Better in White: A Catradora...

Από NyxDorian

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You just recently made it through freshman year. It's now Sophomore year here at Brightmoon Academy. Everyday... Περισσότερα

New Year, New Faces
First Day
Trials and Troubles
A Snowy Surprise
A Snowy Surprise Pt. 2
The BFS as Vines!
A Lovebird's Memoir
The BFS as Tiktok Audios
Sick Day
Adora Orders a Burger from Starbucks
April Showers Bring May Flowers
The BFS as Vines! (PT 2)
Better in White: BLOOPERS!
Jackbox Party with the BSF!
Fall Back! It's Junior Year!
To Skip or Not to Skip
Cat's Out of The Bag
Be Transparent
A League of Her Own
A Father's Lament
Electric Bonds
My Little Songbird
Sticks and Stones

Chasing Cars

577 25 7
Από NyxDorian






Y/N was wearing Adora's She-Ra shirt, growing fond of the light colors.

That includes the white.


To compliment it, they wore a set of jeans to go with it.



Their phone sat face up on their dresser as they put on a set of black sneakers.

It vibrated as they got a text message.


Hey! I'm omw to the museum!


You texted back, one shoe on, smirking.


Are your parents dropping you off?

Nope! Going by bike!

Ooooh! Okay. I see. Wait, how far is it by bike?

Like maybe 10 minutes? If I go really fast I can make it in like half that time.

Alright, but don't hurt yourself, okay? I'll see ya soon!

Wuv you!

Aww. I wuv you too, Adora.


They laughed a little in sending that message back.

They put their phone in their pocket just as Y/N overheard their mother calling.

"Y/N! You ready to go?"


"Coming! Give me a sec!" They replied, throwing on their other shoe.



"It doesn't take five minutes to put on a sneaker!"

It does if I'm GAY!


They almost laughed out loud at the thought.

Grabbing their phone, they marched out the room and headed down the staircase.

"We're gonna leave without you!"

"I'M RIGHT HERE!" They yelled back, almost leaping down the porch stairs.


Their mom was waiting in the car outside, the early shine of the sun warming up the block.

"You ready to go?" Their mom asked, hands on the wheel.



As she started to shift gears, Y/N felt the phone vibrate again.

As they grabbed for it, their mom began to speak again.


"How did you do on your finals, sweetie?"

"Really well, actually! I ended the semester with all A's."

"That's good to hear."


They looked down at their phone, checking the texts.



"You didn't run into any trouble at all, right? None of those kids were bothering you?"

Y/N had almost completely forgotten about that video that Blaise sent out to the school.

That was, until their mother brought it back to mind.


"No..." they replied, trailing.

In essence, they just wanted zero reminders of that day, and, plus, Adora was going to be at the museum. They couldn't let that bother them. Not now.



Their mother saw them put their phone away, stuffing it back into the pant pocket.

"Is that your friend?"

"Uh," Y/N paused for a second, perking up, "Yes! Yeah. That was Adora. Heh..."

Their mother smiled.


As she made a turn, they felt the phone vibrate again. It had been a few minutes, and the radio was the only thing that could be heard, apart from the car's engine.

They were still a couple miles away, so, it would take a few more minutes.

As they reached for their phone, their mom spoke up again.

"I noticed that you didn't come back home that one evening. During the fall?"



Their eyes went wide.

"Could you tell me why?" She continued.


Y/N went silent. They knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I... um..."

"It was a fundraiser. I wanted to help out my friends. That's all," they explained, serious.


"What did I tell you? Especially when it came to that?"

"I'm sorry mom."


"You know how I feel about those kids," she started, Y/N sinking into their seat.

"They're my friends, though," They tried.

"Friends or not, I don't want you involved with that stuff again, is that understood?"


They nodded, sighing, "Yes, mom."

She turned around for a moment, seeing Y/N sitting there, despondent.

"Look, I know you want to help, and that's perfectly okay. But I've told you how I felt about those kids and that club."

"I don't want you getting muddled up in that."



Y/N had no choice but to listen.

"But, apart from that, you're okay with how this is planned out?"

That snapped them out of their trance.


"Uh, yeah! Yeah."

The plan that their parents agreed on was that they would all go to the museum, and meet Adora there.

Having met and heard of Adora quite a few times, their parents were highly trusting of her.


Thankfully, they were allowed to carpool, or, in this case, 'bikepool' back with Adora if they wanted, since their parents were planning on checking out some other things.

They fully agreed.

"Oh! We're here!" Their mom announced, turning to park.


It was a decent-sized to maybe a somewhat large complex. It was actually well-placed though, being near a good patch of woodsy areas.

The parking lot was sparsely filled, seeing it was about early afternoon. So, around 1ish.


As Y/N stepped out of the car, they saw Adora at one of the crosswalks nearby, and immediately lit up.

They waved her down, and she glanced up, seeing them.

She waved in response, a smile spreading on her face. She had on a blue hoodie this time, a cerulean color, in fact.

She also had on some jeans as well.


Her hair was up in her traditional poof and ponytail to boot.

Once the sign lit up, an orange hand popped up on the screen, giving Adora the okay to go.

"Is that her?" Y/N's mom came up from behind, startling the teen.


She pointed at the blonde, who was halfway through the crosswalk. That was... until she fumbled with the handlebars a little, and swerved, her legs immediately shooting out in trying to stop it.

"Yup. That's her alright."

Their mother rubbed through their hair, which slightly irritated the poor kid.


What was convenient was that, surprisingly, their parents had a renewed pass for the museum, so they didn't have to worry about paying for admission.

As they waved bye to their mom, who joined their dad in entering the museum, Adora finally made it.

"Hey!" She waved again, putting her bike in the designated zone.


It was a old-school bike. A Kuwahara BMX.

"Wow. That bike looks awesome! Where'd you get it?" Y/N looked at the seat and gears.

"From my dad," Adora smiled, proud as she watched them fawn over the red and bronze coloring.



"Mhm! He used to ride this baby a lot when he was my age, from what he's told me at least..."

"And now I get to ride it, same as he did."




"I wish I had a beauty like that..."

"Now I know what to get you on your birthday," Adora smirked.

"Shut up!" Y/N smacked her arm as she laughed.


They both stepped inside, and it looked more like an art gallery than a museum.



"It's pretty neat, isn't it?" Y/N explained.


Adora nodded.

Y/N glanced around, seeing their parents walk down and through an exhibit, out of sight.


They sighed.

Then, grabbing Adora's hand, they went with her to one of the 60s and 70s exhibits.

It was on the other side of the museum entirely.


There, they got to see a different showcasing of 1964 Pontiacs, Plymouth Road Runner Heimi's, and more muscle cars.

"My dad wishes he had this one," Y/N pointed at a Pontiac GTO.

"They cost a fortune, though."

"Yeah... tell me about it."



They both walked together, hand in hand to a different exhibit this time.


There were different sets of race cars, and their data displayed on the screens.

"You know what vibes I get from this?" Adora lifted a finger.


"Herbie vibes."


"You mean like the movie?" Y/N laughed a little.


"Oh! I can see why."



Adora sighed, "You're cute when you laugh."

"Hang on," Y/N paused, stopping in place, Adora tilting her head in curiosity.

"First you found my yawns cute, but now you find how I laugh cute?"


"I guess there's just a lot about you I find cute!" Adora's head tilted again, her smile lighting up the very essence around her.


Y/N went flush in the face, trying not to pass out from the golden retriever energy.


"I saw you obsess over my bike earlier," Adora gave them a quick cheek peck, "What was that about?"

Y/N seemed surprised.

She noticed? Huh.

"I've always been somewhat sentimental when it came to anything in regards to the 80s or 90s."



"Yeah. I grew up watching Goonies, The Sandlot, Back To The Future, anything by Spielberg, all that stuff."

Adora's eyes were wide by the time they finished that statement.

"You know your 80s stuff, huh?"


Y/N sheepishly smiled, "Yeah, I guess I could see myself being an older soul in a way. The 80s just appeal to me, ya know?"

"Then why did you seem so hesitant to wear the outfits for the... thing?" Adora tried to avoid using the name of the whole April Spooks event.

"Because it was a little crazy, and I guess I just wasn't fully in the mood. I don't know..."


"That's okay. If anything, you might need to educate me a little more," Adora rubbed the back of her neck.

"Aw, don't worry," Y/N patted her shoulder, "I am fully equipped!"

"I betcha anything I'll blow your MIND," They made small hand gestures.


"My mind was blown earlier, so that mission was already accomplished, MJ."

"And I'd blow your mind again in a heartbeat, Gray."


Y/N glanced into Adora's eyes, seeing how they almost lit up, a sparkle being seen in them.

Adora cupped their cheek, pulling them in, and kissing them.

Y/N had a hand on her shoulder, and another resting over her heart as the blonde had her hand on their cheek, and the other over their other hand—the one on her chest.



They both pulled away, smiling. They couldn't even hold it together, and giggled as their foreheads met.

Y/N would continue showing her around, Adora listening with content and curiosity the whole time.

There were even some interactive activities they were both allowed to do, such as creating their own truck, doing a driving simulator, and getting a chance to make their own mini license plates.

By the end of it, the two were laughing up a storm, and were sitting on one of the benches near a different exhibit.

There were a few lights in the hall, illuminating the space.

Adora sat with her hands in her hoodie pocket, while Y/N lounged beside her, just admiring the scenery.



"So, you think this was a good place?" Y/N waited for her answer.

"Oh definitely," Adora beamed.


"You think so?" Y/N pumped their fists.

Adora gave one gentle nod as she put an arm around their shoulder, rubbing the back of it.

She glanced down at the shirt.

"Hey! You're wearing it!"


"Oh, this?" Y/N tugged at the front of it, "I figured I'd go in something that would go good with the sunny weather, right?"

Adora didn't respond. She did shiver though, and didn't understand why.

"Wait... does it look bad? Should I have done blue, like you did? I'm sorry, I'm rambling..." Y/N panicked mildly.

"No, no," Adora calmed them down, rubbing her thumb carefully around their shoulder blade, "You look better in white."



They blushed a little at the compliment.


Adora's hand retracted back into her own lap, sighing.

"We should do this again sometime."

Y/N smiled, "We should."



They suddenly pulled their phone out to check on the time. It was around four o'clock.

"Oh, we still have plenty of time to kill!"

"We do?" Adora asked.





"Wouldn't you want to kill some of that time with me?" Adora smirked.

"Of course! I mean—" Y/N blushed.

Adora gave them a light kiss on the forehead, making them fall silent.


"Heh..." they cheekily smirked.

Adora grabbed their hand, and stood them up, linking her arm with theirs.

"Let's go see what else they have."

Y/N felt a grin spread, "Sure thing, princess."



They both got to check out some locomotive displays and even a few old replicas of firefighting trucks.

"That's what it used to look like?"

"Technology does a lot," Y/N nodded affirmatively.


"What's nice is that the engines, the way their produced and stored now? Some are a bit more compact and weigh less, making it easier."

"See here?" They pointed at one of the information tablets that was sitting by.

"Diesel engines: 260-600 horsepower or 194‐447 kilowatts."

"For an Applewood?" Adora glanced at the truck suspiciously.


"The only thing is that most of these were still slow, for our time, anyway..."

"The highest they could get was at least 45-50 miles per hour."


"Huh. No kidding," Adora shrugged, finding a bit of interest.



Y/N could hear a few kids horsing around nearby due to the loudness of their laughing and shouting.

But, they, along with Adora, ignored it.


"Here. Let's go back to the racecar exhibit."


The duo walked for a few minutes back through the different sights and whatnot, eventually coming back to the displays.

Y/N felt their phone vibrate and quickly took it out of their pocket. It was a text from their mom.

Everything going okay?

Yeah. We're just going through some of the interactive stuff.

Awesome! Hey, we're going to head down to one of the cafés down at the plaza a little later. Want us to grab you anything?

Maybe just an iced coffee?

Alright. I hope you and your friend make it back safe. I trust you, sweetie. Love you.

I'm hoping we make it safe too. Thanks.



Adora saw them finally put their phone back away, and put a hand on their back, "Everything okay?"

Y/N smiled and nodded with affirmation, "Yes. My mom just said something about going to a café to grab some coffee with my dad."

"They'll probably go a little later."



"She said she trusts me enough, so, I guess that should make me feel a little better."

"Aw, ya hear that?" Adora pointed into the air, smirking, approaching Y/N.

"Hear what?"

She suddenly grabbed them, noogieing at their hair, "It's called fun, ya goof!"

"Ah! Let go, Adora!" They squealed.


"Not a chance!"

They both started giggling and laughing.

They slowed it down a little and their laughter boiled down into short little giggles.


Until they heard the kids from before coming around, still laughing and whatnot.

Eh, can't be much of a bother. Probably some young ones and their parents or something messing around.

Oh how wrong they'd be.


In came Blaise and a few of her friends, all of whom looked pampered with new sneakers and shirts, it looked like.

Y/N's and Adora's eyes went wide.


"You've gotta be kidding me..." they whispered, Adora instinctively grabbing their hand.


"Come on, let's go before they see."

Adora and Y/N tried to make haste, but it would be in vain.

She managed to catch the two trying to leave, and recognized Adora's dirty blonde ponytail.

"No way. Is that you, new kid?"



"And Y/N?" Blaise snidely remarked.




"Why do you ask, Blaise?" Y/N was still facing away.

"I don't know. Just didn't think I would see you showing your face in public after that video got out to the school."

"Oh, that's it—" Adora was ready to throw punches, but Y/N put an arm in front of her as she took a step forward.


It was clear what Blaise's intentions were. She was actually trying to instigate a fight.

"Well, I could care less about that dumb video. I'm over it," they shrugged as Adora backed down.

"One single video doesn't dictate my life. So maybe your lack of head shouldn't either."


Adora snorted, covering her mouth, meanwhile Blaise was turning red.

"What'd you say?"

Y/N replied to her swiftly, "I'm just saying, maybe if you took your anger out on the wall in your bedroom rather than other people, then maybe you might find some inner peace."


Blaise was clearly agitated. Even her own buddies were laughing at the sharp comebacks Y/N had.

Y/N turned away after Blaise was silent, thinking that was the end of it. But... of course, it was far from that.

She sighed, scoffing as an evil smile spread across her face, "Well then I guess that means you could do the same. It might help you get over Mara."


That made them freeze. Their blood went to ice.

"Don't drag her into this," they said lowly.

"Why not? Did I hit the heartstwings?" Blaise made her tone sound childish and baby-like.


"Shut up."

"Y'know, I can see why nobody bothers to be around you at school. You take after her, like a dog to an owner."



You know NOTHING about the relationship Mara and I had.

She was like a mother to me. She was more than what my mother could be in more ways than one.




"It makes sense."

"After all, you're nothing but a gay bitch."

"Why, you jealous?" Y/N tried to shift it around.


"No. But I know a fag when I see one. But there's something I'm missing..."

They could feel themself hitting a boiling point. Their hands were balled and shaking, Adora looking like she was ready to deck this kid.

"There's two fags here."


"You didn't think I noticed, did you? You both were oh so lovey dovey after what happened! And it's why you're never going to—"

Blaise had zero chance of finishing that sentence as a hard force came crashing into her cheek.

Adora stood, stunned, at a distance as she watched Y/N finally throw a punch.


Blaise stumbled back, rubbing at her cheek in surprise.

Y/N stood, eyes wide as well from what they'd done. They had to do a double take when they glanced at their hand, seeing a small bruise forming on Blaise's face.

"I think it's time to go..." they said, their voice breaking in shock and fear.



Adora and Y/N suddenly bolted the other way as Blaise got her bearings.


"Man, she can't think of any other nicknames?" Y/N shook their head in disappointment.


"NOW IS NOT THE TIME!" Adora glared at them.

"YOU'RE RIGHT. YOU'RE RIGHT," They realized without missing a beat, and sprinted downstairs and through the halls, hearing a few pairs of shoes running in their direction.

After about thirty seconds of sprinting, they both made it to the entrance, panting and heaving.


"What do we do!?"

"Uh, the bike! Let's take the bike!" Adora pointed at it.



Y/N was the first to get on it, handling the steering and pedals.


Adora had to squeeze from behind, almost falling off the seat.

"Adora, I'm gonna stand up so you can get a better hold."

"Okay..." she nodded, nervous.


They turned as they managed to get their feet on the pedals. Just then, they saw the doors burst open.



"JEEZUS She's mental..." Y/N stared.

"Y/N, GO!" Adora pleaded for dear life.



They began to pedal away at great speed, Adora holding their waist from behind as they weren't fully standing up. Unfortunately, the others weren't too far behind, setting up their bikes themselves, which they had all taken as well.

Y/N noticed the huge amount of traffic in the roads, and cursed under their breath.

"Damn it!"


They shot their head around, looking for any path or place to get away.

They had to settle on the classic: The woods.

"Here goes nothing..." they turned the bike, and sped off into a small trail in the woods.



"Where are we going!?" Adora asked.

"To the forest, apparently!" Y/N replied.

The sun was still somewhat up, getting close to the time that it was ready to set.


Y/N pedaled through a small patch of vegetation, finding a small dirt track to follow, avoiding large trees here and there.

They rode for a minute before asking, "Did we lose them?"

Adora turned around, her ponytail all over the place as the wind blew.

She wished she didn't turn, seeing Blaise and her goons not too far behind, also on their own bikes.


"Uh... what would you do if I said no?"

"Ugh, hang on tight!" They ordered.


Y/N hopped over a rock patch, both them and Adora almost getting launched off the bike for a moment, but landing well-balanced.


Adora felt her heart racing with adrenaline, but also with something else.

She couldn't tell if it was fear or excitement.



The duo suddenly hit the edge of a hilltop, about to go straight down almost.

"Um, Adora...?"

"Oh boy. Hold on!" Adora clung to them as Y/N held at the handlebars, glancing at Adora as she grasped them tight.


They both made it downhill, not using the pedals until they made it to level ground.

"We made it!"

Adora breathed out a heavy breath. She could feel herself shaking a little.

As the bike still carried the two, they both saw the others not too far behind.



"Where else can we go?"


Adora looked around, "I don't know!"

"Well, we need to figure something out quick! We're coming up towards the valley to Dryl!"



Up ahead, there was nothing but a large drop ahead into deep grass, trees, and rocks.

There was no way they could make it.

All that there was, was a small little incline.


"You know what? I've got an idea."

"Oh no," Adora's grasp tightened in fear, "And what might you do, I ask?"

Y/N pedaled with determination as Blaise got closer.

"SOMETHING CRAAAAAAAZY!" They made it to the incline, and the bike went up into the air.

It looked like they were flying.



Blaise's buddies had to stop, and were unable to follow.

Blaise herself skidded her bike to a halt, just before the jump.

Y/N and Adora were still in the air, seeing that the jump was a big one to make. Adora and Y/N shouted as they both were up in mid-jump.


"Brace for impact!" Y/N warned.

The bike's back tire barely made it to the ground, and the two bounced awkwardly for a few seconds as they made it across.

Y/N was still pedaling, finding that the two were at a decline, going downhill again.



They could still feel Adora's hands grasping tightly on their abdomen.

"And you thought me jumping into a LAKE was crazy!?" She yelled, flustered.


"It could be worse," Y/N answered, still riding.

They shot their head around to look at the dirt and gravel path that they'd both been traveling on.

They saw the front of Blaise's bike poking out from the top of the hill.

"Are you serious!?" Y/N cursed.


"What's going on?" Adora questioned.

"She's still following us!" They replied.

Adora turned her head around, seeing a few bikes making their way down the hill, her and Y/N having somewhat of a distance between the group.

Adora was surprised, both brows raising as she spoke, monotone, "Who knew the kids around here were this insane?"


"INCOMIIIING!" Y/N shouted.

Them and Adora hit another hilly spot, going up and presumably down a drop.

But the bike landed on the roof and hood of a traveler's car, the man stepping back in shock as they both rode away.

"Sorry!" Y/N said as they pedaled in the distance.



"How much longer is this trail?" They wondered aloud, their legs starting to feel a little tired.

"I don't know. But I do know we're on the right path," Adora explained.

"THERE THEY ARE!" One of Blaise's friends pointed the two out as Y/N pedaled even faster.


"Damn!" They realized.

As they noticed, the duo hit a rough patch of rocks and uneven ground, the bike bouncing slightly. Adora's grip became tighter.

"You okay?" They made sure Adora was alright, but felt a stinging sensation on their cheek.

"Mhm," Adora nodded, humming as Y/N side-glanced, seeing the blue in her eyes become a little brighter in that moment.







They hit a sharp bend in the trail, skidding the bike to the right and continuing to go, the sun shining in the sparse cover provided by the leaves and branches.

Adora suddenly perked up as Y/N heaved, their feet still pushing on the pedals.

She was hearing the sounds of something close by. It sounded like cascades and dripping.



"Oh no..." Adora felt goosebumps.

"What? What's the matter?"

She couldn't speak. She didn't have to. As Y/N looked on ahead, they found something not-so-great.


They were both coming across ANOTHER cliffside, and a decent-sized river in between.

"Oh you're kidding..." They felt their soul leave their body, the bike still moving, but Y/N no longer pedaling out of shock.

Just then, it hit another decline, and the bike picked up more speed.


Y/N felt their grip on the handlebars grow tight.


Y/N had no idea. If they stopped, there was no way out, but, if they went, both of them could get seriously hurt trying.

The bike approached the edge with increasing speed.

"Just hold on tight, okay? I've got you!"

The jump was incredibly risky, but there wasn't much they could do to avoid it.



The bike went soaring into the air, Adora's grip tightening ten-fold.

It was the most tense few seconds of their lives.

With great luck, they managed to make it, the front tire bouncing up, however.

The force in which they hit the ground caused Y/N to get jerked off, and tumbled into the dirt and greenery.



The bike began to jerk even more, and Adora nearly threw herself forward and pumped the brakes.

She was VERY lucky she didn't fall or trip in doing so.

After a moment, the bike came to a halt, and, panting, she looked back to where she saw them hit the ground.






Adora ran over to where she saw them, dropping the bike, the wheels clanking on the ground.


After moving a few branches and plants away, she saw them lying face down in the dirt.

She knelt down and turned them right-side up, their back laying on the ground.

Wake up, Y/N!

She noticed there was a bleeding cut on their face from the rocks they had plowed through in order to get away.


She tried to shake them gently by the shoulders, "Y/N, I need you to wake up..."

Ugh, I don't want to do this...

Adora could only do the next best thing, and pinch them as hard as she could. And it did the trick, because Y/N shot back up, fully awake, sitting up.

"GAH—What...?" They shook their head.


"You got thrown from the bike," Adora deadpanned.

"Jeez," they rubbed their face, their hand slithering through their hair tufts.


"What happened... just earlier..."

"Yeah..." Adora was in just as much surprise as Y/N.


When we were trying to get away...

That moment...




Y/N laid back down, chest puffing out as they still were calming down. Adora laid beside them.

"We take this to the grave."

"Oh definitely."


"But, cliff jumping aside.... Adora propped herself onto her elbow, glancing at Y/N.

"Can we go back to how you COMPLETELY DESTROYED BLAISE?"

"Yeah..." Y/N exhaled, their hands at their sides, "That was something..."

"You ANNIHALATED her, Y/N. Left ZERO crumbs."


"Uh huh..."

There was an odd pause.

"Aren't you proud of that?" Adora said, blinking and scooting closer.


"I'm glad I stood up to her, but the way I did it..." they looked at the hand they had punched her with, "I'm not so sure..."

"Y'know what?" Adora assured, laying her head and hands on their chest, "I think she had it coming."

"I almost beat her up myself."

"What?!" Y/N was appalled.


"When she took that video and you ran off? I confronted her. If Bow didn't hold me back, you might not have seen me for a few weeks."

"And she..."

"Did not learn her lesson," they both said at the same time.



"I saw you in there. The museum, I mean," Y/N rubbed through Adora's ponytail, "You looked like you wanted to rip her head off."


"I know, I know," they replied.


"But that wasn't as cool as seeing you throw a punch at her! I didn't realize you could hit that hard!"

"BELIEVE ME... I CAN HIT MUCH HARDER THAN THAT. Without holding back, of course..." they answered nervously.

"But she's gonna be out for my head now that I've done that..."

Adora booped their nose, "Dude, it's gonna be summertime. What could she possibly do?"

"A lot..." Y/N looked off to the side.



"Well, I'm gonna help you make sure she doesn't."

"Blaise can be relentless," Y/N added.

"And so am I," Adora fired back, making Y/N giggle.


I love this dork too much.

"Today was fun."



"Bike and all."

"Yeah..." Adora rested on their chest.





— 20 Minutes Later —



The two eventually found the way back to the neighborhood, Adora walking with the bike beside Y/N.

After what had happened, she'd offered to help Y/N patch up the cut on their cheek.

They were thankful and appreciated her kindness.


Adora giggled, Y/N having recounted a little something silly.


"I know, but first, we gotta fix that cut on your face."

Y/N jumped a little, realizing.

"Y/N?" Adora tilted her head.

If they came back home with a random band aid or patch on their face, what would they say to their parents?


"What should I tell my parents? Should I just say I fell?"

"Not, 'We got chased by Blaise and her goons and we went on a whole bike escape?'" Adora wondered, smirking as she put her hands on her hips.




"IF THEY KNEW THAT I'D BE DEAD," Y/N said, deadpanning.

"Well then just say that there was a raccoon or something," Adora suggested.

"THAT'S WORSE!" Y/N nudged her, Adors playfully laughing and rubbing her shoulder.



"Come on."

"Let's get home."





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Nova has never known who her birth parents were. If anything, she had no idea she had anyone to call family. Growing up as a wolf-hybrid in the Horde...
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Adora called out across the ice, feeling as if she was floating on air. It was a strange sense of euphoria, the wind biting her skin and the vast sea...
47.2K 2K 13
Completed! Adora hasn't had a good amount of sleep In a while because her dreams are filled with a certain someone who use to be her best friend Thi...