Never Letting Go

By melaninweordo

60 4 0

Plot twist More

Mo[U]rning Routine
When I first saw you
Crying won't cut it


9 0 0
By melaninweordo

"Baby, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong, Auden'?"

"Why didn't you tell me ray?"

" babe what are you talking about, tell you what?"

"That you self harm?"

Dead silence, Reign froze as the realization of Auden' knowing hit her. Tears began to pool in her eyes, rolling of her cheeks like water out of a faucet, flooding her face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she kept mumbling over and over, reign felt guilty, she felt as if she was nothing but a burden on Auden, when in reality she was anything but. Auden immediately rushed to her, arms open ready to hold her so tightly in his embrace, to keep her from breaking down yet again.

Reign began to get frustrated with herself, she ripped herself from Auden's arms and began to ramble
" See this is why I did it, cause I didn't want this to happen, I didn't want you to fix me cause I'm not fucken broken, okay I'm fine"

" Reign it's my jobs to fix you, to make sure you're okay, to make you happy"

" Well you're fired"

" You can fire me, I'm the union" Auden tried to lighten the mood, but it didn't work, if anything it made things worse

" Why are you so optimistic, huh? I don't fucken get it, EVERYTHING WORKS OUT SO FUCKEN GREAT FOR YOU"



"Ray liste-"


" Ray breath, okay I need you to bre-"

she let out a lung piercing scream, and he immediately stopped, Auden looked at Ray with hurt and helplessness. Auden felt like the worse boyfriend ever. He hated himself for not seeing how much she was hurting. He felt as if this was all his fault, he wasn't good enough for her.

Ray looked back at him with pleading orbs, filled with salty tears. It broke his heart seeing her like this. She on the other hand hated how much she was hurting him.

"I dont deserve you" she whispered softly

" I ca-.....I can't do this anymore" she choked out, the lump in he throat growing bigger and. Bigger and the thought of giving up the only person she ever truly loved.
" No Auden 'please don-"
"DAMNIT RAY, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN TO ME, OKAY?.....I'm not letting you go just like that not after 5 AMAZING FUCKEN YEARS TOGETHER!"

Reign just looked at him, dazed. He opened his arms again for her an this time she crashed into his chest and claimed her rightful place in his embrace. Auden sighed softly into her her and peppered kisses all over her face. He hugged her even tighter, afraid to let her go. After a while, he reluctantly pulled away from her but not completely. He gazed his hazel orbs right into her chocolate brown ones .

" Who hurt you, Reign"

Earth 273

"FUCK" Auden screamed in frustration as he held tight onto Reign's lifeless body in his arms. He got up and carried her to his living room, blood dripping down from the cuts on her wrist, trailing behind him. He inhumanly dropped her on his coach and angrily stomped to his basement.

Auden kept running his bloody hand through his hair, a nasty habit Reign always scolded him for. REIGN. He chuckled thinking about her and the constant annoying little lectures she would give him. He missed he already. As much as he would love to blame her for giving up and ending her life, he knew he was the reason she did it , he had pushed her too far over the edge.

Auden flipped a switch on the wall, opening his basement door. Automatically the stairwell lit up, bright LED lights shining down on his unruly brown curls as he descended down the stairs. He was in serious need of a haircut, Reign always did it for him. Shit Reign, why?

"Welcome Mr.Woods, how may I assist you today?" Came an automatic voice as he reached his desk. Auden entered his password on his computer screen.

"Update on Reign Brycc3 from Earth 194"

"Searching.....Results.. distressed, heart rate alleviated 102bps, sh-"

"Stop, prepare for conscience swap"

"Affirmative. Preparing data for conscience swap, Auden Woods from Earth 273 swapping Auden woods from Earth 194.

Fas beeping followed by machinery switching on and whirling could
be heard all around his lare

Hissing filled the room as a door opened, auden undressed and stepped into the pod, almost robotically eyes closed and the door closed eerily, seconds after the automatic voice spoke once again

"Transfer complete"

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