S@D [N@A Season 2]

By samadhishwetha

328 74 19

Hi! I'm Amelia. Everyone has a past. That past can destroy the present and destroy hope for the future. Drugs... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's note

Chapter 17

8 3 0
By samadhishwetha

"Please help me! Here this has stoned" Soren moaned.

"Why? Why? What happened?" Diana, who had fallen asleep with her head on Soren's bed, woke up scared.

"What has stoned?" Madam Glinda, who had lit a bundle of incense and was spreading it to her shop, hurried on and got there.

"That paste you applied on my abdomen. Am I going to die now? I can't die young like this" Soren took turns looking at Diana and Madam Glinda.

"No, you aren't going to die right now" Madam Glinda giggled.

"That means, it will happen in a little while" Soren's jaw had dropped.

"Child, I can't answer your stupid questions. Diana, unwrap his bandage" Madam Glinda rushed to her pharmacy, saying so.

Diana ran her fingers over the paste "Yeah, it has stoned" Diana looked into Soren's eyes in amazement.

"If you have something on your mind, tell me before I die. Or you'll regret it later" Soren looked into her eyes and grabbed her hand gently.

"Please, stop acting too much" Diana slapped his hand off.

"Now let's see if you live or die" Madam Glinda sat next to Diana. She took a piece of cloth from the hot water basin that she had placed on the small cabinet next to the bed and used hot water to wash the stoned paste on Soren's abdomen.

"I'm in no pain now. There's no evidence of injury, not even a scar. This is a miracle. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" Soren could not believe his eyes when he saw his pure skin without any blemishes after washing off all the paste. In Soren arose a reverence as well as a miracle about Madam Glinda.

"Thank you so much. You're a super genius" Diana was very excited and happy.

"Diana, I have to go now" Soren got out of the bed without any difficulty.

"But, right now" Diaa placed her hand on his shoulder as if asking to stay.

"Hmm" He tightened up the belt of his trousers.

"It's not good for a young guy like you to be on the street without a shirt, is it?" Madam Glinda made a joke.

"So, where's mine?" Soren raised his eyebrows at Diana.

"It has torn" Diana scratched her head.

"Wait" Madam Glinda disappeared out of several large shelves and came out again with a silk shirt that had a 70s style.

"Now you two are telling me to wear this" Soren gritted his teeth.

"There's nothing else to do" There was a sarcastic smile between Diana's lips.

"Alright, then" Soren took the shirt from madam Glinda's hand. "Where do you get a shirt? You said you were alone" He asked while he was wearing it.

"It suits you well. You look like David Cassidy" Diana laughed like crazy.

"Don't make fun of me" Soren pouted. "See you again" His fiery eyes turned back to Diana.

"Be careful" Diana said without looking into his eyes.

"Look" Soren showed the knife that he had in his waistband.

"Weapons can't solve everything, child," said Madam Glinda.

"Your parents need to know what happened last night, I think," Diana said something that can stop Soren's breath for a moment.

"They don't need to know about it at all. The other thing, I trust you" Soren's words pierced Diana's heart like a knife so Diana didn't question it again

"Thanks to both of you for saving my life" He went to the door of the shop and looked back before saying goodbye.

"Wait, Soren, the final exam is in two weeks. You're coming, aren't you?" Diana stopped him by grabbing him by his elbow.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Soren looked at the ground as if saying that he had given up all his studies.

"I'll be your tutor" Diana mumbled.

"Okay, I'll come to the exam. Where do I want to come for tutoring?" He asked.

"I don't know" Diana bit her lower lip.

"If you have no place, come here. Helping someone's education is a good thing" Madam Glinda smiled.

"Thank you so much Madam Glinda" Diana hugged her tightly.

"Oh! Move, move. No need to say, ma'am, just say Glinda" They both giggled.

...The place where Soren was with the gang ...

"Soren!" Andrew's jaw dropped and he looked at Zen to see his reaction.

"You! You!" Zen stuttered.

"Why are you looking at me like you just saw a ghost?" Soren chuckled.

"What kind of nonsense are you wearing?" Andrew said intending to hide the truth. Soren didn't reply because he didn't know how to organize that long story. Andrew and Zen stared at Soren in amazement for a moment, then walked out.

...Andrew & Zen...

"Hello! Diego! Soren hasn't even the slightest fucking scratch" Andrew was on a phone call with Diego.

"What the fuck! But Jack told me that Soren's abdomen hurt badly" Diego groaned.

"Somehow, he's doing very well now," said Zen.

"Fuck you, Soren" Diego cursed so and hung up the phone.

...After a while...

"Are you okay?" Noah got into a conversation with Soren so that others would not notice.

"Yeah, I'm fine now but I was in a trouble last night," Soren told Noah everything that had happened the night before.

"Oh my God! You have miraculously survived. I'm sorry" Noah hugged him.

"I need to tell Diego and Dexter about this," said Soren.

"Hm," Noah nodded. He knew that Diego had handed over the contract to Jack to stab Soren. But he was not able to tell Soren about that because he worked for Dexter since Dexter had taken his brother's life hostage. So, he could not oppose them but he had some loyalty to Soren.

...At the college...

"Shawn, don't worry about what I say now" Diana tried to talk about last night to Shawn.

"Tell" Shawn leaned against his locker.

"Jack stabbed Soren last night. He was with me all night. He has no problem now so don't be rushed" Diana waited for a response from him.

"Are you kidding?" Shawn gave her a blank look.

'No, that's true. Don't tell his parents about this, otherwise, he'll stop trusting me. But one must know about this. That's Amelia" Diana crossed her arms over her chest.

"I can't believe this. You could have called me last night" Shawn took a huge breath.

"You know Soren better than I do. The most important thing, he agreed to come to the final exam, and the worst of all, I'll start tutoring him this evening" Diana rubbed her forehead as she thought about how to control Soren.

"You're smarter than I thought. It's a great gift for you to help him as much as possible," said Shawn. Diana blinked twice while she was in another thought.

"Hey, Shawn" They both looked in the direction they heard that voice.

"I have to go now. We'll talk about that later" Shawn said while he was stepping toward Sarah.

"Alright" Diana waved at both Sarah and Shawn.

...At Nicolo's house...

"Soren is willing to go to the finals anyway," I said to Nicolo. I made sure not to tell him about the stabbing that happened to Soren.

"That's good. What about that drug supplying chain" Nicolo was making pancakes for Aurora.

"We were able to enlist the help of several custom officers. They're Wendy's friends. Enrico and Wendy worked hard on this. Khalil promised to reduce the load on Dexter by 10% by the next day" I was also helping Nicolo prepare the food.

"Amelia, I don't understand how to bring Aurora's mentality to a good level. She doesn't talk much, keeps a photo of Soren and stares at it and thinks a lot, she's not eating much, she's taking a lot of sleeping pills now and it's a big risk to her health. How can I expect her to be like this? You know very well; I didn't want her to be in any trouble from the day I met her. That's how she was taken care of. Why did this happen to us? If I can, I'll kill that fucking guy right now" I could see his hands trembling with anger when he poured honey onto the pancakes.

"We have only one solution. You know it" I hold his trembling hand.

...At Madam Glinda's witch shop in the evening...

"Where's Diana?" Soren asked entering the shop.

"She went upstairs to get some books," said Madam Glinda while she was moving some heavy boxes to shelves.

"Do you want any help?" Soren walked towards her.

"Thank you" So, Soren helped her to move those heavy boxes into shelves.

"Hi! Let's start the lesson" Soren looked at Diana, who was holding a bundle of books.

"Okay, teacher" Soren came and sat down at the table.

"Let's first see how much you remember. Answer the questions I ask" Diana said, scrolling through a book.

"How do glow sticks glow?" asked Diana

"The glow in a glow stick is the result of two chemicals reacting together and giving off light energy in a process called chemiluminescence" Soren answered the question 100% correctly.

"Next one; How does the Mentos/ Coke explosion work?" Diana asked the second question.

"Bubbles in fizzy drinks can only form at points called nucleation sites - these are sharp edges or bits of dirt or grime that help the release of carbon dioxide gas. A mento is actually not as smooth as it appears. Under a microscope, you can see that there are millions of tiny craters on the surface. Each of these provides a nucleation site for carbon dioxide gas to form" He answered the question very easily.

"What is an Alloy?" She asked him another question.

"Alloys are mixtures containing at least one metal. We use metals for many jobs in our technological world and sometimes a metallic element just won't cut it. Take iron - whilst extremely strong, it is also very brittle...not something you want to build a bridge out of. Add in a little carbon and you make steel - an alloy with the strength of iron but is not brittle" Soren explained the answer.

"Alright then, how do you get different color fireworks?" That was the fourth question.

"Fireworks are a personal favorite of mine. The different colors are created using different chemicals, and one of two different chemical reactions: incandescence (light created through heat) and luminescence (light without heat)" He answered.

"What is the difference between nuclear physics and quantum physics?" asked Diana.

"The difference between nuclear physics and quantum physics is quantum physics analyses all the phenomena in the cosmos. On the other hand, nuclear physics studies the internal constituent of atomic nuclei. In this light, quantum physics primarily focuses on analyzing the dual nature, while nuclear physics explores the interaction and structure of the nucleus" His answer was very clear.

"I'm glad you have a good memory. You can easily get a B even if you can't get an A. So, come to the final exam. You can even get an A+ if you work hard. Let's start with Biology" Diana rubbed the surface of a large book of no less than 800 pages. Soren didn't like Biology at all.

Diana taught Soren lessons for several hours straight.

"Do you understand this?" Diana who was explaining to Soren about neural coordination asked after her explanation was over.

"Yes, my little teacher" Soren chuckled. Soren hated the biology teacher at college, but he thought he could listen to his new biology teacher all day long. He understood what Diana taught him so well that he did not want to study again.

"If you're tired of studying continuously, drink a hot chocolate" Madam Glinda placed a tray with two big mugs on the table.

"The right time, I was so thirsty" Soren lazily stretched out his arms.

"Thanks, Glinda," said Diana.

"Don't drink too fast. Your tongue will burn" Diana laughed.

"You're so nasty" His face was covered by the big cup so he narrowed his eyes as Diana could see.

They studied until after midnight.

"Aren't you sleepy? I'm pretty sleepy" Diana rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Can't you just wait for me to do what you told me to do?" Soren wanted to get the job done. Sleep was not essential for him at the time because the drug had created a barrier between sleep and him.

"Hm," Diana rested her head on the table.

"Diana, the work is done. We've finished five lessons" Soren closed the books and placed the pencils and pens in the pen holder.

"Diana!" He called her since there was no response from her. He moved the hair from her face and saw that she was asleep. He carefully removed her spectacles and for a moment he stared at her closed eyes.

"Glinda, I'm going. Diana has fallen asleep, probably because of fatigue" Soren peeped through the door of Glinda's kitchen.

"Well, good night, child" Glinda waved at him.

Soren left there. As he rode his bike under the night sky, he could feel the cool breeze blowing through his shirt and body. 

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