch causing everyone to flinch at the sudden brightness.

"Ahhh," Bobby screamed.

Everyone jumped, and my uncle turned around fast pointing his gun at a screaming Bobby, "BOBBY," everyone simultaneously yelled, as my uncle quickly pointed his gun away from him. 

"What?!" he exclaimed with his hands up, "It scared me,"

I rolled my eyes and then focused on the task at hand. Looking around I took in the place. It was a decent-sized room. On the left, there was a metal shelf with four cardboard boxes on each. Each box had words written on them in black sharpy. Next to that was a small cabinet with two drawers. It stood at about half the size of the shelf. It held a cup with pens, pencils, and Sharpie markers, along with a picture frame.

I picked up the frame, swiping my thumb over the glass ridding it of dust. A woman was smiling with a small girl next to her. It didn't take me long to realize who that little girl was. I could recognize that little girl anywhere. It was Bella.

God, she was adorable. Her brown hair was in short pigtails with little baby hairs falling in front of her face. Her shirt was short-sleeved, and yellow close to the color of a sunflower. Her front tooth was missing, as she smiled. I smiled at the sight of her, she looked so happy. 

A woman that looked almost identical to her was crouched next to her, wrapping the small child in a hug, their cheeks were smooshed together smiling brightly at the camera. They both had the same face shape and nose, as well as hair. She looked to be in her late 20s maybe early 30s. She seemed to be wearing a yellow dress the same color as little Bella's shirt. 

I put the picture back looking at everything else.

Against the wall, across from where we entered was an old tv on top of a chest. Cobwebs crowded around it. A thin layer of dust coated the top and screen of the box. The chest looked to be originally gold but now looked old and worn down slightly, rusty even.

I frowned leaning against the wall as I stared at the ancient-looking tv. My uncle walked over to me squeezing my shoulder, "She didn't tell you did she?" he asked and I shook my head.

He nodded, "Don't take it to heart kid. She didn't tell me either, and she trusted me way more than her father,"

"But you knew about them," my uncle shook his head.

"I only learned about them from her therapist, not what was specifically inside of them. That and I took her to her appointments, she always had a notebook with her,"

"Speaking of her father where is he?" Brian cut in.

Uncle Leo shrugged, "I left a message with his assistant but I haven't heard anything,"

I frowned. "Isn't that odd?" Ace asked, "I mean a father not answering his phone regarding his own daughter?"

I looked at my uncle as he kept quiet. Something told me he knew more than he was letting on.

Detective Millar came over to us, "I think it's best if you boys headed home,"

"I can't-," I went to protest.

"There's nothing you can do right now Ryder," Detective Miller explained softly, "Go home, eat, and rest. I'll make sure to have your uncle contact you the minute we have a lead," she explained. I debated staying. I really didn't want to leave, but I knew there wasn't anything I could do right now. I reluctantly nodded and headed out with the boys.

"Text us if anything comes up," Ace said as Bobby followed him to his car.

"Want me to drive you home?" Brian asked.

I frowned, "How would you get home?" I questioned him.

He shrugged, "Uber?"

"Thanks but I got it," Brian nodded. I began making my way to my truck.

"Ryder," Brian stopped me, I turned around to face him, and he came over to me, "We're gonna get her back," he pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back, "I promise we will," I nodded and patted his back. I let go and he patted my shoulder, "Drive safe," he said.

"Yes Dad," I joked my stomach churning weirdly, it felt wrong to make a joke at a time like this.

"Fuck off," he chuckled turning around and beginning his short walk to his house.

I got into my truck debating on where I should go. I could go to my apartment or crash at my grandparent's house. I didn't feel like being alone so I decided to head to my grandparent's house. While driving I made sure to drive slowly, not wanting to get into any accidents. That wasn't something anyone needed besides what had already happened with Bella.

I parked my truck and stepped out locking the doors. I slowly walked up the steps of the house and used my key to get in. Once I stepped in I closed the door behind me and locked it. Footsteps could be heard coming towards me.

My grandmother came out of the kitchen, along with my grandfather.

"Ryder-" my grandma called.

She barely got any more words out before the lump in my throat became too hard to swallow. My eyes stung and I broke down. "She's gone," I sobbed. She brought me into her arms. I cried into her shoulder like a child as my grandpa joined in the hug. He began smoothing out the back of my head—something he used to do to help me calm down as a child.

"It's going to be okay kid," my grandpa said, "It's gonna be okay,"

I hope it will be.


I lay awake having a hard time falling back to sleep. I sighed and stood up deciding that I needed something to help me and I had the perfect thing in mind. I walked down the stairs slowly not wanting to wake up my grandparents and went into the kitchen turned on the light and walked toward the fridge. I pulled out the milk poured it into a cup and put it in the microwave. I grabbed honey out of the cabinet and cinnamon.

When the time was about to go off I quickly stopped the timer not wanting the sound to go off. I took it out poured honey into it and then topped it off with cinnamon.

I took a sip letting the taste soothe my dry throat. I put everything away and grabbed the cup ready to go upstairs when I saw the office light on. I frowned as I turned off the kitchen light and made my way toward the office.

The door was slightly ajar allowing me to see my grandfather sitting at his desk with a bunch of papers scattered across the top. I walked back into the kitchen and made one for him and then made my way back. I stepped inside and he looked up at me.

I smiled slightly and handed out his cup.

"Thank you," he said and I nodded.

"What are you doing up?" I asked sitting in a chair that was placed in front of the desk.

He took a sip and then placed it down, "I thought I would get started on the bills for your grandmother but I guess I lost track of time," he said looking at the clock realizing it was almost two in the morning.

He frowned looking back at me, "What are you doing up?"

"Couldn't fall back asleep," I shrugged, "Thought this could help," I said taking another sip.

We were silent for a couple of seconds, "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I didn't know her long,"  I stared down at the milk in my cup, "but it felt like I've known her for years," I wasn't sure what else to say.

"Didn't you fall for her the first time you saw her?" he asked me

I smiled remembering how I first met her, "Yeah, freshman year of high school,"

I shook my head the smile fading, "It's just... I feel like I'm missing a part of me, like there's this hole. Like nothing could fill it only she can," I looked back at him.

He looked at me, "When your mother was old enough your grandmother decided to take a weekend girl's trip," he sighed, "It was only like a day or two, and yet I couldn't do anything," he chuckled.

"I remember trying to cook some steaks on the grill for your uncle and I, and I burnt them, I mean the whole thing was on fire," I chuckled, "We still have no idea how that happened, but it made me realize that without your grandmother I couldn't function. Because with her it could feel like time goes by in a split second, but without her," he shook his head, "Without her time feels longer. It feels like days could be years,"

"She kept you sane," I stated feeling like I knew exactly what he was talking about.

he nodded, "She kept me sane," he repeated.

He looked at me, "The only thing you could do is hold on kid. You have to keep moving, keep living. If not for yourself then for her, do it for her," he explained, "we both know she would want you to,"

My heart clenched at just the thought of her. But I know he was right, I just don't want to live without her. I nodded and he sighed looking at the clock, "You should head to bed, you need your sleep,"

I shook my head, "I don't think I can,"

"Then come help me," I nodded and walked over to him placing my cup down. For the next hour, I helped my grandfather with payroll, double-checking his calculations.

"What are you boys doing up," We both looked up from the papers as my grandmother walked into the room.

"Ummmm," we both said not knowing how to get out of this one.

She raised an eyebrow at us, "Well?"

"We couldn't sleep," Grandfather spoke.

She shook her head with a soft smile on her face, "It's three in the morning, both of you need your rest," she said kissing my forehead,

I kissed her on the cheek and patted my grandfather on the shoulder, "Goodnight," I said. I headed out of the office but before I closed the door, I looked back at them. My grandfather wrapped his arm around my grandmother kissing her cheek causing her to laugh. They smiled at each other with so much love in their eyes.

My chest ached for Bella, wanting her here in my arms. I swallowed the lump in my throat forcing a smile and headed upstairs. Praying that maybe if I closed my eyes she would be in my arms faster.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am so sorry that it took so long to update, I have been super busy with school. 

Till next time my beautiful readers!!

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