Nature Boy: Camp Cretaceous (...


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A 14 year old kid has been working with animals all his life. He had a troubled home life, especially with hi... Περισσότερα

Family (Brief Prolouge)
The Solitary Hunter
Raptor Wrangler
Camp Cretaceous
The Cattle Drive
Things fall apart
Happy Birthday, Eddie!
Welcome to Jurassic World
Last Day of Camp
End of the Line
A Beacon of Hope
The Art of Chill
The Roaring Wind
Tree-top grazers
Feet on Fire
Sobbing Texas
Hotel Raptorfornia
I Need a Hunter
Surfin' Flames
Prehistoric Airlines
A Dino Run
Between a Lion and a Leopard
Fishing for Sucho's
Allo-ridin' on Nublar
The Watering Hole
Step One
Chaos Theory
Family Matters or War
Duel of the Dinos
Fire Flavored Raptors
A Ravenslation (Non-Canon anymore)
Batter up! (Non-Canon Anymore)
The Tiger, the Ocelot, and the Jaguar (Non-Canon Anymore)
Sadistic Nature (Non-Canon Anymore)
History of the Ravens (Non-Canon Anymore)
"Welcome to the Jungle" (Non-Canon Anymore)
Indocisive (Non-Canon Anymore)
The Thagomizer Problem (Non-Canon Anymore)
The Wolf Pack (Non-Canon Anymore)
Gulity for being Selfish (Non-Canon Anymore)

Hide & Seek, 65 million years ago (Non-Canon Anymore)

948 22 39


Hunter slides under a fallen tree just before the Acrocanthosaurus had snatched him up in its powerful jaws, its head had crashed into the dead tree and rolled it forward. Hunter side flipped over the incoming log, once he landed back on his feet: he bolted off.

The Acro had quickly recovered and had immediately continued its chase after Hunter. Clint smirked as he watched his son flee from the 'High spined lizard' with a goldish base of color, and a darkish teal pattern covering its spine and splits off to cover its belly.

"Clint, the kid is going to get eaten," Richard gave Clint a stern glare while his arms were crossed, "Do you really expect him to survive this?" Richard questioned the Tiger.

Clint scoffed.

"I'm testing something, he'll live, I'll make sure of that." Clint stated as he stared at Hunter who just juked the Acro into thinking he was going to run behind it.

"come on, Hunter..." Allie whispered.

"You're too stubborn to be eaten..." Allie stared worriedly at the Nature Boy. The Campers had heard her and they all chuckled, Allie presented a look of confusion and offense to them.

"Don't worry about Hunter, he'll be just fine," Yaz smiled at Allie. Kenji laughed, "That crazy boy has survived some of the most dangerous situations and has somehow kept us alive on this island of Dino-hell."

"I wouldn't worry too much about that dork," Brooklynn scoffs, "He's rodeo'd a full grown Allosaurus before." She stated.

"Fought a pack of Deinonychus's twice, escaped a Suchomimus, nearly got eaten by Rexy multiple times, the Indominus Rex, the Mosasaurus, escaped three Baryonyxs, escaped a flock of Pteranodons and killed a Pteranodon, escaped Toro the Carnotaurus, Tiff & Mitch, a pack of Herrerasauruses—honestly what haven't we survived?" Sammy pondered.

"Not to brag or anything, but I was the one who defeated Toro!" Ben boasted.

Allie sighed at the campers, shaking her head. "You do understand that Hunter has no way of escape unless Clint's allows it, right?" She gave them a harsh glare.

The Campers stood there in silence for a few moments. Darius scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah that is a contributing factor to Hunters demise..."

The Acrocanthosaurus had suddenly tumbled into the glass, shaking the entire room and causing everyone besides Clint and Richard to fall. The glass was thankfully intact, but then a sudden muffled yell was heard from the other side.

"LET ME OUT CLINT!!!" Hunter roared.

"THE ACRO HAS BEEN LURED OUT, CLINT! NOW LET ME OUT!!!" Hunters loud yell was easily heard through the thick glass window of Paddock 10s control center.

The Acro had tumbled into the glass because it turned too quickly and lost its footing.

Clint just laughed it off and smirked at Hunter. Hunter was able to see this and so he became angry, well, more angry than before. Hunter clenched his fists and ran into the lush jungle inside the massive paddock, luckily the Acro did not recover before he had fled.

Hunter slid and even curved around the corner of a massive tree surrounded by plants, he was well hidden for now. He took deep breaths one at a time before he relaxed himself for a moment, allowing his mind to think before acting.

"Guess I'll have to escape this paddock my own way..." Hunter closed his eyes for a second before opening, he had immediately spotted a new life form.

A Leopard.

It was laying on its side on top of the paddocks concrete wall, one of its front paws and one of its back paws were dangling off the side of the wall. It's tail flicked back and forth every so often, it was so relaxed as it stared at Hunter from above. Hunter could barely see its face from this angle, but it's head was laid down on the wall while it lazily reached out to him from above.

"Are you...can you hear me, Grandpa?" Hunter mentally questioned. Hunter stared at the Leopard for a few seconds, but it felt likes hours, once Hunter blinked...he was once again Spirit-walking without his consent.

"seriously? Again? You really just gonna take me here without my consent, huh?" Hunter scoffed as he stood up from his spot behind the tree—well now it's apparently a cloud.

Hunter scanned his surroundings, realizing he was standing on a cloud in the sky. The Scientist part of him kept shouting "IMPOSSIBLE!!!" in a very good Justin Roiland impression. Hunter risked his own life in this spiritual world by taking a step off of the cloud only for more cloud to appear beneath his foot.


"Outsmarted once again!" Hunter chuckled to himself before he continued to look through this beautiful space. He was jump-scared by a Barn Owl flying past his face and then disappeared into another cloud, after the Barn Owl, more and more species of birds started swarming the sky.

"NOT AGAIN!!!" Hunter yelled as he ducked down and protected his head with his hands. You see, Hunter is scared of only one kind of animal: Birds. He once dreamed about being pecked to death by a swarm of birds which fueled that fear of birds.

Being attacked by Emus, Ostriches, extremely angry Eagles, Parrots, and the worse of them all: The Cassowary. That is definitely a contributing factor.

Hunters entire body suddenly felt a satisfying sensation run through his leg and up to his nape. He looked down at the Clouded Leopard rubbing against his leg and had immediately formed stars in his eyes like a cartoon character.

"Look at you! You adorable kitty cat!" Hunter picked the Clouded Leopard up and cradled it, scratching its belly. "Did you know that you're my 3rd favorite animal in the entire world?" Hunter talked in a voice like one you would use for a baby.

The Clouded Leopard quickly climbed up his shoulder and walked back and forth between each shoulder until claiming his left one as a throne. Hunter laughed as the Clouded Leopard had basically told him he's just a seat for it.

Hunter scratched the small cats chin before someone greeted him from another cloud. Hunter immediately recognized the familiar voice and turned on a dime to face the man known as The Leopard, Hunters grandpa.

"How's it been, Otter?" Howard was enthusiastic to see his only grandchild again, they were separated by a few feet of empty space between the clouds.

"Oh, you know, I'm just begging Nature to grant me my wish of killing Clint but so far nothing has happened," Hunter causally shrugged, his head got pushed to the side as the Clouded Leopard rubbed against his soft hair.

"Oh, I see she has already taken a liking to you," Howard chuckled and puts his hands on his hips. His clothing is a very 60s style.

"I'm guessing this Clouded Leopard is a Ravens?" Hunter guessed as he gave more chin scratches to the beautiful small cat.

"Actually no." Howard said, he was surprised himself when he first found out. "Then why is she here?" Hunter wondered aloud.

"Same reason all these birds are here," Howard then pointed behind himself, "All the Ravens are over here. The Clouded Leopard on your shoulder roams the entire sky though, don't know why or how but she can," Howard shrugged.

"Why are all the Ravens just in one spot here?" Hunter questioned.

"Because we're not you." Howard simply told him, almost bluntly too.

Hunter processed what Howard told him and then his face scrunched up, confused about what he meant. "Hunter, to put it simply: we are not like you." Howard sighed and crossed his arms.

"Unlike us, you are the will of Nature. Whatever Nature asks for: you deliver," Howard sighed. "After George had showed me our family's history...I didn't want it to be you." Howard looked down at the—well it's just an endless sky, so he just looked down.

"Our family is horrible, Hunter, you know that too well. So, when I found out you were to be born as The Jaguar...I tried to have you avoid Clint and even anything poacher related. Of course it didn't work because look at where you are now..." Howard smiled sadly.

"Oh...I do appreciate the effort actually. I wish I did avoid all this crap...I probably would've been a normal teenager by now, but nope!" Hunter chuckled sadly, the Clouded Leopard gave a worried nudge to the side of Hunters head.

As Hunter was appreciating petting the Clouded Leopard, Howard had shook his head: disappointed in himself. "I never could change anything, I was useless back then." Howard sighed and looked back up at his grandson.

"Can I ask how you died?" Hunter asked in the most blank tone. Howard made a surprised chuff before shaking his head no to Hunter.

"Only if you complete this challenge." Howard half-smirked.

"Oh, I guess that is why I am here in this..." Hunter curled his lip in as he was remembering something. "You ever watch Adventure Time? It's like that purple cloud princess's kingdom, right?" Hunter asked.

Howard laughed, "Yes, it does. I watched Adventure Time with you, remember?" Hunter slightly winced as he did forget they watched it together.

"So, uh, what do I have to do?" Hunter asked.

"George and then Sabertooth told me that you just need to be free." Howard smirked and then laughed as he started walking away from Hunter.

"Come find me in here when you've finished!" Howard waved him off as he disappeared into a cloud that was previously mentioned where the Ravens with Air are.

Hunter stared at the now empty space Howard left behind, pondering on what he means by "just be free." Hunter turned to the Clouded Leopard staring at him with a adorably curious look.

"This would be a good time to play Eye of the Tiger, wouldn't it?" Hunter asked the small cat.

The Clouded Leopard adorably put its paw over his eye, begging for attention. "Fine, we'll go with 'Eye of the Hunter' then." Hunter gently placed the small cats paw back on his shoulder.


Meanwhile, with the other characters of the story.

Everyone besides Clint and Harpy had lost sight of the Nature Boy. The Acrocanthosaurus had turned around a few times while sniffing the air, searching for Hunters scent, but was strangely unable to find it.

Clint was able to see Hunter clearly, all his senses were increased after consuming the Spirit-Walker soup. Harpy had a birds eye view (ha, a pun) from atop of the paddocks concrete wall, he had a powerful tranquilizer rifle in his possession as well.

Clint then noticed Hunter wasn't exactly in his body at the moment. His son was physically there, sitting against a giant tree, but his mind wasn't. Clint clenched his fists and took out his radio.

"Somebody tell me where the bloody hell that crazy bastard is!" Clint suddenly roared in his walkie talkie. He scared everyone nearby, including Richard and Danny.

A staticky voice came through the other side and told Clint that Arthur is helping some of the other mercenaries set up the campers tents.

Clint growled and put his radio away and glared at Hunter through the glass and then through the jungle. "Don't even think about doing it, Jaguar!" Clint internally yelled at the teen inside the paddock.

The campers have grown worried that Hunter had suddenly disappeared from their view, Allie anxiously bit down on her lip as she scanned the paddock for any sign of Hunter. Darius had glanced over at Allie, noticing her expression, so he was kind enough to talk to her.

"Allie, Naomi, Skye—whatever you want me to call you, I would just like to say that he's going to be ok. He's Hunter, he's gotten us this far, hasn't he?" Darius softly smiled at her, but it revealed that he was just hopeful for his words to be true.

Allie softly chuckled at Darius, "To be honest, I've always been worried about him...even when he wasn't in danger." Allie held herself in her arms and glanced at the floor for a moment until turning back up to where they last saw Hunter.

"He's a dork, a knucklehead, an idiot, a reckless one at that...but always seemed to be thinking about something, no matter what was happening around him." Allie sighed and let her arms drop to her sides.

Darius has noticed the same thing about the Nature Boy, before he could comment on that, Clint suddenly grabbed his radio again.

"Harpy, shout at the Devil-child that if he manages to escape this paddock without injury: I'll give him the new toy our buyer got us. The full package at that!" Clint's voice had a sadistic tone to it, his best friend, Richard, looked over and saw the most sadistic—devilish grin a person could ever make.

"Wait what?!" Yaz exclaimed.

"You're just leaving him in there?!" Kenji yelled.

"There's no way he can escape! You have to put the ladder back down!" Ben tried to be commanding but once Clint faced the campers, they had all quivered in their torn up clothes.

Richard has seen this side of Clint before, and it still terrifies him. Richard doesn't know that much about the Ravens; but he does know about that side of them. Which is why he could never imagine Hunter as Clint's son.

"He's going through a test right now, and if you don't like this test, you can gladly wait in the trucks...either way he's staying in there," Clint darkly chuckled and nearly crushed his walkie talkie in his hand.

"Clint, do you really think that offering our buyers state of the art—" Richard was cut off by Clint placing Hunters Indominus tooth knife against his lips.

"My son will learn a valuable lesson tonight, and the only way he could ever escape is if I allowed him too."

Clint flipped the Indominus knife and caught the tip of the tooth, handing it to Richard. "He's also helping us collect DNA samples, and I know how much he fancies animal teeth..." Clint causally shrugged.

"We already shipped the biggest land carnivore over to his playground, and we'll get all the more money for bringing more like the one and only Acrocanthosaurus...or three." Clint smirked and crossed his arms.

"Three? There's only one Acro in the paddock though," Richard examined Clint's expression, but couldn't figure any of it out.

"Let's just watch the show for now..."

Clint's eyes had flashed a fiery orange and appeared to form a slit like a cat or a snake. Richard just shook his head and turned back his attention on the paddock.


Hunter was now on the cloud that Howard had walked on, so he was where the other Ravens can meet him.

Hunter paced back and forth on the fluffy cloud, his hand hovered over his lips, he held up his arm with his other. The Clouded Leopard had idly sat down, tracking his pacing without removing its gaze on the teenage boy. Hunter made frequent sighs and annoyed scoffs until he suddenly stopped pacing and stared at the Clouded Leopard for a moment.

"You seriously don't like any of those names I gave you?" Hunter asked, a little frustrated at this point.


A vain had nearly popped in his Hunters head.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW WHAT NAME YOU LIKE?!" Hunter yelled, the Clouded Leopard had curiously stared at him before it had somehow shrugged at him.

Hunter blanked.

"Did you..."

Hunter lazily pointed at the small cat.

"Did you just shrug?" Hunter questioned.

The Clouded Leopard stared at him, making no noise or movement now. Hunter squinted his eyes at the small cat, suspicious of it now. Hunter slowly started to turn away, as he did the Clouded Leopard had shrugged again. Hunter catch her red-handed.

"AH-HA! I KNEW IT!!!" Hunter accusingly pointed at the small cat, "What do you have to say for yourself now?" Hunter had a proud grin on his face.



Hunter eventually gave up on giving the Clouded Leopard a name before he tried pulling his face down with his hands.

"My coworkers are much better at giving names than me...," Hunter groaned and then realized something.

"I really do act different around animals, don't I?" Hunter asked the small cat, receiving another meow.

"I'm literally talking to a bloody cat...have I always been this weird?" Hunter questioned himself, but the Clouded Leopard answered with another, "Meow."

"Shut it, you!" Hunter crossed his arms and huffed, "This ain't about you!" The Clouded Leopard stared at him.

"You're right, it is...but that's not the point." Hunter groaned.

He stared at the Clouded Leopard, unamused by her antics. The Clouded Leopard stared back, not doing anything again as Hunter started tapping his foot impatiently. "Do you have a name in mind that you'd like?" Hunter slightly leaned forward while raising an eyebrow, interested in what the small cat will answer with.


Hunter nearly threw himself off the cloud out of how much frustration the cat has built up. Hunter collected himself and deeply exhaled. He nodded and then took a deep breath in.

" just let me pace around for three bloody hours to think of a name that like you...BUT YOU ALREADY HAD ONE YOU PICKED?!" Hunter roared, the small cat did not even flinch an inch.


"Screw you then!" Hunter scoffed, "I can't believe you...!" Hunter crossed his arms and turned around.

The Clouded Leopard jogged over and started to paw where his boots meet his pants, she eventually started to swat at his pants as he sternly ignored the assaults on his clothing.

"Fine! What do you want?!" Hunter squats down, hanging his hangs over his knees. The Clouded Leopard playfully smacks him and then meowed at him again.

"No, I did not deserve that—just tell me what you were going to say," Hunter sighed and gave the Clouded Leopard a blank stare.


Hunter cocked an eyebrow at what the small cat said, his mouth slightly agape. He was processing it very carefully. He scratched his nape before sighing.

"Naomi? As in Allies nickname?" Hunter now seated himself down on the cloud to talk to the small cat comfortably.


Hunter slightly blushed.

"Yes, I did give her that nickname..."


"Yes, I know what the name means..."

"Meooooowwww" The small cat slightly purred.

"I'll throw you off this cloud if you say anything related to that again." Hunter threatened the small cat, it raised its small, adorable, soft, cute, paws up as if to surrender.

"So you want to be named 'Naomi' then?" Hunter asked.

The Clouded Leopard adorably nodded.

"This is final, right?"

"Because I'm not going through this crap again with whatever next cat I see," Hunter stated and slightly slouched.


Hunter nodded and gave Naomi a few chin scratches. "Alright then, hello there Naomi!" As Hunter was standing up, Naomi jumped up onto his shoulders and wrapped her tail around his neck so she wouldn't be separated from him that easily.

Hunter took a deep breath of the freshest of air quality he has ever experienced in his life.

"I'm so happy to know what fresh air smells like. In reality: air on the planet is trash," Hunter scratched the back of Naomi's ear as she rubbed against his soft hair again. "I'm sorry you have to live through the world us humans ruined," Hunter apologized.

Hunter took one step before he suddenly bumped into someone who wasn't there before. Hunter backed up a few feet and glared at the person before making a 'oh shit' face.

A man dressed like a pirate was standing in front of Hunter, though it wasn't like Captain Hook or Pirates of the Caribbean, it was more refined and as proper as a pirate can be.

"Aye-aye Captain!" Hunter chuckled before the man growled at him, it almost sounded like...a Clouded Leopard.

"That ain't funny, brat." The man crossed his arms and stared angrily at Hunter.

"I am forced to help you. Even though you ruined my life all those years ago," The man stated, rudely jabbing a finger against Hunters chest.

"If it wasn't for you; my brother would've stayed the way he was instead if of preparing everything for you!" The man shouted and got right up in Hunters face.

"So, uh...what is your name?" Hunter asked politely after wiping the spit off of his face.

"Edward Ravens." Edward crossed his arms again.

"I was known as the Cloud jumper." He stated. Hunter snorted, "You stole that from How to train your Dragon," Edward had quickly slapped a hand onto Hunters jaw and slammed his lower jaw into his upper jaw.

Hunter was confused on why it didn't hurt and then remembered he isn't exactly physically real here.

"I'm guessing that is your way of telling me to shut up?" Hunter snarkily asked as he put his jaw back in place.

"I just want to get this done, so shall we?" Edward asked, annoyed of the brat known as Hunter.

Hunter rolled his eyes and then crossed his arms, a lazy sigh was released from his mouth as he started to listen to Edward Ravens.

"Fine, make as simple and as fast as possible, I learn the best that way," Hunter informed Edward, now bored of this interaction.

"" Edward narrowed his eyes at Hunter, now curious of this kid, "Same as my brother." Edward stated.

"Am I going to meet him sometime?" Hunter kindly asked so he wouldn't sound hopeful.

"Most likely yes. He was the only other Jaguar, to be honest, he isn't a normal Jaguar," Edward glanced away from Hunter, a heavy sigh was released out of him.

"Kid, you are in fact the Jaguar, but to be brutally honest...he should've been the one to save this family, it was during the perfect time to do it as well," Edward told the boy truthfully.

"He doesn't like a Jaguar, he's more or less a shadow—" Edward was interrupted by Hunters sudden high pitched excited voice.

"He's a melanistic Jaguar?!" Hunter practically manifested Sammy in his voice.

"That is so cool! You got to experience a pirates life and the abilities of the Ravens?!" Hunter suddenly geeked out, "Can I guess what feline you have? It's gotta be one of the coolest felines, yeah all felines are cool but there are obviously some that are just phenomenally cooler than—"

"Kid, shut your trap before I chop your tongue off!" Edward threatened.

"Y-yes sir..."

Edward sighed and punched the bridge of his nose. "I had the Air version of the feline that is currently sitting on your shoulders right now," Edward told Hunter.

Like a cartoon, Hunters pupils suddenly engulfed his eyes before he snatched Naomi in his hands faster than a lightning bolt. He stared completely bewildered at the small cat.

"You," he simultaneously turned Naomi back and forth between himself and Edward between each word, "Were this guys chosen animal?" Hunter was completely nerding out. Naomi just didn't care what was happening as she just let Hunter hold her up like a child would with any animal.

"You are so lucky! I've always wanted to know what it's like having a Clouded Leopard as your designated feline!" Hunter placed Naomi back on his shoulders.

"You are...completely different from what I imagined you to be." Edward stated, baffled at Hunter.

"You hate your own family, and yet you want to meet us all?" Edward rightfully questioned the Nature Boy.

"'s true that I hate my family. Everything you guys have done was completely wrong and horrible," Hunter softly smiled and then stared into Edwards baffled eyes with a stern determination.

"That doesn't matter now, I have to worry about Clint and then help fix the planet after. If I can change the Ravens minds here, then that means I can change anyone else's about fixing this planet before it's too late."

Hunter tightened his fists and then smirked at Edward, he casually shrugged as he started to threaten Edward.

"If you don't think I'm willing to fight my family just so you idiots can listen, then that's an embarrassment on this family for thinking that."

Edward started chuckling, which turned into a laugh, and then bloomed into a hysterical fit. Hunter started laughing because Edward was acting goofy.

Edward regained his breath and collected himself back up, "kid, you are just like my brother," Edward shook his head.

"Cocky son of bitch that proved he wasn't just acting like he was tough, bastard was the toughest of tough!" Edward smacked a hand against the back of Hunters head, earning a frown from the teenage boy.

"To be fair, you had the same name as him," Edward sighed, "You look exactly like him to, that is what terrifies me the most about you," Edward chuckled again.

Just then, something bothered Hunter again, that strange thought on if it's true or not.

"Before we continue on with the challenge...can I ask one thing?"

"Go ahead," Edward crossed his arms again.

"Is reincarnation real?" Hunter questioned.

After a few moments, Edward sighed deeply. He stared at Hunters soft, curious gaze for another moment before he audibly gulped.

"Well, to be truthful with you, kid," Edward wiped his stubble jaw, "After looking at you, I would say yes." Edward told Hunter truthfully.

Hunter only nodded after a few moments.

"Alright...what do I have to do to become free?" Hunter asked, ready for any challenge Edward throws at him.

"This will be the easiest challenge for you, Hunter." Edward shook his head, almost in disbelief.

"This will be effortless for you." Edward scoffed, though still smiled at the boy.

"Oh...really?" Hunter slightly swayed on his feet, "I didn't know...that...was...possible?" Hunter is a weird type of person. He'll boast about his abilities to his enemies, but to people he's respectful to or are friends with? He disparages himself and his abilities, strange isn't he?

"All you have to do is become 'air' in a sense." Edward said simply.

"Oh...didn't I do this before?" Hunter pondered for a moment.

"Yes, but that was more of martial arts instead of supernatural abilities," Edward chuckled at the boy.

"Alright, fair point." Hunter nodded his head in agreement.

"Just think about how stealthy Leopards are," Edward smirked as Naomi crawled over Hunters arm and then hanged upside by using her back claws and tail to hold herself onto Hunter.

"Think of how agile and flexible they are, just like the wind!" Edward was genuinely liking Hunter more and more, the Nature Boy was just like his brother.

"Once you do this; you'll be able to do almost anything animals with the air element can do," Edward stated, Hunter was wondering about another question he had in mind.

"Actually, do you know what I can do exactly?" Hunter asked, curiosity has taken over once again.

"Ain't my place to tell, kid," Edward scoffed, but in a playfully jealous tone, "You're the first one to experience any of this, so nobody will know until you find out." Edward stated.

Hunter nodded understanding, he was curious to know everything he was able to do with this "Will of Nature" he's got going on. Hunter casually grabbed Naomi and cradled the small cat, who didn't seem to mind at all.

"Before I go; can I ask why Air is going to be effortless for me to learn?" Hunter awkwardly chuckled, "I think I know but I don't want to sound like a nerd..." Hunter added.

"Air works with Water, they're so similar yet so different. Air constantly helps Water flow through the world," Edward grinned.

"Helped my brother and I take over the Caribbean for a good amount of time," Edward boasted.

Hunter laughed and let Naomi climb back onto his shoulders for the meantime. Hunter sighed and took one last look around the sky, he softly smiled but at the same time he felt sad that he was going to leave.

He felt like he could be free here forever.

Edward sadly smiled and placed a hand on Hunters shoulder, Hunter turned back to Edward, curious.

"You can come back here whenever you want," Edward genuinely smiled at the Nature Boy.

"I want to talk to you again, kid," Edward chuckled, "You're nothing like what I thought you'd be," Edward stated to the boy.

Hunter awkwardly chuckled.

"Yeah...I guess so." Hunter quietly said.

Edward chuckled at the boy and then turned halfway around as he was ready to leave. "So, whats your plan this time, Jaguar?" Edward smirked at Hunter before walking into the cloud behind him.

"Well, first is talk to Howard and then the rest will involve the Acro helping me escape," Hunter devilishly grinned, almost like a cartoon character.

"Clint will be insecure once I escape! He'll forever regret—" Hunter was stopped by Edward with a harsh slap to the face, once again Hunter did not feel any sort of pain.

"Don't let that side of you take's evil." Edward sternly stated before waving goodbye to the Nature Boy.

Hunter pondered in place for a moment, eventually turning to face Naomi who was still on his shoulders.

"You think I'm ready?" Hunter questioned the small cat.

Naomi had just decided to place a paw on Hunters nose before—"Meow."

"Thanks for the encouragement." Hunter chuckled.


Harpy looked down at Hunter, instantly noticing the rise and fall of his chest from his breathing. Hunter was suddenly heating up, so Harpy took a closer look with the scope on his rifle.

He noticed that Hunter was angry, but he was still "asleep" in a sense.

Harpy quickly radioed in to Clint.

"Hey, Clint...somethings up with the kid," Harpy waited for Clint's answer, who had answered back quickly.

"He's acting like he's got a fever but he looks pissed as well," Harpy informed.

"He's saying something now but I can't tell what," Harpy waited for new orders.

"Just ignore it for now? Whatever you say, Clint." Harpy turned off his walkie talkie and sighed. Watching Hunter like this is causing him to feel anxious, even worried for his own life.

Harpy shouted at Hunter a few times since he went behind the tree, but the teen completely ignored him. The Acrocanthosaurus did not however, that was what Harpy thought at least. This Acrocanthosaurus was different then the one that is searching for Hunter, this yellowish, purple one was defensive, waiting for Harpy to fall into the paddock at anytime.

Harpy looked down at the Acrocanthosaurus that is unnaturally staring at him for the longest time. Harpy eventually gave in to his curiosity and scanned the enclosure to find whatever it is this new Acrocanthosaurus is so keen on protecting.

And just then...he spotted it.

"So that is what you are truly after, huh, Clint?" Harpy questioned aloud.


Hunter had been walking through the section of the sky where the Ravens dwell in. He had past by numerous members of his family, none of which he recognizes from anywhere. They all stared at him in shock.

They were all bewildered at the sight of the Jaguar.

Hunter eventually found Howard talking to two other Ravens who looked very similar to Howard, in a comical way of course. Hunter approached Howard who was faced away from the boy because he was talking to the two other Ravens.

Hunters idea of this place is like one big lounge for the Ravens with the Air element. He found a lot of it interesting as he had spotted only two Ravens members that were from the modern era. It was Howard and someone else.

Howard isn't a Ravens by blood, but everything he went through definitely proved he's worthy of being the Leopard.

Hunter tapped Howard's shoulder, who promptly turned around to face his grandson. Howard's grin was unmatched by none.

"Hey-hey! Look at who is already done!" Howard beamed at his grandson, he roughly grabbed one of the Ravens he was talking to by putting him in a headlock.

"And you said he couldn't do it! HA! My grandson is the Einstein of our family!" Howard cheered, but not for long as all the Ravens were unusually quiet while staring at the Nature boy.

Howard read the room—well, sky, and sighed. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and weakly chuckled.

"I guess your main purpose for being here is to know how I died, correct?" Howard audibly gulped before Hunter nodded in a blank way.

All at once, Hunter was able to hear every member of the Ravens in this place clench up. He glanced at most of them confused before returning his focus back on Howard.

"Listen...Hunter...maybe I should tell you later," Howard looked away, "If I tell you now, you'll be distracted and distraught, and w-we can't have you get killed because—" Howard faced Hunter again who had an impatient stare.

Howard gave up and halting it.

"Just...don't get yourself killed because of it." Howard pleaded with the boy.

"I've handled enough trauma in my life, never once has it influenced me in that way," Hunter stated plainly, Naomi jumped off his shoulders and then sat next to his left foot.

Howard deeply sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Alright...I had confronted your father about his obsession over poaching and the argument eventually got heated enough to where Clint blew up and shot—" One of the Ravens Howard was previously talking to had roughly shook his shoulder and then pointed at where Hunter formerly was.

"Where'd he go?" Howard wondered aloud.


The male Acrocanthosaurus sniffed the air one last time before catching Hunters scent and following it to him. The ones watching, besides the poachers, were now even more worried about the Nature Boy.

Harpy turned to observe the male Acro's heading, he noticed it was b-lining for Hunter. Harpy chuckled and turned back to Hunter, immediately noticing he had disappeared.

Harpy fumbled around for his radio before catching it. "'Ey, Clint...big problem; the kids gone." Harpy awaited Clint's answer.

"Not dead, no, he disappeared. Just vanished the second I turned away—" Harpy was cut off by Clint's yelling through the walkie talkie.

"I turned because the male Acro suddenly changed direction!" Harpy yelled. Harpy was unable to focus on what Clint had yelled about because a tall palm tree was falling towards him.

"That's not good..." Harpy quickly rolled out of the way before the top of the palm tree had crushed him against the concrete.

Harpy turned back to the inside of the paddock and saw that the male Acrocanthosaurus had slammed into the palm tree, which caused it to fall. The question is what caused the Acro to slam into it.

Inside the paddock, Hunter was hastily forming his plan of escape. He quickly slid pass some rocks, swiftly scooping a stone up in his hand before he popped back up onto his feet and rolled over a log.

The male Acro recovered from its previous failure to snatch Hunter in its jaws, he had lured the Acro over and then dodged last second so the Acro could take the palm tree out.

Hunter noticed the male Acro was rushing towards him, so he did what he was suppose to do.

Become free.

Harpy has not spotted Hunter yet, despite him being in plain sight most of the time. Clint couldn't even spot Hunter that well, it took him a few seconds to realize it was Hunter moving around.

Harpy readied the tranquilizer rifle, in his peripheral vision, he can see the female Acrocanthosaurus walking over to see what the commotion is.

"I don't care what Clint does to me after this...I want my revenge," Harpy darkly chuckled, "an eye for an eye..."

Harpy now spotted Hunter who had slid underneath the male Acro's jaws before it crunched down on him from above. Hunter ram through the Acro's legs, and then dashed into the dense foliage, Harpy quickly scanned the area for Hunter but couldn't find him.

Harpy heard the two Acrocanthosauruses running towards him, he pulled his face away from his scope just to come face to face with Hunter for a few seconds as he had ran up the fallen palm tree and then flipped over Harpy.

Harpy couldn't react in time before Hunter had grabbed the back of his pants and yanked him down with him. The Acro's slammed into the concrete wall, shaking the wall and the viewing station where the others are.

Hunter swiftly and luckily caught the steel beam supporting the wall with his hand, it roughly pulled his entire arm, nearly dislocating it before he allowed himself to drop down to the jungle floor which was still around 15 or so feet down.

Hunter quickly rolled as soon as he hit the floor, he growled before bolting it to Harpy. Harpy was too hurt to do anything as Hunter rudely kicked the side of his head and then took his tranq rifle.

Clint, Richard, Danny, Allie, and the campers had all started running out of the viewing station by the time Hunter ran up the palm tree.

Clint swerved around the corner of the stairs and stared at Hunter in momentarily shock before his sadistic grin had taken over his face.

"I can't believe you did it!" Clint laughed, "I never expected you to do that in a million years!" Clint applauded Hunter who was trying his best to stand up and aim the rifle at Clint.

The Campers stared at Hunter in shock, but also fear as his expression had terrified everyone besides Clint.

"You were the one...why am I surprised?" Hunter weakly said, his body felt like it was on fire, his arm was nearly dislocated, and he fell from a decent height.

Clint narrowed his eyes questionably at Hunter, confused on what he is exactly talking about.

"Son, you're going to have to spec—" Clint was cut off.

"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!!!" Hunter roared, his expression showed hatred but tears had begun to fall from his eyes.

"A murderer...that's all you've ever been," Hunter dropped back down to his knees and hands, the rifle fell beside him.

"I knew it happened, but I didn't want it to be true—" Hunter uncharacteristically whimpered.

"Why are you like this?!" Hunter shouted.

Everyone watching was in complete shock, they didn't know what the whole thing was about but seeing Hunter act like this is unnatural in every way.

"All I ever wanted from you, Clint..."

"...was to be my Dad for once." Hunter clenched his fists, dragging up wet dirt and dead leaves into his hands.

Hunter looked up at Clint, his face was still full of hate of anger, but the tears were still dropping.

"I will end your miserable, pathetic, arrogant life in the most violent way possible...even if I have to die as well, I don't care as long as I know they're maggots eating your rotting flesh..." Hunter promised.

For half a second...Clint almost regretted all his—

"No son of mine will be that pathetic in the eyes of the weak! Get your crying baby ass up before I drag you back into that goddamn enclosure!" Clint shouted.

Clint glared at his son before turning away and heading back to one of the trucks. Richard soon followed after giving Hunter a sympathetic look. Danny chuckled at the sight of Hunters vulnerable state before following after the two other poachers.

The Campers, along with Allie, ran over to Hunter to help him back up on his feet.

Clint opened the passenger door to one of the carrier trucks, before he could hop in, Richard forcibly turned Clint around by the shoulder.

"Clint, what did you do?" Richard dangerously narrowed his eyes at Clint, who returned his stare with a pissed off glare.

"None of your business, Richard," Clint stated before climbing into the truck and violently slamming the door.

Richard sighed and walked back over to help with Hunter and the unconscious Harpy.

Clint stared at his hands while sitting inside the passenger seat of the truck, his breathing rapidly increased until he had suddenly erupted with rage. He violently slammed his fists against the dashboard of the truck, effortlessly denting it. He yelled at the top of his lungs before staring at the blood now trailing down his hands.

Clint slowly calmed his breathing down before looking at the side mirror of the truck, he observed the other teens helping Hunter up to his feet.

Clint clenched his fists for quick moment before grabbing his walkie talkie.

"Moose, we're heading back to the docks. Tell everyone that they can rest up for the night...tomorrow is when the real work begins."

Before he turned his radio off, he mentioned one last thing.

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention..."

"We will be capturing that baby Acrocanthosaurus, and my own son will be the one to retrieve the bloody thing." Clint turned off the radio as one of the mercenaries hopped into the drivers seat and started the truck.

The Campers, Richard, Danny, and Allie soon piled into the carrier trucks with some mercenaries. Most of the hired guns were tasked with staying at the paddock.

Hunter turned away from everyone inside the carrier truck, he retreated to his thoughts before anyone could bother him.

Hunter faintly cradled himself.

"Mom...I wish you were still here."


A/N:I am so sorry for this taking so long. Either way, I'm hoping to post the next chapter by the end of the weekend. It could come out sooner, who knows what'll happen.

I am tired as crap right now, my mind feels like it's melting currently and that might've made the writing fast paced now that I think about it. I'm also way too tired to check for mistakes right now.

I might give my thoughts about Dominion in the next chapter, who knows, if you want to hear them I will.

Anyways, I'm going to go, I am...I need sleep again. See ya later!

Next Chapter: Sadistic Nature

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