In a Crowd of Thousands

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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On the most tragic night of her life, Anastasia, while on the run, gets sent to another land. And then anoth... More

Aesthetics and Playlist
The Escape
Book Two


88 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff


In the clouds, the Blue Fairy waited for Nova. Nova clumsily flew towards her, carrying a bag of fairy dust, before coming to a stop.

"Easy!" the Blue Fairy said.

"Sorry," Nova apologized.

"Careful. Careful. Fairy dust is the most precious substance in all the land. Its magic is what powers the world. This is the year's supply – we must be cautious."

"I know."

"Because, next year, you'll be doing this alone."

"I-I'll still be picking up dust? I thought I'd be a fairy godmother by then."

"Oh, Nova. You really are a dreamer. Your journey is just beginning. Can you make it home from the mines with all the dust safe?" Nova nodded. "Okay."


The fairy dust from Nova's bag fell from the sky and spiraled to the ground. The dust reached the mine, where there was a cluster of eggs. The dust was absorbed by one of the eggs, which then began to move. Two dwarves, who were inspecting the eggs, noticed.

"This one's ready," Watchy said.

"No. It's too early, Watchy," Bossy told him."This unit isn't scheduled to hatch till sundown."

"Well, someone's eager to get out before the rest of his brothers." A hand punched through the shell of the egg. The dwarf inside turned out to be Grumpy.

"Welcome to the world, dwarf."


Leroy was eating breakfast at the counter in Granny's Diner. Mr. Clark and Walter entered.

"Uh, excuse me, Leroy," Mr. Clark said. "Uh, do you mind scooting over a seat so Walter and I could sit together?"

"If I wanted to sit there, I would've sat there," Leroy shot back. "You want this seat? Try dragging your sorry asses out of bed a little earlier."

"You're a real ray of sunshine as-" he sneezed.

"Congrats -- just lost my appetite. Seat's all yours." Leroy got up to leave as Mary Margaret walked in.

"Excuse me. Can I have everyone's attention, please?" Mary Margaret asked and the diner went silent. "I'm sorry to interrupt your morning, but I just wanted to remind everyone that a very special occasion is upon us -- Miner's Day. As always, the nuns of Storybrooke are hoping that everyone will get involved, and will help sell their exquisite candles. All we need are a few energetic volunteers. So, who wants to join me?"

Everyone ignored her and went back to what they were doing. Leroy headed to the door, which Mary Margaret was standing in front of.

"Leroy, you want to volunteer?" Mary Margaret asked.

Leroy frowned. "I want to leave, sister. You're blocking the door."

"Of course. Uh, you know, if you wanted to help, it could really be a-"

"Oh, yeah. Right. Quite a team we'd make -- town harlot, town drunk. The only person in this town that people like less than me, is you. If you're coming to me, you're screwed."

Leroy left. Mary Margaret left moments later. Emma and Anya followed her outside and walked along with her.

"Hey," Emma greeted. "Mind if I join you? So, what the hell is Miner's Day, and why are you beating yourself up over it?"

"It's an annual holiday celebrating an old tradition. The nuns used to make candles and trade them with the miners for coal," Anya explained.

"Coal? In Maine? If they were mining for lobster, I'd understand."

"Look, I don't know, Mary Margaret said. "Now, they use it as a fundraiser. It's an amazing party -- everyone loves it."

"It doesn't seem like everyone loves it."

"It's not Miner's Day -- it's me. Last week, I had ten volunteers. This week, they all dropped out."

"You think this is about what happened with David?"

"Oh, I know it is. A few of them told me as much. I've never... been a homewrecker before."

"It's going to blow over. You made a mistake with David -- it happens. But, you don't have to do charity to try to win people's hearts back."

"I have to do something, and this is the best I can do. Love ruined my life."

"We'll help you," Anya told her.

Emma's phone rang. "Sheriff Swan. Yeah, I'll be right down." She hung up and looked back at Mary Margaret. "Well, apparently, duty calls. Hang in there. And, if there's anything I can do to help, I will."

"I know," Mary Margaret said. "Thank you."


The citizens of Storybrooke were setting up for Miner's Day. Leroy walked past a ladder where what seemed to be 'fairy dust' fell on his head. He looked up and saw Astrid.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Astrid apologized. "It just slipped out of my hand. I..."

Leroy smiled. "No problem at all."

Astrid climbed down the ladder. "I really am so sorry. I... I was so busy trying to get the lights to work, that I didn't realize I was about to knock it off the ladder."

"Let me take a look at those lights for you." Leroy climbed up the ladder and looked at the lights. "Here's your problem -- you're overloading the transformer. You kept messing around with these lights, the whole thing could've blown up on you."

"Oh. Then I guess that makes you my hero."

"I'm nobody's hero, sister."

"Oh. You can just call me Astrid."

"I call everybody sister. I'm Leroy." He tinkered with the lights, which turned on.

"How did you do that? Are you an electrician?"

"I'm in the custodial services game." He climbed down the ladder.

"That's... Wonderful."

"No, it's not. What I really wanted to do, was sail. I even bought a boat. It's a real clunker. I was going to fix it up, sail around the world, say goodbye to this hellhole. I'm... I'm sorry, sister."

"It's okay," Astrid reassured. "You know, someone once told me, you can do anything as long as you can dream it."

"You really think?"

"Sure. Look how easily you fixed those lights. I bet you could do anything." They stood close. "I should, uh, get back to the Volunteer Center. Nice to meet you, Leroy."


Emma was investigating Kathryn's crashed car.

Sidney arrived on scene with a camera and asked, "You mind if I take a look, too?"

"What for?" Emma questioned.

"Well, just because I got fired from The Mirror, doesn't mean I can't do a little freelance reporting. So, what do we got here?"

"Gym teacher found this area on the side of the road abandoned. Engine running, no one around. Registered to Kathryn Nolan. She's MIA."

"Kathryn Nolan, whose husband very publicly left her? I mean, the story writes itself. If I get a scoop like that, The Daily Mirror would have no choice but to take me back."

"Calm down, tiger. You don't work for Regina anymore. Kathryn got accepted to law school in Boston. Maybe, after David dumped her, she decided to leave town. Car broke down, she hitched the rest of the way. That's what I would do if I was running away from my problems." She opened the trunk and found the suitcase inside.

"And, uh, would you leave your clothes in the car?"

"Time to pull Kathryn's phone records and find out who she spoke to last."

"Yeah, you know, if you go through the Sheriff's Department, it'll take you days to get those. I've got a contact over at the phone company, who used to help me out when I was at the newspaper. I can get those in a couple hours."

"Great. Call me the minute you get your hands on those phone records."

David's truck pulled up along the side of the road.

"There he is," Sidney said.

"Time to break the news," Emma muttered.

"You really think he doesn't know?"

"I'm about to find out."


In the mines, the newly hatched dwarves were being fitted for clothing and were being cleaned up. Bossy was assigned to deal with Grumpy.

"Arms up," Bossy ordered.

"What am I?" Grumpy asked.

"You're a dwarf."

"What am I doing?"

"Being cleaned."

"Who is the woman I saw?"

"What woman?"

"The one I saw right before I hatched. She was beautiful. I want to see her again."

"Ha! You must be dreaming – there are no female dwarves. Dwarves don't fall in love, dwarves don't get married, and dwarves don't have children. Why do you think you were hatched from an egg?"

"Then, what do we do?"

"We work."

"And we like it?"

"We love it. We even whistle while we do it. We mine the diamonds that get crushed into dust, that give light to the world. You and your seven brethren will bring joy to yourselves and to everyone." Bossy joined Grumpy with the seven other dwarves. "Come on. This is your team – these are your brothers. Everyone, grab an axe. It'll give you your dwarf name." The dwarves lined up to receive their axe. Once the axe was in their hands, a name appeared on the handle. Stealthy, Happy, Doc, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Dopey and Dreamy were the names that appear. "The axe never lies, Dreamy. Okay, folks. Grab a lantern and move out. Today is the first day of the rest of your lives. Welcome to the mines!"


Mary Margaret was filling out forms at a table when Leroy entered and asked, "Where can I sign up?"

Mary Margaret ignored him and Leroy frowned. "What? I want to volunteer to sell candles."

"No, you don't," she replied. "You made that very clear this morning at Granny's."

"Well... Maybe I saw the light. I mean, maybe somebody showed it to me. What difference does it make, sister. It looks like you can use all the help you can get."

"Okay. I need help manning the candle booth. No swearing, no drinking, and I get to call all the shots."

Across the room, Astrid and Mother Superior were talking.

"You ordered how many tanks of helium?" Mother Superior asked.

"I-I meant to order 12," Astrid replied.

"You ordered 12 dozen. Return them."

"There are no refunds."

"We needed that money -- you knew that. You know how he feels about us. You fix this, Sister Astrid. You fix it now."

Mother Superior left and Leroy, who had overheard the discussion, walked over to Astrid.

"Hey," Leroy greeted. "What's the problem?"

"The problem is, I'm an idiot," Astrid answered. "We get a stipend each year for expenses, and it's all carefully budgeted except for the part where I spent it all. On helium. And now we can't pay our rent."

"So, you'll make it up when you get your next stipend."

"Which isn't till next month. The rent is due next week. And the only income we have are these candles."

"Well, so how many do you need to sell?"

"Like, a thousand."

"How many did you sell last year?"


"Ask your landlord to cut you a break."

"Mr. Gold doesn't offer much leeway."

"Mr. Gold's your landlord?"

Astrid nodded. "If we miss a payment, we're out. And then they'll reassign us, and we'll have to leave Storybrooke."

"No, you won't. You know why you only sold 42 last year? Because you didn't have me. This year, we're going to sell all of them."

"Wow! Leroy, I guess you really are my hero."


"She's just gone?" David asked.

Emma studied David's expression. "You really don't know anything, do you?"

"I-I don't... I don't understand. What happened?"

"I don't know. I'm trying to find out. What can you tell me? When was the last time you spoke to Kathryn?"

"Yesterday afternoon."

"Okay, look. I know there has been lies and deceit, and I'm really not judging you, but is that the truth?"

"Yes. I haven't spoken to her since we... I ended things. An I came home yesterday, and all her things we gone. I assumed she was going to Boston. That's what she told me. Am I a suspect or something?"

"No. I know when people are telling the truth, David, and you are. She hasn't even been gone 24-hours. She's not even technically missing. But, if she is, trust me -- I will find her."

Regina was sitting in her office, when a fax came through. It was two pages of Kathryn's phone records.

Regina grabbed her phone and dialed a number. "Hello, Sidney? Those phone records you wanted -- I have them. And I think you'll find them quite helpful."


Grumpy was shoveling rocks and diamonds onto a conveyor belt. The rocks traveled along through a machine that grinded the diamonds into fairy dust. At the end, the dust was funneled into a bag. When the bag was full, Nova went to pull the lever to stop it, but was unable to. She yelled for help.

"Help!" Nova cried. "Someone!" Grumpy quickly pushed the lever, stopping the fairy dust. "Oh! Oh, thank you."

"It's you," Grumpy said.

"Do we know each other?"

"You're the woman I saw in my dreams right before I hatched last year."

"You're one?" Nova rested the bag of fairy dust on a machine.

"I know – I look young for my age." The fairy dust was lifted up and fell onto a conveyor belt.

"Oh, no! The fairy dust!" The bag of fairy dust continued along the conveyor belt and headed towards a furnace. Grumpy climbed up and, at the last second, grabbed the bag with his pick axe. He climbed down and hands the bag to Nova. "I'm an idiot. All I ever wanted was to be a fairy godmother. That was my dream, but I can't even pick up fairy dust alone. I'm so clumsy."

"No, you're not. I think you'd make a great fairy godmother."

"You really think so?"

"I believe you can do anything you want, as long as you can dream it."

"I'm Nova."

"I'm Dreamy."

"You know, Dreamy. As fairies, we get to spend very little time in your world, and I was thinking about making a stop on my way back. Have you ever been to see the fireflies?"

"I barely ever get out of the mines."

"Oh, I-I heard it's beautiful – that they come out just after sunset on Firefly Hill. I was going to see them tonight on my way back."

"Oh, sounds fun. Have a good time."

"Dreamy? Thanks. You're my hero."


Mary Margaret, Anya and Leroy were trying to sell candles at their booth.

"Buy your Miner's Day candles here!" Mary Margaret said loudly. "Handmade by Storybrooke's very own nuns! Light your way to a good cause! By buying a candle... This isn't working."

Leroy nodded. "You're right. We should pack it up."

"Now you're quitting?" Anya asked with a frown.

"If the customers won't come to us, we got to go to them -- door to door."

"If they hate us here, what makes you think they'll like us in their homes?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Exactly. They'll pay us just to leave."


In another area, Sidney was playing ring toss.

Emma walked up to him. "What the hell are you doing?"

"What's happening?" Sidney asked.

"I just got off the phone with Kathryn's school in Boston. Registration was this morning, and she never showed up."

"Something did happen."

"It looked that way."

Mary Margaret, Anya and Leroy rushed past, but Mary Margaret stopped when she saw Emma.

"Oh, Emma!" Mary Margaret exclaimed. "Help me out! What's more sympathetic. Um, scarf or no scarf?"

"Sc-Scarf," Emma stammered.


"Come on -- we're on a schedule," Leroy and Anya told Mary Margaret.

"Oh, uh, thank you. Got to go."

Mary Margaret, Anya and Leroy ran off.

Sidney frowned. "Why didn't you say anything? You're looking for a suspect. Someone with a motive. Pixie cut over there has got one a mile high."

Emma shook her head. "She had nothing to do with anything. Trust me."

"But she's the one-"

"Trust me -- I know her. Just get me those phone records."


Mary Margaret, Anya and Leroy went to the first house. A man eating a carrot answered the door. A woman appeared beside him.

"Hi," Mary Margaret greeted. "We're selling candles for Miner's Day."

"We're not interested," the woman answered as she shut the door.

Mary Margaret, Anya and Leroy tried several more houses, but had the door shut in their face every time.

Dmitry walked up and smiled. "I'll buy a few."

Anya took the money and gave him the candles. "Thank you."

He nodded. "Seems you're having some trouble. I could-"

"No conning people. We're doing this the right way."

He sighed. "Fine. Let's sell- how many?"

"12 dozen."

"12 dozen candles. Easy."

"Yeah, not so much," Mary Margaret muttered.

"Now you've got me."


Grumpy and the rest of the dwarves were eating and drinking at a tavern. Grumpy was sitting off to the side by himself. Bossy joined him.

"What's the matter?" Bossy asked. "You barely touched your food."

"I don't know," Grumpy replied. "I can't eat, I can't sleep, I don't feel at all like myself. Maybe I should have Doc take a look at me."

"You're going to trust a dwarf that got his medical degree from a pick axe? I wouldn't worry about it. Dwarves don't get sick. It must be in your head."

Belle, who was sitting at the next table, overheard them talking and said, "It's not in his head – it's in his heart. You're in love."

"Well, that's impossible," Bossy stated. "Dwarves can't fall in love."

"Trust me. I know love, and you're in it."

Bossy dismissively waved his hand and went back to join the others.

"What's it like?" Grumpy asked.

"It's the most wonderful and amazing thing in the world," Belle replied. "Love is hope. It fuels our dreams. And if you're in it, you need to enjoy it. Because love doesn't always last forever."

"But, if love's so great, then why do I feel so bad right now?"

"You need to be with the person you love."

"Yeah, but how do I know she feels the same way? All she talked about was going to see some fireflies – not loving me."

"What... what did she tell you about these fireflies?"

"Uh, that she was going to go see them on the hilltop tonight. That she heard they were the most beautiful sight in all the land. What?"

"She wasn't telling you about the fireflies. She was inviting you to go be with her."

"You think so?"

"I've had my heart broken enough to know when somebody's reaching out. Now go. Find your love, find your hope, find your dreams."


Astrid was picking up something that she dropped, when Leroy entered the Volunteer Center. Mary Margaret, Dmitry and Anya watched from the other side of the room.

"Sister Astrid?" Leroy called.

Astrid smiled. "Hi."

"I have to talk to you. See, I have some bad news."

"Oh, no. What is it?"

"The bad news is, that... That... You nuns are going to be real busy making candles, 'cause me and Mary Margaret just sold them all. You're not losing the convent. You're not going anywhere."

Astrid hugged Leroy excitedly.

Mary Margaret pulled Leroy aside. "How could you tell Astrid that we sold all those candles? That is five thousand dollars, Leroy. Five thousand dollars that we don't have."

"Don't worry about it, all right?" Leroy told her. "I got a plan."

"What plan? A plan like going door to door and having everyone in town laugh in our aces?"

"Just give me till the end of the day. I'll figure something out."

"And why is this so important to you?" Anya questioned as her eyes flicked between Leroy and Astrid, her lips forming into a light smile.

"The nuns... They're going to have to leave."

Realization dawned on Mary Margaret. "Oh, my God. You like her! She is a nun, Leroy. Could you possibly pick anyone less available?"

"Says the girl who went after a married guy? At the end of the day, you're no better than I am. You got your reasons for being here, I got mine. And when I say I'm going to get that five thousand dollars, I'm going to get that five thousand dollars."

Anya nodded. "We will get that money. Hopefully."

Dmitry glanced at her. "We will."


Grumpy ran through the forest up a hill, until he reached the top. Nova was waiting there.

"I didn't think you were going to show up," Nova said.

"I was afraid I was too late," Grumpy told her.

"Well, you did cut it pretty close. Come on." She brought the two of them to a clearing at the edge of the hill. They could see the land below.

"Wow! Look at all those lights. Are those the fireflies?"

"No! That's the village."


"And, beyond that, all the lights of the kingdom."

"You've seen a lot of this world, haven't you?"

"From a distance, yes."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Flying over the world and being a part of it aren't exactly the same thing."

"Well, at least you've seen the world. Me? I live in the mines, underground. All I ever see is diamonds and dirt and dwarves. You know... We could see it together. Get a boat, sail all over, explore everything the world has to offer." Suddenly, hundreds of fireflies appeared.

"Oh, look!" She kissed Grumpy. "Okay, let's do it. Tomorrow night, after I drop off the dust, let's meet back here. We'll run off together. We'll see the world."

"Sounds like a dream come true."


Leroy tried to sell his boat to Mr. Gold. "Now, I know it's a bit of a fixer-upper, could probably use a new coat of paint, a few spritzes of Febreze here and there, but you can't tell me that five thousand's not a reasonable price for this beauty."

Mr. Gold looked at the boat. "Three thousand, I think."

"I need five."

"You need five? To what do we owe the specificity?"

"Trying to help out a friend."

"Oh, I see."

"Look, you don't even have to pay me anything. Just forgive one month's rent for the nuns."

"The nuns?"

"You can have the boat. They'll pay you back eventually. It's a good deal. You get everything."

"So, that's what this deal is about."

"Come on -- you're a rich guy. You can afford to give them time to make up one month's, right?"

"You're right -- I could."

"So, great."

"But I won't. I have a fairly specific rental agreement. If they miss a payment, I'm within my rights to evict."

"Oh, come on. Why don't you-"

"And, quite honestly, it's going to be a great relief to be rid of such distasteful tenants."

Leroy frowned. "You don't like nuns? Who doesn't like nuns?"

"Oh, I have my reasons. And they're mine. Let's just say, I have a long and complicated history with them, and leave it at that."

Mr. Gold left. Leroy went into the cabin of the boat, when Astrid arrived. Leroy went back outside and saw she had pie.

"Hello?" Astrid called.

"Astrid!" Leroy exclaimed.

"Mary Margaret, Anya and Dmitry said I might find you down here. I... I made you a pie. It's the least I could do after all your help. Oh, this boat is great! It's going to be amazing when you get it out on the water. I can't even remember the last time I was on it-" she saw the box of candles underneath a tarp. "What... What's this?" She pulled back the tarp. "If you sold all the candles, why are they still here, Leroy?"

"I didn't sell them all," Leroy admitted. "I tried to, but nobody wanted to buy them from me. I was going to tell you the truth, but I was afraid of letting you down."

"So, you lied."

"I'm sorry, Astrid. I guess you believed in the wrong guy."


Emma was looking at pictures from the crash site on a bulletin board. Sidney entered with a folder.

"You find something?" Emma asked.

Sidney handed Emma the folder. "Kathryn's phone records. Every call she made the day she crashed her car. Including an eight minute call between her and David within an hour of the incident."

"That's not possible. He said he didn't speak to her that day."

"Then, he's lying."

"No. I know when someone is lying, and David-"

"It's right here on paper, Emma. Phone records don't lie -- people do. And our friend David does it better than most. Don't beat yourself up over this. You're not the only person David fooled."


Mary Margaret, Dmitry and Anya were sitting at Granny's Diner. Leroy came in and sat next to Mary Margaret.

"I'll have what they're having," Leroy said.

"Well? Did you get it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"What do you think?"

"I think you're right. I was dreaming if I thought the town harlot, the town amnesiac, the town con artist and the town drunk could accomplish anything."

"Yeah. Just dreaming."


Grumpy tried to sneak out while the other dwarves were sleeping. However, Stealthy was awake. Stealthy cleared his throat to make himself known.

"Stealthy," Grumpy said and the noise woke the other dwarves.

"You know, if you wanted to sneak out, you should've come to me," Stealthy told him.

"You're leaving us?" Sneezy asked.

"Without even saying goodbye?" Doc added.

"B-but where you going?"

"To be with Nova," Grumpy answered. "We're in love. We're going to see the world together."

"I don't understand," Stealthy said. "I thought we were meant to live our lives here – in the mines."

"I thought so, too. But things change when you fall in love. Suddenly, anything seems possible."

Sneezy handed Grumpy an axe. "Well, take this with you. It might come in handy."

"I don't need it anymore."

The eight of them shared a group hug.


Grumpy headed through the forest towards Firefly Hill. Bossy had followed him.

"You can't do this, Dreamy," Bossay said. "You can't go to her."

"Why not?" Grumpy asked.

"You have a responsibility. To mine the diamonds we make into fairy dust."

"But, I love her."

"You're a dwarf, Dreamy. We're not capable of love. It's not how we're made."

"But, what if I'm different? What if you're wrong?"

The Blue Fairy appeared and said, "Bossy's not wrong, young one. What you feel – it's just a dream."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Nova's teacher. And if the two of you run away together, it will not end well. Nova will lose her wings. But, if you return to the mines, and if you allow Nova to become the fairy that she was meant to be, the two of you will bring untold joy to the world. Nova can be a great fairy – if you let her. The choice is yours."


Mary Margaret, Anya, Dmitry and Leroy were drinking.

"Leroy, you understand that a relationship between you and Sister Astrid can never happen?" Mary Margaret said.

"Yeah, yeah," Leroy muttered. "My whole life people made it their business to tell me what I can't do. She was the first person that said I could do anything. Who believed in me. I didn't want to disappoint her."

"But there are consequences to following through when the world tells you not to. I mean, look at me. I am a pariah in this town."

"What about your good memories?"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you have moments with him that you love? Do you regret them?"

"No, of course not."

"Isn't that what life's about? Holding onto good memories? All I wanted was a moment with Astrid. One moment to give me hope that any dream's possible. You've had all that, Mary Margaret. So, stop feeling sorry for yourself and enjoy it. Because I haven't. And I don't think Anya or Dmitry have either."

"Well, if I had the dream, I'm sorry to say, it wasn't worth it."

"And sitting here drinking won't end this pain."

"What will?"

"I can only think of one thing," Leroy replied.

Dmitry grinned as he grabbed a box of candles.


Leroy, who had a pickaxe, was on the roof of one of the buildings. He saw a transformer near him. "Perfect."

Mary Margaret and Anya climbed onto the roof and the former cried, "Leroy! What are you doing? Please, don't do it!"

Leroy turned to face her. "I'm not going to jump."

"You're not?"

"No, are you crazy? I could hit someone. You know how much damage I could do? I'm solidly built."

"Leroy, what are you doing up here?" Anya asked.

"I'm going to get my moment."

"Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Mary Margaret exclaimed. "What?"

"You might want to duck." He hit the transformer with his ax and the power went out.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm selling candles, sister."

A voice sounded from behind. "Best way to do it? Make people need candles."

Anya turned to see Dmitry. "Yes, it certainly is one way."

"Conning in the best way, pri- Anya."

She frowned. "You almost said princess. Right?"

"Nah, you were hearing things. Come on. We've got candles to sell."

Anya frowned, hearing screams and gunshots once again.

She heard a man say, "Run, Malenkaya!"

(Little one (Russian))

She shook the oddly familiar voice away and followed the others.


Nova was waiting at the clearing at the edge of the hill. Grumpy arrived.

"Dreamy, come on!" Nova said. "I have to show you something."

"Nova, we need to talk," Grumpy fold her.

"No, you have to see this." She magically produced a telescope and handed it to Grumpy. "Take a look." He looksd through the telescope and spotted a boat on the water.

"It's amazing."

"It has everything we need to explore the world. Supplies, maps of all the kingdoms, a sturdy sail-"

"Nova. I can't go with you."

"What about our life together? Our dream?"

"I'm a dwarf, Nova. I belong in the mines. You belong with the other fairies, and that's never going to change."

"Dreamy, you control what changes in your life. Never let yourself forget – you're special."

"Why? What makes us different from any other dwarf and fairy out there?"

"Our love."

"I don't think it's love. It's a dream – we need to put it away."

"I don't want to put it away."

"I'm not your dream, Nova. Your dream's to be a fairy godmother, and you can still be that."

"You talked to the Blue Fairy."

"It doesn't matter."

"What did she say?"

"It doesn't matter."

"What did she say?"

"Nova! What matters is, I can't stand in the way of your happiness."

"You're my happiness! I love you. Don't you love me?"

"I'm a dwarf – I can't love."


The dwarves were mining in the mines.

"Let's pick up the pace, boys!" Bossy said. "We're making magic here!"

Grumpy entered. Everyone stopped working and looked at him.

"Where's my axe?" Grumpy asked. "Where's my axe?"

"Dreamy!" Sneezy exclaimed. "You're... back!"

Bossy handed Grumpy a pickaxe. "Well, heigh-ho, boys! Good to have you back, Dreamy."

"No place I'd rather be," Grumpy answered. "Heigh-ho." He started to furiously pound at a rock. The others stopped and stared. Eventually, the handle broke off of the axe. "Bossy – hand me another axe."

"Here you are, Dreamy," Bossy said, handing Grumpy another axe. On the handle, a new name appeared – Grumpy.

"It's Grumpy now."


Everyone mobbed Mary Margaret, Dmitry, Anya and Leroy to buy candles.

Mary Margaret and Anya noticed all the empty boxes. "Leroy. We sold out."

The four partners hugged and saw Astrid standing with the other nuns.

Mary Margaret smiled. "Well, go on -- give her the news. Have your moment."

Leroy brought the box of money to a group of nuns.

"Excuse me," Astrid said.

The other nuns left, leaving Astrid and Leroy alone.

"Five thousand bucks," Leroy told her. "Piece of cake."

"You sold them all?" Astrid asked, surprised.

"I had a little help."

"You made it happen."

"You have no idea."

"I don't know what to say."

"You're welcome. Listen -- that boat of mine? I'm going to fix it up. And, well, maybe you could be my first passenger."

Astrid smiled. "I'd like that."

"Well, then, that's what we'll do, sister."

She looked out across the festival. "Oh. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

They looked at everyone holding the lit candles.


Emma looked over Kathryn's phone records at the station. D. Nolan was highlighted. Regina entered.

Emma glanced up. "If this is about the blackout, I've got the guys from the power company down there working on it."

"That's not why I'm here," Regina said. "It's been 24-hours since my friend, Kathryn, went missing. Have you found anything?"

"I found something. I just don't know what it means."

"Well, what is it?"

"At this point in the investigation, it's best I don't divulge that information."

"If you're covering for someone, if you're not doing your job, Sheriff Swan, I'll find someone who will."


Mary Margaret made a 'sold out' sign and put it in front of the candle booth. She walked to her car, which still had the word 'tramp' spray-painted on it. She stared at it a moment and decided to go back to the Miner's Day Festival. Granny stopped her and re-lit Mary Margaret's candle. David watched Mary Margaret walk past as Emma arrived.

Emma walked up to him and he called, "Emma."

"David, we need to talk," Emma told him.

"Did you get a hold of Kathryn?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

David frowned. "Then, what is it?"

"I need you to come to the sheriff's station with me and tell me everything."

"I'm sorry. I thought I already did."

"So did I."

Emma led David to the backseat of her squad car. Mary Margaret looked on worriedly. Anya glanced at her friend and rested an arm around her shoulders. Dmitry stood nearby, noticing Marie and she seemed to be looking directly at Anya. He glanced between them and when he focused back on Marie, she was gone.

He turned to Anya and whispered, "It really is you."

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