๐๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ๐ ๐ข๐œ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฆ๐จ๐ซ...

By chimmydiorrr

36.9K 1.9K 878

A disease would've been the ideal apocalypse, but why a zombie apocalypse out of all things? Felix enclosed... More

Nostalgia/ Prologue
Remorse/ Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Book promo!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 8

1.4K 92 54
By chimmydiorrr

"Felix, how are we certain that your blood will heal him? We cannot put you at risk whilst you're using your courage to save Han's life—"

"I get that, but I'm not just gonna sit here and let someone die if there's a chance of me saving them. Jeongin, you would do the same if you were in my position, don't lie." Oddly, jeongin felt the same or
Maybe it was because Han was a special friend of his but his eyes directly landed on Hyunjin.

It fell silent, Felix didn't say anything else, he felt no need to plead his case any more than he should've. "We'll ask my sister, if she sees it's possible then we will proceed, until then. Judging by the time he got bit which looks like a couple of minutes ago, we have merely under 50 minutes to find a cure before his body surrenders to the virus." Chan stated.

Not even seconds later and all the boys rushed Han towards the van; Seungmin leading. "Seungmin, drive as if our lives depend on it because they do." Hyunjin urged aggressively. Seungmin nodded before climbing into the van's driver's seat, starting the engine before he even got himself situated.


The doors burst open, scaring the shit out of one particular individual who wore a lab coat with her hair tied up in a messy bun. "What the..." Stopping in her tracks almost instantly was what happened as she set her eyes on a young boy being dragged inside by two older boys. 'Shit' she cursed.

"Sana, We need help," Chan stated his tone sense straight urgency. "I- I-, bring him to my lab." She contemplated before setting it straight. The boys followed after her towards her lab, not making any time they had been left wasted.

The lab doors burst open and the boys rushed towards the bed in the middle, setting Han down gently on the mattress before Sana stepped forward and started analyzing his body.

"He's been bit."

"We know!"

"How did this happen?!"

"During our battle, we were overrun by them," Minho informed. His eyes didn't leave Han for a second as he gripped his hand with his firm grasp. Sana noticed it and sighed, "Minho... you know what this means...—"

"No, we have a solution." Sana blinked, "Solution?" Minho nodded then pointed throughout the crowd of the small individuals until Sana's eyes landed on one she didn't seem to notice until now, "Who are you?" She called out.

"This is Felix and you might not believe this Sana, but his body is immune to the virus," Hyunjin answered. Sana gasped as his eyes widened dramatically, "Really?! This Little boy right here?" Hyunjin nodded, Sana sprinted towards Felix in an excitement, "Little boy are you ok if I could analyze you for a couple of things and give me a sample of your blood along with some of—"

"Sana!" Chan yelled. Sana shortly coughed and patted her chest before fixing her glasses up properly, "It seems at is it not the time young man." Felix blinked at how easily the girl's tone changed from thrilling anticipation to cold and professional.

She walked over to Han, pulling up the short that was covering his lower right arm and everyone gasped. The bit was getting more infected, dark veins were slowly making their way up towards his upper body and he was shaking uncontrollably. "Judging by the way it's moving, we have a mere 30 minutes left before he's gone." Minho felt as if his heart stopped from those words.

"Young man, are you certain your immune to the virus? It doesn't matter that you don't have the same blood type at the moment that will make his death falter, but if you are immune and you share your blood with Han, there will be a 50 out of 100 percent chance that he will survive. If what you claim is false, he will die." Sana stated, asking for reassurance for herself. All eyes were now on Felix, some were now judging him and questioning his story.

"Now is not the fucking time to start questioning," Hyunjin intervened, noticing the looks the boys have to Felix. "If you want to sit here and let Han die and miss the one chance he has of surviving, BE MY FUCKING GUEST AND LEAVE!" Hyunjin yelled, frustration and irritation clouding his voice which made all of the boy's suspicions stop.

It went silent.

"Fine, Felix, sit down at that chair," Felix went as instructed, also being followed by Hyunjin. "You'll be fine, I promise." He heard Hyunjin whisper into his year before clasping his hand and rubbing his thumb on his. Felix softly smiled before humming in response.

"This should not hurt, but before I proceed. Are you sure about this?" She asked, but not just towards Felix. All the boys nodded and Sana took that as her answer to proceed with her actions.

It had been 1 hour since Felix's blood was injected into Han. And one hour since Felix passed out from the amount of blood he lost. The boys who weren't Hyunlix and Minsung, sat outside the premises of the lab, all of their heart rates beating at the same rapid pace; It was mid-afternoon.

Doctor Sana sat at her desk, writing notes while she took multiple glances at the two patients who were currently occupying her beds. It was silent, but not yet peaceful. Until a small scarce movement shook up one individual, "Sana..." He whispered at first, "Sana." He repeated louder. Sana peeked over to take a short glance but then instantly got up when she saw Han twitching in his sleep.

"Shit, he's going into cardiac arrest— no, Felix's blood is mixing up with his cells. This could be bad and good." Sana informed the two older's in the room who went into a panic. "Sana, what's happening, I- is he dy- dying—"

"No, no he's not. I believe his cells already yielded to the virus but Felix's are fighting them inside." Sana explained in simple terms, "If his cells succeed (referring to Felix's) Han will survive, but," Sana's breath hitched

"Han will no longer be human."

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