A Slayer For Peace (Akame Ga...

By KingOfBlueSky

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When the empire corruption rise a revolution will born upon it's people. Y/n tsugikuni a genius individual wh... More

Bio and weapon
chapter 1: kill the darkness, meeting the man slayer.
chapter 2: manslayer turned into an assassinator
Chapter 4: towards the shopping area
chapter 5: to trust each other

chapter 3: 1st mission, kill the authoritiy

1.8K 45 39
By KingOfBlueSky

{ 3rd Person P.O.V }

After najenda asked Leone about the job, leone playful face turned into serious one, she then Place a two picture of men at the table

Leone: " the target this time are ogre of the imperial police, and gamal an oil merchant" she said pointing at the two picture.

The two picture contain of two different person the first one was a overweight bald man with small nose and mouth, the other one was a muscular man with black hair that has a gray near his temples. He had a big star shaped scar over his missing left eye. While his right eye is red with

Y/n:'gamal, so that was he looks like' he thought as he look at one of the pictures "and this ogre guy seems to be familiar to me"

Leone then proceed to explain that gamal has been paying a huge bribe on ogre to every time gamal commits crime, ogre make lies to frame someone.

Leone:"the client fiance was frame and sentence to death" she said as she placed a small bag filled with many coins "this is the payments" she said as she crossed her arms

For a moment y/n caught the smell of the bag. a smell that he wouldn't forget

A smell of sadness





And lastly semen

He unknowingly clenched his fist which didn't go unnoticed by Akame and najenda, memories of burning houses and death bodies flood into his mind. he then take a deep breath before he calm down.

Y/n:"Leone.... The client.... she sold her body isn't she?" He said as he look at Leone who can only clenched her fist as he slowly nod

Leone: " I think... So too... I sensed her pain when she handed me that" she said making tatsumi to gritted his teeth

Y/n:" I see"

Najenda:"have you verified if it's true or not?" She asked as Leone nod

Leone: "I checked it with my own eyes and ears, they're all guilty" she said as najenda lit herself a cigar as she accept the job

Leone: "the merchant gamal should be easy, but ogre will be a formidable opponent." She stated "ogre.. the demon, he's a skilled swordman, even the criminals feared him normally he's always surrounded by his lackey, and is rarely alone, he's always invites gamal in his room, when he accept the money. When he's off duty, he's always drinking on the main street"

Tatsumi:"then the best opportunity we have to eliminate ogre is when he's in his day off?"

Y/n: "that's true but the police in that vicinity are very strict... Someone like Akame whose publicly known was never an option, we don't exactly know  when will bulat and the others coming back too..."


Y/n: "I'll do it" I said surprising them

Leone:*raised her hand*" I'm in too !!I'm not on the wanted poster so I'm good to go" she happily said

Najenda:"can the two of you do it?"

Y/n| Leone: "of course|you bet it, the stronger the enemy the more I'm excited fight it"

Y/n then look at tatsumi who is currently looking down, he then thought for a moment before he open his mouth

Y/n: "najenda, how about we let Tatsumi to kill ogre?" He asked surprising them


Akame:"I refuse, right now, this job is beyond him"

Tatsumi:" hey! I'm also a skilled swordsman!"

Akame: "that's not what I'm talking about, I'm saying that you won't be able to kill without hesitation"

Tatsumi:" I can do it, I kill a person before so I can surely do it" he said remembering him killing aria

Akame:"you swung your sword with anger at that time, are you saying to me that you can kill someone without hesitation?"

Y/n:"that's why I'm going with him." He suddenly said making them look at him "I'm going to supervise him so he knows what's he's going to do. It will also benefit him by gaining experience with people stronger than him,so don't worry, i won't let tatsumi die easily."

Tatsumi:'so he's making me do this for myself '

Leone:"damn,I never knew you have that to you y/n, I thought you were just a very edgy guy who would randomly talk about darkness!" She said surprised at him which y/n decided to just ignore.

Tatsumi then muster all his courage to talk back at akame

Tatsumi:"right now while we're sitting here, some people might get framed, I can't just sit around while many people was being separated to their love ones just because of some stupid reason, I don't want anyone else to feel that way" he said hoping his words get cross to them.

Akame then look at him with his stoic face,najenda then thought for it for a second before she crushed the cigar

Najenda:" I see.. then, I accept your proposal, Tatsumi, don't let Leone and y/n down"

Leone: "nice talk Tatsumi, you show great resolve" she said as she hit tatsumi's back

Najenda:"Leone and Akame will deal to the oil merchant, you y/n and Tatsumi would deal at ogre. That's all" she said as y/n and Akame stand up

Tatsumi:*smug* "how's that Akame, if I make stand, I'll do it for sure" he said with a hint of arrogance which make y/n sigh and flicked tatsumi's forehead


Y/n:*sigh* "don't let praises get in your head or else you might get killed in this mission" he said making Tatsumi reluctantly nod as Akame started to talk not looking at him

Akame: "If you manage to successfully finished the job, and report back, you will legitimately became member.... But" she pause as she glanced at him" just like y/n said, you might end up dead if you continue to be this arrogant" she said making Tatsumi gasp and gritted his teeth as Akame walk away along with Leone who bid herself away.

Y/n: "start to prepare yourself Tatsumi, we'll go away soon" he said as Tatsumi nod and walk away.


-main street-

{ Y/n P.O.V }

Right now me and Tatsumi were at the entrance of the main street, I just finished explaining to him all the routes here

I glanced at Tatsumi whose currently looking down, I sigh as I pat him in his back

Me:"you're still thinking about what Akame said earlier, aren't you?" I said as he slowly nod

Tatsumi:"well yeah, it's just.. I feel like she doesn't want me to be a member"

Me:"Well just like what Akame told to you earlier... you just need to prove her wrong... Don't let the others bad opinion go to your head, always focus on the task or else you might lose. You have a potential Tatsumi, don't let others opinion hinder you from growing up."

Tatsumi: "...okay I got it!!..thank you for your encouragement y/n" he said as I nod and smile at him

Me: "that's the spirit... Now that's over, I'm going now" I said as I walk away from him and begun to search for ogre while he stood there before he put a a white cloak on.

Once I'm completely separated from him, I walk at a dark alley and begun to jump at the roof, searching at ogre while hiding at the people from the ground

Y/n: 'leone and Akame should had finished dealing with gamal' I said to myself as I sense a multiple strong presence but the strange thing is when I was about to go there, it quickly dispersed. I clicked my tongue before I continue to search ogre

-some mansion-

{ 3rd Person P.O.V }

Inside a mansion we see a man who look like a decayed potato walking in a hallway . The man was currently drying his hands with a smug face this man was gamal, the current target of Leone and akame

Gamal:*smug*"now's that taken care off, perhaps I should have another go" the potato head said not noticing a paired of hand (or lion paws) behind him.

Suddenly the hands strangled his neck as the man gasp for air, the light then shine at the person who strangled the man to see that it was Leone who did it

Leone: "yeah, I'll give you another go gamal" she stated as a figure jump infront of them showing that it was Akame who did it holding her unsheathed katana

She then point it at gamal before she stab him as the poison enter his body.

Leone: "aren't you glad, you had a two girls at once, you lucky dog!" She said before she let go of him "now then, I wonder how's y/n and Tatsumi's doing?" She asked before Akame look at her

Akame:"I'm sure it will go smoothly, he's with y/n after all" she stated making Leone's smile before she speaks up

Leone:"so tell me Akame, does the two of you met somewhere before, with y/n I mean?" She Asked as she waited for her to answer

Akame:".... I don't know? But he clearly knows me when we fist met, I just don't know if we met in the past"

Leone:"I see.. do you like y/n?!" She suddenly asked making Akame to widen her eyes

Akame:"of course n-" as she was about to say that, she felt a ache on her heart which confused her ' what's that?' she asked herself

Leone: "are you okay Akame, your face is red?"*gasp* don't tell me, you really like y/n!!!" She said making Akame to blushed

Akame:*blush* "wh-what are you talking about?! I don't li-" She stopped herself as she felt the ache again to which Leone's smirk wider

Leone:*smirk* "ara~ does our black haired beauty's in love with y/n!?" She teased her again

Akame:*blush* "Leone just stop already!!" She said as Leone just laugh before she walk away

Akame then calm herself down before she started to walk away not before a thought cross her mind

Akame:'What's that feeling earlier? Do I really like y/n....I want to know more about you y/n, so please be safe ' she said to herself before she leave

-at the main street-

{ Y/n P.O.V }

Right now I was currently at the top of a building concealing my presence ,I look down at the only two people on the ground. Which is Tatsumi and ogre.

Ogre wore a green armor that the imperial soldier always wear

Tatsumi then kneeled infront of ogre as he beg for him to let him join the police

I just stood there urging not to slap my face as I look at it with a deadpan

-at the ground-

{ 3rd Person P.O.V }

Tatsumi raised his head while he cry comedically looking at ogre

The one eyed man then scoffed as he placed his hands at his head rubbing it

Ogre:"tch,I knew it was something like this." He said as he turned his back from him" go through the normal process,Idiot" he said as he take a few steps before he stops when Tatsumi speak

Tatsumi:"but" he said as he grip the sheath of his sword that was hidden in his back "in this rescission, the acceptance rate is too competitive"

Ogre:"it can't be help" he said as he grip his sword from his waist as silence filled the place

Ogre:"you don't have enough strength!" He shouted as he turned around only to be met by Tatsumi who strike him at his Chest as blood spray around 'what a speed! And his strength, I don't think someone will defy me like this' he thought as he drop in the ground.

When Tatsumi look back he take the hood off and look at the dead Ogre

Tatsumi:"I did it" he celebrate as he remembers what Akame said earlier "oh that's right, I need to report this"  he said as he turned around not noticing A figure was slowly rising behind him

As the figure finally get up the figure showed ogre who has a angry look ready to strike Tatsumi

As he scream he strike Tatsumi whose barely able to block as he was sent back

Ogre:"TO THINK THAT I, THE GREAT OGRE.. COULD POSSIBLY BE DEFEATED BY A WEAK PERSON LIKE YOU!!!" He shouted as the two of them begun to clash together with ogre gaining the upper hand

As they were clashing, y/n can be seen watching from the top, observing how Tatsumi fight.

Y/n: "....."

Back at the battle, we see ogre continuing his heavy assault of strikes at Tatsumi who can only go on defense

ogre then strike Tatsumi at his rib which Tatsumi parry it, but the force of it send him flying on one of the building side knocking the air out of him

Ogre:"I bet your part of the organization that opposed the authorities, you're a member of the nightraid right?!he said pointing at him "a weakling like you concerns don't matter, in this city the stronger will always prevail, I'm the one who will determine the other's fate, I WON'T TOLERATE BEING JUDGE BY OTHER!!!" He shouted as Tatsumi was about to stand up before a figure drop from the top of the building infront of him ,as dust scattered around makings the ogre wonder who was it

???:"you did a good job fending him off Tatsumi" the person said with a soft tone making Tatsumi smile

Tatsumi:*whisper* "you're late" he whispered at him making the person smile as Tatsumi stand up

Ogre:"tch, another pest, Who are you!!!"

???:"...." The person kept silent ignoring him making ogre irritated at him

Ogre:*irritated* " are you deaf!!! I said who are you!!!"

???:"... I have no names...But everywhere I went people give me names,such as wonderer swordsman, king of the mountain, prodigy.. but the people here started to called me as ....  The Manslayer" he coldly said as the dust clear showing that it was y/n

Ogre widen his eyes as he recognized him from before, while Tatsumi look at him confused at what y/n said

Tatsumi:'is that really his title, man I'm jealous of him'

Ogre:"that mark., y-you!!!" he stated making y/n and Tatsumi confused until he laughed "HAHAHA! to think that I will found you here!!! the person responsible for my left eye, Moreover you are the infamous manslayer, truly this is the moment I've been looking for! TSUGIKUNI!!!  " he shouted his name making them widen his eyes as he laughed at him

Tatsumi:"what the! How does he know his name?!"

Ogre:"seeing you here with him, make you a part of the nightraid pest right manslayer well Time for payback Y/N TSUGIKUNI!!!" He shouted as he rush to strike him but y/n immediately jump away to the left while Tatsumi go to the right.

As Y/n land he look down before he look at him with emotionless face but his eyes tells ogre everything.



And many more as he slowly unsheathed his katana

Y/n: "for the home that I lost due to you and the prime minister, for the people lives that you took.. I'll judge you now by their names" he said as he fully unsheathing his katana and pointed at him as his hair gently move by the winds

Y/n "guilty" he coldly said before he quickly dash at him that make him disappear

ogre ready himself but widen his eyes as he have no time to react when y/n suddenly appear infront of him, y/n then strike ogre across his chest as ogre scream in pain

Y/n then twist his grip as he slashed him upward making two slashed mark appear in his upper body as blood spray aswell a smoke coming out on ogre wounds.

Ogre: 'w-what's that hot sensation I felt when he strikes me?! Is that's a imperial arms!?' he said to himself as he grunt in pain before he prepared to strike him at his head "y-you should aim for the head dumbass" he said as he try to strike him but y/n easily dodge before he parry one of the strikes that heading towards him

Ogre then prepare to strike him, he raised his sword at the top of his head before he strike it to y/n downward. Y/n then quickly dodge it by straightening his body on his left before he slashed him across his chest then he spin around before he slashed him again at the same spot, making ogre to throw up blood, and stumbled back.

He then touch his four noticable wounds that keeps bleeding before he wiped the blood in his mouth, as he internally cursed himself

Ogre:'shit! I might loose all my blood before I can hit him' "d-damn you!!! " He said before he rush at him and swing his sword vertically to which y/n parry with ease before he strike him diagonally upward from his torso to his shoulder , he shouted in pain before the two clashed at each other with y/n gaining the upper hand.

Ogre tried to strike him but y/n quickly parry it resulting a high loud sound to happen


Tatsumi who can only watch in awe as the person whose giving him a hard time before was being beaten easily by one of his friend (or comrade?)

The two then parted away with y/n taking two step backward before he whispered at Tatsumi

Y/n:*whisper*"when you find a opening,strike. Don't hesitate or you might end up dead understand" he said as Tatsumi nod in response but still confused on how was y/n change his emotion.

One second he voice was full of hatred and now he was back from his usual stoic face.

He was about to asked him but y/n  dashed again on ogre, but this time his sword glow a crimson color, similar on how he see it glow the other night

Ogre who was preparing to dodge his strike envisioned a fire trailing at y/n sword, he then heard y/n said something before as he dash at him

Y/n:"hinokami kagura:flame dance" he said as he strike him with two combo strikes as he dodge the first one but get hit by the second strike

As ogre was hit on his face to waist, he can only step back before grabbing his face and scream. making a opening for Tatsumi who slashed him with all his might

Ogre can only widen his eyes before he drop at the ground with a almost lifeless eyes.

Ogre:" m-monster....my death... Will...not change ev-" he couldn't finish what he's saying as he lay there with a lifeless eyes as blood flows around his dead body

Y/n then walk towards Tatsumi before he pat his head

Y/n:"nice done Tatsumi" he praise Tatsumi making him smile before he walk towards the dead body of ogre "now then"  he said as he prepared to decapitate ogre head but was stop when Tatsumi speak

Tatsumi:" wait!!! What re you doing! Isn't it enough that we killed him and leave it like that?" He asked wondering why y/n would decapitate ogre

Y/n:"well you can says that I want the authorities to believe that I killed ogre, I don't want them to know that there was another member of nightraid that was able to kill him" he explained but in reality he just wanted to cut his head off for his revenge

Tatsumi:"I see...in other words you want to take the blame for killing him?" He asked as y/n nod before he prepared to beheaded ogre as his blade glow a little and then


He successfully decapitate ogre with a little bit of burned around his former neck

Y/n:"let's report now"



- nightraid -

{ Y/n P.O.V }

Najenda: "I praise the two of you, I must say I'm impressed at you Tatsumi, to be able to eliminate the target, and able to keep up with y/n, very good" she said as she crossed her arms.

Right now me, Tatsumi Akame Leone and najenda were at the room where we report najenda what happened earlier

Tatsumi:*smile proudly*"thanks!How's that akame, I complete the report and finished the task! I complete it through without a scratch" he proudly said looking at akame

Y/n:"almost, you got thrown out from the side" I said making Tatsumi scratch his head but neitherless smile

Tatsumi: "c'mon let me hear your approv- he was cut off by Akame undressing his upperbody making him yelp in surprised

Tatsumi:"wh-what are you doing?!" He asked but was ignore by the black haired beauty

Akame:"boss, Leone, hold him down" she called the two which they  comply, she then took of his pants as she check Tatsumi's body making him tensed up and embarrassed before she go infront of him.

She then sigh in relief and a smile appear in her face

Akame:*smile* "what a relief, one of my friend die because of infection from  poison, he got too proud to himself that he didn't report about his wounds" she softly said "first mission have high mortality rate, you've done well" she said as she went to shake his hands

Leone then explained to Tatsumi on why's Akame was hard from him. Najenda then explain Tatsumi thats the chores like cooking and hunting is form of art of killing and communication

Tatsumi:"I'm sorry I misunderstood you" he said lowering his head

Akame:"don't worry, just promise me to keep coming back alive" she said before Tatsumi said something that the author doesn't want to write up

What a lazy author.

Y/n:"does she always do that" I asked at najenda who nod before she speaks up

Najenda:"yeah......and now it's your turn" she said as I widen my eyes.

{ 3rd Person P.O.V }

As y/n look at his front to see Akame and Leone turned their heads towards
Him, he noticed akame eyes was filled with worries and excitement? While Leona has a playful yet lustfull eyes.

Y/n:*chuckle nervously*"don't worry Akame I didn't get hit by him promise. You don't have to check on me.......bye" he tried to run. keyword tried but najenda's mechanical arm quickly attached at him and grip his kimono as Leone dive at his back making him hit the ground

He tried to get up but quickly stop, don't get the wrong idea though, y/n could just easily get out there,but his clothes might get torn or worse got destroyed. Especially since this clothes was from his father and this is the only clothes he currently have,(aside from the clothes that he received from najenda). He was planning to buy earlier but his money was to short to buy any clothes.

And also... plot

Y/n:'Fuck you author'

As he sigh in defeat, he felt two soft melons pressed in his back making him deadpan before Leone whispered at his ears

Leone:*whispered seductively* "now , it's your turn darling, don't worry I'm not going to bite, just let me see and touch your toned body and done" she whispered in y/n ears as she blow on it. "For now that's it" she said before he felt a shiver on his back

even though he almost wear a emotionless face, he can still feel others emotion such as happiness, sadness, etc......and right now the emotion he's feeling is embarrassment and..... you know.

Y/n:'and I blame my hormones on it!!!' he shouted on the screen with a annoyed voice

He quickly shook his head as he speak

Y/n:"I get it, so stop laying in my back!!!" You're hea-" he quickly shut his mouth as he remember what his  mother tell to him when he was a child

M/n:"y/n dear I know your a little to young to understand this, but when your old enough don't tell a woman that's she's heavy or fat or else....." She said as she crack her knuckles before I quickly nod while watching my mother beat up my brother

???: "Y/n help me!!!!" His older brother desperately ask for him to help

But y/n look away making his older brother to widen his eyes



Leone:"what are you saying?" She asked oblivious of what he was going to say making him to sigh in relief before he speak up again

Y/n:"n-nothing. Can you get off me, I'm going to take off my clothes okay?" He said as he stutter at the beginning

She giggle for a moment before she let go of him

He stands up before he brush off the dust in his clothes

After that he gently took off his clothes leaving him in his underwear. Revealing His muscular yet slender body, as well his tone abs and muscle that make the three girls in the room to blush

Y/n:"so.... is this okay?" He asked to which Akame inspect him before she nod still with his emotionless face then she smiled with a red streak across her face

Akame:"I'm glad that your unharmed y/n"  she said smiling at him with a blush on her face, as y/n to nod and get his clothes

As hr was about to put his clothes on he sidestep dodging Leone who was about to dive on him, she then repeated it but failed again as he shake his head

Y/n:"haven't you learn your lesson already Earlier?"  He asked as he put his clothes on casually dodging Leone

Leone:"never!!! Not after seeing you like that!!!" She quickly answer as she tried to feel his body

Akame:"knock it off Leone, can you not see that his uncomfortable?!" She said as she glared at leone

Leone:"I don't care!"

Y/n:"yare yare.." he said before finished putting his kimono

Leone:*pout* "mou! Your no fun darling!"

Y/n: "does it affect me?"


Y/n: "then good night to you, bye" he said as he was about to leave Leone grab her hands, stopping y/n


Y/n:*sigh*" what it is, Leone" he said as he slowly look at her "if it's about touc-" he was cut off by Leone whose fully transformed in her taigu called Lionel.

She smirk before she leap at him and bite him at his neck which caught him off guard making him froze there.

Y/n:'what the?!' he thought confuse as Leone took a step away from him and giggle

Leone:*giggle* hehehe, I mark you now... and from now on your my eternal mate, darling~" she said before she glance at Akame and smirk at her and she look at the confuse y/n and wink

Suddenly y/n felt a chilled at his spine and a huge killer intent pointing directly at him. He then look around to see akame holding her taigu called murasame as dark cloud surrounds her

Akame:'must.... eliminate.....all .... Horniness' she thought over and over as she slowly unsheathed her katana.

Tatsumi who can only watch at the three with a confused look

Tatsumi:'is this ... love triangle?'

Suddenly all of their attention turned to najenda who faked a cough

Najenda:"now that's over, Tatsumi you'll be next paired to mine for training" She said gaining a surprise look at tatsumi

Leone then go towards Tatsumi with a smug on her face

Leone:"oooh, one thing after another, what a Interesting luck you have"

Tatsumi:" WHY WITH HER!!!"

- somewhere -

Mine:" I feel disturbance to myself"

- Back at them -


/n:"is that really a good idea?"

Leone: "well it doesn't matter, we could watch a drama right, darling~"

Najenda:"ignoring what Leone said, Don't worry y/n, I'm sure they're going to be alright, plus Tatsumi can probably learn a one or two from mine.... Probably" she said before she sigh

Y/n:"okay, so how about me? Do I have a mission or do I have to be paired too??"

Najenda:"we don't currently have any mission right now, your also skilled enough to handle yourself... Just do whatever you want for now until I tell you when your needed."

Word count:4795


(A/n): I hope you liked this chapter,  and thank you for your vote.

Ps: do you want y/n to have a new sword or not? If yes, should it be a imperial arms, or something else?



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