All mine .- a Draco malfoy im...

By MaddieMalfoy___

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"Listen here. You are mine. all mine. Got it snape?" "Sure thing malfoy." More

1. Fake pride
2. Amortentia
3.Small itty bitty crush by chance?
4. Party's, drinking, and cheaters
5. Bruised and broken
6. Power
7. Hogsmade pt1.
8. Hogsmade pt2.
10. The manor
11. Confessions
12.back to school
13.all his
14. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy

9. The ball

1K 12 6
By MaddieMalfoy___

Chapter 9.

Place- your dorm

Time- 7:40 am


Third person pov-

Y/n is sleeping peacefully in her one bedroom dorm, she didn't fall asleep till late last night but that didn't matter to her, she had finished three books that her mother had left her and she fell in love with them all, her mother was just as much of a book worm as she is and knew what books to give and not give to her.

Draco on the other hand slept like shit, he was worried that the ball would be a fail, that he would embarrass himself, embarrass his fathers legacy... he was worried that y/n wouldn't show up, or that she'd leave him alone at the dance with crabbe and Goyal...


Y/ns pov-

I was woken up to being jumped on again

Y- fuck offfff

B- get up get up get up

He took my pillow from over my head and hit me with it

Y- asshole. I'm tried- no stop- BLAISE

He pulled me off the bed onto the hard floor making me fall on my butt and I heard a quiet snicker from my closet

Y- what the fuck- DRACO GET OUT OF THERE

I ran and pulled him from my closet before he could see my dress

D- come on one peek pleaseeee

Y-You'll see it tonight.

B- what's this

He held up the box Draco had given me and went to open it

Y- don't touch that

I smacked his hand away and took the box

B- what is it

Y- don't know my date told me not to open it till tonight

I sat the green box back down on my desk with my journal on top so I wouldn't forget it and sighed

Y- why am I up right now

D- well I mean you so have to eat

Y- meh meh meh shut up

I flicked him on the nose and turned to Blaise who was looking at the box trying to figure it out

Y- I already tried that, I've tried magic, everything except opening it because he said I can't

B- magic didn't work?

Y- no he put some fucking spell on it so you can't see inside

I looked at Draco who just shrugged and smirked at me

D- maybe it's cause it's special?

Y- did I ask you

He flipped me off and rolled his eyes still with that stupid smirk on his face

B- y/n put pants on and come on we don't have to get dressed today but you do have to wear pants

My face went red as I realized I was in just a long top on and I saw Draco's eyes travel down my body making me run into my bathroom

Y- Draco leave

D- why me

Y- malfoy.

He chuckled and walked over to my door and left

B- why do you act like he can't see you, you legit show everyone but him

Y- he doesn't deserve to see me.

B- uhhuh I think you like himmmm

Y- oh piss off I do not like him

I slipped on some shorts and a long tee with Draco's jacket over it I put my hair into a messy bun and walked out of the bathroom

B- is that-

Y- comfortable yes

I walked past him grabbing a book and leaving my room to go to the common room


Draco's pov-

I woke up after sleeping nearly 2 hours last night as I couldn't stop thinking it was really pissing me off but at least I get to see her tonight... Merlin I can't wait to see what dress she got, Pansy won't shut up about her dress and every so often she'll say "y/ns is pretty too I guess-" but I know it's gonna be more than pretty... she's more than pretty- I know I know we can't stand each other but honestly, she's still the most beautiful girl ever, if she wasn't such a bitch I'd probably ask her to be mine but Blaise would end me if I hurt her. I was shaken from my thoughts when Blaise walked in my room

D- jeez yeah come on in

I pulled my pants up and sat back on my bed

B- wanna see how I wake y/n up

D- oh boy...

He had a huge smile on his face so I knew this would be good so I followed him to her room

B- alohamora

He opened her door and we walked in slowly

B- stay here she might try and stab me who knows

I laughed at that and stood by her closet, just then he jumped on her waking her up

Y- fuck offfff

B- get up get up get up

He took her pillow from over het head and hit her with it making her angry, but she still looked cute

Y- asshole. I'm tried- no stop- BLAISE

He pulled her off the bed onto the hard floor making her fall on with a thump making me snicker as I walked into her closet

Y- what the fuck- DRACO GET OUT OF THERE

I was looking at all her clothes when I saw a long black bag in the back and I knew what it was but I was pulled from the closet before I could see anything

D- come on one peek pleaseeee

Y-You'll see it tonight.

She's right I will but I wanna see it now so I'm prepared..

B- what's this

He held up the box I had given her and went to open it

Y- don't touch that

She ran over, smacked his hand away and took the box

B- what is it

Y- don't know my date told me not to open it till tonight

She sat the green box back down on my desk with her journal on top, the same journal I had taken back for her all those months ago... I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard her sigh

Y- why am I up right now

D- well I mean you so have to eat

Y- meh meh meh shut up

She flicked me on the nose and turned to Blaise who was looking at the box trying to figure it out making me smirk at his confusion

Y- I already tried that, I've tried magic, everything except opening it because he said I can't

B- magic didn't work?

Y- no he put some fucking spell on it so you can't see inside

She looked at me and I just shrugged and smirked at her

D- maybe it's cause it's special?

Y- did I ask you

I flipped her off and rolled mu eyes still smirking, as I can't not smirk around her, I don't know why I just can't and it's annoying how weak she makes me.

B- y/n put pants on and come on we don't have to get dressed today but you do have to wear pants

I saw her face go red and I looked down and saw she didn't have pants on, she than ran to the bathroom and hid behind the door making me laugh

Y- Draco leave

D- why me

Y- malfoy.

I laughed again and left the room going down to the common room and sitting on the couch with Goyal and crabbe waiting for those two lot to come down here

V- I don't understand why we can't know

D- because now shut up and stop asking

G- woah. Is that your jumper draco?

I turned and looked at the steps seeing y/n skip the last two steps jumping onto the floor, she was wearing my jumper... she looked beautiful in it...

Y- earth to malfoy hello

She was waving her hand in my face and I blinked a bunch to refocus

D- what

Y- breakfast or?

She held her hand out and I grabbed it as she pulled me up jumping on my back

Y- Blaise is talking to Parkinson so you get to carry me to breakfast today

D- oh how lucky am I

I rolled my eyes and walked to breakfast with the small girl wrapped around my waist, I dropped her as we walked in earning a look from everyone

D- issue?

They all looked away and y/n laughed

Y- don't know why they're so scared of you, you're just a big softy yk

D- oh shut up


Y/n pov-

We all hung out today every so often I'd catch myself looking at draco, his stupid smirk everytime he saw me looking at him or even when he was making fun of potter and his friends, that smirk drove me wild, this man is making me so weak and I hate it, no one has ever had me like this but of course it had to be the boy I couldn't stand... we were outside and Draco was up in his stupid tree teasing people as they walked by

D- snape you should join me you can see everything up here

Y- Draco you're like 5 feet in a tree not that much can be seen

D- just shut up and come here

Y- then fucking help me dick head in not that tall if you haven't noticed.

He jumped down and stood behind me grabbing my hips and lifted me up giving me butterflies as he touched me

Y- thank you

He nodded and climbed back into the tree sitting next to me

D- stand up I'll hold you

Y- Draco I can't-

D- come on.

He stood up and I did too looking around seeing the way the wind blew the flags around the quidditch field, the owls flying away with letters, the leaves falling from trees

Y- it's beautiful...

D- I know

I looked over and he quickly looked away from me making me laugh at him

D- what's funny

Y- nothing at all malfoy-

something hit my head making me fall forward out of the tree

D- Shit

He jumped down and helped me up

Y- I'm fine I'm fine. Who the FUCK just threw this at me.

I held up a stone while holding the back of my head where it had hit

D- let me see-

Y- I said I'm fine quit babying me.

I heard snickering and saw Harry and his friends walk from behind the tree

H- oh look draco and his girlfriend how cute

Y- did you throw this?

H- maybe I did maybe I didn't

I threw it back hitting him in the nose and he fell back

Y- throw anything else at me and I'll make sure you end up just like dear old mummy and daddy got it?

His eyes went big as he and his friends ran away

V- good one snape

Y- I'm seriously about to murder that boy.

G- yk he could be jealous

Y- of?

G- Draco I mean you two are dating he could like you

Y- what-

D- we're not dating you tits we've been over this we're just... friends? Are we friends?

Y- I guess? Idk I've only ever been friends with Blaise so

I shrugged reaching back to feel my head

Y- bloody bastard

I pulled my hand away and saw a bit of blood

D- here

He tapped his wand and my head stopped hurting and it wasn't bleeding anymore

G- you ok?

Y- better then ever

I rolled my eyes before looking at the clock

Y- well I should go get ready

D- but the ball starts at 8

Y- it's 6:30 and I've got to look good for my date cause like I've already said if he doesn't appreciate my dress or how good I look I'll have to find someone else to dance with

Draco rolled his eyes and the boys fought over who I should dance with making me laugh and walk to my dorm, I took a shower and used my wand to curl my hair, I was about to do my makeup when there was a knock, I opened it to a crying Pansy who's hair was a mess

P- help

I held back a laugh and let her in sitting her down

Y- what did you do...

P- well I tried a potion that would do my hair and makeup...

I rolled my eyes and had her stand up

Y- go shower real quick I'll fix it but for this you do owe me

She nodded fast sitting her dress and makeup down before running to my bathroom, while she did that I did light makeup, a winged liner with glitter under my eye and green along the liner to make me eyes pop

P- you're makeup is gorgeous

I nodded and got up having her sit in my seat, I did her hair in a high bun with some pieces curled hanging down and began on her makeup, I just did a bit of dark blue liner and a light lip color that made her skin look good

Y- and done.

She turned and looked in the mirror

P- I look beautiful...

Y- I know I'm a goddess

She rolled her eyes and stood up

P- so these shoes look ok with my dress?

She held up black flats

Y- hmmm

I flicked my wand at her shoes and turned them into a dark blue heel

Y- much better

Her eyes went wide

P- how-

Y- not telling it's a secret

I winked as I went into my closet grabbing my dark green heels, before slipping my dress on

P- ready?

I nodded and grabbed the gift Draco had given me, I opened it and saw a beautiful Tiara with green and black gems, a matching necklace and a ring

P- woah... who got you that...

Y- a bloody idiot that's who...

I slipped it on and smiled at how pretty I looked

Y- let's go

We walked out and she ran ahead meeting with Blaise

B- where is she?

P- she was right behind me

D- she's not coming is she...

P- no she is, her date got her this beautiful jewelry and she looks so pretty she's coming-see I told you

G- woah...

I walked down the steps and all eyes turned towards me

V- woah is right

I laughed at how all three of them were looking at me as Draco walked up to me

D- you look... wow

Y- you don't look half bad yourself malfoy

He held his hand out and I grabbed it as we walked back to our friends


Y- why're you yelling you tit

I smacked him in the head

B- why wasn't I told... wait. Wait. I KNEW IT.

Y- you knew nothing. We're here as friends right malfoy

D- exactly only friends

I nodded and Blaise narrowed his eyes at me before smiling

B- you look beautiful y/n

Y- thank you zabini what about Pansy I helped her

He whispered in my ear

B- I'm too nervous to look at her what if I... yk?

Y- oh ew ew tmi just- look at her

I had a grossed out face on my face as I turned him to look at her

B- woah...

She smiled nervously

P- woah yourself

B- woah

I smacked him in the head

B- sorry.. wanna dance?

P- gladly

She took his hand and they left to go dance making me smile

D- do you wanna dance?

Y- I do

I grabbed his hand as we walked to the center of the room beginning to dance

D- I was nervous you wouldn't show up

Y- why wouldn't I?

D- how many guys have you turned down

Y- fair point, but still I wanted to go with you so

I saw him smile at the comment before looking to his side and his smile dropped

D- shit shit shit

Y- what-

I looked over and saw his father along with mine looking at us

Y- why's-

D- no fucking clue...

I sighed and looked back at him

Y- I'll be back

D-let me-

Y- I'll be right back draco I promise

I tapped his arm and walked over to Lucius and my father

Y- father, mr.malfoy

They nodded at me

S- so Draco?

Y- just as friends father

I rolled my eyes at him

L- he talks about you a lot at home

I nodded swallowing thickly getting nervous, I've never spoken face to face with Lucius and Merlin was it scary...

S- you do look beautiful, just like your mother

I smiled at that and hugged him

L- call Draco over here for a moment

I nodded and walked over to him as he stood up from his seat looking worried

D- what happened is everything ok is-

Y- it's fine he just wants us both for a minute

D- who?

Y- your dad...

I saw his face chance like he knew what it was about as we walked over he grabbed my hand before we got there squeezing it before letting it go

L- hello draco

D- father

L- y/n I suppose draco has told you about this summer?

I looked at draco confused

D- no father I haven't, we don't speak much so I didn't have time to...

He looked down making me nervous

Y- well out with it what's happening

S- I have to go to Romania for a while... so you'll be staying with the malfoy this summer

Y- w-what... I can't- father I'll come with you I-

L- enough. The decision had been made months ago and draco was supposed to tell you but it seems he's failed at something else. What a surprise

Y- you're son is NOT a failure unlike the stories I've heard about you thank you very much, but we will be returning to our dance have a good night.

I looked him in the eyes as I said that and he looked shocked

S- y/n that is en-

Y- yes enough I know.

I grabbed draco by the tie and pulled him behind me as we went back to the middle of the room, I felt both my father and Lucius eyes on us making me laugh

D- you are brave

Y- no I'm not, I feel sick but I have pretend that I'm brave

He smiled and leant down kissing my cheek

D- I'm glad we came together

Y- I know

He rolled his eyes as I tapped his cheek

Y- I'm glad too, but why didn't you tell me?

D- I tried.. but we're never alone anymore

I nodded as we continued to dance and laugh for the rest of the night, slowly getting drunk by the spiked punch Blaise had brought

D- you're so beautiful...

Y- thank you

I smiled as we hugged goodnight for the tenth time in the last five minutes

D- I truly am happy we went together snape, you're a good friend

Y- you're not half bad yourself malfoy 

He kissed my head as I pulled back from the hug. We started to walk separate ways but I stopped him

Y- wake me up tomorrow? So we can leave together?

He nodded finally going to bed

All I could think of was what is gonna happen the next 3 months...


I'm sorry for being so inactive...

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