A thousand bad times - Post M...

By Pepepolly

2.4K 197 23

Holi turns to look at him, and she feels what's left of her breath disintegrate from her lungs. Austin is sta... More

Twenty one
Twenty two


118 13 3
By Pepepolly

"You are considered a hero in this film. Who is your hero in life?"

"Easy question. No brainer. My hero is my mother. Hands down that woman is the queen."

"Oh yes, mothers are the sweetest most delicate creatures out there in this big bad world."

"Sweet? Delicate? My mother is as sweet as a wasp and as delicate as a cactus. She is a legend of a woman."

"Ok, good to know. I will make a note never to get on the bad side of your mother. Next question - how do you relate to this character?"

"Not going to lie. I battled. I come from a loving and supportive family. My parents and grandparents showered me and my siblings with endless love. My character on the other hand grew up in an orphanage and was lacking any type of affection. But I did my research and gained a good understanding of how hard life can be for some people."

"Sounds like you had a great childhood. Your family is pretty famous given your father and brother's talents on the football field. Are you happy to give us a little insight into your family?"

"Oh yes. I had the best childhood. My family is unique and simply put - the best. There is my mom and dad. My older brother, Mac, and my younger sister, Doris. I have a set of grandparents from my father's side and a grandfather from my mother's side. Our family home is in Texas and I miss home every day."

"Well, you will be on your way home soon - right? My sources tell me there is a big wedding being planned."

"I leave for home today actually. But a wedding? You and I might have different sources."

"Ok, I see you are tight-lipped about family affairs. I think my time is up anyway. It was really great meeting you Bell. Good luck with your movie and the rest of your career."

"Thank you," Bell answers the interviewer and then watches as she packs up her stuff and leaves with her team. Once the door closes behind her, Bell slumps down in her chair - happy that the day is finally done.

It's been a long day. A solid day of interview after interview and all she really wants to do is go home. Curl up on her dad's lap while her mom fusses over her and Doris goes on about some new drama in her life while she and Mac roll their eyes at each other. She can't wait to be with her family.

Her phone vibrates in her pocket so she stands and fishes it out, smiling when she sees who is calling her.

"Hey, dad."

"Hello, little love."

"If you are phoning to see how far I am, I am leaving LA shortly. I am on my way to the airport."


"How is mom holding up?"

Her father lets out a long resigned sigh and Bell has to work really hard not to let her laugh tumble out. "she is a pain in my ass," he says. With that Bell can't hold in her laugh any longer and it spills out, "chill dad. You know how freaked out she is about this wedding. She just wants everything to be perfect." Her dad grunts on the other side of the line, "yeah well for a woman who has always been against marriage she sure does have a lot to say about the upcoming nuptials."

He sounds like he is about ready to lock her mother in a box somewhere and leave her be. Bell knows her mother well enough to know that she has probably enjoyed getting under her father's skin. She likes to poke the bear. Bell would feel sorry for him but the truth is that the man is so gone for her mother that he takes whatever the woman throws at him. They do really love each other. Bell hopes she finds a love like theirs one day.

"The wedding is tomorrow. Once it's done and dusted things will go back to normal," she says hoping to soothe her father. He grunts again indicating that he is not convinced. "Travel safe little love. See you soon," he says. Bell smiles again at the thought of being home soon, "I will dad, love you," she says as she cuts the call and starts walking.

Once finally on the plane she relaxes a bit and lets sleep take over her tired body. So when she is woken up it feels like the plane ride was only five minutes. The car ride takes a little longer simply because she is now excited to be back home and her leg bounces in anticipation as the driver whips the car through the Texas countryside.

Soon enough though, her family home comes into view. It's beautiful. She grew up there, her memories are in abundance and happy. Camping in the back yard, slumber parties, splashing in the large pool outback with her siblings, movie nights, huge family dinners, birthdays, Christmases, thanksgiving dinners - the list goes on.

And at the center of it all was her mother. Her beautiful and kind mother who never ran out of kind words and warm hugs. She was always there whenever Bell turned around her mother was there with a soft smile telling her every day that she is important, worthy of love and that she could be anything and do anything she wanted in this life.

She lets a little laugh escape when she thinks of her mother. While her mother had always been kind and tender with her family. The woman was by no means a pushover, she had a stubborn feisty streak and Bell always felt sorry for anyone that got onto her mother's bad side. Nope, no thank you.

When the car eventually pulled up to the front door the driver hopped out and opened her door then past her, her bag, "enjoy your visit, miss," he said and then drove off. Bell makes her way up the front steps but stops when she sees a figure walking towards her from the garden. It's her grandfather.

"Well if it isn't my lovely little Bell," he says when he reaches the bottom step. Bell feels the first wave of warm family love wash over her. Her grandfather may not be biologically attached to her but in this home, that means very little. In this home, your title is earned by how much love and loyalty you show. Her grandfather, Ren, has showered her and her siblings with endless love. He adores her mother and the loyalty he has for her father is unmatched.

"Why are you snooping around the garden, granddad?" Bell asks putting down her bag and reading herself for a great big bear hug as her grandfather starts climbing the stairs toward her. "I was checking to see that our bushes are cut into perfect shapes...you know...rich people things," he says then scoops her up and spins around as he hugs her.

Bell laughs then rolls her eyes as he puts her down and grabs her bag. She follows him inside and jumps when she hears a squeal from the landing above her and when she looks up she sees her sister, Doris, dashing down the stairs toward her.

Doris is 5 years younger than Bell, but she has their father's genes so while Bell is petite like their mother, Doris is tall like their father. Many mistake Doris for being older than Bell. Even though Bell has moved out of the house and now living in LA, she and Doris have remained close and as soon as Doris graduates college she is planning on moving to LA with Bell.

Doris had been a surprise to her parents, to the whole family really. But even though she was a surprise the family had been excited about her arrival immediately. Her father has always been very protective over her mother and treated her with the utmost care but when she was pregnant with Doris Bell remembers her grandparents and family friends complaining that her father was like a grizzly bear when it came to her mother. Bell never saw any issue with that, and still does not. He loves her mother more than anything, it's only natural that he would be protective of her.

Bell also has a very distinctive memory of her parents coming home from the hospital with Doris. She and Mac had been waiting excitedly at home with all three of their grandparents waiting to meet Doris. Her mother had introduced the new baby and finally shared the name they had chosen for her. Bell remembers her grandfather who is always very controlled and at times reserved with his emotions break down in a flood of tears when he heard the chosen name.

Later when Bell had been older and understood sentimental bullshit better, her mother had explained to her who Doris was to her grandfather and why her parents had chosen to give her sister that name. Over the years her grandfather had commented that Doris lives up to her namesake what with her ethereal beauty and bubbly personality.

Bell feels Doris's arms wrap around her neck and both girls squeal as they jump around - happy in their reunion.

"Geese, didn't you guys see each other last week?"

The sisters break apart and Bell looks at her big brother leaning against the door frame leading into a large formal lounge. Mac - her big brother and protector. She loves all her family members, but her and Mac have a different bond than the others. While her father was her mothers lifeline...Mac was hers.

"Well, she misses me...unlike you and those nasty feet of yours."

Mac grins and looks down at his feet then back up at Bell, "careful there, Bell, you may just find my dirty socks on your head soon." he says then pushes off the door frame and opens his arms. Both sisters rush over and let Mac engulf them in a hug, "I did miss you little Bell," he says into the top of her head.

"Hey have you not been at home this whole time with Mac?" Bell asks Doris. Doris nods in response. "Then why are you jumping in on this hug?" Doris shrugs and hugs Mac tighter, "Mac gives the best hugs." Bell rolls her eyes at her sister's response. She is not wrong. Bell breaks the hug and steps back smiling up at her brother.

"How is that football career going? I saw your last game - you were shit," Bell says. Mac looks at her like she has sprouted a new limb. "What are you on about? I made the winning touchdown!" he tries to defend himself but the sisters have turned their backs on him and are already in a huddled conversation as they walk off toward the kitchen.

Bell can hear their grandfather laughing behind her. "Family keeps us humble, Mac," he says. The kitchen is empty and Bell can't help the disappointment that creeps in, she had expected her parents to be in there. Where are they? Bell takes a seat at the kitchen island and her siblings take a seat on either side while their grandfather starts making them a coffee each.

"Where are the parentals?"

Both Mac and Doris slouch in their chairs and let out over dramatic groans. "They are outback. Word of warning - don't put yourself through that," Mac says, "mom is fussing over the wedding set up and dad is fussing over mom," Doris chips in. "So in short, they are..." Mac says and makes kissing sounds. Doris laughs, "they are ridiculous!"

"No, what's ridiculous is the three of you sitting around talking shit like you don't have tons of crap to get done."

Bell spins around and comes face to face with her mother, it's no surprise that her father is right beside her. They are joined at the hip - it's just the way they are. Her mother's words had been sharp but the smile on her face says that she is happy to see her three children in her home and the hug both her parents give her solidifies that - this is her home and she will always have a place here.

As soon as her mother releases her from her embrace Bell watches as her father pulls her mother towards him, her mother melts against him a little. It's soppy - but what can you expect from two people who have become extensions of each other over the past 20 years.

"You have a dress fitting that you are now both late for," her mother says and hands her grandfather a set of car keys, "Ren, please sort it out." Ren has the good sense to not protest but opts rather to kiss her on the cheek and usher both Bell and Doris into his car.

Before he pulls out of the parking, one of the passenger doors opens and Mac jumps in. Ren, Bell, and Doris stare at him with questioning faces. "What? They are kissing in the kitchen - I don't think I need to be subjected to that. They are like fucking teenagers."

The rest of the day goes by in a bit of a blur. Dress fittings, flower collecting, last minuet shoe shopping, and a flurry of family and friends popping in and out of the family home. by the time the sun sets and everyone is disappearing off to their beds - Bell can't help the relief that creeps into her tense shoulders.

She takes the opportunity to slip out to the backyard in an attempt to relax before she climbs into bed. it's a warm night and the sky is clear - perfect for stargazing. laying on her back in the soft spongy grass she needs to force herself not to fall asleep right here.

"You in your feels or can I join you?"

She should have known he would be out here, if anyone needed a moment to embrace the calm before the shit storm that will hit tomorrow - it would be him. She does not look away from the sky above her but she does motion for him to join her and the pats the grass next to her.

He lies down next to her. It's just the two of them, quiet night and a soft breeze. she does not have to look at him to know he probably has a big grin on his face. They have never felt the need to fill quiet spaces with a million words, just having him close is enough.

"You still talk to the moon? Like I taught you to?" he says quietly. Bell smiles as she watches the moon in the sky above them. It's big a bright tonight, a full moon. She does not remember every little detail of her life as a toddler. Most of the knowledge she has is not from memories but rather from stories told to her by Mac and her mother.

In truth, there are only two things she does remember. She remembers always being loved and cuddled by her mother and she remembers Mac helping her talk to the moon, "tell the moon everything Bell...mom will hear us," she remembers him saying. She nods and then takes her brother's hand in hers. They lie like that for ages, until Bell feels like her eyes are getting heavy.

She looks over at Mac and sees he is no better off than her. "Come on," she says then stands and pulls Mac up, "you are the guest of honor tomorrow, can't have you complaining about a bad back because you fell asleep watching the moon with your baby sister. I don't think your bride would be very impressed by me," Bell says as she starts pushing him back to the house.
Mac slings his arm around Bell's shoulder and tries to stifle a yawn. "She loves this family," he says or at least Bell thinks that's what he says, "and we love her," she says.

The following morning Bell thanks her lucky stars that she took a moment to chill last night because this day, the wedding day, starts with her bedroom door being flung open as her mother walks past, and then she can hear her doing the same to Doris's door as she shouts "get up, there is shit to do!" somewhere down the passage. Then, like the day before, it's a bustle of wedding shit to sort out and get ready.

And before Bell knows what's happening her mother is kissing her and Doris on the cheek and sending them to the pool house to meet up with their new soon-to-be sister-in-law, Emma, and get dressed for the wedding. Emma had been at her family home yesterday and just arrived to get dressed and ready to walk down the aisle. Bell expected a woman full of nerves to be greeting them seeing as it's less than an hour before she walks down the aisle.

But Emma is all positivity and sunshine, telling Bell that she sees no reason to be nervous given the family she is marrying into - Bell agrees. Besides, Emma looks like a greek goddess in her wedding gown so if anything she is winning in life.

The wedding is huge and is filled with tons of rich people who ooze money and are most probably here for rich people reasons. Emma's family is just as prestigious as Bell's family so Bell expected nothing less from their over-the-top wedding. But her parents and grandparents taught her well - be polite to the rich people, but focus on the genuine people. So after a soppy wedding of exchanging soppy wedding vows that Emma and Doris sob through, Bell finds herself at the elaborate and very expensive reception.

Scanning the room she is quick to skip over the rich 'social ladder' types and focuses on those that are there because they are genuinely happy for Mac and Emma. There is her grandfather, Ren. He looks pretty dapper in his tailored suit, with a glass of water and a big friendly smile. He is talking to an old friend of the family, Rose. She has a kind face and always gives Bell an extra tight hug when she sees her. Her grandparents, her father's parents, are off to the side trying to get a camera working but they are just really pushing random buttons and getting nowhere. Mac is wrapped up in Emma and Doris is wrapped up in a boy with flaming red hair.

Her father is talking to Emma's father and by the serious looks on both their faces, they are talking about the latest football draft. She turns her head around to look for her mother, but she can't see her anywhere. She knows her mother often disappears at events like this after she has had her fill of snootiness.

She looks around a little longer then ducks into the garden and soon finds her mother sitting behind a bush shaped like a soccer ball. She pops her head over the bush and smiles down at her mother who is already looking up at her with raised eyebrows and a grin.

"Holiday," she says playfully. She gets a cork thrown at her head and her mother huffs in annoyance. "Don't call me that! And get behind this bush and out of sight before you blow my hiding spot," her mother says. She quickly ducks down and slides in next to her mother, taking a sip from the oversized champagne bottle her mother offers her.

"Why are you hiding here, mum?"

"I hate rich people."

"You are rich people."

"Give that back," her mother says taking the champagne back and taking a sip, "you have a smart mouth - no champagne for you."

Bell chuckles and accepts the champagne bottle back after her mother takes another sip. Her mother has a chip on her shoulder when it comes to rich people, Bell knows it has to do with her childhood - she has heard the stories or at least some stories. Bell can't relate because she can't remember any other life other than the one her parents gave her. A happy life.

"Why have you never married Dad?" she asks suddenly. It's no secret that her parents have never married. They have built a life and shared every waking moment together. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that her parents love each other endlessly. They are married in every sense of the word so Bell can't really understand why they never did what everyone else in love seems to do - throw a lavish party and declare they are tied to the other for life.

Her mother shrugs and takes a sip from the champagne again. "Never had anything to prove," her mother says. Bell frowns. What? She does not get it, her mother drives her nuts sometimes. She turns to look at her mother and she is already grinning at Bell. Bell knows that she said that half answer just to annoy her - it works.

Bell opens her mouth to complain and get her to elaborate but her mother beats her to it. "All my life I had to prove myself. Prove that I deserved to be loved by my parents like other children, prove that I was good enough to be your and Mac's mother. I had to prove that I deserved to have a chance of a happy life...that I was worth something...anything," she stops and takes a sip of the champagne.

Bell wants to cry, but her mother had dealt with her demons - there is no need for sadness here. "Your dad," her mother continues, "he never made me feel like I had to prove anything to him...he just loved me...simple as that really," she says then takes another sip and continues, "I don't want our love touched by anyone. Selfish, I know. But it belongs to me and Austin, I don't want to share it. I don't have to stand up in front of hundreds of people and declare it...it's not for them. It's for him."

Bell can't argue with that so she does not. Instead, she takes a sip of the champagne and rests her head on her mother's shoulder as her mother and her talk about everything and nothing. Doris finds them soon enough and joins in on the conversation and sneaks a sip or two of the champagne while their mother pretends not to see. It's their giggles that give them away their father says when he pops his head over the top of the bush eventually.

"Baby, I have a surprise for you," he says looking at her mother with a grin. Her mother hops up and pulls off her heels, chucking them to Doris. "Oh I love surprises," she says as her father helps her out from behind the bush. He chuckles at her, "I know, come," he says taking her hand and tugging her down the pathway Bell knows leads to a rose garden, her mother goes easily.

Both Bell and Doris watch their parents walk down the pathway and then their mother says something that makes their father stop abruptly and crouch down. Their mother hitches her dress up and jumps onto his back. Their laughing can be heard well after they have walked out of sight.

"Think we would ever find a love like that?" Doris says suddenly snapping Bell out of her daydreaming. Bell shrugs her shoulders, "depends...what do flaming redheads bring to relationships?" she asks. Doris' face turns beet red and she hides her face in her hands. "Awe man! You saw that?" she mumbles. Bell stands up and brushes the grass off her butt, "saw it? Dam it Doris if you had battered your eyes at him any faster you would have started a tornado."

Doris groans and stands too, following Bell back to the reception. But as soon as they are back in the land of the rich - Doris disappears. Bell does a scan and can't find the flaming redhead either...Doris was obversely not that embarrassed by Bell calling her out on her flirting earlier.

Seems her family are all in their little love bubbles so she does what any sane, respectable, single young lady would do at a fancy wedding - she finds a seat at the open bar and makes friends with the bartender.


Someone says behind her. She hopes like hell the owner of that voice does not have a Stetson and cowboy boots on. It's her weakness. But judging by the deep rattle and heavy Southern twang - she is shit out of luck. She turns around slowly and comes face to face with a real-life cowboy. She is pretty sure he rode a horse to the wedding.

He is tall so she has to crane her neck to look up at him, she regrets making eye contact because she gets lost in his big babydoll eyes with his long thick lashes. His white Stetson resting on his head matches beautifully with his dark blue tailored suit and crisp white shirt. And yes - Cowboy boots. He is leaning on the bar looking rather calm and collected like nothing bothers him.

Except Bell is attentive and she can see out the corner of her eye that his knuckles are white as his hand grips the whisky glass in his hand. The whisky shivers in his glass as his handshakes slightly. She makes him nervous.

"You are Bell Post if I am not mistaken."

His slow deep drawl sends shivers down Bell's spine. She doesn't trust her voice just yet so she only offers him a nod and half a smile. He seems a little more nervous but determined to strike up a conversation with her. She likes that. Strong men, respectable men - that is who she was raised by and so she will settle for nothing less.

"I am a fan of your work and it's a lovely surprise to see you here."

Bell can't help when her brows knit together in confusion, her head cocks in thought.

"Is it really a surprise? It is my brother's wedding...I am a bridesmaid."

The cowboy's cheeks flush a little and he looks away from her, bites his lip, then looks back. He seems a bit frazzled and Bell is guessing by how poorly he is handling this situation he is not often frazzled.

"I...I know. Shit, I am fucking this up. Oh, shit sorry for swearing...fuck," he says. He stops talking, probably for the best. He finishes what's left in his whisky glass, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. Bell is memorized by how his eyelashes sweep over his cheekbones. She knows a ton of women who would die for eyelashes like that.

Then his eyes flick open and he stares at her. "You scare the shit out of me. I have been practicing that line ever since I got the wedding invite. I was so wrapped up in not sounding like a tool that I ended up sounding like a tool."

Bell lets her smile stretch across her face and with that the cowboy mirrors her. He has a lovely smile. "What is your name, cowboy?" she asks.


"Well, Tate how about you buy me a drink...we can start over," she says as Tate widens his smile and signals for the bartender as he takes the barstool next to hers. She feels her cheeks warm a bit as he looks at her with a little glint in his babydoll eyes.

Maybe this is the start of her very own love story...

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