TREASURE~ I needed you- Compl...


4.7K 192 11


What Have You Done
You Know Me
For The Best
Am I Really Missing?
I needed you
You're Violet
I've Moved On
Kiss Him Back Whore
Im sorry

Fuck off

336 15 1


   I was out of the shower but I stood there staring at the foggy mirror.
I no longer wanted to be here.
Literally everything was different than when I first got here.
I did feel bad for Junghwan it's obvious that he has some sort of trauma but he needs professional help.
There was a small knock at the door which made me jump.
I didn't say anything in case it was Junghwan or Jaehyuk.
"Eriel? It's Haruto and Jeongwoo. We just wanted to know if you were okay." Haruto spoke loudly.
"Yeah Im fine." I called out.
"Wanna come out the bathroom? It's been about an hour." Jeongwoo said and I hurried and put on my clothes.
Wasn't expecting them to want to see me.
"Yeah! One moment."
I tied up my wet hair and put on the big hoodie and sweats.
I don't even feel comfortable showing skin around here.
I slowly opened the door and saw that they both were sitting on Junkyu's bed.

   "Hey." Jeongwoo said and I waved slightly before having a seat at the right corner of the bed.
"We can open the door if you feel uncomfortable with being alone with us." Haruto said and I shook my head no.
I felt fine with both of them.
They had never done anything to me.
"Why did you want me to come out?" I asked lowly.
"Oh um. I don't know, just wanted to talk." Haruto nodded.
"I thought we were making sure she wasn't killing her self-" Jeongwoo started but Haruto pushed him.
"It's fine. I understand." I laughed slightly.
"We should go bowling." Jeongwoo said and then huffed.
"Sorry. I forgot we can't let you out the house."
"Yea. And you guys can't be seen with me." I said and then they nodded.

  "Umm? Why the fuck is there a party in my shit?" Junkyu said as he came in with bags.
"We were just talking." Jeongwoo said and Junkyu looked at me to make sure.
I nodded.
"How was your shower?" Junkyu asked and I looked at the ground.
I don't even think Jeongwoo and Haruto know about the whole Junghwan situation.
"Where's Jihoon?" I said and no one answered.
"Did he do something to you? It's okay you can trust all of us here." Haruto said and I shook my head as I looked at my hands.
"So why are you looking for Jihoon?" Jeongwoo asked and I stayed quiet.

  "What asswipe." Jihoon said walking in.
"You texted him?" Haruto asked looking at Junkyu.
"We can talk about it later, or whenever Eriel's ready." Jihoon said but Junkyu's eyes never left me.
"Eriel?" He said and I looked at Jihoon.
"Junkyu. Stop. It's okay we'll talk later." Jihoon said and Junkyu nodded.

There then was a lot of arguing coming from downstairs.
I heard a girl screaming.
All five of us took off running downstairs and into the living room.
"What's going on?" Haruto yelled over the girl screaming.
"Take Eriel upstairs!" Yoshi yelled as he struggled with the girl.
I couldn't see her face but she was trying so hard to get away.
"Let her go!" I yelled before Haruto and Jeongwoo started grabbing me.
"Stop! What are you doing?" I tried to wiggle away from them.
"Eriel?" The girl stopped and looked at me.
I could finally see her face.
"Seunghun's gonna find us." She smiled at me.
My sister.
"Who's Seunghun?" Jeongwoo asked as he and Haruto stopped pulling me.

"Her fiancé." She spoke.
I remembered him.
I remembered her.
"Why's he coming?" I asked and she looked at me as if I were crazy.
"To get us. You don't have to stay in this hell hole anymore." She said and it was like one memory after another started flooding back.
"Eriel?" Hyunsuk said and I continued to looked at Erionna.
"Tell him there's no need." I said and everyone looked at me shocked.
"You don't wanna go back with your fiancé?" She asked continued.

  I didn't.
I remember all the cheating he did.
All the anger he let out on me.
He never beat me but he'd slap me.
I didn't want to stay here either.
But she doesn't need to know that.
"He's not my fiancé anymore." I said and she snatched away from Yoshinori.
"Does he know that?" She asked with a hurt expression on her face.
"He should. We were arguing before we got in that accident." I said and her eyes never left me.

  "So you crashed on purpose?"
"No! Why would I crash my own car? Especially for him." I rolled my eyes.
"So why'd you disappear after the accident? Did you leave him to die?" She asked and I saw a tear roll down her cheek.
"No- Why are you crying? Why do you care so much?" I asked and she quickly wiped her face.
"I don't! There was just a lot that I've been curious about... You left the accident to come here with these people?" She spoke in disgust at the end.
"Apparently." I mumbled.
"Are you going to leave or not?" Jeongwoo chimed in.

"Excuse you?" Errionna looked shocked.
"Ohhh. So this is who you were cheating on Seunghun with." She slightly laughed but she looked disappointed.
"I never cheated on him. He cheated on me." I defended and she shook her head.
"With who?"
"I don't know-... Where'd you get that necklace?" I asked as my eyes were fixed on her necklace.
"Oh- A friend gave it to me." She stuttered.
"Errionna- Are you fucking serious?! Did you sleep with him?" I asked and she started crying.
This whole time, for months, it's been my own sister he's been cheating with.

  "If you're with her ex then why are you here? You should be happy she's gone." Hyunsuk spoke and she flicked him off.
"He's different. He's been different since he found out you left. And then I told him I seen you with some guys and... He lost it. Told me to bring you back." She cried.
Jeongwoo quickly moved in front of her.
"Well she's not coming back. Fuck off."

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