the wedding

By TubbosBeeTwo

53 4 1



53 4 1
By TubbosBeeTwo

For Wigglyveins on Instagram

Throughout their life, they’ve become closer than ever. Closer to the point that when Chip asked Gillion to marry him, that Gill had happily said yes. Word got around, and now came the point of their wedding. However, with all things, nothing can stay gold.

Gillion and Chip had invited family and friends. Which had lead to Chip finally meeting Gills parents but thats what scared him the most. See something that Chip doesnt know, is that tritons well.. they eat other races, including humans. However now only the higher ups can.

So, because of this, Gill had thought of writing a little note to his parents. He warned them of what would happen if they tried to ruin this, yet still in his heart, he yearned for his parents. For their approval, for their acceptance, for him to be seen and loved by them for once.

It got to the point that while the two were planning, Gill couldn’t focus.

“Gill? Are you doing okay?” Chip looked over from their planning, a hand lightly touching Gills.

“Are you sure about this?” Gill stared at the wooden planks of their ship.

“Am I sure about what?Marrying you?Cause if thats the case then-“ Chip was cut short as the triton began one more.

“About my parents coming. They aren’t like Edyn or Caspian or I. I’m scared that they will try to hurt you or ruin our wedding and I can’t take back the invite. It goes against all I stand for and I don’t want them to do anything and-“

Chips chapped lips planted a small kiss onto the others check. Gill looked at him, a darker blue tint on his face.

“Don’t worry about it, okay? It shouldn’t matter what the elders or your parents say. You wanna know why?” Chip held onto his face, cupping it in his hands.

“Why..?” His voice wasn’t as loud as usual.

“Because I love you and that’s what matters, right?”

“Heh..” a breathless chuckle escaped his lips as he smiled, “I guess so. That’s what marriage is, at least in the undersea.” Gillion kissed him softly, before he stood up. “I’m going to see how far we are from the island, okay? Continue the plans for me.”

“Of course. If you need anything, you know where to find me.” Chip smiled as he left.

Gillion could see the place behind the fog. It was beautiful as ever, especially considering the place was called “Desire Island” as they liked to call it.

Gillions side began to vibrate as the comshell rang.

“Hello?” Gillion placed it near his ear as he leaned against the railing.

“GILLION!” Johns scruffy voice yelled into the mic, followed by a “John, please stop screaming Liz is sleeping.”

“JOHN!” Gillion responds with just as much energy. Muffled arguing happened in the background.

“Sorry sorry. How have you been Gill! Heard you’re getting married to the boy!”

“I am, I am.” His smile growing wider just thinking about it, though John seemed to be shoved from the shell as Caspian took it.

“Sorry Gillion, but John has to do some work!” The last part was quieter than the first as Caspian sighed. “how has your trip been so far? You’re going to the island of ire for the wedding, right?”

“Correct! Are you coming?”

“Of course we are. John wouldn’t miss it and Liz well.. let’s just say she loves teasing Chip.”

“Of course.”

For moments in their trip, it was bliss. Nothing made them panicked but of course, Chip couldn’t forget. He couldn’t forget who raised him.

“Oh Arlin.. I wish you were here. You would’ve been so proud of me. Of her…” it was midnight and he was holding a coin that was given to him when he was nothing more then a lad.

“I wish you could’ve met him. He’s lovely, Arlin, he’s so, so lovely. The way his eye sparkle when he speaks and the way he knows how to comfort people. He’s like Finn but better. I.. I miss you. Please.. please come back.” Tears began to run down his eyes as little arms wrapped around him.

“No matter where you are I’ll always be there!” Ollie’s tired voice echoed throughout the empty room.

“Awe you..! Come here.” A smile replaced the tears as he hugged Ollie tight. “Don’t sneak up on me like that! Or else.”

The young boy chuckled, “or what!”

“Or I’ll… tickle you!”

And with that, Ollie’s laughter filled the room as Chip tickled him. It wasn’t uncomfortable, it was normal. It was nostalgic, even.

The days continued to pass, the two were happier then ever, yet Gills anxiousness did nothing but expand. He haven’t got anything back from his parents, even if Edyn or Chip said it shouldn’t matter, it did to him.

Chip had various people to go to when he felt bad about Arlin and as much as it wasn’t a bad thing, Gill watched he had the same. No one in the ship or near him until the night before the wedding would ever understand and even then. Edyn understood but only a bit. Maybe Caspian but he didn’t experience it first hand.

However, he would hold himself together and silence his anxieties just like the elders taught him. Though, they also taught him humans are bad, yet here we are. He believed that certain things that the undersea had no real knowledge on, didn’t count. This included all humans being bad.

The two where standing in the room where they had first caught feelings. The room where the two had shared a passionate kiss. It was silent as Chip was walking around to make sure it was perfect for them tomorrow.

“Chip. I’m still not sure about this,” Gillion finally spoke, looking up at Chip. “I’m not sure this is right. You’re a human and I’m a Triton, we’re not suppose to mix.” Chips face seem to fall, his eyes meeting the others. He looked, well to say the least, hurt. “That doesn’t mean I don’t love you or or that I hate you I’m just.. I apologize, I’m thinking irrationally. Don’t pay any mind to what I had said prior and continue your work.”

“Well you love me right?”

“Yes, I do. Very much. Why?”

“Just means I can do this.”

This time, it was Chip who had dipped Gill, bringing himself in for a kiss. Gillion turned a darker blue as he smiled slightly. Chip almost dropped the man, with Gill being strong AND moist, did not help. So instead of holding it for long, it was quite frankly, short.

He felt hands wrap around him as Gillion hugged him tightly. “Thank you.”

“Of course.”

Came to the day of the wedding. Gill kept trying to see Chip until he was told by Jay that it’s considered bad luck. Chip stood at the alter, holding onto his coin from Arlin and the rings he and Gill had. Behind him was Lizzie as his best women , Earl, Roofus and Alphonse.

On Gills side, there was Edyn who had her eyes between Chip and the door. Behind her was Jay, John and Caspian. Jay seemed to have whispered something to Edyn for she smiled shyly before walking to the doors and disappearing.

Chip chuckled, “did she forget something?” Jay looked at him with a stupid look on her face.

“She forgot she’s walking Gill down and forgot like tons of shit.” Jay laughed slightly as she saw Edyn pop her head back in and now Caspian was gone as well. “Quick guys while the fish are escaping-“ Jay went to run jokingly.

“What the fuck is taking so long?” Earl asked, getting a shrug from Chip.

“Just stand for now Earl!” He chuckled.

“I can’t stand up for this long you bitch!” Earl replied with no real anger in his voice.

Behind the door was Gillion struggling. He continued get himself to look the way he wanted and he knew the day was supposed to be perfect. Thankfully Edyn ran in.

“Are you okay?” Her voice full on concern as she walked over.

“I need some help-“ he replied as he tried to make his fins less ichy against his clothing.

“I’ll get Caspian.”

“Thank you!”

“What do you n-“

“by the Gods. Okay okay so,” with the two explaining and helping him. After 10 minutes he was ready finally.

“Thank you. I apologize for keeping you all.” Gillion notice Malice knock on the door.

“Can the flower boy go now? He seems to be fidgety and all.” She gestured to Ollie, who upon hearing him mentioned, rushed to her side.

“Yeah Gill! Are you ready?” He was practically jumping out of his boots. His excited eyes met Gills and he couldn’t help but smile.

It was really happening.

He’s here.

It’s not some dream he had again.

It was real this time.

“Of course Ollie. Remember what Chip and Jay said right?” He bent down to Ollie’s height.

“Yeah!” The half elf was buzzing as Malice gestured for him to go.

Finally, Chip saw as Ollie walked down, hand in hand with Malice. He threw flowers hard before Malice whispered to him. From then he threw smaller amounts lightly, looking up to make sure that was right. Malice gave him a small nod.

Ollie was wearing a green button up with a brown vest. In his hair was Chips bandanna along with a small braid that Gill has remade a million times. Ollie had light brown pants and held onto Malice’s hand.

Malice was wearing a sparkly red dress with golden highlights. Her usually outfits as Chip liked to say.

Malice sat down in the front, next to the sisters. Ollie wanted to go to Chip but was held back by Malice. The two whispered to each other before Ollie finally sat down.

Chip looked among the people before focusing on the people who stood with them. John was wearing a blue suit and had his beard combed for like the first time. Jay was wearing an orange dress with a blue coat. Her hair seemed to be braided into something of the undersea but she pulled it off.

On his side, Lizzie was wearing a red dress, matching Jays. She had a black coat on but her hair was done any special way. Earl was wearing a grey suit with a blue flower in the pocket of it. How he got that suit? No one knows. Roofus was wearing his usual as he smiled wide. He seemed to be looking at someone in the crowd. Alphonse was just wearing a tie and cowboy hat.

Caspian walked in normally, sighing as he held Pretzel. Caspian had a light blue button up with dark blue waves coming from the sleeves and a white suit jacket. He had normal black baggy pants and a golden sword by his side. His hair was also done up however so was his face. Pretzel had a bow tie and a wedding vile on her.

Caspian stood next to John once more as the music began.

Chips heart dropped.


Gillion was hand in hand with Edyn. Edyn had a flowy black dress on with her hair in a small bun.

Gillion was beautiful compared to anyone, in chips eyes. He almost wanted to run to him and hold him tightly. Gillion seemed to almost do it to by the way he was smiling. All of his worries had disappeared.

He had on a flowy dress, much like Edyns but longer. It was filled with various colours from the undersea. In his hair were flowers from the island. There was no vile on him but that didn’t make him any less pretty.

He looked over at his sister like an excited puppy before Edyn smiled and pushed him forwards. He ran straight into chips arms, hugging him tight as Chip fell.

Edyn stood beside Jay as many people laughed. Especially Lizzie.

“Gill- Gillion- I can’t fucking breathe-“ he coughed out. Gillion got up sheepishly and offered him a hand.

“My apologies I was.. excited to see you.” He smiled widely.

“Yeah. I get that a lot,” Lizzie almost pushed him back down for that.

Gillion stepped back to where he was meant to be. He looked among the crowd as he remembered where he actually was. He looked for his parents. Thankfully since not to many people from the undersea were here, it was quite easy. They locked eyes and Gillion smiled slightly as to greet them. His mother seemed to be filled with disappointment his father, not so much.

Chip grabbed Gills hand, as the two met eyes. Chip frowned slightly, mouthing “it will be alright.” Gillion smiled once more, nodding.

“Are you both ready?” The priest asked, getting nods. “Your vows then.”

The two looked at each other, clearly Chip has never been to a wedding other than when he was drunk that one time. He went closer to Gill before whispering, “so do we do Rock Paper Scissors or-“

Gill laughed loudly, holding his hands. “Chip, you go first for your vows, then I. Then they will continue reading and then it will come the ‘I do’s okay?” Gillion explained.

“Okay.” Chip breathed in before beginning. “Gillion Tidestrider. You’re one of the most understanding and beautiful person I’ve ever met. I let you aboard my ship and you stayed. You never wished to offend people and when I did, you well, you definitely stopped me that’s for sure. There’s so many people I wish you could meet and even though you’re unable to, you never stop me from talking about them. I thank you for the life you’ve given me and the life you continue to give. Even if I may believe in this destiny that you’re held highly for, I will still follow you. For everything you’ve done for me, I thank you more then anyone. Even in your worst times, you’ll find me standing beside you.” Chip was a bright red when he finished, though he never unlocked eyes with Him.

Gillion smiled proudly. “That was amazing.” He whispered.

“Stop flirting, safe that for later.” Lizzie said, nudging Chip. He rolled his eyes, chuckling.

“Chip. You had brought me aboard your ship with little knowledge and it let me know that not everything the elders had told me were.. up to date. I was told as a child that humans were self indulgent and reckless at the expense of others, yet you and others have proved me wrong. When we had a fight you wouldn’t fight me and I’m sorry I did. Yet in that moment when you told me those hateful words, you returned and apologized, and continue to with your actions. You have shown me nothing but love and kindness and I still do not know how to repay you. Thank you Chip for this and for having me spend the rest of my life with you.”

Chip nearly cried at the kind words but pretended he wouldn’t. It didn’t work.

“Chip did I say something wrong?- if so I’m sorr-“ Gillion began, stepping closer before Chip shock his head, smiling.

“Happy tears, happy tears Gill.”

When the two were done, and the priest was nearly done reading. It was time.

“Do you, Chip James, take thee, Gillion Tidestrider, to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?” The priest asked, looking him in the eyes. Chip looked at him, then to Gillion.

“I do.” Chips words seemed to quiet to be his own, but he knew they were.

“And, do you, Gillion Tidestrider, take thee, Chip James, to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part?”

“In the names of the Gods, I take thee, Chip James, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, even in death we shan’t part,” Gillion spoke as if he was reading words in his head, which he probably was.

“You may now kiss the groom,”

The two stood there for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. Well Chip did. Gillion cupped his check with one hand before dipping him. Chip took a second to react but when he did, he was practically a tomato. It was in this room where they first kissed, and it would be in this room. With as much, if not more passion then it started of with.

Everyone seemed to cheer, and clap. And when they pulled away, Ollie finally got to run up and hug Chip tightly. He picked the younger up and held him.

Gillion turned to Edyn like an excited little kid before he felt a bear hug from John, which he returned in a heart beat.

Within moments, the after party had started. Gillion wanted to find his parents and it was easy enough.  His father began walking towards him, holding onto his arms.

“My boy! It’s so good to see you again!” He smiled, as he spoke primordial before hugging him. Gillion felt unfamiliar in his arms, but smiled non the less.

“And you father. How have you been?” once the two pulled away he spotted his mother. He listened to his father go on and on, before feeling a tug.

"Lets go join your mother at the table!" His smile was so big and Gill couldn't say no to his father.

He got pulled to the table and sat next to his father. In front of him was his mother and on the other side was an empty seat. "Wait here, I'm gonna get Edyn." His father patted Gills shoulder before walking off.

"No hello for your mother?" She asked once his father was far enough.

"I don't want to talk to you." He avoided eye contact with the women, glancing around the room.

"So that's how it is. Ignoring your poor mother because you overreact at any chance you get?"

"Ma its not that I just-"

"No no I see how it is."

"Ma i-"

His father returned with his sister, the two sitting down. His mothers' mood changed on command, a smile appeared on her face upon seeing her daughter.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" She placed her hand on Edyns arm.

"I've been alright! And you?"

As the three talked around the table, Gill stayed mainly silent. Edyn knew that he didn't like their mother but never knew why.

"Excuse me, I must find someone." He said suddenly as he stood and left. Without a word, edyn stood up and followed, grabbing his arm.

"Gill, why do you hate her?" Her voice was soft like silk as her brother turned to her. "You've never told me why and I don't want your happy day to be ruined."

"It... it doesn't matter, don't worry about it. Plus I'll be back anyways I just.. need to find someone, okay?" He looked into her eyes, he didn't want to have the relationship between her and their mother to be ruined but he couldn't just be happy.

Soon, a cup started being tapped, creating silence in the room. It was Jay, who then sat down, allowing Chip to stand on the table.

"I'd just like to say, thank you all for coming. It's great to have you all here. Also! Food shall be coming shortly. Now continue having fun!" With that, the conversations started again.

"Please Gill." When she saw that nothing new would be said, she added "can you tell me qt some point?"

"Maybe." With that, he walked towards the table that Chip once stood.

From there, the night went on. Chip ended up joining Gills family for dinner. To which Gill barely spoke and when he did, it was only towards him.

After the wedding, Chip decided to take Gill somewhere. He brought Gill deeper into the woods, where a pond surrounded by greens was. Various flowers and plants stood amongst the trees.

The two sat down, surrounded by the flowes

"Why were you uncomfortable at dinner?" Gillions head turned slightly, confusion written all over his face. "Well your fins were twitching, you barely spoke and when you did it was quiet and you never made eye contact. What's wrong?"

"Oh.." a sigh escaped his lips, before a small smile appeared, "its nothing really, my mind just likes being stupid sometimes."

"It's not stupid, something clearly made you uncomfortable and I wanna know what so I can help you." Chip watched as his fins along his ears and forearms move before he spoke.

"Don't laugh okay?"

"No promises." Chip joked.

Gill began telling Chip what happened. He spoke about how his mom talks down to him end tells him he's overreacting and that he's worth nothing. He admits he's beginning to believe what she says for no one tells him differently.

Chip watched as the fish began getting more  and more awkward and panicky. In the middle of a sentence, tears running down his face, he was trapped in a hug by Chip.

"Don't worry about them anymore, I have you okay?" He smiled as he held onto the almost sobbing triton. "I will make sure you don't have to go though that ever again okay?"

You see, that wasn't the only thing that had made him feel as lonely as ever. He didn't tell Chip about everything with his kind.


Here he was.

Sitting in the same spot as so many years ago.

Tears rushing down his eyes.

You see, tritons live far long than humans do and Gill never wanted to see Chip sad, so he never brought it up.

But now, here he is.

Crying for a dead man once again, though he knew that he'd never come.

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