I Want You....

By jewel3384

8.4K 75 6

(Short Stories).... Just Read to find out..... More

Stop Teasing Me
Lay It Down
Lay It Down Prt2
The Massage
The Massage Prt2
My Deep Secret
It's My 34th year on Earth...👅😁
Mr. Wrong
You Can't Handle this Melanin!

Distraction(Laurent & Lia Short)

149 2 0
By jewel3384

Hey Here is another short enjoy...

I just finished editing my new video on my YT and now I have to get myself ready for my dance class today ugh!So much shit to do. Who's gonna be in my class today ? I laughed to myself shook my head and continue to get ready. I hooked up my ear buds to my ears and asked Siri to play my playlist and  Kehlani song Gangsta start playing first ,as i sing along I continue to get ready for my day...

Kehlani -Gangsta

As I grabbed my keys and my bag and looked at myself in my full length mirror loving my stretched leggings making my lil' booty so cute and plumped #smiletongueout and my cropped Michael Jackson sweater hoodie. I looked around inside my bag to be sure I have everything  don't wanna have another day where my brain has an ''off' day lol,I set my alarm and locked my door and switched my music to my car and drove off blasting Gangsta  #smirk.  Traffic was hell as always but I didn't care I'm singing my heart out to another Kahlani track ...

Kehlani -The Way(Ft./ Chance the Rapper)

A few hours and I arrived at my building and parked and grabbed my bag and wireless sound system and hooked everything up and as I looked through my device and picked out a song for today and I know just the song to play to warm up to before everyone get's here so I feel like going back to the 90's with some Reggae that's it!

Beenie Man(Ft./Maya) - Girls Dem Sugar

I put my ear buds in my ears but still had it playing out loud for whoever comes in first . I start to dance doing hip movements i start to roll my hips and then squat then twist my hips like the dancers in Sean Paul videos. I danced for a few more seconds and soon as i finished i took the buds out my ears and grabbed my bottle of water  the room was silent but not for too long someone start clapping and whistling. I turned around spilling my water on my Michael Jackson crop top)and as it ran down my chest i slowed down his clapping with mouth dropped open and soon he shook his head to regain himself and skipped ran across the room towards me and grabbed a towel from the basket by the door and rushed to pat me dry and apologizing as he patted I didn't get a good look at him well... yea. As it rolled down my leg he saw it first and bend down to wipe down and up my leg and soon as he looked up omfg! He flipped his hair up and looked at me with a few strings of his twists falling in his face i drowned my boy shorts in yum yum liquid lol and my legs gave out right then and he threw the towel and caught me from hitting the floor. We were so close his chest to my face and his body smelled so good my senses tingled with want and need of his hands all over me. I looked up at him about to speak until he  swooped me up off my feet and laid me down on my lounge in my office and sprinted to get ice compacter for my knees even tho my knees were fine but my insides were done. He came back in the office and soon as he spoke i start to heave in heat and i think he knew he was killing me cause he smirked at me, his tall fine gorgeous ass from head to foot. i wanted to jump him right then I finally came to when he spoke ...


You oki? 


Yes i'm f..f...f...fine. Just need to go to the restroom i'll be back i rush to get up and felt like my legs turned into jelly again. Oh shit! 


Whoa! You be careful belle, No want you to hurt youself.


I'll be okay...

He grabbed me by one of my hands and held it in his as his other hand was on my hip i almost fell again and he caught me in mid fall and my ass was pushed into his crotch and i heard him groan and my body shook with lust.I grabbed at his arm on my hip and he still  proceed to walk me to the restroom and he didn't let go until i made it inside the door of the women's toilet  i blushed so hard at that. I pulled down my pants and he turned to go stand outside and yelled 


I be outside belle. Let me know if you needs me.


Yea okay ...

I cleaned myself up and as my legs start to feel better for me to start my class Mr.French Sexy stood outside humming a song well,parts of it lol. And as i start to head for the door the sing humming got more mellow i know the song i just can't remember ....


Mmmm!... Let me be a flavor.take me baby...Mmmmm!I need you...! ooooh!

I leaned back against the wall to collect my thoughts and control my urges for this man who I don't even know but kind and sweet enough to help me inside the LADIES room ugh! omg! focus Lia girl focus!  FOCUS! 



Mr. unknown

You okay in there Belle?


Yea fine um...

Mr. unknown

Name Laurent but you can call me Lau!


Yes i'm okay Laurent! I mean Lau...!

I slid down the wall next to the door and closed my eyes and tried to calm my body down some more and Pep Talked myself to get up and finish my day. I reached for the door handel and pulled myself up and soon or later my legs start to cooperate.I opened the door and there he was siting on the floor waiting for me to come out my heart melted like cheese on  yummy Grilled Cheese Sandwich. I slowly held myself up by staying close to the wall and when the door closed it thudded and he looked up to see me and he hurried up off the spot he was sitting and tend to my needs

You oki Belle? I got you

Uh! ....um... than y...you Lau.  I mean Lau..rent i mean Lau *smile

*I died internally. WTF is wrong with me ahhhh!

*smile* Lau is oki Belle. No need for be shy. I help you to you office,no one here yet. I think yu for need to cancel you class for today until you legs or knees get better

As he helped me i couldn't look away or stop smiling it's like i was suppose to see him today and have this medical situation I haven't had since i was a kid and all of sudden it comes back wow crazy right.

Than...than... thank you Lau

No problem belle *smile*

He lift me marriage style again and laid me on my lounge sofa. He spoke again ...

I can message you muscles if you like ?

Thank you that'll be nice thanks... *lick lips and smile*

He smile back at me and then everything seem like it was moving in slow motion like in them romantic love movies  *lol* he went for my leg and he starts to squeeze and rub but soon as he squeezed i moaned loudly and he stopped and looked at me with his eyes big as saucers. I opened my eyes wide and cover my mouth saying sorry to him as he saying sorry to me *lol we both looked at each other

*ahhh.mmmah!* Omg!

I 'm I so sorry!

*smiling* lol it's okay Lau just don't touch that spot again please. *biting my lip* um... that's one of my...

*before i can say it he said it*

You spot?*smirk*

I bite my lip again and inhale then exhaled ...


I no touch again unless you want me to. You want for me to finish ?


He slowly raise his hands and start to rub my knee i close my eyes and enjoy the massage. He has the hand of a Greek god. My mind shuts down and soon i find myself waking up from a yell moan and i jump up and look around to find no one in my office and that it was dark outside. I looked at my wall clock it it said 10pm OMG! i face palmed myself ugh! I walked out of my office to my dance studio calling out to Lau

Lau! Lau! Laurent!
Hey! Anyone here?!

Laurent was on his phone with his ear pods in his ears bobbing to his playlist. when the music ended he thought he heard someone calling him so he took out his ear pods and yelled out to them

Hey! Hey ! Belle !

I heard him yelling and followed his voice

Where are you! Lau!

I bumped into a wall i think and when the street light shined through the window in my back room(studio is huge btw...)

Ouch! What tha!

Sorry Belle so dark i no see you.
 Let me help you up

Thanks... Did i sleep through my class?

No,you no wake so I found you phone when it was ringing and let the people know you no was feeling good. I hope that was oki?

That's fine i'll see them when i feel better. still feel a tad dizzy but i'll manage.

Oki. I walk you to you car I think you have the Black Ford Expedition. *smirk* that a big car.

Yea, bought me and my mom one *smile* i love Ford vehicles just my mom and i thing lol  thing ig

So you like em' big belle? *smirk *smile

I stopped walking for a few seconds and looked up at him and smiled then start walking again...

Okay watch it Sexy French guy*i bit my lip and smile* oh shit did i say that out loud i looked up at him and he was smiling with his head down.*

lol* ha ha funnie Belle. So I get you number so i call you for date or you no want to?*biting lip*

*i looked up at him and smiled* sure. Frenchie *lol

We exchanged numbers and set our date for our date lol

The Next following week...

Are you down to be a hmmmmm...
Do You do ya wanna be hmmmmm!...

ugh! i can't get that song outta my head ugh i gotta ask Lau what that damn song was .!

phone Chimes...


Txt Message...
Hey you! you ready for tonight and dance our hearts out? *dance emoji*

I can't wait Lau. Almost ready Frenchy *smile Emoji*

Oki Belle. be there soon

End of messaging...

A knock and a ring at my door and there he was standing 6ft4 and wearing a tux with Jordans. with his hair half up and strings in his face.


Frenchy *smile*

We both laughed and i turn to lock my door and he froze where he was standing

Oh my god! You so beautiful

my outfit

Laurent in his Tuxedo❤

Laurent shoes

My shoes

Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself *smile*

He took my hand like a gentleman
and guided me to his car he even open the door for me he closed it too *smile* he got in and reached over to me and said...

May I ?

He reach over to proceed to buckle my seat belt

Safety Furst Belle 😏

Thank you.

As he drove he was very focused like something was on his mind.  I looked outside of my window enjoying the night and thinking myself,well a whole lot actually. Soon through out the ride I start to feel eyes on me and when i looked out the corner of my eye I can see him taking glances at me and smiling and looking back at the road. A few bumps and turns later we arrived at our destination. I look at him and smile and he looked at me and smile and unbuckle his seat belt and got out to come around and open my door and held out his hand to me, I released my seat belt and grabbed his hand and he held my hand and with his other he closed the door behind me and placed his other hand from the door on my hip and guided me towards the building and at the entrance it said The Rose... I'm guessing a new place. Never seen this place before but nice .


Here Belle be careful. Us seat all ready over here... Come

He pulled out my chair and i sat down wondering what they serve here and what other tricks this man has under his petty coat *smirk*

The Waiter

How can I be at your service Madam and Sir?

He handed us our Menus and as we looked over it. Laurent looked at me and smiled and looked at the Waiter and said...


Ladies First...

The waiter turned to me and ask...

The Waiter

What would you like Madam?

I looked at the Menu and looked over it and seen that they had Pasta with vegetables and Asparagus with cheese and a Fillet Chicken with Parsley and for Dessert Strawberry Cheese Cake. I let the Waiter know what i wanted and I handed him my menu and soon Laurent said his order which was some what the same and for Dessert he asked for a Chocolate Whipped Cake. He handed His menu to the waiter 

The Waiter

What would you like to drink Madam and Sir?



We said it at the same time and we noticed that and smiled at each other. The Waiter looked at the both of us and smiled as well. 

The Waiter

Drinks will be served soon and your food will be as well. 

He bowed some what and walked away with Menus and orders in hand.We looked at each other and smiled again. Soon I got a convo started ...


So... Whatcha do for a living Frenchy?


I uh...I dance with my brother Larry and us have been dancing all us life and us from Paris,France originally from the ghettos of Salles,France with more siblings. Soon one day you can meet them but you meet my Larry first he my twin and us call us self...

Before he could get it out a woman and her friend came outta no where and screamed...


Omg it's Laurent from Les Twins! Omg! I love you! Can we get a Picture please!

I was wide eyed (i'm making so she doesn't know who they are...) in surprise like are these women serious right now. We're like on a damn date here then that's when he puts his hand up and spoke to the women...


Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! You gone have to wait till' us day has ended i'll see to you getting picture oki.

The girls screamed and soon ran away screaming . He looked at me with puppy dogs eyes


I so sorry Belle was hoping no one knew me here but I guess i no can hide *light chuckle*

I looked at him and smiled and assured him it was fine and soon our drinks came an soon behind was our food. we ate in silence and soon music start to play and he stood up and ask did i want to dance and i agreed. Lights shined from the ceiling and right along with other couples we danced the night away. Soon we found our selves after he took photos with the women and children outside he guided us to his vehicle and we drove to a beach area and we walked in the sand with our shoes in our hand and soon i screamed when i realized he tried to sneak up on me trying to scare me into the waves. I laughed and screamed and he scooped me up and we both went crashing down in the sand and rolled down a sand hill and I rolled on top of him


Ooof! Ouch Lau!


You oki Belle


Yea i'm okay 

I looked up with my hair in my face looking down at this gorgeous man we stared at each other for a while then he pushed my hair from in front of my face and I looked into his brown eyes and i don't know what came over me but i attacked his full juicy lips and he at first was shocked but kissed back while holding my back and the other on my face and in the sand we made out for a while and when we finally came up for air we looked at each other breathing hard and i could feel his um... attraction to me and i smiled biting my lip eyes and body filled with lust and want but i didn't wanna jump this man's bones before we got to know each other so we lift ourselves up and he reached his hand for me to get up and we searched for our shoes and walked back to the truck and smiled each time we were in the truck driving. He drove me back to my place let me out by my hand and guided me out and walked me to my door and i held my head down and said...


Well this is it. I had a awesome time I just wish...

And before I could finish he lift my face up by my chin and kissed me with so much passion i could feel it through him and myself . He reached up with his other and held me by the back of my neck and the other caressed my back we were so close i could feel him against me and my god was he gifted in so many ways ugh! i wanted him right then and he knew. 


Mmmm! Wow Belle. Um. I so sorrie i no could hold it any longer I no do that i wait but but you oh god i no help it. 


I know i feel the same um,i ....

He put his finger over my lips and whispered...


Soon Belle. Soon.

He kissed me for the last time and i watched him walk away to his truck and get in he watched me unlock my door and walk inside. When i did i slid down my door feeling like the luckiest woman in the world. 

We went on a few dates and  days turned into weeks and soon it was another weekend and when i had to do my classes i was all off on some moves and my stomach would do flips every time i think of him and soon one day after having my last class after saying goodbye to everyone i start to hum that damn song again and soon i remembered that damn song and soon i asked Siri to play it on my device I looked up the lyrics and went to sing the words i remembered and then the lyrics came naturally to memory and then i remembered where i heard it. I start singing and dancing to it . It was so loud banging in my ears i was so into it till i was singing the Chorus and thinking of Laurent as i listened to the lyrics. I placed my phone on the table and danced harder soon i slowed down to the I give my all part and soon i felt hands on my hips and a body behind me and i wasn't even startled cause i and my body knew who it was and i felt his full luscious lips and tongue on my neck. I lend my head on his shoulder and swayed my hips and ass into him and he slowly guided his hands down my body to my stomach and the same with the other. and he swayed with me from behind and i could feel him against me so strong and gentle at the same time it felt so right like he supposed to be there.

Kehlani -Distraction

Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be

Do me a favor, pick me up, take me out later
Don't worry about no paper
'Cause I got mine stacked up for nights like this
My life can get crazy, I deal with shit on the daily
But baby I'm thinking maybe
We could agree to work it out like this

I need you (you, oh)
To give me your time (give me your time)
I need you (you, oh)
To not wanna be mine oh

Are you down to be a distraction baby?
But don't distract me, let me ask you baby
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be
A distraction baby?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be
Hey, yeah, yeah
Are you down to be a distraction baby?
But don't distract me, let me ask you baby
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be
A distraction baby?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be

I need you to respect it
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Sometimes this shit get me stressing
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
So I need you with me
To keep me right and keep me up all night (oh, no)
We can get faded
This life can make you so jaded
So we can stay shaded
Just to us and try to get it right oh

I need you (you, oh)
To give me your time (give me your time)
I need you (you, oh)
To not wanna be mine

Are you down to be a distraction baby?
But don't distract me, let me ask you baby
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be
A distraction baby?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be
Hey, yeah, yeah
Are you down to be a distraction baby? (Yeah, yeah)
But don't distract me, let me ask you baby
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be? (Oh do you, do you?)
A distraction baby
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be

I can't say I give my all
But tonight, I'd risk it all
Woah, woah, woah
Are you down to be

Are you down to be a distraction baby?
But don't distract me, let me ask you baby (don't you, don't you baby?)
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be (do you?)
A distraction baby? (Do you?)
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be
Hey, yeah, yeah
Are you down to be (let me ask you one question baby)
A distraction baby?
But don't distract me (can you do it, can you do it that?)
Let me ask you baby
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be (let me ask you baby)
A distraction baby?
Do you, do you, do you, do you wanna be
I wanna know, I wanna know

As the song ended he spin me around into him and backed me into the wall and attacked my lips and body. He lift me up and wrapped my legs around his slim muscled body and grinned up against me and attacked my neck and shoulder. Soon we were in my office and he closed and locked it and was still kissing me and holding me tight soon he sat me on my desk and slowly took off my shirt and pants and i was left in my sports bra and boyshorts and he dropped slowly down to his knees and pulled them off slowly while looking up at me with those eyes I almost came right then. I soon felt him lift me and held me against the wall with my Kitty in his face and he looked up at me and smirked an evil smirk and omg i died right then. He dived in and i pulled at his hair and held his head into me and i grinned my hips and he squeezed booth my ass cheeks and slapped one and i moaned and hissed in heat. He hummed i moaned he ate me out until i came multiple times and i screamed out and came in his mouth so many times i lost count. He pulled me from his mouth and put me on my desk and he pulled his pants down and  asked me...


You ready for me Bebe 


Yes oh god yes. !

He entered me slowly and then took himself out and in slowly again and soon he did this hip move i saw him do from one of his brother and him videos that i watched after our first date. and i knew then he was something special and damn i was right in so many ways. I screamed  with my head back and he lift my leg over his shoulder and slowly slide his hand down my leg to my thigh and held it there and crept his hand up my spine and lift my head up by my neck and said in a deep voice...


Watch me Belle

I looked deep into his eyes and soon he pushed his hips into me deep and my eyes went wide so did my  mouth and he attacked my mouth again with every thrust and I moaned in his mouth. He picked me up and walked us to my Lounge and laid me down and pulled out of me and told me to turn on my stomach and i looked back at him ripping his shirt off and my sports bra as well. He got down on his knees on the lounge over me and start kissing my neck and shoulders and back and soon came down to my ass and licked up and down my ass crack and took his hands and pulled my cheeks open and growled at my virgin hole and said...


You no mind do you. cause if you no want to we no have to.

I breath in a shaky breath and said...


Mmmm! Do it, Please Lau! 



He continue to pull open my ass cheeks and start to eat my ass and finger me until felt i was loose enough and ask me if i was ready and i answered with shaking my head and i felt him sit up and he put his knee on the side of me and the other leg over my hip and i moved my leg up a little and he slowly entered me and rubbed up and down my back as i held onto the lounge chair arm tightly soon he was all the way in and leaned over me kissing my neck and back soothing me and my body soon i spoke...


Move Lau.

He pushed in then out and kissed my neck and slowly he thrust in and out i moaned at how painfuly but good it felt. A few minutes into it he start to speed up and omg it felt so good my legs were shaking. He pulled out and switched holes and start slowly but hard thrusts into me . I could feel him about to cum so he pulled out and said...


Turn over Belle i wanna see you face when i make you cum for the 5th time Bebe

I turned over and my god he was all sweaty and twists hanging in his face as he entered me again he threw back his head and grabbed my thighs in his biceps and destroyed my insides slowly and i moaned ou 


Oh god right there...oh god...oh god... yes! yes! Yes!

He rolled his hips in that spot over and over and over again and  i thought i'll give him a lil' hip movements myself and rolled into his rolls and in sync we were moaning to each others ear and he was kissing my breast and holding me under neath my back and ass and he did his last thrust inside me and came hard we both did. He laid on top of me still inside me while i felt him pulse out the rest of his cream. He laid on me kissing me and stroking my thigh. He didn't want to pull out yet so i didn't mind it at all and we laid for hours soon we got up cleaned up and he took me home and he came inside and once more he became my Distraction...

Hope you guys liked it took me three days to finish. Love you guys and hopefully more will be coming soon. Byyyyeeeee!

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