Prince of Tennis: Monster

By SCP-Reinne27

2.7K 48 39

A one-shot story of young love featuring Prince of Tennis' Sakuno Ryuzaki and Akaya Kirihara. What will you d... More

Prince of Tennis: Monster

2.7K 48 39
By SCP-Reinne27


By: Reinne141



'He's a demon!"

"Get that monster away from my child!"

No one wanted to play with him. They were all scared.. and he didn't even know why.

Last night, he found himself lying on the dewy grass with blood oozing out of a wound on his forehead.. and he can't remember how he got it. Tears started to well up on his eyes as the pain on his left knee worsened, covered with dried blood and mud. He tried to stand but his shaky little legs won't let him and he fell down, his face hitting the murky earth beneath him.

Right then and there, he cried.

But no one was there to help him. No one.

And now, here in the playground, just like the past few days, no one even dared to come near him. He sat alone on the swing.. while the other kids were playing together. They all steered clear, as if he's some kind of an infectious disease that sickened them to the core.

And the eight-year old Akaya didn't know why at all.

Why do they hate him so much? Did he do anything wrong? As far as he can remember, he didn't do anything that bad. So why are they throwing such lethal glares?

No one cared.. not even his mother. The night he came home bloodied, she just clucked her tongue and said in a cold tone of voice, "Useless bastard.. Just like your father."

He got used to her verbal jabs anyway so he didn't mind. Akaya was unloved but it's okay.. as long as he has his mom beside him. Many times he found her asleep on the ground, drowned in Sake. But the little kid would just help her up and wipe her clean with a damp cloth.

If only his mom would love him the way he loves her..

"..Are you okay?", a tiny voice rang beside him and he turned his head.. only to see the prettiest pair of doe eyes he has ever seen. He suddenly felt something tug in his chest as her words echoed in his mind.. that was the very first anyone has asked him if he was okay.

He blinked and tried to stop his reddening cheeks by looking away,

"Why do you care?"

Akaya heard no answer in return. Instead he felt a warm hand touch his left knee. He automatically looked down.. and saw the girl with the twin braids putting a band-aid (that has cute bunny pictures on it) on his wound. A light pink hue once again tainted his cheeks as the girl continued what she was doing.

"I-I just do..", and she stood up with a shy but genuine smile that made his young heart skip a beat, "M-My name's Ryuzaki.. Sakuno."

And for the first time in his life.. he made a friend.


"What is that?", Akaya asked as his innocent eyes stared at the little girl who's now holding a box with a pink cake in it. It's been a month now since he met her and even though he won't admit it vocally, Akaya really liked her presence. He'd been used to being alone but now.. it just feels different. With her as his friend.. it didn't matter if everyone else ignore him. She's more than enough. If only they can stay this way forever.. then he won't feel lonely anymore. But he knew she can't stay here in Kanagawa.. Sakuno will be going back to her hometown after a few days and there's nothing he could do to stop it.

The auburn-haired girl smiled brightly, "It's a cake."

"I know..", he tried to act nonchalant but his stomach is starting to grumble, yearning for the heavenly taste of the cake to grace his tongue, "I meant.. what's that for?"

Sakuno's smile widened, "I-It's for you", and she paused to see the look of surprise on his face before, "Happy birthday, Akaya-kun!"

She held his hand (which made him blush more) with her free hand and led him to THEIR swing. Still shocked, he sat and stared as the girl laid the box carefully on his lap. The girl brought out a spoon from her backpack and gave it to him, "I asked Obaa-chan to bake a cake for your birthday. I-I hope you'll like it.." and she continued on rambling while the seaweed-haired boy moved his hand and took a spoonful of it.

Sakuno smiled happily as she watch him eat, when all of a sudden, tears started to cascade down the boy's cheeks. She placed her small hand on his shoulder with a worried expression, "A-Akaya-kun! Ano.. Did I say something bad? Akaya-kun? D-Doushi..te? Mou.. Ano-- G-Gomen! Have I hurt--"

"Thank you..", and the girl stopped. Akaya gazed at her with his tearful eyes but his lips were turning upwards, "This is.. the first cake I've ever had.. in my whole life. I've always wanted to know what it'd taste like. A-Arigato.. for remembering my birthday." A genuinely happy smile finally made its way to his lips. Sakuno.. is the first person who actually cared about his birthday. The girl returned his smile and urged him to eat more.

But his joy was cut short when a boy threw a stone at the delicate pink cake on his lap. A part of it splattered on his shirt and before he can even do anything, the rest of his precious cake fell unto the ground. His mouth gaped as he helplessly stared at the pink lump on the ground.

Raucous laughter erupted from the group of five kids who're now standing just a few feet away from them. Akaya's hands began to shake.. why did.. why..?

"Is he really the demon they were talking about? He looks more like a retard to me."

It hurts..

"Yeah, it's him. He almost choked Kai to death!"

It hurts to be hated..

"Look, the freak's crying!"

So much..

"Let's see if he really is that monster!"

The little boy's tears blurred his eyes, his grip on the spoon tightening by the second. A strange feeling slowly invaded his chest. He felt anger.. so much anger that he thought he's going to explode. Then a kind of thirst made his breath hitch.. and little specks of red started to fill his vision.. He felt himself starting to fall into oblivion.


He froze and the weird sensation suddenly disappeared. That voice.. is so familiar. As his vision started to clear of red dots.. he looked up and saw a familiar back, with auburn braids dangling behind them. His fogged mind slowly recognized the person who's now standing in front of him with her arms outstretched in a protective stance. Sakuno..

"D-Don't hurt him! He did nothing to you!", the girl bravely shouted although there was a noticeable quiver. She controlled her trembling knees and stood her ground. The boys in front of her are a few years older than her but she didn't care.. she can't just let them hurt her friend! Her chocolate doe eyes locked on the stones they were aiming at Akaya and she bit her lip.

"Get out of the way!"

"No! Stop it! Don't!"

Akaya stood and grabbed her arm, his anger now almost gone. In its place is something he has never felt before. And it seems to get stronger and stronger as he witnesses how his Angel stood up for him. Angel.. Yes, she's an Angel.

"Sakuno..", he called out to her and she turned to look at him. He shook his head to make her stop but the girl only gave him a smile. It's such a beautiful and innocent smile that it made his heart pound.

"She's a friend of that monster!"

Before he could even react to their words, a boy suddenly hurled a stone at their direction. And the next thing he saw.. is Sakuno's falling figure as the stone hit her hard on her head.

And there was blood.


"He's a demon!"

"Get that monster away from my child!"

Voices.. So many voices. They repeated the same words over and over again in his head. He grabbed a fistful of his hair as he fell on his knees next to Sakuno. His Angel has blood trickling down her forehead into the ground.. His bloodied friend.. Sakuno..

A painful throbbing on his chest made him put his left hand over it as his right hand reached for hers. Hatred.. Agony.. Suffering.. Anger..


What had he done to deserve this kind of loathing in such a young age?

"He's a demon!"

He just wanted to have a friend and be happy like everybody else..

"Get that monster away from my child!"

Is that too much to ask?

"She had it coming! She got in the way! It's all that monster's fault! Hiding behind a girl!"

He felt himself falling into an endless pit as the sight of Sakuno's bloodied face carved itself into his mind. Blood.. Too much blood.

"She deserved it anyway, befriending someone like THAT!"

Then everything went from black..

"Hey, look at him..", and the other boys shifted their gazes to the seaweed-haired one, "He's not moving.."

To red.

The tallest one picked up a rock from the ground with a smug smirk on his face, "What do you think will they say if we take the demon down?", and when his companions grinned at him, he raised his arm and prepared to throw it when..

..A demonic and spine tingling cackle was heard. He stiffened, just like the others and stopped mid-way. The cackle became a crazed laughter that made the hair at the back of his head stand. A sudden ominous aura made him step back a little, his eyes focused on a certain boy with seaweed hair. Why the hell is he laughing like that?

Get away from him.. That was his first instinct. And he wanted to do that so much but his pride won't let him. Impossible.. The rumors couldn't possibly be true, right?

"You..", cold shivers ran down his spine as Akaya got up to his feet with his head bowed down. He slowly raised his head and the boy holding the rock instantly regretted what they've done, "How about..", because instead of seeing green orbs.. "I dye you red as well?!"

They saw bloodshot eyes.


Akaya licked his lips as he dropped the fifth boy to the ground. He grinned wickedly and stepped on another's back. His loud, manic laughter showed how much he enjoyed torturing the bastards, making them beg him to stop. Their cries and screams only increased the thrill he was feeling. They deserved it, they should rot in hell!

"Die! Die! Die!", and he gave the boy on the ground another kick on the gut. And another.. and another! They should burn in hell, they should cry in pain! They should writhe in agony, they should--


He halted his actions. Who dared to call him by his first name? The voice is somehow familiar to him.. but he couldn't remember who it is. He whipped his head around.. and saw a girl with two long braids staring at him from the ground with her big chocolate doe eyes. Her right hand is holding her forehead and he could see the blood dripping from her little fingers.

He can't understand it.. he should be bashing her head now like the others. But instead, he just stood there and returned her gaze. What baffled him more.. is when his chest suddenly hurt. The girl looked so fragile and seeing her in a state like that made him feel something that he's not supposed to feel. Akaya gritted his teeth.. who the hell is she?

He took a step towards her when suddenly, the pain in his chest increased as the girl's eyes showed something he has always wanted to make everyone feel. Fear. Why is his heart throbbing painfully? Isn't this what he wanted?

She's afraid of him. Her eyes clearly showed it and instead of being happy, he detested it. He can't understand it.. Why?

"SAKUNO!", a loud and feminine voice made him turn and he saw an old woman running towards the girl. He glared as the said person scooped the girl into her arms. "Who did this to you?! Oh God!", then her eyes scanned the place and landed on a group of unconscious boys lying on the ground and finally.. "Akaya-kun..?" The kid's eyes are the color of red and he's glaring at her intensely.. as if he can't recognize her. How..

The furious old woman opened her mouth to speak but the girl's hand stopped her from doing so. She looked down and saw Sakuno shaking her head, "N-Not him.. Obaa-chan.."

Once again she looked around and a realization dawned on her. Of course, Akaya won't do this to her granddaughter. She saw how much the boy liked being around Sakuno. And it seems like Akaya has already taken care of the idiots who did this.

But her precious Sakuno is so shaken and her eyes show how scared she is. It's not supposed to be like this.. She only wanted to get her little girl away from the hustles and bustles of the city for a while. Maybe going here.. is a wrong move on her part.

"Let's go home, Sakuno. You have to get treated", and she hugged the girl closer to her while walking away. "You should leave now too, Akaya-kun. I'll call the parents of these boys and I don't think it'll be good for you to be seen here." Her voice was cold and she knew she should've been thankful of Akaya for somehow protecting her granddaughter but to hurt them like this.. it's just not right. And his eyes.. his bloodshot eyes.. she knew she shouldn't feel like this because he's just a kid but.. they terrify her. Sakuno can't stay here anymore.

Akaya just stood there staring at the two. The throbbing in his chest is so painful that his hands moved on its own accord and placed itself over his heart. The red in his eyes still hasn't diminished but now he knows exactly who they are. He remembers them now.. especially the girl. A tear rolled from his bloodshot eyes unto his cheeks..

And once again.. little Akaya is alone.


No one dared to cross him again. No one tried to hurt him again. But of course, it only meant more isolation for Akaya. It angered him.. and taught him to be wary of people. It became harder for him to trust anyone and he became more acquainted with loneliness.

And even though he promised to himself that he'd stop hoping, he once again found himself walking to the part of the playground where the swing is. It's been like this for a year now. He'd go there after school and sit.. as if waiting for something, or rather someone to come. Everyday without fail.. he waited for her there. Akaya knew she's scared of him now and that she'll never come back but his young heart is still clinging on a light of hope that maybe.. she'll accept him. She's not like the others after all.

When the sun started to set, he stood up and grabbed his bag with a bitter smile. Akaya walked on the street with memories of her flashing in his mind. He turned around a corner and continued his pace when a sight made him stop. His green eyes landed on a Tennis racquet displayed inside a shop.

'Obaa-chan is a Tennis coach in the school where she works.'


'Hai! Oh, it's a sport where you use a racquet to hit a ball and get it past your opponent!'

'Is it fun?'

'Hai! Akaya-kun, you should try it! I'm not really good in Tennis though but I'm trying really hard to be better. Maybe one day, we can play together!'

He gazed sadly at the racquet. Akaya has no money with him now but he wanted to have it so bad. He stayed rooted to his spot while staring at it when..

"Hey, you useless bastard, what are you doing here?"

The boy averted his gaze to a woman who he immediately recognized. His mom came walking with a frown on her face. Funny, why isn't she drunk?


"Why do you always come home late? Are you still going to that playground? How stupid can you be?", his mom scoffed at him, "That girl will never come back, you know. Stop that foolishness of yours, it's been a year. You're only wasting your time."

Akaya looked away, willing himself not to answer back. The woman shifted her eyes to the shop where he was looking and raised a brow.

"Go home and make some dinner, you brat."

The boy nodded and started to walk away. His mom eyed him and shook her head. It's been a year already but that twerp is still hoping for that girl to return. Baka. She can't help but laugh at the irony of things. She was just like him many years ago.. dumb and hopeful.. even though she knew that his dad will never come back, she still waited. The jerk got her pregnant, left and never returned.

But sometimes.. even she is amazed with his devotion for the girl. Oh well, the braids girl was his only friend after all. Only friend.. how pathetic. But of course she knew why, she's one of the reasons her son is so screwed up in the first place.

If not for that old hag's phone call a year ago, she wouldn't have followed Akaya and watch him wait in the playground everyday. She wouldn't have lessened her drinking. If not for that witch's shouts over the phone about her son going all demon because of the girl and her being stupid for letting Akaya's state worsen, she wouldn't have felt this petty feeling called regret.

"That dumbass.. he forgot it's his birthday today", she smirked and entered the shop.

The next morning, Akaya found a brand new Tennis racquet beside his pillow.


When he entered Middle school, he became quite different. He's ecstatic that his mom let him enroll to Rikkaidai, it's his dream school! Ever since his 10th birthday, his Okaa-san seemed to have changed a bit. And even though she's not the type to fuss over him, he knows that she cares. She just has a different way of showing it. The two of them transferred near his school later on to start anew and get away from the people who judged him.

Akaya now smiled more and became cheerful. He promised to himself that this time, he'll be different. His years in middle school will be great! He didn't want people to start avoiding him again so he did everything he can to keep his temper in check.

He's now better in Tennis too. He grew to love it and understood why Sakuno is so fascinated with it. The boy trained really hard and joined competitions with the hopes of meeting her in one of them. But unfortunately, the Fates have another plan in mind. Now that he's an official Rikkaidai student, he vowed to join the Tennis team and be the number one. Maybe she'll hear about him! And her Obaa-chan is a coach right? So maybe, one day he'd meet her in one of those matches against the rival schools!

The only obstacles in his way now are Yukimura Seiichi, Sanada Genichirou and Yanagi Renji. So without further ado, in the first day of class, he challenged the Three demons of Rikkaidai in a match. Well, of course the cocky brat lost. But after some time, he challenged them again. And again. And again.

"Game and match. Sanada Genichirou. 6 games to 1", Yagyuu Hiroshi adjusted his glasses and glanced at Akaya who's now kneeling on the ground while panting heavily. Sanada stepped out of the court and grabbed his towel. This is really troublesome.. why did he even tell the brat that he can challenge him anytime once he joins the team?

"That brat sure is persistent", Niou Masaharu whistled. "Those three aren't called demons for nothing."

Marui Bunta shrugged then popped his bubblegum. He moved to step when he suddenly lost his balance and almost fell on his face if not for Kuwahara Jackal who quickly grabbed the back of his shirt. When he got himself steady, he looked at his shoes and found that his laces are ALL tied together in a big knot. "NIOU!!"

"Puri", Niou smirked slyly and sidestepped to avoid Marui's hand. The redheaded volleyist scowled and started to run after the trickster when Jackal suddenly held him by the arm.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?", the Brazilian then pointed to the right where Sanada and Yukimura are. Marui instantly recognized the foreboding aura around Sanada and gulped. Niou, seeing that his teammate isn't going to try killing him anymore, strode nonchalantly to the two as if nothing happened.

"You got some nerve", Marui glared at him.


Yanagi Renji, who was watching the two, wrote furiously on his trusty notebook and calculated the possibilities of Marui planning something to get even later. When he was about to start analyzing the percentage of Niou already planning a counter-attack, he noticed Akaya who just stood up from his position. What piqued his interest is the odd change of the air around him. He looked really frustrated and pissed. Then a third year Tennis club member entered the court. Renji furrowed his brows, this can't be good. That's the same Senpai who tried to break him last year. It seems that he despises or for a more appropriate term, envies those younger than him who are better than him in Tennis. Most especially the regulars and those who have the potential to be one.

"You're really full of yourself, shorty. What makes you think you can defeat them, eh? You have no respect for your elders and with the way you're acting, you're belittling the club! You're just a first year and yet you think you have the right to interrupt our practices with your silly challenges! I've had it with you, you brat, showing off anytime you want!", the senior growled and tossed a ball into the air. He hit it with a racquet and aimed for Akaya's direction.

Akaya, though surprised by his Senpai's outburst, was still able to hit the ball back. But he didn't expect three more balls to go for him all at the same time and it caught him off guard. He dodged the ball that almost made contact with his chest and it whizzed past him. At the same time, he swung his racket to hit the third. But the fourth ball went straight to his face and blasted him to the ground. He was thrown back where his head collided with the hard cement wall.

Everyone became silent after that. And almost immediately,  Niou, with clenched fist, ran to the court followed by a stoic-looking Yagyuu and Marui who was cursing under his breath. Jackal, instead of going there too, went to their clubroom for a first-aid kit. Even Yukimura was shocked, he didn't think their Senpai would go this far. He gave Sanada a nod and they rushed to the court only to be stopped by Renji who closed the gate of court A.

"Renji." Sanada gave him a hard stare.

But the Data man just turned his back on them and spoke in a no-nonsense tone, "Look at his eyes. I don't think it'd be good for you to go there now."

All of them simultaneously shifted their gazes to the shorter figure on the court.. and their eyes widened at the sight. Akaya.. with blood gushing from the side of his face.. was smiling ferally at the third year. But what shocked them.. is his bloodshot eyes with a murderous gleam in them. His aura is now completely different from before and it's reeking with a killing intent. His manic laugh terrified the senpai in front of him, "W-What are you?!"

It only made him laugh more, as if he found his fear amusing, "What do you think?" then he licked a bit of blood beside his lips, "You just made a big mistake, you bastard! I'll dye you red as well!"

And with inhumane strength, he shot a ball towards the frantic third year, who quickly ducked and avoided a shot that could've cracked his skull. The ball went straight to the wall and made a big dent. Horrified, the older one stumbled and slumped on his back while Akaya walked towards him menacingly with a racquet raised above his head.

"I'll take care of him. Get Syo-senpai out of there", then Renji dashed to the court to distract their Kouhai. The others nodded and ran to where Syo is. Sanada gruffly grabbed the arm of the Senior and pulled him out of the court. He might be older than him but people who hurt someone younger to show superiority certainly doesn't deserve respect. Rikkaidai is far better than that.

By now, court A is surrounded by so many students and club members. Almost every single one of them had mixed expressions of shock, disbelief and fear on their faces. How can a person's eyes change from emerald green to a bloody red?

"He's a demon.."

"Look at the wall!"


And when Akaya finally woke up.. he found himself in the center of a court with a lot of people looking at him as if he committed a grave mistake and saying things he never wanted to hear again.


The green eyed boy touched the wound on his right temple gingerly. The school nurse told him yesterday that it's not that bad and that it'll completely heal after a week or so. He sighed as his eyes landed on the Tennis courts below. From the rooftop, they all seem so small and tiny.

He suddenly remembered the expressions on their faces when he woke up on the court yesterday. They were all.. terrified.. so terrified of him. Akaya felt his heart sink as he recognized something in their eyes. It was the same as Sakuno's when she saw him walk towards her. Fear. Just when he thought he'll be able to live normally like the other kids.. Now, how will he be able to face them?

He heard what they said about him yesterday. He knows what they think about him. Some even started dubbing him as 'Devil Akaya'. How will he be able to reach for number one when they're all.. looking at him with such scrutiny?

"I knew you'd be here."

All of a sudden, he found himself in an air-depriving headlock with a noogie being drilled on his head (thankfully not on the wounded part). "U-Ugh!"

"You brat, you made me look all over for you!", Marui continued on digging his brains out while Akaya tried to pry his hands off him.

"L-Let go!", now the boy is in an interesting shade of blue, "C-Can't brea-- Uck!"

The glucose lover only gave him a big grin before releasing him from his deadly hold. The seaweed-haired boy quickly grabbed the metal post on the rooftop for support while gasping for sweet, sweet air. He issued the redhead a glare and massaged his scalp, "That freakin' hurts, Senpai!" And he froze. What is Marui-senpai..

"Sanada will be furious if he finds out that you're planning on skipping practice", Marui hefted Akaya's Tennis bag on his shoulder , "Come on!" Then he pushed his Kouhai lightly to the door. But Akaya didn't budge, he was still in shock. His Senpai.. still wanted him to be in the team?

"What are you doing?", the redhead tapped his shoe on the floor impatiently, "We only have five minutes left! Let's go!"

"I can't..", the boy uttered, almost in a hushed whisper. He suddenly found the door very interesting and kept his gaze there to avoid Marui's curious ones.

"Well, why not?"

"What if.. What if they don't want me there anymore? I mean.. I pretty much scared everyone yesterday, Senpai.."

Then a pregnant pause ensued. Akaya shifted uncomfortably, why is his Senpai being uncharacteristically quiet? He decided to just break the silence himself when..

"That's stupid, Akaya." The boy bolted his head up and met Marui's pink orbs. There was no fear, no judging, no criticism, no anything but only genuine concern. The scolding look on his face reminded him of the look his mom would give him whenever he does something silly- reprimanding but there was still an undeniable hint of care. "Why would we want you out of the team? Just because of what happened? I didn't know you'd think so lowly of us.."

"Wha-- of course not, Senpai! I..", Akaya tore his gaze away from him, "I heard what they said yesterday.. The students.. I know what they think of me..", he bit his lip and closed his eyes, "I'm a freak.."

Marui took a step forward, "Who cares what other people think?", he gave his Kouhai a pat on the head, " Demon or not, you're still Kirihara- the cocky brat who has the guts to challenge the three demons of Rikkaidai. If transforming into a red-eyed demon is a part of you, then fine. Demon or not, you have the skills and determination the club needs."

Akaya's eyes widened which made Marui's grin grow bigger, "And I'm not only speaking for myself: Niou is certainly entertained with you, Jackal is more concerned of you rather than scared, Yagyuu.. well I don't think he minds, Yanagi is more than willing to help you control and use it to your advantage, Yukimura-buchou will also lend a hand- no doubt about that. After all, he's got his eye on you ever since you came to the club and Sanada.. it doesn't really matter to him as long as you attend practice. And personally..", the green-eyed boy raised his head and saw his Senpai's sincere eyes, "I think it's cool. Have you seen what you did to that wall? It's pretty awesome! That kind of strength can be really useful in a match!"

Akaya felt like a large weight was lifted from his shoulders as his Senpai's words gave him the one thing he wanted since he was a child: Acceptance. He wanted to cry but.. hell, his Senpai would tease him to no end if he.. oh shit, his eyes are betraying him! Kuso..

The redhead watched him with a smile on his face as the younger struggled to hide his tears. 'It must've been hard for him.. As his Senpai-tachi, this is the least we can do.' He gave his watch a quick glance and he suddenly felt goosebumps all over as an image of Sanada with his infamous glare flashed in his mind. "Oh damn, we're late! Let's go, brat!"

"I'm not a brat!"


Akaya clenched his jaw as he felt all the piercing stares around him. But when his Senpai placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, he relaxed. The two of them walked to the courts and saw the regulars who were just dismissed from a meeting. Yagyuu gave them a polite nod as a form of greeting and proceeded to a court with Niou, "Yo." Then the two went to their positions on their side of the court. When Akaya passed and had his back on them, he wasn't able to see the threatening glare and hard look the two gave to the members and students who were talking about him. A lot of them fell into silence while others scampered away, fearing for their lives.

Jackal hurried to the new arrivees and smiled as he saw Marui's little companion. Then his face morphed into one of concern, "You okay?" and peered on Akaya's bandaged wound. The seaweed-haired boy bobbed his head up and down but still, it wasn't enough to alleviate the Brazilian's worry. Renji still had his nose in his notebook but if one looks closely, it can be noticed that his lips are tugged upward into a pleasant smile, as if he already knew that the boy will be back.

Yukimura gave Akaya a genuine smile and walked to the bench where he placed his racquet to prepare for his match. Marui whispered to the boy's ear, "Never. Ever. Mess. With Him." The freshman looked at him quizzically so he added, "He can be really scary when angry. Worse than you." And he gulped as he remembered how their Buchou tortured-- err, thrashed- umm.. punished.. their Senpai after they rushed Akaya to the clinic.

"Marui! Kirihara!"

The both of them jumped as Sanada's voice boomed all over the place. They quickly ran to him and apologized for their tardiness. After a long speech about punctuality and responsibility.. "Marui, 30 laps around the court."


"50. NOW."

The redhead, not wanting the numbers of his laps to increase, swiftly ran to finish early but not before giving his Kouhai an encouraging nod. Sanada, noticing the interaction between the two, turned his attention to Akaya, "And you."

The green-eyed boy perked up and nervously looked at the black-haired Senpai. "H-Hai." He closed his eyes and awaited his sentence. But when after a few seconds and there was no slap nor a command to run laps, he opened his left orb and peeked. His Senpai already has his back on him. Akaya frowned but when he was about to say something, Sanada spoke first, "Don't mind them."

The seaweed-haired boy blinked, "Sanada-senpai.."

"If people look down on you because of something they deem not normal, then prove them wrong. Let your weakness be your strength and use it to climb your way to the top. If you really want to be number one, then conquer your fears and prove to us that you deserve to be a part of Rikkaidai." With that, The emperor started to walk away, leaving a gobsmacked Akaya in his wake. But all of a sudden, he stopped and turned around, "Don't think you're excused from practice just because of a small wound. Get your racquet and prepare yourself, you'll be having a match with me."



Akaya trained harder with one goal in his mind: Be the number one. If he really wants to repay his Senpai-tachi for accepting both of his sides and to find Sakuno, he has to be number one. He wants to emerge to the top using the one thing that made his life hell since he was a kid: His Demon mode. He's going to show them.. the people who ridiculed him.. that he will triumph above everyone else with what they all called 'Freakish', 'Weird', 'Abnormal' and 'Demonic'.

He improved significantly and even became one of the regulars in his Second year. And little by little, he built a reputation in Rikkaidai. Not as the monster that everyone should avoid and fear of, but as a Tennis rookie who transforms into Demon mode and uses it as his greatest weapon. He never thought that this day would come.. the day when almost everyone would like to get closer to him and be his friend. He never thought that he'd get this popular, some girls even ask him for his autograph!

The more he wins, the more people seem to like him. So he continued to strive for more and persevered to win every single one of his matches. There were times when one of his Senpai-tachi like Jackal would tell him that he's being too much or he should tone it down a bit but well, he can't really control himself when he's in his Demon mode so there was nothing he could do about that. He can now remember some fragments of the things that he does while he's not himself but most of the time, they're just blurry images. The only time he can remember clearly was when he got out of control when he saw Sakuno on the ground. He suddenly wondered.. where is she now? Has she heard anything about him and how he defeated those other guys? She must've.. right? He knew how she loves Tennis so much.. she'll surely be impressed with him!

"Nice game you had there against that Tachibana guy! Congratulations!", his classmate gave him a slap on the back which snapped him out of his stupor, "For sure Rikkaidai will win the Nationals again this year!"

Akaya smirked smugly, "Of course. With me in the team, it's a sure win." And they have to. For Yukimura-buchou who's now doing everything he can against his disease. They have to win against their next opponent and claim their victory. They must live to their captain's expectations.

He placed his elbow on the table, rested his chin on his palm and yawned. If that teacher doesn't show up in five minutes, he'll definitely get out of there. The girl on his right is ogling him WAY TOO MUCH and he can't help but feel annoyed. You're not Sakuno, dang it! A few minutes later, he grabbed his stuff and walked out of the classroom. There's a new Arcade that opened a few blocks away from school, better check it out after practice. And maybe.. he'll go visit that old playground again today.

What's the name of the next school again? Sega- Seiya-- Oh right, Seigaku. Yeah. Bunch of sissies.


"Fuji Syusuke, huh?", Akaya gripped his racquet tightly, "I'll crush him!"

Sanada just crossed his arms and stared at the team wearing the Seigaku jerseys. They all looked anxious, as if they're waiting for someone. Tarundoru! Being late during an important match like this is unacceptable!

Renji looked up at the sky and said in his usual calculating tone, "There's a 67.43% that it's going to rain in approximately 11 minutes and 28 seconds from now."

"What? But-- it's-- the match--the-- how can you even tell that?", said Marui who paused from eating his cake with a dumbstrucked expression on his face. He didn't even notice Niou who snuck up on him and ate the cake that was at the tip of his fork. He was barely returning to his seat when a loud, "NIOU!!" was heard.

Jackal merely shook his head and turned his attention back to Renji, "So.. there is a possibility that the matches might be postponed?", he asked while zipping up his regular's jacket. The dataman spoke another set of words composed of percentages and numbers which he translated into a 'Yes'. The gentleman, ignoring the ruckus being made by the volleyist and the trickster, opened his unfinished book and resumed his reading. Now, where was he-ah, chapter 7, second paragraph.

"Postponed?!", Akaya looked scandalized, he really looked forward to this day! He wanted to teach a certain Seigaku Tensai an unforgettable lesson and if Renji's calculations are correct (they are always correct, damn..), then he'd have to wait again. When his Senpai nodded, he stood from his seat and looked around. His emerald green eyes caught a brunette-haired guy talking to the Seigaku captain. 'You got lucky today', he scowled and left the others to go cool himself up with a drink.

Not long after, Renji's predictions were proven right. The rain started to fall mercilessly and a lot of spectators ran for shelter. Their team went to a shed just outside the court to protect themselves from the sudden downpour. Akaya placed his arms behind his head lazily and yawned. Shouldn't have gotten out of bed.. He leaned on a wall and frowned as he heard a female voice announce the postponement of today's matches.

He tried to tune out the voices around him but when Sanada suddenly bowed and greeted with a curt tone, "Ryuzaki-sensei..", he froze. His mouth gaped and he felt his palms become clammy as his head processed the familiar name. Sensei..?

'Obaa-chan is a Tennis coach in the school where she works.'

The sweet voice of Sakuno echoed in his mind.. Sensei.. So that means.. Oh shi-- He quickly whipped his head around and with his own eyes, he saw the old woman his Angel called Obaa-chan. Her face seemed older and she looked different with her wearing a track suit. The coach didn't seem to notice him and was engrossed in a conversation with the Rikkaidai fukubuchou. Why didn't he-- oh right, he wasn't really paying attention when Renji told them about some facts about Seigaku. And this is the first time he's seen her up close after so many years.. If only..

Akaya's heart began beating erratically as a thought occurred to him. If she's here then Sakuno is.. Damn.. Damn.. Damn.. After all these years.. Adrenaline rushed to his veins as he looked around frantically.. Dammit, she must be here!

The others noticed his odd behavior and confusedly looked around too. Niou raised a brow, "What happened to you?" but his Kouhai didn't seem to hear him as his green orbs scanned the area. Then he began to step away.. "Hey!", the trickster called out to him.

Sanada turned his head and saw the regulars looking at Akaya who was walking away from them. He politely excused himself and called him as well, "Kirihara!" The seaweed-haired boy halted stiffly but didn't look back. Sumire Ryuzaki, hearing the familiar name, followed Sanada's line of sight and saw familiar messy locks of black hair. Of course she already knew that he's one of the regulars of Rikkaidai. She heard a lot about him, most especially of what he did to Tachibana Kippei of Fudomine. She knew that he's a good kid and he wasn't really aware of what he was doing when he beat up those sodding gits but she never expected him to turn out this way and hurt people intentionally. "Akaya-kun.."

The green-eyed boy whirled upon hearing Sakuno's grandma call him. He bit his lip nervously and stepped towards her. With every step is a new block of hope that maybe.. he'll get to see his Angel again. When he was finally just a few feet away from Sumire, with a trembling yet excited voice, he asked, "Where is.. she? S-Sakuno-chan.. where is she?"

Sumire, torn between pity and anger, just stared at him. This made Akaya more nervous.. why is she looking at him like that? "Please.. Tell me where she is.."

The other Rikkaidai regulars are now stomped.. It seems like the two are acquainted but how? Even Renji is confused.. How can this piece of data escape his radar?

"I don't think my granddaughter will appreciate seeing you now..", Sumire's cold voice sliced through him like a knife. Why wouldn't Sakuno.. "Tachibana An.. is a good friend of hers. And she's certainly not happy with what you did to Kippei-san." Akaya's eyes widened and his heart began to sink.. Please.. Sakuno.. He felt his throat go dry as the air around him become colder..

"Tell me where she is, please..", his hoarse voice is now laced with desperation, "I just want to see her.."

"I don't think she'd like to see you."

"You can't just speak for her!"

"Kirihara!", Sanada barked and held his arm, "Mind your manners!"

"Please.. I just-- I need to see her.. I've been..", he felt warm liquid trickling down his cheeks, "Just give me a chance to see her.. You didn't even let me say goodbye to her!"

Marui's jaw is now practically on the floor, who is he talking about? He has never seen their Kouhai this.. desperate.

"You didn't even let me say sorry for scaring her.. You didn't even give me the chance to ask her before if she was okay, you didn't even let me explain!", his hands are now shaking as fear seeped through him. What if Sakuno.. hates him now? But he did all this for her! "Just this once.. Please.. Just let me.."

Sumire looked away as the kid her granddaughter used to play with pleaded her. Should she let him? All of a sudden, an image of his demonic eyes flashed in her mind.. Those sinister and terrifying red eyes..  Should she let him near Sakuno?

She eyed his teammates and saw various looks of confusion and shock plastered on their faces. Rikkaidai.. accepted him into their team even with his violent tendencies..? Are they just that goal-driven or.. Another expression registered on their faces that made her realize something.. It's the same her Seigaku regulars have whenever they look at each other. Compassion. They can look past his faults and see him not as a demon but as a comrade.. without prejudice and subjective impressions. She can see that to them, he's just Akaya. A fellow Tennis player.

Sumire suddenly wondered.. is she being judgmental? Yes, she might've told his mom of her concerns about him but.. she immediately took Sakuno out of Kanagawa to.. get her away from him. From a person that can possibly hurt her precious granddaughter. Although she can say that she can slightly understand his disposition... she still saw him as..-- Sumire sighed. Unknowingly, she's just the same as those kids who tried to hurt Akaya and Sakuno.

"Please..", a tear dropped unto the green-eyed boy's shoe as he looked down. He just wants to see her so bad.. He didn't care if he's being weak in front of his Senpai-tachi. Deal with it. What matters to him now.. is Sakuno.

"She's inside the bus on the parking lot."

Akaya swiftly raised his head. Did she just--?

"They'll be leaving soon. I still have to go somewhere else so I'm not going with them. You better run now, boy", and Sumire gave him the smile she used to give him before whenever he'd go to their vacation house and ask for Sakuno. She can still remember when she'd say 'She's still asleep', the kid would run upstairs to wake her up himself. The old woman felt a pang in her chest: She knew Akaya's a kind-hearted boy but she instantly changed her views of him the moment she saw a part of him that terrified her-- but that part of him showed itself because of his desire to protect Sakuno.

Upon recognizing it, a relieved smile made its way to Akaya's face. He bowed (which shocked his teammates more, "He's being polite?!", asked Niou incredulously) and hurriedly dashed into the rain while shouting, "Thank you, Obaa-chan!"

"Don't go there, Akaya", said Sumire, a little peeved. She shook her head, "He even forgot to bring an umbrella with him." Then she turned to the rest of the Rikkaidai regulars, "Well, I still have 30 minutes to spare. Would any of you kindly tell me what really happened to him?"


Water splashed from the pavement as Akaya continued to run towards his destination. He needs to see her now.. He wants to see her now.. His heart banged in his chest painfully, its beat tripling in pace. He can't understand why.. so he thought maybe he's just that excited to see her. His overwhelming desire to see her certainly puzzled him but he didn't care. He may not understand it now.. the reason why he's still waiting for her after all these years.. the reason why the idea of not seeing her again almost killed him.. but someday he will. What matters now is her.. and only her.

There it is.. the parking lot! Using his fingers, he brushed some of the black locks sticking to his forehead and ran faster. He panted heavily as the distance and the energy he lost while running took its toll on him. Seigaku bus.. Seigaku bus.. Where the hell is that friggin' bus?

"Oh, I better go now. Kamio-kun might be looking for me."

He whipped his head to the source of the voice and there, on his far right, a bus that has a noticeable red, white and blue banner on its side. He felt his whole body freeze as his eyes landed on the two figures in front of the bus door with an umbrella over them. He easily recognized the taller girl as Tachibana An, the younger sister of the Fudomine captain. But when he shifted his gaze to the other one.. the girl with the twin auburn braids.. his knees suddenly weakened.

(A/N: English translation of Monster by Bigbang)

It's been a while since we've met

He took a step forward as his arm moved on its own and raised itself..

As if reaching for her..

Your face looks good

Her beautiful smile took his breath away as she happily talked to the other girl. Her chocolate brown eyes.. still looked as innocent as the first time he saw them. A sudden feeling of nostalgia crept to his chest.. how he missed her so much.

You got prettier, you were always beautiful in my eyes

His damn heart just won't stop beating so fast. He gripped the front of his jacket as he tried to calm himself but he failed miserably. With all the courage he could muster, he took another step towards their direction. And another.. and another.. Damn legs, move faster, dammit! He dragged his legs and ignored the rain that drenched him completely. All that matters is her.. "Sakuno..", he whispered feebly. "Sakuno.."

"Jya ne, Sakuno-chan!", An turned.. and saw the one person she despises so much. She gawked as she took in his appearance. What is he doing here? An suddenly felt her blood boiling in anger.. What in the world is that monster doing here?! "Kirihara Akaya!"

Sakuno whirled around as her ears caught what An just said. And when her doe eyes recognized the familiar black hair and green eyes.. she stiffened.

"Sakuno..", Akaya muttered as Sakuno finally saw him. Damn heart, stop beating so fast, dang it! He stepped towards her, seemingly oblivious to the other girl who was sending him deadly glares. "Sakuno.. It's me.. Akaya..", and he raised his arm but--

"Get away from her!", An stood between them and glowered, "What are you doing here?! Aren't you satisfied with what you did to Fudomine, you're here to ruin Seigaku as well?!", she shouted in anger which took the green-eyed boy aback. He shifted his gaze back to Sakuno as fear crawled into his being. 'What if.. What if.. Please don't hate me..'

But today you look a bit different

And his heart almost broke as her eyes said it all.

You look especially a bit cold

Your eyes that look at me are filled with pity


'Please don't..'

In front of you I seem smaller

"Sakuno.. Do you still remember me?", Akaya tried to hide the pain that stabbed him upon seeing how she looked at him. It hurts.. so much.. so damn much..

I tried to be fine, trying to change the subject

"Who are you to call her like that? What the--"

"A-An-chan..", Sakuno held her friend's hand and gave her a strained smile, "Ano.. Kamio-kun and the others m-might worry about you.. I-I think you should go.."

"No, I won't leave, not until that scumbag does! Because of him, my brother's in the hospital! It's all his fault! I won't leave you with him!", An's fierce eyes turned to him, "I won't leave you with a demon like him!"

"I'm here to talk to Sakuno--"


That pierced thoroughly to his heart. Kirihara-san.. she called him Kirihara-san..

Though I had so much I wanted to ask you,

You cut me off right away

"I-It's raining.. hard. I think you should.. leave now."

Please don't.. Please.. He wanted to scream.. his chest is hurting so much..

"Sakuno-chan, get in the bus", An spoke in a commanding tone.

'Don't go..'

But his hopes were crushed harshly as Sakuno nodded her assent. She turned and moved to step into the bus.. away from him.

You turn and left right away

"Sakuno!", Akaya walked towards her and got past An. He wanted to stop her.. He just wanted to talk to her. He tried to hold her but was stopped by the younger Tachibana who held him back.

If I try to catch you here,

Would that be too ridiculous?


"Sakuno! Just listen to me!", his loud voice made the auburn-haired girl face him again. Akaya saw this as an opportunity so he stepped nearer but.. her eyes halted him.

There it is again. Fear. She stepped back as her wide eyes showed what he hated the most.


Nothing comes to mind

As you tremble, you take a step..

Two steps back..

You say that I scare you now

You're like a moon that makes me go crazy


Their loud voices attracted the attention of the Seigaku regulars and they rushed to see what's happening outside of the bus.

"Kirihara", Momoshiro Takeshi spoke his name with disdain. He still can't get his mind off their encounter in the hospital and he's really itching to give the cocky rookie a piece of his mind. "What are you doing here?"

"Sakuno-chan!", Osakada Tomoka rushed to Sakuno's side, "What happened? Did he do anything to you?!"

"Kirihara Akaya. I didn't know you'd be visiting us..", Fuji Syusuke's deceptively calm voice made him raise his head to the window beside the door where the regulars are. The Tensai's intense cerulean blue eyes were revealed, showing how much he disliked his presence there. "So, what brings you here?"

"He tried to hold her!", An gave him a death stare, "I don't know what your intentions are but I suggest you leave!", then she gave a quick glance to Tomoka who understood it immediately. She took Sakuno by the hand and led her into the bus. Akaya desperately gazed at her back, but now he's at a loss of what he should do. She's afraid of him.. How will he make her listen if she's damn scared of him?

"I suggest the same, Kirihara-san", Tezuka Kunimitsu, the captain of Seigaku, spoke in a neutral tone. "We'll be going now so I suggest you take your leave." Then he stepped away from the window and went back to his seat.

He didn't want to.. Please.. Just a minute will do.. But Sakuno continued to step into the bus. She's leaving.. She's leaving again..

"Sakuno..", he called out to her weakly. He felt like his world is crumbling.. like everything around him is falling into nothingness as he watch her go. 'Why you.. Of all people, why you..'

The other regulars watched him curiously, what's up with him? Does Sakuno know him? Even Fuji's curiosity is piqued. And somehow.. the look on his face made him feel a little pity. But he can't blame them for treating him like this, not after what he'd done to Tachibana. The blue-eyed Tensai sighed and went back to his seat. He glanced at Sakuno who's now shaking.. in what? In fear? What did that guy do? He gritted his teeth as he observed the girl. But when she opened her eyes.. there was nothing there now but.. loneliness.

When the bus door was finally closed, the rest sat down and relaxed. They were a bit startled as to why the well-known demon of Rikkaidai would be here at first but now there's no way he'd be able to do anything that might cause trouble.

Helplessly, he watched as the bus drove out of the parking lot. He felt so damn helpless.. he clenched his fist tightly as he tried to stop his tears from falling. She was his first friend.. the first one to ever care for him.. the first one to ever stand up for him.. He thought she'll spare him even just a second..

Don't go..

Don't go.. Don't go..

"Dammit, don't go!", he screamed at the top of his lungs. His tears cascaded down his cheeks and mixed with the rain. He dropped unto his knees as his childhood memories replayed over and over again in his brain.

'..Are you okay?'

'I-I just do.. M-My name's Ryuzaki Sakuno.'

She's the first person to ever approach him without even flinching away. She even invited him to come over and play in her Obaa-chan's house.

'Of course you can. W-We're friends now, ne?'

'We can share my chocolate!'

'Mou.. There's something in m-my closet.. P-Please help me, Akaya-kun?'

There were even times when he'd pretend to fight the monsters in her closet. He looked foolish but he didn't care, Sakuno needs his help.

'I can't s-sleep.. I-It's coming to get me.. W-Will you stay, please?'

The times when he'd sleep next to her just to ease her of her fear.. He can't believe he's the one she's scared of now.

'T-The flowers are pretty, thank you!'

'Eh? H-How can you do that? Do it again!'

She's the only one..

'Maybe one day, we can play together!'

"..Don't you like Tennis, Sakuno-chan? I did my best to excel in it.. You wanted me to try it, right? You wanted to play with me, right? I know now how to.. I can even beat others now.. I'm striving to be number one in the sport you loved so much.. Ne, Sakuno? Don't go..", he raised his head to the gloomy skies..

'I-It's for you. Happy birthday, Akaya-kun!'

'D-Don't hurt him!'

'No! Stop it! Don't!

"Don't go.."

'N-Not him.. Obaa-chan..'

"Don't go.."

I love you.. Baby, I'm not a monster

You know how I was in the past

When time passes, it'll all disappear

Then you will know, baby

The raindrops felt like bullets against his skin.. He bit his lip so hard that blood started to flow on the side of his mouth. He clung unto her memories so much.. He had always wanted to be with her and to have his hopes crushed like this felt like hell.

He needs her so much.. Didn't she know she's the reason for everything he did?

I need you.. Baby, I'm not a monster

You know me so don't leave like this

If you throw me away, I'll die

I'm not a monster


Tachibana An watched him from a distance.. Did she just make the right decision? Her confused mind got worse as she saw him cry in despair. No.. She did the right thing, she said to herself repeatedly. This is for her brother. But heck, why is she feeling guilty now?



Akaya stared at the ceiling blankly as his fingers unconsciously crumpled the paper where Sumire wrote their home address and number. What if she just slams the phone on him? What if Sakuno doesn't answer the phone at all?

The pain he's feeling right now is far more worse than the pain he felt when the world shunned him when he was a kid. He felt so stupid for holding on his childish dreams.. but it was the only thing he can hold on to when he was all alone. The thought of being with her is what drove him to do his very best in Tennis. She's his reason..

Why can't they just be like before? Happy in their own little world?

Damn it..

And for the past three days, he did nothing but stay in room, despite his teammates' efforts to reach out to him. They'd often go to his house and bang on his door, but his stubbornness prevailed.

"Oi, we have practice, you know!", Niou slammed his fist on the wooden door, "I'm going to bring this down if you don't open it up!"

Still, there was no answer.

Yagyuu pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and sighed. He placed a hand on Niou's back and spoke in a calm voice, "Akaya.. Show up on the match tomorrow. Do this.. for Yukimura-buchou's sake. We have to win for him. He trusts us and we must live up to it. We'll expect to see you tomorrow, 10 o'clock sharp. Don't be late."

After a few seconds, Akaya heard footsteps outside of his room and it seemed like they're now going downstairs. When he was sure that there's no one in front of his door, he opened it and peeked. And right there, is his mom with her arms crossed in front of her. "Damn it, they've been making a lot of noise here for the last few days, Akaya. I'll whack you on the head with your racquet if you don't make them stop! So that means you'll be going tomorrow!"

The green-eyed boy shrank to his room as his mom's serious voice frightened him, she even followed him inside, "I wasted my money by buying you a new racquet for this game so don't you even think of not going! You heard me?"

"Loud and clear." Then he looked down, "Actually TOO loud.. and clear."

"You saying something?"

"Nothing", he answered quickly.

His Okaa-san smirked at him, "Since when did you become such a chicken?", Akaya frowned in confusion at this, so she spoke, "That old hag called me last night.. She asked about you and said that she already gave you their number but you're not calling. You're being a goddamn chicken."

The seaweed-haired boy looked away and didn't say anything. Rolling her eyes, his mom smacked him on the head. "Ow! Okaa-san!"

"You coward! Don't just wait, do something! If she's worth it, then go do something instead of brooding here." She turned his back on him and walked to the door. Akaya thought she's already going to leave but then she stopped and just grabbed the knob. "You know.. After a year, I found out where your father was."

Akaya's eyes widened in surprise. She never spoke about him before.. so it really came as a shock to him. His mom still didn't face him as she continued, "..But, instead of going to him, I did nothing. Why? Because I thought I waited long enough and now it's his turn to do something about it. I wanted him to realize how miserable he'll be without us so.. yeah. Look at me now, a drunkard who got stuck with you. I didn't realize that some things are worth the fight. Don't give up now, you idiot. Don't be like me.."

Then she stepped out of his room.

Akaya still stood there, speechless. Until..

"Oh right, buy me some Sake outside. I.. I think I'll need some tonight", his mom's voice echoed through the corridor. But he was sure he heard a sob in between her words.



"H-Hai!", startled, the girl dropped her phone into the floor. Sumire smiled lightly and picked it up. Sakuno immediately scanned the phone for damages and sighed in relief upon seeing that it's fine.

"What were you thinking? You were spacing out for a long time."

"E-Eh? Ano.. Obaa-chan.. It was..", the younger Ryuzaki looked down on her shoes and hesitated for a moment before.. "I-It's nothing."

"Sakuno-chan.. so secretive now, aren't you? Even from your Obaa-chan?", the old woman pulled her granddaughter to sit down on the sofa. "You do know you can tell me anything, ne?"

Guiltily, Sakuno fiddled with the hem of her skirt. After her internal battle, she raised her head and spoke softly, "A-Akaya-kun.."

Sumire nodded and stroked the girl's hair with her finger, "Well, what about him?"

When her granddaughter didn't answer her, she tilted her head and asked, "Are you.. scared of him, Sakuno?"

The auburn-haired girl gently shook her head, "I was.. when I first saw him change. But.. I-I knew that deep down he's still Akaya-kun.. Because he.. he didn't hurt me even if he was not really himself so I knew he's still my friend. I was just shocked but w-when I realized that.. M-My fear disappeared.. "

Sumire patted her head without saying anything, sensing the sadness Sakuno must be feeling. The girl bit her quivering lip, "I-I  just wish I had the chance to tell him that it was alright.. That I'm not scared of him.. B-But.."

"I took you here and I'm sorry, Sakuno-chan..", the old woman hugged her. The girl shook her head again, maybe to tell her Obaa-chan that it's okay but Sumire knew it's not. "Then.. why didn't you talk to him when you had the chance?"

"Obaa-chan.. This time, I was afraid.. not because of his red eyes but I was afraid that he might not be the same Akaya anymore.. When I first heard news about him being the new rookie of Rikkaidai, I-I was secretly proud of him. I was.. so happy, Obaa-chan.. But then I started hearing about him hurting people in the court.. At first I didn't want to believe those rumors but when I finally watched on tape what he did to Tachibana-san.. I didn't know what to think anymore. The Akaya I knew is a kind person who fought the monsters in my closet and the ghosts under my bed.. He'd stay and sleep beside me whenever I'm scared.. He'd smile at the smallest gesture of kindness someone shows him.. He'd never hurt a person intentionally.. But the Akaya on that tape.. It's not like him..", Sumire heard sobs and it broke her heart to pieces.

"..I-I was afraid to face him because.. he might be an entirely different Akaya and I wouldn't know how to deal with it.. I was afraid that I might've already lost Akaya without even having the chance to see him..", and she wiped a tear from her cheek.. "But.."

Sumire tightened her embrace around her granddaughter, "..But?"

"But when I got on the bus..", Sakuno's shoulders began to shake, "Obaa-chan, I saw him crying that day.. Just like the boy I saw on the swing.. But this time, he was crying because of me.. And I instantly regretted what I did.. Obaa-chan, I miss him so much.."


"Rikkaidai is the absolute winner!"

"Hai!", the regulars wearing black and yellow jackets answered in chorus.

"Rikkaidai! Rikkaidai! RIKKAIDAI!", the students from their school cheered enthusiastically. Banners and flags are all around them, and majority of their supporters brought bottles they can use to make noises.

"S-E-I-G-A-K-U can say GO! Seigaku GO! Seigaku GO!", the supporters of their rival team chanted repeatedly, while a regular waved a big flag on the bleachers. The excitement of the crowd is getting to him and Akaya is beginning to get all hyped up.

His eyes would sometimes wander around, looking for a certain girl with cute twin braids but then he'd close his eyes and stop himself. He needs to focus on his match! Yukimura-buchou.. is expecting them to win and they will! Today is the day of his operation and they need to do this for him..

In return, Yukimura-buchou needs to survive.. for them.


"Sakuno-chan! Where have you been? Fuji-senpai's match already started!", Tomoka ran to Sakuno and dragged her to the area where the Ichinen trio are. When she was about to open her mouth to speak, she noticed the bag Sakuno is holding  and immediately brightened. It's the bag Sakuno uses whenever she brings an extra Bento! "Ne, ne, Sakuno-chan! You brought a Bento! Is that for Ryoma-sama?!", she said with a teasing smile.

"Ah.. Ryoma-kun is so lucky, Sakuno-chan's Bentos are great!", Kachiro chimed in. Katsuo nodded eagerly while Horio just huffed and looked away (Jealous much!). But to Tomoka's surprise, the auburn-haired girl shook her head.

"EH?! Then, who is that for?!", the loud-mouth exclaimed.

Instead of answering, the meek girl just turned her head to the direction of the court and eyed Akaya who returned a shot from Fuji. A blush crept unto her cheeks and she felt her heartbeat go faster. How weird.. she didn't run that fast so why is her heart like this?


Now that caught everyone's attention. Embarrassed and flustered, Sakuno quickly shook her head and bowed down. Tomoka noticed this, "Ah- Gomen, Sakuno-chan. I was just a little excited--"


The two whipped their heads to the court and saw Fuji on the ground.. with a red-eyed Akaya smirking predatorily in front of him. Then a demonic laugh reverberated on the court..



"He's a demon!

"Get that monster away from my child!"

There they are again. The voices.. there they are again. Stop.. Goddammit, STOP!

Akaya felt like falling into an endless oblivion.. What's he doing here? Wasn't he in a match against Fuji?

Then.. what happened?

A bright light suddenly flashed and made the green-eyed boy cover his eyes with his arms. When he finally got adept to it.. he slowly peered and saw a very familiar image.

An image of him and Sakuno on the playground.. in her house.. on the garden.. Every picture showed different memories of him and Sakuno.. The happy moments he had with her.

No matter what happens.. let's be forever

When we're sad, when we're happy

Let's go till the end, You don't say that tomorrow

Let's love like today is the last

He smiled fondly as his memories of her floated around him. If only they could stay that way forever.. How he'd give anything just to get her to smile at him like that again.

'But she hates you now..'

Stop.. Stop.. Akaya tried to speak but his voice failed him. No, she won't! Sakuno will--

'You have no chance with her now.. You disgust her. She's scared of a monster like you, Akaya..'

No! Stop! His throbbing heart made him want to scream in pain.

'You heard what the loud mouth said. She brought something for the Seigaku genius.. Sakuno prefers him more than you..'

An image of Sakuno walking hand in hand with a brunette-haired lad appeared before him. No, Sakuno-chan, no! Suddenly, his feet landed on the ground and he looked in front of him, and there they are! He can't let this happen, he just can't!


A life without you is like an imprisonment for life

An extinction from the world to the point where I'd go crazy

Your existence is a chronic disease, a repetition of pain

You're a lingering attachment in my heart

The twin-braided girl stopped from walking. Akaya's heart fluttered, 'She heard me!'. He waited in anticipation as the girl slowly turned her head.. and he suddenly regretted calling her name. There was no fear in her eyes.. no.. It's much worse..

There was mocking in them. A smirk played on the girl's lips as she said the words he feared to hear from her.

"Oh look.. There's the monster."


The people of the world have turned their backs against me

The corners of their eyes are all twisted up

The greatest pain to me.. is the fact that you became the same as them

The brunette-haired boy slithered an arm around the girl as he also looked at him,

"Come on, Sakuno-chan, he might do something bad to you, we wouldn't that now, ne?" The both of them whirled around and started to walk again.. into a group of people.. people who are now looking at him too with disdain, hate, and disgust..

No, don't be like them.. Sakuno.. Don't leave..

But the girl, just like the others, looked at him like he's some kind of abnormality that should've never existed. No.. Sakuno, don't..

"I never liked you. So stop bothering me, ne? A-ka-ya-kun.."

And she walked farther away..


Don't go.. Don't go..

Don't go.. Don't leave me

Don't do it.. Don't do it..

Don't do it.. It's not like you

Getting farther away, love is breaking apart

Away from him..

And he felt like dying inside..

Akaya slowly fell back unto the oblivion.. as he lost the will to even move.. He began to succumb to the darkness and he didn't even care.. He just feels so numb all over and he just.. he just wants to give it all up..


"Tennis must not be used to inflict harm on others."

Isn't that the voice of Fuji Syusuke? Why is his voice.. What is he saying..? Tennis.. must not be used to inflict harm..? But he..

Another voice entered the dark realm he's in. And this time, it's his mom's scolding voice.

"Baka! Of course! Sakuno-chan won't like it if you use the sport she loves to harm other people, right?", the voice paused before.. "Don't you love Tennis too, Akaya?"


Another light came into his sight.

"I.. I do.."

It engulfed him and when he finally opened his eyes.. he found himself back on the court.

Turns out.. he lost the match to the Seigaku Tensai.


"Where are they going?", Kachiro asked as he saw the Rikkaidai regulars except Sanada run out of the courts with urgent expressions on their faces. Sumire heard the first year's question and told them about the Captain of their rival team's situation. This created a solemn atmosphere among the regulars and she immediately told them that they shouldn't be like that and instead, they should give Rikkaidai a worthy fight.

From the corner of her eyes, she noticed Sakuno getting all fidgety and she sighed.


The girl looked up and met her eyes, "Hai?"

"If you want to go..", the old woman shrugged, "..then go. I think he needs you now more than ever." Sakuno's chocolate brown eyes widened.. then a look of determination settled in them. She quickly stood up, much to the others' surprise and smiled.


With that, the girl rushed out of there and waved goodbye. Sumire smiled as she watch her granddaughter go.. then she looked thoughtful for a moment. After a few seconds, she frantically searched for her phone and dialled a number. When the receiver of her call finally answered, she yelled, "You don't even know the address of that hospital, Sakuno! You took off without asking me! Mou.. Here..", and the old woman stated the whereabouts of the Rikkaidai regulars.

Ryoma Echizen frowned a little.. why is Ryuzaki going to that hospital? Pssh.. Why is he even bothering? He tilted his cap and went to the court where Sanada is waiting for him.

He smirked. Mada mada dane.


The tension outside of the operating room is so suffocating.. They all anxiously waited as Yukimura struggled for his life. Every painstakingly slow second that passes made Akaya more nervous.. He gritted his teeth.. 'You can do this, Buchou!'

"What's the score now?", Marui eagerly asked Jackal who's listening seriously to the progress of the match using his walkman.

"3 games to 1, in favor of Sanada", then the Brazilian wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead. They don't need to know.. that Echizen is certainly making things tough for their Fukubuchou. His teammates are nervous enough as it is..

Akaya approached him, "We'll win, right? Sanada-fukubuchou.. will win, right?"

His Senpai nodded encouragingly, "Of course, we will." And they waited.. for the result of the match and Yukimura's operation. Everytime Jackal says that Sanada is doing great against the freshman regular, their faces lighten up and the tension somehow eases..

"You heard that, Buchou? Sanada-senpai will win! Rikkaidai will win!", Akaya mutters while clenching his fist, "So.. you have to live for us, okay?", he sniffed and looked at his wristwatch. "Just wait, he'll win for sure!"

But everytime the tables seem to turn, the grim atmosphere comes back and silence ensues. Niou's eyes seem to look everywhere but the doors of the room where Yukimura is, as if he's afraid that whatever's coming out of there will be something that he won't be able to face. Yagyuu continued to stare hollowly into space, his clenched jaw and rigid posture showing how hard it is for him to contain this kind of unbearable nervousness. Marui tapped his bag repeatedly with his fingers while his eyes are focused on Jackal, waiting for any news of the match. Renji observed his teammates.. this time, not for data, but because he's genuinely concerned of them now. His head is going off hundreds of kilometers per hour, calculating the percentage of Yukimura winning the battle against his dreadful disease, the Guillen-Barre syndrome.

Akaya bowed his head and pleaded with every God and deities he knew to help Yukimura. He's not a religious person, no.. but based on what he heard, God is helpful and forgiving. Surely he'll help their captain, right?

He suddenly wondered.. will God help him if he asks him to? Will he..? Even if in the eyes of other people, he's a demon? Is he even worthy of God's guidance at all?

The match he had with Fuji Syusuke had been an eye opener for him. Perhaps his mom was right.. maybe he really is stupid for using his Demon mode in Tennis. Is that one of the reasons why Sakuno doesn't want to talk to him? Because he harmed other people and tainted the sport she loves?

But if he hadn't done that.. what would've happened? Will the society's views of him change or not? He suddenly realized.. if hurting other people is so bad that others hate him for it.. then why did the students cheer and praise him whenever he transforms into his demonic side and defeat other players? The society.. can really be damn hypocrite sometimes.

Will Sakuno ever talk to him again? Or will she keep on avoiding him? Maybe.. she really hates him.. Or maybe.. she just.. The image of Sakuno and Fuji holding hands appeared again in his mind and he clutched his chest. Maybe.. she really fancies that genius and won't like to be seen with a devil like him.. He grimaced, how will he make her see that he's not the monster everybody thought he is?

'Do something..', he frowned as his mom's words echoed in his mind.. what the hell should he do?

"Jackal, what happened?", Marui's voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he hurriedly turned to the direction of his Senpai-tachi. And as soon as his eyes laid on them, a cold shiver trickled down his spine. Jackal had his eyes closed while Marui's face showed complete devastation.. what happened? He glanced at the others and a feeling of dread filled him. They're all.. looking so disappointed. Why?

He stepped towards his Senpai, "What happened? S-Senpai..", he took another step, "We won.. right? Sanada-fukubuchou won, right?"

Jackal revealed his orbs.. and without words spoken.. he understood. He thought it was impossible but the cold, harsh truth is right there in his Senpai's eyes.

They lost.

Rikkaidai.. lost.

Akaya stood there, flabbergasted for a moment. How can Sanada-senpai lose? He's.. He's.. He's THE Sanada Genichirou for pete's sake, how can someone like him lose to a brat like Echizen Ryoma? It's impossible.. Unthinkable.. How can-- How can-- They promised Yukimura-buchou that they'll win! He expects them to bring victory to Rikkaidai and they.. they failed him.. He slammed his fists on the wall and the tears that threatened to fall earlier cascaded down his cheeks. They wanted to win so much.. Defeat is unacceptable.. And Rikkaidai..

'If only I won.. If only I..', gritting his teeth, he slammed the wall again and again. How will they be able to face Yukimura? And him.. how will he face his Buchou? And the silence of his teammates is doing nothing to ease the pain that started to pester him. It would've been okay.. if not for the fact that Yukimura is in the operating room right now fighting for his life!

They failed him.. He failed him..

The green-eyed boy stormed out of there while his Senpai-tachi can do nothing but watch him leave, forlorn expressions etched on their faces.

They didn't even notice the red spots that have started spreading on their Kouhai's supposedly emerald green orbs..


Sakuno gasped for breath while looking around her.. where is she? Mou.. She'd been walking around for hours now and well.. apparently, she's lost. Why does her sense of direction have to fail her every single time she needed them to work? Eh.. Does she even have one at all?

She dragged her feet forward, she needs to find him! Akaya-kun needs her.. and it's about time she pay him back for everything he did for her. Now where is that hospital? She scanned the area and kept on walking, her fingers tightly holding the bag where she placed the Bentou she prepared for Akaya.

She scanned the buildings and looked for any signs of a hospital there. It's getting dark and the number of people on the street seemed to lessen by the minute. After what seemed like an eternity, she found herself in a parking lot with a few ambulances parked there. With a smile, the girl hastened her steps. He must be here somewhere!

When she was just about 10 steps from the building, Sakuno suddenly stopped as a sound of a ball hitting something reached her ears. She raised her head and looked for its source. Could it be?

She immediately turned and followed the sound.. it's coming from the woods! The auburn-haired girl's heart raced, what if it's really Akaya there? Mou.. Don't get nervous now, Sakuno! You can do this! Slowly, she went into the woods, ignoring the creepy feeling the silhouette of the trees under the setting sun is giving her. Their shadows are really scaring her.. making her feel like someone is hiding behind the trees, waiting for the opportunity to grab and eat her. It must be past 6 now..

Sakuno kept walking and noticed that the sounds are getting louder. She turned left and gazed at that area, she's sure it's where the sounds are coming from! Her doe eyes roamed around curiously, eager to see if-- she spotted a figure near a huge tree, standing there with a.. what is that? She squinted her eyes a bit, the lack of light making it harder for her to see. The sun has finally gone and now darkness looms over them..

"A.. A racquet..", she shifted her gaze to the figure and noticed that the person is wearing a yellow shirt with a black stripe. She stepped towards it and saw a familiar mass of messy, black hair. Her heart pounded against her chest.. it's Akaya! She went nearer, her eyes set on the back of her friend. She saw him move, tossed a ball into the air and smashed it powerfully into the tree. The girl heard a loud cracking sound and saw a large dent on the part of the tree that was hit by the ball. She stopped in her tracks and stared as Akaya repeated it again. This time, with noticeably more subversive force. The ball harshly struck the tree and bits of the bark fell off.

What is he doing.. Did something happen? His loss to Fuji must've frustrated him so much.. Her concern for her grew and softly, she called out to him.


The seaweed-haired boy froze. Sakuno eagerly looked at him with a small smile gracing her face, whatever happens, she'll be there to comfort him. But as the boy turned to her.. her smile slowly faded and her bag fell onto the ground.. The girl's eyes widened as a feral grin crept unto Akaya's lips, his bloodshot eyes looking at her with a predatorial gleam.

Sakuno.. now found herself in front of the monster she first saw when she was 7 years old.

"What is a girl like you doing here?", Akaya-- the Demon Akaya-- spoke with a tone laced with mocking and.. danger. "Out to play?" A lightning flashed on the dark sky, a sign of an impending rain, and its light illuminated half of his face for a second. "Don't you know it's dangerous to wander in the woods alone..", his eyes glinted mischievously, "Because you might encounter..", then an evil smirk made its way to his lips, "..someone like me?"

Oh, he's going to have so much fun tonight.

"A-Akaya-kun..", Sakuno's trembling voice only made the demon's smirk bigger. But then.. he suddenly realized she called him 'Akaya-kun'.

"Who are you calling Akaya?", he stepped towards the girl threateningly, which made her gasp and step back from him. This excited him more.. He took another step, "Who are you calling Akaya?!", he clenched and unclenched his fist, as if itching for something to hit. The auburn head recoiled and his smirk turned into a deadly feral smile.

Sakuno backed away slowly, careful not to make any abrupt movements.. While the boy matches every step she makes with one of his own, not letting his new victim out of his sight. A cold feeling crawled unto her skin as she gazed at Akaya's bloody red eyes that are locked on her intently. Cruel, truculent and dangerous.. that's the right description for them. His tongue licked his lips like an animal craving for his prey's flesh. Under the moonlight, he looked more sinister and murderous.. And it pained her to see him like that. The pain is so excruciating..

She stopped moving.

Devil Akaya frowned.. is his prey already giving up? Tsk.. No fun at all.

"Little girl.. Who were you calling Akaya? Tell me!"

The auburn-haired girl didn't answer him and kept on staring. The initial fear he saw in her eyes.. is slowly melting and somehow turning into.. what the.. "Who are you calling Akaya?!", he yelled furiously and walked nearer her.

Instead of squirming away like he expected, she just took a deep breath and bit her lip to stop herself from shaking, "Y-You.."

"There's no Akaya here!", he snarled. The boy snatched her wrist and pulled her closer to him. He lowered his head to level with her right ear and whispered breathily, "Scared, missy?", letting his lips slightly touch the lobe of her ear.

Sakuno drew in a quick breath, her knees threatening to give in. Once again, she tried to calm herself and with a firmer voice, she spoke, "Akaya-kun..".

"I told you, there's no Akaya here! Shut up!", the red-eyed demon growled, and tightened his grip on her. He's getting annoyed now.. why does she keep on calling him Akaya? He's not that weakling! He's the monster everybody fears, not that lousy brat!

He averted his eyes to hers.. and saw an expression that conveyed a thousand words. Determination, resolve, genuine.. concern? Why would she..? His scowl went deeper, he can't understand this! Why would a person like her show something like that?! She should be crying in fear now! Why isn't she scared? Nande?!

..And why the hell does that look in her eyes seem so.. familiar?


He felt something tug in his chest. W-What the- He gritted his teeth and growled,

"Shut up!"


Another tug. The demon looked confused and enraged, what is this?! He can't understand it.. He just can't! Who is she? Why is he--


He raised his other hand to hit her but when he was just about centimeters away from smacking her cheek, he froze.. like something is stopping him from hurting her. He shouldn't be feeling something like this! He's a demon! This girl.. this girl is causing it! This is--


And when people come across things they don't understand..

..They either fear them.

- like what those ignorant people did when they saw his eyes turn red..


..They destroy them.

"DIE!", Demon Akaya released her arm and wrapped his hand around her neck. He gripped it tightly and screamed, "DIE! DIE! DIE!"

Without letting go, he pushed her into a tree, making her slam her back unto it harshly. Sakuno yelped in pain, her face becoming more and more pallid by the second. Her eyes fought the urge to close, not letting herself fall into unconsciousness.

She can't..

She can't..

Akaya needs her..

"A-Aka..ya-kun..", she managed to utter even though her lungs are already screaming for air. She didn't try to fight him off.. she knew it'd be futile. Her doe eyes looked straight into his orbs and desperately searched for something.. It's like knocking the door to his soul and looking for the one person she missed so much. "..Akaya-kun.."

The seaweed-haired boy's bloodshot eyes widened.. why is he feeling like this?

Her chocolate brown eyes.. why does it seem so familiar? Has he seen it before?


NO! She's not supposed to-- his dead grip on her became tighter and the girl emitted almost inaudible sounds.

Why is he hurting?

Sakuno felt lightheaded and she struggled to remain awake. She slowly raised her arms.. and gently cupped his cheeks, "A-Ak..Aka-ya.."

The boy can't tear his eyes off her and he didn't know why. The auburn-haired girl smiled lightly.. "Akaya.."

..And a tear rolled down the demon's cheeks. Why.. Why.. He felt her thumb brush his skin and he marveled at the gentle warmth it gave him. But why is his chest.. hurting?

"I..", the girl's eyes started to flutter as his hand continued to cut off her air. "I'm..", a tear dropped from her eyes as well and Akaya felt like his heart was being.. crushed.

"..I'm sorry.."

And her eyes closed shut as the red specks in the boy's orbs.. started to vanish and a familiar image flashed in his mind.


"I can't believe this.. That person's there again", Jackal shook his head in disbelief. His eyes watched the figure sitting on the swing with an expression in between curiosity and pity. How long has it been now? 5 years, right?

Yukimura, who's now fully recovered, followed his former teammate's line of sight and sighed. He glanced at the others who are also looking at the direction of the playground. From their location, which is just outside a cafe, they can still see their target clearly. Sanada is the first one to avert his gaze from the sight. He stood up and flipped open his mobile phone, intent on calling someone. Renji followed suit and scribbled something on his notebook, probably recording and revising his gathered data about the person on the swing. Yagyuu sipped on his coffee without looking away while Niou's frown is starting to deepen. Concern is evident in Jackal's eyes while Marui.. The former captain tilted his head, why is the glucose lover suddenly looking all excited?

He didn't have to wait long because his unspoken question was answered when Marui exclaimed, "She brought a cake!"

The blue-haired guy chuckled at this,

"Of course.. It's Akaya's birthday today after all."

It's been 5 years since that dreaded night in the woods. They were all startled when Akaya came rushing into the hospital with an unconscious girl on his arms. He was crying, screaming.. begging the doctors to save her life. And when Ryuzaki Sumire arrived, he confessed everything that happened (which shocked them all the more) and knelt in front of the coach. But instead of lashing out on the boy, the tearful woman just hugged him and reassured him that everything will be fine.

And when Sakuno was finally okay, he never left her side. Even if the others told him that he should go home and rest, he never took his eyes off her. He stayed and watched over her with a look that softened their hearts.

But two days later, when Sakuno opened her eyes, the boy was already gone. All he left is a letter that said:

'Maybe I really am a monster for hurting you. I'm so sorry, Sakuno-chan. Don't worry, I'll never bother you again. Don't try to find me.. Don't look for me. Maybe.. it'd be better, ne? I don't want to hurt you again.. With a demon like me, you'll always be in danger.. You'll be better off without me. Please be happy, Sakuno-chan. Take care of yourself, okay?

P.S: I don't think I'll ever have the chance to say this to you personally so I'll just say it now.. I love you. And I always will.'

But the girl, to their amazement, went looking for him as soon as she got out of the hospital. She even went to Rikkaidai to talk to him but Akaya always found a way to escape or hide from her. His Senpai-tachi also tried to persuade him but it was useless. The boy's mind is made up and he was determined to protect her.. from himself.

Just a few days after the Nationals, they found out that Akaya accepted an offer from a scout to go to the States and train there under a Tennis youth program. The said program also has a scholarship so that the players can still continue their studies. Sakuno and the others tried to stop him but when they got there at the airport.. it was too late.

Since then, the former Rikkaidai Tennis players would always find her sitting on a swing in a playground IN KANAGAWA. To think that she's living in Seishun city, yet she always finds the time to visit that old playground and sit there.. as if waiting for someone. According to Renji's data, she comes there twice a week, sometimes thrice and stay there until the sun has fully set.

And every single year, on that exact same day, she'd always bring a cake. A pink birthday cake. And her grandmother, even Akaya's mom, can do nothing to help her. The people living near around that area soon got used to her staying there. And when she befriended the locals, she eventually found out that a seaweed-haired guy with green eyes used to stay and wait there too. She cried her heart out that day.

It's been 5 years.. and the girl is still there. Without fail. Other people would just look at her with pity.. while some would tell her.. "You're fighting a losing battle. Just forget about him and move on".

Well, she just can't.

"I wonder how she can do that..", Jackal muttered thoughtfully. His red-headed friend just shrugged, his eyes still on the cake settled on the girl's lap.

Niou leaned on his chair, "That brat is too much. Why time is it anyway?", and he glanced at his wristwatch. "4:38. This better work."

"It will", Renji interjected, "I considered every possibilities and analyzed EVERYTHING. So I know, it will work."

"Sanada, how is it?", Yagyuu's question made them all turn to the capped man who's now walking towards them.

"He's not answering."

Niou wanted to slap his forehead, that brat will definitely get it once he gets a hold on him. Sanada returned to his seat and resumed watching the girl. A girl with this kind of dedication and loyalty is not someone you meet everyday, so he respects her for that. Even Yagyuu admires how instead of hating Kirihara for what he did, she tried to find him and even waited for him. He can see now why their Kouhai fell for her. That's why all of them have the same opinion: This should end now.


All of them perked up as soon as the familiar voice reached their ears. They simultaneously turned and saw the person they have been waiting for.

"Why do we even have to meet here for the reunion? We could've just-- Ah!", Kirihara Akaya, whose face has become more matured and with a height that is now up to par with the height of the tallest of his Senpa-tachi, glared and rubbed the part of his head that was smacked by no other than Niou, "Why'd you do that for?!"

"Welcome back, brat", the trickster smirked at him, "What took you so long?"

The green-eyed guy suddenly looked embarrassed, "I-I fell asleep on the bus."

With that, the others bursted into laughter while the rest just shook their heads,

"Same old Akaya."

Akaya huffed indignantly. He just came back from America and this is the welcome he'll get? Gee, thanks. Eager to change the subject, he spoke, "So, what are we still doing here? Come on. I bet Renji-san.. ", Oh, how he enjoyed that, not having to call them Senpai anymore, "..has some sort of list of things to do for us."

Their laughter died down and suddenly, they became serious which puzzled the green-eyed guy. What are they up to?

"So, uhh-come on?"

Yukimura stepped forward, "No, I don't think we should go just yet. I believe you have some unfinished business to do here."

This confused Akaya more. Unfinished what? Instead of elaborating, the blue-haired former captain pointed at something to his right. Shrugging, he turned his head to see what it is.. and felt his heart pound as he immediately recognized, even from a distance, those long, auburn twin braids and the face that invaded his dreams. She's sitting on the swing.. on their swing.. But..

"What is she doing here?", Akaya gaped at them, "You brought her here?!"

"No, we didn't."

'Then why is she--"

"She's always here."

Akaya visibly stiffened. What did he mean--

Marui placed a hand on his shoulder, "She always comes here, you know.. She'd been visiting this place ever since you left. Even we were surprised to see her there before. Don't you think you should settle this with her? Can you really bear seeing her like that, knowing that she's still here, waiting for you?"

The others nodded in agreement. They all waited eagerly for his decision,  while Akaya looked more troubled than ever. So this is why they decided to meet up here, huh? The guy shifted his gaze to the girl.. She'd been waiting here.. for 5 years? But.. why is she doing this? Why can't she just forget about him? Doesn't she know that being with him will only endanger her?

"What are you doing--just standing there? Go talk to her, you oaf!", Niou grabbed his arm and started dragging him, but Akaya struggled and once he got the chance, he quickly distanced himself from his Senpai-tachi.

"I can't.."

"Why not? She misses you and you miss her-- don't deny it. Whatever happened that night, she obviously forgave you about it--"

"But I didn't!"

Niou and the others stood still as Akaya looked away from them.

He continued, "I can never forgive myself for hurting her.. I can't talk to her.. I just can't..", he clenched his fist, he should've known they'd do something like this.

Sanada, who was quiet the whole time, walked to their green-eyed Kouhai and before Akaya can even look at him, he suddenly felt a palm smacked on his cheek painfully. "Do you really think that by doing this, you're protecting her? Can't you see that you're only doubling the pain the both of you went through? She doesn't care whether you're a demon or not, so stop this foolishness, Akaya!"

The former Rikkaidai ace stared at him fiercely, "You were not there that night, you were not there when I almost killed her! If she had died because of me, I would've killed myself! You don't know how frightened I was, seeing her like that and knowing that I'm the reason for her suffering. I can never let myself do that to her again!"

"So would you rather see her suffering this way?", Yukimura's surprisingly cold voice made him snap his head up, "By staying away, not only do you hurt her, but also yourself", Akaya gritted his teeth as his words sunk in his mind, "But if you just give yourself a chance.. you can put an end to this and the both of you can be happy. If you're really that keen on protecting her..", a gentle smile crept up on the former captain's lips, "I think you love her enough not to do that again."

Akaya furrowed his brows so he added, "Demon or not, you're still Akaya and you love her. If your good side loves her.. what makes your demon side any different? That's why she didn't die right? Because you got a hold of yourself before the situation can even worsen.. You love her that much."

The seaweed head stepped back.. He can still remember that night clearly in his head. He loosened his grip on her neck as an image of a little girl with doe eyes standing in front of him with a cake flashed in his mind. Then an image of her protecting him from the other kids.. and an image of her- bloodied and being carried by an old woman.. Away from him.. And he saw himself.. his young demon self crying as he stared at the two figures. His demon side can remember her now.. She was that little girl.

The red in his eyes gradually disappeared and he was horrified at what he's done. He immediately took her to the hospital.. desperate for someone to save her life..

Niou smirked at his contemplative look. Looks like their work here is--

"I gotta.. go", Akaya murmured and he started to walk away.

--not done. Damn it!

"Hey, wait! Where are you going? Oi, Baka!"

"Renji, I thought you said this will work?"

"Yes. And it will. Trust me."


This time.. Sakuno stayed even though the sun has already set. She smiled sadly as her eyes landed on the full moon.. She wondered.. How is he..? Is he doing well? And.. did he once again forgot that it's his birthday today?

The girl shook her head lightly, "He always forgets about it..", and a tear fell from her eye. She nibbled on her lips and averted her gaze to the box of cake on her lap, "I baked you a cake.. When you told me that you've never tasted one before, I promised myself that I'll learn how to make them for you.. I hope you'll like it..", she silently cried, " Happy birthday, Akaya-kun.."

"You always do remember about it, huh?"

"Hai.. I always--", and Sakuno froze. Is she just hearing things?

Her heartbeat rose as she realized whose voice it is. But he- he's in America now, right? How can-- A pair of strong arms wrapped around her petite form and she felt his warm, solid chest on her back. It's..

"I'm back, Sakuno-chan."

Sakuno trembled as her tears continued to stream down her blushing cheeks. She can't believe it- he's back.. he's back..!


She stood up, leaving the cake on the swing and faced the man she had been waiting for..

"Sorry for making you wait..", Akaya's tears shone beautifully against his green orbs. The light breeze caressed his black hair and Sakuno's heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

"Iie..", she shook her head, "I guess we're even now.. I heard you waited here for me too for 5 years..", she said while gazing at him lovingly. Akaya suddenly closed the distance between them and pulled her into an embrace.

And they stayed that way, basking in each other's warmth, showered by the light of the full moon, in the place where they first met.. Their hearts now entwined.

"I love you.."

Some say he is a monster.. Some say he's just a kid with childish dreams whose only mistake is trying to achieve it the wrong way.

"I love you too.."

But to Sakuno.. he's just Akaya.. the boy she first met there on the swing.. the boy she fell for despite her innocent age. And that's all that matters.

Demon or not, she loves him. And he loves her. And that's all that really matters.


"Told you, it will work", said Renji who has a slightly smug smile on his face. The others just grinned at him as they watched the two from the bushes. "I knew he'd return."

"I think our work here is finally done", Yukimura dusted his clothes and stood up, "Come on. Let's leave them alone."




Finished at last! Quite long, huh? :)  Haha, I hope you guys liked it! And Big Bang's Monster inspired me to write this one. Oh, please, please, pretty please, leave a review before you go. It's what keeps me going. Cheers!

By the way, the next story will be a YukimuraxSakuno story titled Dahlia. You guys know that song? His voice (Seiichi) is pretty awesome! Ciao!

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