𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮 | 𝘚�...

By slashfilms

283K 6.8K 12.8K

Your parents decided that you should to go to Camp Crystal Lake for 2 weeks, not knowing the dangers that mig... More

1. Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake
2. The Man With the Machete
3. Kill em'
4. Drown
5. Figure it out
6. First Impressions
7. First Time Meeting
8. Sarah
9. Pouring Outside
10. A Simple Afternoon
11. Horror Movies
12. The Cleaning Squad
13. Basement
14. Almost Back to Normal
15. Escape, or Don't
16. Never Leaving
17. Heading to the City
19. Going Out(Side)
20. Outside Encounters
21. Dinner Discussions
22. Gas Station (Pt 1)
23. Gas Station (Pt 2)
24. Back Home
25. Movies and Bargaining
26. Freedom?
100k Reads!

18. First Kisses, More Fights

6.7K 168 381
By slashfilms

2nd Person POV:
You and Michael enter the living room. You observe what it looks like:

It has an old looking couch with a small tear in the side, a wooden table with what appears to be coffee stains, a dimly lit lamp on a small coffee table and a fairly large television with a rack of shows on the shelf below it. I'll have to do some dusting an organizing later. That way it will look nicer.

You see Carrie gently stroking C/n's fur when she looks up and sees you. She beams. "Y/n, come sit." She pats the empty spot next to her. You nod with a smile, joining Carrie on the sofa.

Considering you (along with the killers) just moved in, the living room already seems to have a cozy touch to it already. Yeah, it's not the cleanest, but it's decent enough for the time being.

"How do you like the house so far?" Carrie asks you. You beam. "It's lovely here..!!" I just feel a little homesick...

Carrie's face softens with content, like she was hoping for that answer. You both then sit in complete silence; Carrie shifts in her seat, visibly uncomfortable by the silence, and you merely stares at your hands.

"...I have a few books with me if you're interested in reading them," you quietly tell Carrie. She quickly nods her head. "Yeah, sure!" Okay, this is a good way to keep the conversation going... and it's about something I like! Excitedly, you hop off the couch. Turning to Carrie, you say, "I'll be right back. I just need to go get them!" Carrie laughs and nods.

You walk back to the front of the house, exiting the front door. Some of the others are still unpacking the cars. You then see Norman collecting your bags. When he finishes getting them he turns around, making eye contact with you. "Oh! H-hello, Y/n," he shyly says with a smile. You beam. "Hi, Norman!" You head over to him, reaching out to grab your bags. "No, you d-don't need to c-carry your bags." You shake your head. "No, no, it's alright," You quickly insist, taking your bags from Norman. He smiles as you go back inside the house.

You enter the livingroom again, seeing Carrie patiently waiting on the sofa. You wave, and with a grin, you say, "I got the books..!" Carrie beams. "I can't wait to read them."

You are now sitting on the sofa beside Carrie again. C/n is lying on his cat bed right beside the it. The slashers had left it there as a small surprise. 

Your bag is wide open, and you're now sharing your selection of books with Carrie. You are so excited, that you look like you're about to jump out of joy.

"-Oh! This one's my favorite!" You hand B/n to Carrie, eyes glimmering with joy. She takes it, and with a smile, says, "Then this is the one I'll read first." You give Carrie a quick side hug. "I hope you like it! I was going to lend it to Evelyn but-..." your voice trails off when you remember that Evelyn is dead. "Who's Evelyn?" Carrie prys, a hint of jealousy in her tone. You look away. "Y/n. Who are they? Are you two dating?" You look at Carrie with a frown. Inmediately, Carrie assumes you are. She grips your arms tightly. "Please tell me you're not dating them..!" Her eyes are filled with with fear and disappointment, her voice frantic and panicky. You shake your head. "Carrie... she's dead," you say quietly. "We weren't dating, and I didn't really know her, but she was a really, really kind person who didn't deserve to die." Your eyes begin to well up with tears. Carrie bites her lip, regretting how she jumped to conclusions. She rests your head on her lap, taking you by surprise.

"Sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to be insensitive," she apologizes. You don't have to see her face to know that her apology is sincere. "I know..." you say, so quiet that it's almost a whisper.

You sit up, straightening yourself. Carrie looks at you. "How did she die..?" Carrie asks. A lump in your throat forms. You ponder whether or not to tell Carrie. If she knew that Thomas did it... could it affect the relationship between them? You hope for the best as you tell Carrie.

"I watched Thomas kill her," you admit, a few tears streaming down your face. You wipe them away quickly. You almost didn't believe yourself when you admitted that. Thomas has been so caring and gentle to you, that it wouldn't even cross your mind that he had killed people before. But you were ignorant and prone to being gullible. That's what makes you an easy target.

Carrie quickly understands. She takes in a deep breath before beginning to explain everything to you.

"Listen. We're all killers. Every single one of us. You're the only one who's still pure. And, all- most of us, want to keep you that way. I've even killed people before... a lot," Carrie's voice saddens at the last part. You give her a hug. "I know you're all killers, I'm not that dense. You guys just make it so hard to believe it's true though," you admit, letting out a tiny laugh at your own words. Carrie's cheeks turn a light pink. You stare at her. "Are you okay, Carrie?" She nods and smiles at you as she leans forward, giving you a quick peck on your lips. And even though it was a small kiss, it was so warm and comforting. Your cheeks then burn brightly when you realise that no one has ever kissed you before (besides your mom and dad in the far past).

You bring your hand up to your lips, acknowledging what had happened. Before you can say anything about Carrie's kiss, you're interrupted.

"Carrie. What did you do?" It's Freddy's voice. You turn and see all the others watching. Faces of anger, annoyance and jealousy is shown on them. "How long were you guys there?" Carrie quickly asks, blush spread across her face. "Long enough," Chucky rudely tells her. You notice Hannibal give Kayako a, you know what to do look. She nods.

Kayako walks over to you, tugging gently on your sleeve. "Come with me," she tells you. You tilt your head. "Why?" Kayako sighs. "Fight will happen." You furrow your brows. A fight? About me? It was only a small kiss. You go to protest, but Kayako had already teleported to your room with all your things.

"-Kayako. Oh." Kayako sits on your bed quietly. You look around the room. Wow. It's really nice.

The inside your room has a plain white bed with a window above it. The window blinds are open, so the sun shines through, brightening the room. The stuffed animal that Michael had given you is sitting peacefully on the bed. You join Kayako, and seat yourself beside her. "Will Carrie be alright?" You ask softly. Kayako nods. "Just a small argument." You look down at your feet and nod. Below, you hear muffled arguing, Carrie's frantic tone being the most obvious in the bunch.

You get off the bed, walking around. The room is small, not too small, but small enough where you don't have to fill it for it to look 'complete'. The only things in the room are your bed and your dresser, along with a small trash can and a box. You tilt your head when you see the box and turn to Kayako. "What's that?" She walks over to you. "For you. Things you might need," she tells you. You then notice that Kayako wasn't wearing her hairpins. You smile, knowing she removed them on purpose so that you would put them back on for her.

Holding out your hand, you say, "Can I put the hairpins back on you?" Kayako nods quickly, handing them to you. You clip her hair out of her face. A shy smile begins to spread across Kayako's face. She points to the box. "Open it." You nod, moving over to it. You open the box, revealing it's contents.

Inside the box are some clothes, books, a fuzzy blanket and a journal that had a black pen attached to it. You dig to the bottom of the box and see another stuffed animal. It's a fluffy, white sheep. You hold it, patting the floof sitting on top of it's head. Aww.

"This is sweet," you say with a smile. You look at Kayako. "Who did all this?" "All of us," she tells you, her cheeks turning red. The two of you continue to stare into your guy's eyes. Then, Kayako decides to break the stare off.

Kayako slowly leans in, about to give you a kiss. Is Kayako going to kiss me as well?.. no, no Y/n! Not everyone who leans forward is trying to give you a kiss! Maybe she's just... stretching? Deep down, you knew what Kayako meant to do.

Before Kayako's lips touch yours, the bedroom door swings open, revealing the killers. Carrie stands near the back, a look of irritation and disappointment on her face. "Oh come on! Not again!" Chucky complains, kicking the floor in envy.

"Kayako! W-what are you d-doing with Y/n?" Norman stutters angrily. He walks towards you, hiding you from Kayako. Kayako quickly moves away, head hung low. You tilt your head. "Norman, you don't need to yell. Kayako wasn't doing anything," you scold him softly. Norman shakes his head and turns to you. "B-but she was going to k-kiss you! It's n-not r-right!" Norman continues to have a fit over others kissing you, but you don't pay much attention to him. You'll figure out what to tell him later.

You stand up, wrapping your arms around Norman, giving him a big hug. "It's okay Norman," you gently say, patting his head. You look at him for a moment, then press your lips against his softly. You step back, feeling a bit embarrassed. At least he is quieter now?

"Sorry. I should have asked," you apologise quickly. Norman shakes his head. "N-no, it's okay.. I-i enjoyed that.." he explains, his face red. This turned the conversation around? And

"–Woah, woah woah," Billy begins saying, waving his hands. He walks over to you, giving Norman a glare. "You would give this guy a kiss, but not me?" You just give him a blank expression, and shrug. Billy makes a (jokingly) distraught face.

Billy puts his hand to his heart and pretends to cry in pain. You give him a small head pat and go to kiss the top of his head. He moves his head and kisses you on the lips instead. Still kissing you, he wraps his arms around your waist. Your face is now reddening as you melt into the kiss.

After a few seconds, Billy decides to release the kiss, giving you a giant hug. He turns his head to face the others, sticking his tongue out to them with a smirk on his face.

Stu huffs and storms over, snatching you from Billy. "Billy, I know you're my friend, but I won't let you keep Y/n all for yourself," Stu argues, petting your head possessively. Your eyes look at each of the killers faces, all equally annoyed at each other. There's so much tension between everyone, that you can practically feel the air get thicker.

"Y-you guys don't really need to fight over this..." you quietly say, not wanting a big fiasco to erupt. None of the killers hear you, and begin to argue with each other on who Y/n actually belongs to. You choose stay in Stu's arms, not saying anything about the argument. Although it does concern me, I really don't want to argue with killers, but they're killers..! Say one wrong thing and BOOM! Lying on the basement floor. Don't want to have that happen again... Inside, you find it a little awkward how everyone is packed into your room, and as small as it is, they all seem to fit inside.

You space out for a bit until a loud *BAM* snaps you out of your trance. You look and see Freddy on the floor.

You release yourself from Stu's hug, going to check on Freddy. "Are you okay..?" You cautiously ask, patting his back. He nods, getting up slowly. "I'm okay, doll," he says with a smirk. His eyes then wander to Michael, his smile fading. Without hesitation, he ushers you to the side. He lunges at him with his knives. You quickly connect the dots.

The fight then continues on. The other killers stare and watch as the brawl unfolds, not doing anything about it. This has probably happened numerous times now. I guess that's just what happens when living with a bunch of possessive killers that also have anger issues. Oh wait, Freddy can hear this, can't he? His eyes briefly flick towards you, signifying "Yes."

Freddy swipes at Michael, creating a wound in his left arm. Michael goes to hit Freddy back, but you wave your arms, ushering for them to stop. "Stop fighting each other!" you yell. You hate yelling, but it had stopped the fight, so that was good.

You sigh, and continue speaking. "I don't want all of you to continuously fight over me.. it makes you all look really.. immature." Hannibal nods. "Thank you, Y/n. I very much agree with you. All of you should follow under the influence of her. You could learn some much needed, life-improving advice," he says, smiling at you. Freddy scowls at Hannibal. "Shut up..! This whole time you've been trying to manipulate Y/n so she could like you more than anyone else!" Freddy sneers. Hannibal looks confused. "I don't know what you mean. I am merely showing plain kindness. And you should do the same, considering you haven't been the nicest towards her," Hannibal counters. He gives Freddy a half smile. That's all it took for Freddy to snap.

Freddy threw himself at Hannibal, but he dodged quickly. "Stop this. You're making quite a scene." Freddy ignores him, continuing to swipe at Hannibal over and over again. You needed a way for all this fighting to stop. So, you did what you felt best.

Just before Freddy was about to injure Hannibal, you yell, "I CAN DATE ALL OF YOU!" The room goes completely silent. The fight stops. The argument stops. Everything just... stops.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter! I deeply apologise for not posting in a while. But... summer break is near, and that means... more time for chapters!! Yay! Hope you guys are excited for that!

Q: Plans during Summer Break? Answer in the comments, and see you next chapter! Bye! :)

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