LEILA {ongoing}

By KarsynJLaw

77.5K 1.1K 703

Aussie girl, Leila, moves to America. Repeating her senior year brings much more drama than she bargained for... More

Character Aesthetic & Authors Note
Leila Playlist - avail on spotify
31. H O M E
32. Surprise Kisses
33. Highschool cuties
34. Temper Temper
35. Go For It
36. Finally
37. Better than dessert
38. My Choice
40. His Question
41. Her Answer
Thank you for your patience

39. His Choice

599 14 7
By KarsynJLaw

"Why won't you kiss me!" Her whinging is grating on me even more than usual. "I don't get it," she continues. "These last couple of weeks were great and then this week, nothing!"

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a douchebag would it make me if I tell Ashley that I only made out with her, once. a week ago because I was missing a certain Aussie girl. My Aussie girl.

11. Probably 11 on the douche scale.

"It's because of her, isn't it?" She all but growls only to flip and purrs while running a nails softly down my forearm, "Just tell, I promise I won't be mad." Well that's a bold face lie. I know it. She knows it. Mica's not even in this room and I could hear him rolling his eyes at her because he knows it too.

Ashley's always been like this. I've known her since middle school. She used to be nice. I clearly remember her being really sweet when my sister passed away and I had a week off school. But it's like when she hit puberty, lost the chubby little girl look and grew some boobs that she decided everything had to be her way, including making me her boyfriend even though I never was attracted to her like that.

Well, except at that one party last year where we both drank too much, actually I'm pretty sure I was nearly on the cusp of drunk, but we ended up in her room. Neither of us were virgins by that stage so I thought nothing off it when we put our clothes back on and went back to partying with our own groups of friends... until the next Monday at school when she started taking my arm and walking with me to classes like we were a couple.

We weren't a couple

Never were.

Ever since than I've been made to feel like an arrogant asshole whenever she gets moody at me for not returning any type of affection. I don't even consider her a friend anymore. A friend would respect my decision when I say 'no.' She acts like I haven't said anything at all. She hasn't turned stalkerish or anything, but she likes to drop my name into conversation with other girls, and I mean, Taylor literally heard her calling me her boyfriend this week.

Now, the only time it seems like I can get away from her constant whining or attempts to drag me in for a kiss is by running onto the field or latching myself to Leila.

She fucking haaates Leila.

Pro's and Cons with that though. A major con - I don't want to use the girl I like as a ward against the girl that doesn't understand that a 'No' from me means 'not ever...again. Not ever again.'

Mica's never liked her. Even when we were younger. He'd always look at her like she smelt really bad, scrunching his nose up and edging away, sometimes dragging me with him. Not much has changed actually, he still cringes when she talks, only now when he edges away, sometimes he takes a smirking Leila along with him.

Ash was in peak form today. In every class we were in together she attempted to get my attention, but all I had on my mind were how Leila's lips felt against mine. How she tasted. How she felt under my hands, holding her against me in the club, against the stacks...

Holy fuck, the library. 'Don't groan in front of Ashley! She'll think it's for her.'

Today with my girl was unexpected, but I was so, so very thankful. My hand gripping her ass, tongue tasting hers, my very hard dick straining against my zipper wanting to ground down against her but forcing myself not too.

"Are you even listening to me!?" Blinking myself out of another Leila induced daydream, I try and focus on the small blonde standing in front of my while I lean against the wall in Dani's hallway.

"Not even a little." Yep, the scale just tipped over to 12/10 douchebag scale.

"You're such a jerk. You-"

"Glad you think that. You wouldn't want to be with a jerk so I'll leave you to it." Pushing away from the wall, I take quick, long strides in the direction of Dani's kitchen hoping the whinging girl stays put. No such luck.

"Just tell me if it's because of her that we aren't together?" Jesus, this chick. "We were fine before she came along."

'We? When were we a 'we'?'

I say exactly that to Ashley which only gets me a bratty stomp of her foot as she rushes past me towards her friends.

Thank goodness that's over.

Walking through the kitchen, I bring the beer to my lips and drink, ignoring the glares from the blonde and her minions. Although I'm fairly sure Diana and Josie were joking around with Leila the other day so I don't know what they're playing at. Girl Dra-ma! No, thanks.

My attention is quickly diverted to voices that include Mica and a few others at the front of the house. Curious, I take a step in that direction, my eyes widen in surprise when I hear her. My pulse picks up as my steps quicken. She's not meant to be here. Well, she was invited but told everyone she wasn't coming.

Turning into the large open hall that links the large front formal lounge, staircase and entryway, I'm greeted with a cluster of my friends huddled around the front door while Dani talks to someone on the porch who I can't see but desperately want to.

All day we had been trying to get Leila to agree to come tonight but she was adamant that she wasn't part of the Football or Cheer team so she would sit this one out. Even the promises of another makeout session didn't seem to entice her enough to come. My ego wasn't hurt at all. Nope, not at all.

So why is she here now?

Walking up behind everyone, I hear Dani reasoning with my girl and God Damn! Is she wearing leather pants!? "C'mon, doll. Just stay for a little bit, everyone wants you here."

She is wearing leather pants. And a leather jackets with a grey hoodie underneath that she currently has the hood up covering her beautiful curly hair. There are rain droplets splattered across the light cotton, her black jacket looks soaked and droplets run down her legs towards her black ankle boots.

I don't know what she's wearing underneath that Grey sweatshirt but I'm going to assume a black T-shirt and my imagination is dying to know if it's tight or loose.

'Please be tight.'

A self-depreciating smile flutters across her pretty face when she answers her friend. "That's not true and you know it. Look, take it," She pushes a clear bag of what looks like tea leaves into Dani's hands and steps back quickly. "You asked for that so this is me being an awesome friend, delivering you some party favours and pissing off. I'm meeting up with Mase and a few anyway for a bit then going home, have fun." She smiles at us, backing up as Mica starts protesting, eyeing everyone until her eyes land on mine and she hesitates. Her smile shifting to the one that has graced her lips after every time we've kissed.

Yea, she can't go. Not when she's only started looking at me like she also wants my lips on hers. I need her to keep looking at me like that for a lot longer than 24hrs and if she leaves I won't see her until Monday. At best, Sunday, if I make an excuse to go see her like I did when I asked for her 'help' to study for English. Pushing my way past Brad, Taylor and a bitching Mica, I step around Dani holding Leila's gaze. "Stay."

The corner of her mouth rises as she moves to tug her hood off. Pulling her hair back, twisting it around her hand she tucks it at the nape of her neck. "Not this time, Big boy," flicking her hood back up, "Go have fun, I'll see you at school." She smiles brightly before leaning down and grabbing her helmet before turning, sliding the helmet over her head and jogging down the front steps into the rain towards her bike.


Chasing after her, I hear my best friend whoop in encouragement. The hollering causing Leila to turn at the perfect time. Dipping down, my shoulder meets her hips, hearing a small 'oompf' when my arms wrap around her knees, scooping her up on my shoulder.

I laugh as she yells at me. It's muffled by her helmet that bounces against my back every second step. My grin couldn't get any wider. Smacking her ass, I nearly trip when I feel her do the same thing, causing me to laugh even harder.

"Yea, Bennett. Bring that girl inside." Mica cheers as the boys join him in, jeering.

"Looking great, Leila." Simmons drawls. Twisting herself around me, she grips my other shoulder and flips the guys off. Their howling just gets louder.

Once we're inside the foyer, I bend down to gently place her back on her feet. Keeping my hands locked onto her hips, I grin and wait. Shaking her helmet clad head, I feel droplets from the rain running down my face. Reaching up, I tap her helmet twice and wait for her gorgeous face to greet me. Reach her hands up, she pulls her helmet off and there they are. My favourite set of brown eyes. When they meet mine, I'm happy to find amusement lacing them instead of annoyance. Tugging at the back of her hood, I pull it down, her hair falling out of the spiral.

"Hi, pretty girl."

Slowly shaking her head again her smirk deepens. "Hi, big boy."

Up close I can see her cheeks are flushed and I don't know whether that's from her ride, being upside down or if she's actually blushing. Who am I kidding? Leila doesn't blush. 'I wonder what would make her?'

We're just staring at each other, smothering grins that play around our lips. I have no idea why. I'm fucking ecstatic that she's here, letting me keep hands on her, not pulling away from me. Her smile grows, that plump bottom lip popping away from the top. My eyes instantly hone in, my grip on her hips tightening. Fuck I want to kiss her. I wonder if she'd be ok with that considering we still have an audience.

Just before I do the bold thing and kiss in front of our friends, my awesome, amazing, only actual girl-friend I've ever had cuts in.

"So you're staying." Dani squeals, bouncing from foot to foot. Well, I'm pretty sure she is. I can see her in the corner of my eye, not wanting to take my attention away from Leila.

"No, Dan. I'm not." Her eyes leave me to implore our friend. "You guys might be fine with me, but I know not everyone will feel the same."

"So what, that's only like 3 people."

"Ok," She draws it out, nodding her head to the side. "How about I don't want to hear-"

"NO! No, no, no." Leila drops her head against my chest with a thud and a groan rumbles through her. Chuckling, I bring my arms up to surround her head and shoulders, protecting her. "What is she doing here!?"

"I invited her." Dani snaps at Ashley. Dani's not a snapper so it's good to know I'm not the only one who's had enough of her. "It's my house, my rules and she's my bestfriend."

"So what! I used to be your best-friend and she's not even on the team." Pointing through Dani to the girl in my arms that's distracting me with her thumbs circling my skin where my shirts ridden up underneath my hoodie.

Surprising all of us Leila's head picks up, turning even though she can't see over my biceps. "I agree." Leila's pointing at the blonde who's screeching is sending my synapsis into shock.

"Yeh, see- What!?" Ashley's face muddled with confusion.

Her hand wraps around my bicep, pulling it down just enough to see. "I agree with you. So I should leave. Ok, bye." She ducks under both my arms but doesn't even get fully out of my embrace before Mica jumps in front of her and my arms are now wrapped around her waist. My brother and I laughing as she sighs loudly, dropping her head back, eyes closed. which has her now basically resting against my front with her head just under my collarbone.

Fuck she's cute. 

"Ugh, I give up. I'm so bloody tired. I didn't even have plans tonight." She confesses with her eyes now open, staring up at the chandelier. I smirk down at her, catching her warm chocolate eyes and kiss her forehead. "Stay."

Her eyes soften and stay locked with mine as her head tilts to the side and I drop my head down to her, needing my lips on hers. But, of course, our awesome friend, Dani, yanks her from me and hurries them both upstairs exclaiming how happy she is that her bestie is staying but that dripping on the floor in a soaking wet biker outfit is not the right vibe for the night. One day, I'm going to get that girl back for all the cockblocking she's done in the last couple of months.

Mica chuckles at Leila's expense as she's hauled passed him. Which gets him a light smack to the side of his head plus a hair ruffle, pausing his laughter and igniting hers, especially when he tries to pat down his now fluffy hair.

Mica's my favorite person in my life, Leila's slowly becoming another and I just know the three of us would have the best time hanging out all the time. It wouldn't feel like Mica was third wheeling, he's my brother, Leila treats him like her own brother, it's not like Leila being my girlfriend would change their friendship and honestly, I kind of love that fact. Usually, it goes something like a couple get together and each of them have to choose whose friends they'll be hanging out with and have another person there is annoying as fuck. I know Leila loves hanging out with him so the only difference would be that I'd be holding her, kissing her, she'd my girlfriend and instead of Mica getting pissed off, he'd probably give me the "you better be good to her," talk more regularly than any normal brother would.

"Ask her out so we can do this every day."

If only I was sure she would say yes.

I'm vaguely aware of Ashley huffing away as I'm staring at Leila's tight ass rounding the corner when Brad, the dick, barges past, shoulder checking me into the wall. I stumble and put my hand against the wall to steady myself, Mica calling out a "Duuuude," but he doesn't stop, just stomps his way into the lounge room and drops his ass in a couch, glaring down at his phone as he swipes.

Mica steps up beside me, slowly shaking his head like a disappointed parent. "Dude's got issues, and I'll bet you he's finally realized that being a dick to get Leila's attention has backfired, especially now you too are basically a couple."

"We're not a couple." And I hate that. I want to be more with Leila. I don't want her to only let me kiss her sometimes like the other girls I've hooked up with. I haven't wanted or needed a girlfriend since freshman year, but I don't want us to end up in the same type of situation like Ashley and I. I like Leila. As a friend, she's amazing. As a girl that I'm insanely attracted to and genuinely like and enjoy being around? Fuck, yea I want her.

"Yet. Not a couple, yet." He smirks while bopping my noise like an idiot. Swatting his hand away he continues, "If someone put his big boy panties on, maybe I could have a second sister by the end of this weekend." He teases while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Mica." I warn.

"What!" He shrugs innocently. "She likes you, dude. We can all see it, probably why Brad's pissed even more. So man the fuck up and ask her out." Like it's so simple and not at all daunting when I know she has said she doesn't want or need a boyfriend. I guess I changed my mind, maybe she has too.

Grunting, I follow Mica into the loungeroom where a small group has gathered, some girls sitting on the guys, a few others scattered around the floor, Leila's 'tea leaves' sitting on the coffee table waiting for her. Making sure to get Mica to save me a seat and pull the table closer the which ever couch he chooses, I turn and stride up the stairs, taking three at a time and wait at the top. I'm twitchy, my leg bouncing, and I know exactly what will calm me.

I don't have to wait long either. I hear the two of them come out of Dani's room laughing together, Dani's grin turning wicked when she catches sight of me. "Couldn't wait for us to come down."

It's not a question, but I answer anyway. "At least one of you." My grin growing when Leila shakes her head silently laughing at me.

"Rude." With a flick of her dark brown hair, Dani skips down the stairs not waiting for her friend who is looking at me with her head tilted and a question in her eyes. If she doesn't know why I'm up here, I clearly haven't been kissing her right.

"Hey beautiful, looking good."

Her eyes drop down to examine herself, her hair falling over her shoulders as she tugs at the hem of the black, open zip-up hoodie, her other hand hovering over her exposed stomach as if she's trying to hide herself. "Definitely more comfortable." She doesn't sound too comfortable though.

Her feet are covered in light purple woolen socks, the loose grey sweats cover her up to just below her belly button showing off her trim waist, and the black front zipper sports bra comes up to her collarbones and wrap around her neck. My eyes land on the dip between her collarbone and neck. I need my lips there right now, but first, "You ok?"

Her sleepy smile and eyes bring on a pang of guilt that hits me in the gut at asking her to stay. Instead of the need to kiss her, I want to wrap her up and make her nap. Preferably on me, with my arms around her and her body flush with mine, her head tucked into my neck...

"Yea," she sighs out, "Just tired and ahhh,.." She scrunches her nose in thought, "do you think I should put a shirt on?" No. "I know Dani is basically wearing the same thing, but still." She looks down and sighs again.

Instead of answering her question, I kick off the wall, step into her space, tug the hoodie out of her grasp and zip it up to where her top starts. When I raise my eyes, she's already watching me, the corner of lush lips lifted in a soft smile. "Thank you, but I can just go grab a shirt."

Cupping her face between my hands I lean in and brush my lips against hers, her hands coming up to wrap around my forearms. I don't know what she has to be self-conscious of, she's fucking gorgeous. "No matter what you're wearing, you look beautiful, pretty girl." And because I can't take it wait any longer, I press my lips to hers and instantly feel a calm wash over me. This, I needed this.

No, her, I needed her.

I can feel the gentle smile playing on her lips that slowly relaxes as I back her against the wall and flick my tongue along hers. The groan rumbles through me when her hands weave into my hair, kneading the base of my scalp. A current of sparks igniting from her fingers, over my crown and down my spine has my hand wandering over her shoulders and down to wrap around her lower back, pulling her flush against my thighs, pelvis and abs as my other hand cups the back of her neck. Tilting my head, I deepen the kiss, there's no one up here to worry about catching us like in the library and I'll hear them coming up the stairs even if they do come find us. With every deep breathe Leila takes in, her chest pushes against mine diminishing all the tense energy I was holding.

Last night she tasted of whisky and mischief. Tonight, though, she tastes like every good decision I've ever made and it's that thought, along with her nipping playfully at my bottom lip eliciting a quiet chuckle deep in my throat that cements my decision.

Leila Hale - Daughter, best friend, footballer, bad ass, will have another title before the weekends over.

Eli Bennett's girlfriend.


*I was so nervouse to hit 'Publish'*

Hello lovely people... you all probably hate me by now for taking 4 months to post! I'm so sorry, I've had a big Jan-April 2023 (I've moved from a 3 bedder rental into a caravan permanently, went on a road trip up to north QLD, shifted roles in my full time job and sadly said goodbye to my Nanna). How's your year been?

I had a different ending to this chapter, but honestly I just really wanted to post again and I think this is better anyway.

It's been so long that I'd love to hear what you guys think about Leila and Eli or what you hope happens. The plans I have for these two is both heart warming and breaking.

Thank you for sticking it out and a HUGE thank you for 60K+ reads!!!!

Karsyn xx

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